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I-Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the monthly period of a woman?

A. Minstral cycle
B. Menstrual cycle
C. Menstrell cycle
D. Menstal cycle
2. Tatang has a thin body. He always eats junk foods during recess time. His classmates will
carry him during playtime as if they are carrying a baby. What is the health issue of Tatang?
A. Obesity
B. Underweight
C. Swimmer’s ear
D. Otitis media
3. Jose keeps on cleaning his ears with cotton buds. One day, he observed that he cannot
hear clearly. What is the health issue of Jose?
A. Swimmer’s ear
B. Otitis media
C. Impacted cerumen
D. Deaf
4. When girls reached the age of fifteen, their height will increase to how many inches?
A. 16 inches
B. 4.1 inches
C. 3.5 inches
D. 2.3 inches
5. Which changes in the body part of a girl can be easily seen during puberty?
A. hair
B. face
C. breast
D. feet
6. Adam’s apple can be seen in boys during puberty. In what part of the body does Adam’s
apple appears?
A. head
B. neck
C. shoulder
D. knees
7. When boys reached the age of twelve to fifteen, their height will increase to inches.
A. 16
B. 3.5
C. 4.1
D. 2.3
8. All of the statements are good health habits to take care of your ear, EXCEPT-
A. Avoid pulling the ear hardly.
B. Take a bath every day and clean your ears without letting the water enter the ear
C. Remove your earwax forcefully.
D. See your doctor when you feel something uneasy in your ears.
9. Which of the following habits can make you taller?
A. Getting enough sleep
B. Eating burger
C. Drinking soda
D. Smoking
10. What is the best thing to do if you feel that your ear is swelling?
A. Use toothpick to apply medicine.
B. Press the ear to release uneasy feelings.
C. Go to the nearest hospital for check-up.
D. Put a water inside the air and let it comes out after a minute.

II-Direction: Write TRUE if the statement emotionally changes affects young people, FALSE
if it’s not.

______1. They spend more time with their friends.

______2. They may have no questions about sexuality.
______3. They begin to feel some affections towards their opposite sex.
______4. Some of them may become shy.
______5. Young people may learn not to keep secrets from their parents.
______6. They cannot be easily get hurt emotionally.
______7. They begin to care much of their physical appearance.
______8. Young people may like to sleep with the same bed with their parents.
______9. Some of them may love to read and watch love stories.
______10. They begin to forget their childish plays.

III-Direction: Define the following terms.

1. Stunted growth -

2. Underweight -

3. Overweight -

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