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Interactions among two or more individuals engage a variety of mental processes.

One region of your brain manages your capacity to listen attentively. Another section

decodes the words of the other person. Meanwhile, a different part crafts your potential

responses, with yet another segment utilized to articulate and convey these replies.

Engaging in conversation demands significant mental effort, even if it doesn’t seem like

it. Therefore, it’s not entirely unexpected that when anxiety overwhelms your mind, it can

hinder your communication abilities (Abraham, BSc, 2020).

Fear of public speaking is a common form of anxiety, affecting individuals from

various walks of life. This anxiety presents itself along a broad spectrum, starting from

mild jitters and slight nervousness, gradually intensifying to a debilitating fear that can

lead to paralyzing panic. Consequently, a significant number of those grappling with this

fear choose to avoid public speaking situations entirely, while others, despite their inner

turmoil, courageously confront these daunting scenarios, their hands trembling and their

voices quivering with palpable apprehension (Sawchuk, Ph.D., L.P., 2017).

The fear of rejection is a powerful feeling that often has a far-reaching impact on

our lives. Most people experience some nerves when placing themselves in situations that

could lead to rejection, but for some people, the fear becomes overwhelming (Fritscher &

Gans, MD, 2023). When individuals fear rejection, they may worry intensely about how
they are perceived by others, leading to heightened anxiety in communication situations.

This fear can manifest as a fear of making mistakes, saying something inappropriate, or

not being accepted by others. As a result, people may become hesitant to express

themselves openly, avoid social situations, or struggle with assertiveness. Essentially, the

fear of rejection can undermine one’s confidence in their ability to communicate

effectively, leading to increased anxiety about interacting with others.

Theoretically, anxiety is influenced by the previous experiences one has had with

the members of other groups, one’s knowledge of other groups, and the situation in which

one interacts with other groups (Rahmani, 2017). Past experiences play a crucial role in

shaping communication anxiety due to the lasting impact they can have on an

individual’s perceptions, beliefs, and expectations about social interactions. Negative or

distressing past experiences, such as instances of rejection, criticism, or

misunderstanding, can create a sense of emotional vulnerability and self-doubt. When

individuals have encountered challenging or hurtful communication situations in the past,

they may develop a fear of repeating those experiences. This fear can lead to heightened

anxiety about future interactions, as they anticipate similar negative outcomes. These past

experiences can also influence one’s beliefs about their communication abilities, leading

to doubts about their skills in expressing oneself effectively or being understood.

This research study seeks to investigate the relationship between communication

anxiety and its potential effects on students’ academic success. By focusing on the factors

of fear of rejection and past experiences, the study aims to uncover the underlying

mechanisms that contribute to communication anxiety among students. Understanding

these dynamics is fundamental for educators to develop tailored interventions that can
support students in overcoming these barriers to effective communication and academic

performance. This research aims to provide valuable insights into how fear of rejection

and past experiences intertwine to shape communication anxiety, ultimately impacting

students’ educational outcomes.

Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem

The primary objective of this research is to examine the effects of communication

anxiety, specifically investigating how fear of rejection, past experiences, and academic

performance interact among students. To obtain all the necessary information, data, and

proof, the study aims to address the following crucial questions:

1.) What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a) Name (optional)

b) Gender

c) Age

2.) How does communication anxiety manifest among students, particularly in

academic settings?

3.) What impact does communication anxiety have on students’ academic


4.) To what extent does fear of rejection and past experiences influence

communication anxiety among students?

5.) What strategies can educators implement to create more inclusive and

supportive environments for students experiencing communication anxiety?

Scope and Delimitation

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of communication anxiety,

specifically investigating how fear of rejection, past experiences, and academic

performance interact among junior high school students at Santo Tomas Catholic School

in the current school year 2023-2024. The study will be represented by eighty (80)

respondents from grade seven (7). The researchers delimit the study’s coverage to grade

seven (7) junior high school students only to provide a focused investigation into the

specific developmental stage where communication anxiety may significantly impact

academic performance. This focused approach allows for a deeper understanding of how

communication anxiety appears in this critical transitional period, potentially informing

targeted interventions and support strategies to enhance student well-being and academic

success during this pivotal phase of their education.

Benefits and Beneficiaries

This study will provide new perspectives into the effects of communication

anxiety, delving into the interactions among fear of rejection, past experiences, and

academic performance among students. Specifically, this research will be beneficial for

the following:

Students. The study can provide valuable insights into the nature and causes of

communication anxiety among students. By understanding these factors, students can

develop strategies to cope with and overcome anxiety in various communication contexts.

Parents. They often play a crucial role in their child’s academic journey.

Understanding the impact of communication anxiety on academic performance can help

parents provide the necessary support and encouragement to help their children excel.

Teachers. Armed with knowledge from the study, teachers can adapt their

teaching methods to create a more inclusive and supportive classroom environment. They

can implement empathetic and effective strategies to help students with communication

anxiety participate more comfortably and succeed academically.

School Administrators. The study provides valuable data on the prevalence and

impact of communication anxiety on students’ academic performance. School

administrators can use this data to make informed decisions about resource allocation,

counseling services, workshops, program development, support services, peer support

groups, or training sessions for teachers.

Community. The study raises awareness about communication anxiety as a

significant mental health concern among students. This can contribute to reducing the

stigma associated with mental health issues in the community.

Future Researchers. The findings from this study can highlight areas where

further research is needed, identifying key factors such as fear of rejection and past

experiences, which future researchers can build upon by investigating specific aspects of

communication anxiety or its impact on different student populations and exploring them

in depth.
Definition of Terms

To ensure the meaning and understanding of the terms used in this study, the

following definitions are provided:

Communication. An essential element of human interaction, it encompasses the

process of conveying information, thoughts, emotions, or ideas between individuals or


Anxiety. It is both a psychological and physiological phenomenon and describes a

response characterized by heightened feelings of apprehension, worry, or fear concerning

anticipated future events, situations, or uncertainties.

Interplay. Describes the active interaction among two or more factors, elements,

or entities. It highlights a give-and-take relationship where each part affects and is

affected by the others, creating a complex and interdependent system.

Fear of Rejection. This describes when people strongly fear being rejected, left

out, or judged unfavorably by others. Rooting from worries about failing, facing

criticism, or being socially isolated, this anxiety often leads to avoiding social

interactions and hesitancy in academic or social endeavors.

Past Experiences. This refers to all the things that have happened to a person in

their life. These experiences shape how they think, what they believe, how they behave,

and what they see as true.

Academic Performance. This is a thorough look at how well students are doing in

school. It includes many things like grades, test scores, how much they participate in

class, if they finish their projects, and how well they understand the lessons.

Public Speaking. It means giving a speech or presentation in front of a group,

usually in a formal or public place. The goal is to share information, ideas, or opinions in

a way that keeps the listeners interested and helps them understand.

Pivotal. This means something is extremely important and central in the bigger

picture. It suggests that a particular thing, event, or idea plays a key role in shaping

results, affecting choices, or starting big changes.

Assertive. It describes a person who confidently expresses their thoughts, feelings,

and needs in a clear and direct manner, while also respecting the thoughts and feelings of

others. An assertive individual can stand up for themselves and communicate effectively

without being overly aggressive or passive.

Prevalence. It refers to the extent or frequency of something within a specific

population or area during a particular period. It indicates how common or widespread a

particular condition, behavior, or characteristic is within the defined group or context.



This chapter primarily reviews Related Literature and Studies, which includes

various research and other types of studies from local and foreign sources. All of these

studies significantly influenced the factors researched, which led the researchers to

undertake the study.

Local Literature

Foreign Literature

Local Studies

Foreign Studies



The various techniques and procedures that the researchers will employ to carry

out the study are described and discussed in this chapter. It includes the research design,

study location, study participants, data collection tools and methods, and analysis of data.

Research Design

In this study, a mixed methods approach was employed, combining aspects of

both quantitative and qualitative research to answer the research question at hand. This

approach offers a more comprehensive understanding compared to conducting solely

quantitative or qualitative studies, as it integrates the advantages of both methods

(George, 2021). The primary objective of this research study is to analyze the impacts of

communication anxiety while exploring the interplay between fear of rejection, past

experiences, and academic performance among students. Therefore, the researchers chose

a descriptive correlational design because the research aims to understand the

relationships between these variables without implying causation. This design allows for

the exploration of how communication anxiety, fear of rejection, past experiences, and

academic performance are interrelated among students. Additionally, descriptive

correlational design is used in research studies that aim to provide static pictures of

situations as well as establish the relationship between different variables (McBurney &

White, 2009).
Sources of Data

The researchers will collect data from currently available relevant literature and

studies that will provide the researchers with additional details about the subject and be

able to help the researchers choose an appropriate study’s goal. For a more precise

interpretation of the study, the researchers will also directly gather data from Santo

Tomas Catholic School’s grade seven (7) students as this age group represents a critical

developmental stage marked by significant changes in social interaction and academic

demands. At this stage, students are navigating the transition from childhood to

adolescence, this transition can bring new social challenges, increased academic

expectations, and exposure to different peer groups, all of which could impact

communication anxiety.

Locale of the Study

The study takes place at Santo Tomas Catholic School due to the researchers’

convenient access to data, participants, facilities, and resources. Furthermore, this

initiative aims to bring about enhancements within the school. The research is being

carried out during the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year.
Instrumentation and Data Collection

The instrument used to gather our data is a questionnaire that is given to every

respondent. To gather information from the respondents, the researchers employed a

mixed-method questionnaire. A strong mixed methods study should start with a mixed

methods research question, to shape the methods and the overall design of a study.

Because mixed methods study relies on neither quantitative nor qualitative research

alone, some combination of the two provides the best information for the research

questions (Creswell, 2007). This type of questionnaire combines both quantitative

(closed-ended, structured questions with predefined answer choices) and qualitative

(open-ended, free-text questions allowing for detailed responses) elements within the

same survey instrument. The questionnaires were adapted based on the researcher’s

analysis of previously published books and publications. Additionally, clear instructions

were given to participants to ensure survey comprehension and accurate responses. Thus,

questionnaires were chosen as the means to gather essential data for the completion of

this research investigation.

Tools for Data Analysis

The percentage of respondents who were given information about the study will

be calculated by the researchers using the percentage formula that is described below as

they gathered the data. The researchers will therefore thoroughly examine and interpret

the information they gathered.

𝐹 𝑥 100

P (%) = Percentage
F = Frequency or total responses
N P= (%)
Total=Number of Respondents
100 = Constant value

F = Frequency or total responses

N = Total Number of Respondents

100 = Constant value

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