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1. What is Aristotle's concept of "energeia" and how is that related to Thanos?

(Not more than

-In Aristotle concept of energeia it is a notion which puts forward the primary role of
movement, both motion and activity, in the belief that the only complete reality is actuality.
And it is related to Thanos since he is known as a villain but for me, he isn’t a villain or a hero.
He was just someone devoted as his cause and wasn’t going to let anyone stand in his way. And
that stand as his primary role or belief to explain it to everyone what he’s trying to do.
2. Based on Aristotle's idea of Happiness, what is the excellence constitutive of happiness?
(Only 2 – sentence) what is the greatest happiness? (Only 2-sentence)
-Based on Aristotle the excellence constitutive of happiness are confined to cognitive and moral
activity. It is not extended to characteristic human activity in general and the excellence
thereof. While the greatest happines is achieved by the man who performs the activity that
displays the greatest excellence of a human being.
3. For Aristotle, what makes a good man? what is the highest form of reasoning? (Not more
than 5-sentence) Can you consider Thanos a good man based on Aristotle's ethics? Why? (Only
3-sentence) –
-Based on Aristotle, a good man is a man who reasons well and behaves well morally. Theoria
(‘CONTEMPLATION’), displays a higher form of excellence than moral excellence, in fact it is the
highest form of excellence. I cannot consider Thanos as a good man. Because we all know that
he genuinely believes ending people before they can suffer truly is mercy.
4. With Thanos wanted to do to the universes, can you qualify him "successful in life" according
to Aristotle's ethics? (5 - sentence only)
- With Thanos wanted to do the universes I can qualify his as a succecful in life. Based on
Aristotle Ethics it shows how he is a logical thinker and believes that any sacrifices is necessary
for the greater good, not unlike a traditional hero.
5. What are the 2 kinds of excellence, and which one is higher? why? (3-sentence only) -According to
Aristotle the two forms of excellence are intellectual and moral. Intellectual excellence in the main owes
its birth and its growth to teaching (for which reason it requires experience and time), while moral
excellence comes about because of habit. The higher between the two are moral. Because it is a activity
that a human being alone performs or a human being better than anything else performs.

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