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NAME: Lance Tristan R.



DATE: 03-16-24

1. What does happiness mean for Aristotle and why does he consider it the chief good of the
human person?
ANS:Happiness is the ultimate goal and the primary good of the human individual, according to
Aristotle. In contrast to contemporary notions of happiness that emphasize enjoyment or personal
2. What is a virtue and what is its place in the ethical theory of Aristotle?
ANS:Aristotle's ethical theory a virtue is a personal attribute that empowers people to behave in an
exceptional and morally righteous way.

3. What is mean and how is it related to virtue?

ANS:Aristotle believed that virtue was the attainment of this medium, or in-between, state in one's
acts and emotions, between excess and deficiency.
4. What is the difference between moral virtue and intellectual virtue?
ANS:Moral virtues are about ethical actions and character traits, while intellectual virtues are about
rational thinking knowledge and understanding. Both types of virtues are important in Aristotle's
ethical theory as they contribute to human flourishing.
5. How do you understand the meaning of character?
ANS: The set of characteristics that characterize a person's moral and ethical nature is referred to as
their character.
6. Can you think of a real-life example of a virtuous person? Why do you consider him/her to be
ANS: RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE, one of the filipino heroes, because of his courage, leadership and
7. How can you apply Aristotle’s ethics in improving the current state of your country?
ANS: Aristotle's ethics can be applied to improve a nation's current situation by encouraging moral
behavior, elevating moral leadership, and building a peaceful and just society.

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