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6th Grade History

Chapter 12 Review Sheet


1. Found – Set up or start, Romulus founded Rome

2. Consent – Agreement, Juno consented to stop attacking the Trojans.

3. Forum – An open area in a city filled with public buildings, temples, and markets.

4. Republic – A government in which citizens have the right to vote and elect officials.

5. Identify – Consider or treat as the same, The Romans identified their Gods with the Greek

6. Legion – The basic unit of the Roman army, 4,500 – 5,000 soldiers, most were foot soldiers

7. Maniple - A part of a legion, 60-160 soldiers

8. Constitution – A system of rules by which a government is organized, Rome’s constitution was

unwritten, the US Constitution is written

9. Veto – Literally means, “I say no”, “I forbid”, a way to cancel the action of government, Roman
consuls had the right to veto laws.

10. Magistrates – Elected officials who enforce the law, governed provinces.

11. violate – Break a rule or agreement, People who violate the law are usually punished.

12. Toga – A symbol of Roman citizenship, a garment adult Roman men wore wrapped around their
bodies. Only citizens could wear a toga.

13. Policy – A course of action taken by a government, Rome’s policy was to allow male citizens to
wear togas.

14. Consuls – The top Roman officials in the Roman government, their most important job was to lead
the army, they also lead the senate, the assemblies and were the highest judges.

15. Patriarchal society – A society where men held the power, Rome.

16. Paterfamilias – The oldest man in a roman household, the head of the family, had absolute power.

17. Villas – Large country homes, rich Roman families had villas in the countryside.

18. Minority – A group that is less than half of a population, the minority of Romans were rich.

19. Tenant – A person who rents land or a home, Tenant farmers were common in Rome.

20. Established religion – An official religion supported by the government, Jupiter/Juno….

21. Empire – A state containing several countries or territories, Rome.

22. Provinces – Areas within a country or an empire, magistrates governed these areas, many were
23. Equipment – Things used for a specific purpose, Roman soldiers had lots of equipment provided
for them by the government after Gaius Marius changed the policy.

24. Professional – Trained expert, Gaius Marius helped make Rome’s army a professional army.

25. Civil war – A war between groups that live in the same country, Rome had a civil war when Marius
fought against Sulla in 87 BC.

26. Augustus – Great One, Octavian changed his name to Augustus, and called himself Emperor of
Rome, he ended the Roman Republic.


Tiber River – Where the small settlement that became the Roman Empire began in 800BC. This river
was also used for transportation and trade.

How was Rome’s geography different from Greece? How did this make it easier for Rome to

Rome’s geography is less rugged landscape than Greece. This made communication between people
easier. Also, armies could move from one place to the next with fewer obstacles. Italy also has rivers
(Arno/Tiber) that were used for transportation and trade. Italy also has large flat plains. This land was
used for farming. Italy also has volcanoes that help form fertile soil, but are also very dangerous.

Influences of the Greeks, Etruscans, and Latins on Roman culture – The Latins gave Rome its
language. The Etruscans influenced Rome’s religious practices, architecture, and alphabet. The
Greeks also influenced the Roman alphabet, architecture, religion, and more….

Fasces – A bundle of sticks around an ax, a symbol of power in Rome. This symbol was also used in
the early 1900s. The word fascism (govt. has complete control over a society) comes from fasces.

Three branches of Roman Govt. – This set up provided checks and balances, each branch watched
over the other two….
Senate – Wealthy, important citizens who helped pass laws and
controlled foreign policy and government money.

Assembly – Groups of adult male citizens who passed laws and

elected magistrates.

Magistrates – Elected officials who enforced the law and judged

cases. The top two magistrates were called consuls.

How is Roman government like the government of the United States?

Both the Roman government and the US government have a separation of power caused by 3
branches, which provide checks and balances. Rome – Senate/Magistrates/Assembly; US –
Executive/Legislative/Judicial. Each had a constitution, Rome’s was unwritten, and the US has a
written constitution. Both also celebrate the Rule of Law which means the rules apply to everyone.
What was the Race of Honors? (Page 374) The course from lower political offices to higher political
offices. This path was considered a race, men competing to get higher political positions.

Quaestors – Kept track of public money, assisted other officials

Aediles – Maintain city buildings and services like water, staged


Praetors – Judged cases, led armies, governed the city of Rome

Tribunes of the Plebs – Protected the Plebeians, vetoed laws and

the actions of other officials

Consuls – Lead the state and the military

What were the rights and responsibilities of Roman citizens? (Page 372)

Roman citizens had the right to a trial, they also had the right to vote. Citizens were expected to serve
in the army and to pay for their own armor if they could afford to do so. Like the United States, Roman
culture stressed civic duty.

Patricians – Members of the oldest families in Rome. They were usually wealthy.

Plebeians – The majority of Romans, They did not come from famous families. Most were farmers and
artisans. A few were wealthy. They won the right to representation in Rome’s government by striking.

In what ways was Rome a patriarchal society?

Men were in charge in Rome. They could be citizens, vote, and run for office. Men were also in charge
at home. The paterfamilias had absolute power in the household. Women were not citizens, could not
vote or hold political office.

What influence did women have in Rome? What was a woman’s most important job?

A Roman women’s most important job was to have children and raise them to follow Roman traditions.
Roman women did have influence, they could speak with their husbands at home and share their
ideas. Roman women were allowed to go to the theatre, and participate in religious rituals.

Describe Roman slavery…where did slaves come from? What sort of jobs did they do? How is
Roman slavery different from American slavery?

Slavery was very common in Rome. Some estimates say that 40% of Rome was slaves in 1BC.
Slaves were usually prisoners of war. They could also be kidnapped or sold into slavery to pay back a
debt. They had no rights. They could purchase themselves back from their owners and become
citizens. Slave work varied from the most difficult to much less demanding. Slaves were all races.

Spartacus – Led an army of slaves in 70BC, they were fighting against their masters, the Romans
eventually defeated them. I am Spartacus!

Describe Rome’s religion. What did Romans do for their gods?

Rome was polytheistic, it had many gods. Many of these gods were borrowed from the Greeks or the
Etruscans. Romans celebrated their gods by building them temples, have ceremonies for them, and
making sacrifices to them. They hoped in return for this, the gods would favor them. Jupiter, Juno,

Carthage – a city in North Africa, also controlled parts of Spain and Sicily.
Hannibal – Carthage’s most successful general. Fought against Rome in the Punic Wars. Had some
success against Rome but was finally defeated by Rome’s Scipio in 204 BC.

Punic Wars – A series of Wars, Carthage vs Rome. There were three wars. Each side was fighting for
control of the Mediterranean Sea. In 146 BC Rome finally burned and looted Carthage. The people of
Carthage were sold into slavery.

Gaius Marius – A powerful consul who changed and modernized the Roman army. He had the
government pay for soldiers’ equipment, opening service to more men. The men in the army became
more loyal to their general than the government.

Julius Caesar – A Roman military commander, his army defeated Pompey’s army in a civil war. He
used his power to help the poor, many senators did not like this. They also suspected he was going to
make himself an emperor. Caesar was murdered on the ides of March, March 15, 44 BC.

Augustus – Julius Caesar’s relative, Octavian. Used his influence to avenge Julius’s death and make
himself emperor. When he called himself emperor, the republic was dead.

Why did Rome’s republic fall?

Once Augustus, the honored one, called himself emperor the Roman Republic was dead. An emperor
is not elected, he is self-appointed. He can guard his power with a powerful army. His word is law. No
more elections which is a key ingredient in a republic.

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