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Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No.

1, 143-155, February 2008 / Copyright © 2008 Japan Concrete Institute 143

Scientific paper

Simulation of Chloride Diffusivity for Cracked Concrete Based on RBSM

and Truss Network Model
Licheng Wang1, Mitsutaka Soda2 and Tamon Ueda3

Received 11 May 2007, accepted 30 October 2007

For concrete structures exposed to salt environment, the microstructure and cracks play a crucial role in the ingress of
chloride ions into concrete. In this study, concrete is simulated on the meso scale as a three-phase composite, i.e., ag-
gregate particles, mortar and the interfacial transition zone (ITZ). Because of the advantages in predicting cracks behavior
in concrete, Rigid Body Spring Model (RBSM) is employed to carry out the mechanical analysis to simulate the distri-
bution and width of microcracks. And then, the truss network model is adopted to evaluate the chloride diffusivity of the
cracked concrete. On the basis of the statistics analysis of diffusion coefficients of concrete and mortar determined ex-
perimentally, the diffusivity of ITZ is analytically clarified. The range of diffusion coefficient of ITZ estimated in this
paper is approximately 3-16 times of that of mortar depending on the different assumed thickness, which agrees well with
that of the previous experimental results. With the aim to validate the effect of microcracks on the diffusivity of concrete,
a series of the chloride ions penetrating analysis is numerically carried out on the concrete specimen under different stress
levels. The axial compressive and tensile loading conditions are investigated respectively and the effects of stress level on
chloride diffusivity of cracked concrete are examined. Results indicate that the chloride diffusivity is significantly de-
pendent on the stress level, but only considering the effect of cracks predicted by RBSM is not sufficient. So an empirical
equation which can account for the microstructure variation of concrete under loading is proposed. With it, a reasonable
estimation for chloride diffusivity of cracked concrete is achieved.

1. Introduction shrinkage, thermal gradients, freeze-thaw cycling, al-

kali-aggregate reaction and external loading, and their
In an environment exposed to seawater or de-icing salt, combination. These cracks may form potential flow
the chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcing steel in channels which provide easy access to aggressive salts
concrete structures has become one of the major causes and ions (Lim et al. 2000; Boulfiza et al. 2003), so cracks
of deterioration in such reinforced concrete facilities as in concrete can have negative effects on diffusivity, rate
marine structures and bridges. Thus, in the durability of chloride ingress and hence reinforcement corrosion.
design of these structures, the most important factor that Moreover, it is argued that chloride ions usually cannot
determines the initiation time of corrosion of steel bars transport through the gel pore of cement paste, so the
and service life of concrete structures is the transport diffusivity of chloride ions in concrete is mainly per-
property of concrete; e.g., the diffusivity of ions and formed in the existing microcracks or the load-
gases. As a rule, the diffusivity of concrete is determined ing-induced cracks (Xing et al. 2005a). Therefore, in the
experimentally (Care 2003). However, it is difficult to study of diffusivity or substances transportation charac-
precisely predict the diffusivity of concrete because the teristics of concrete, cracks must be taken into account
concrete diffusivity is influenced by many parameters correctly to cover the practical working condition of
such as the interfacial zone property between aggregate structures. However, due to difficulties in generating
particles and bulk cement pastes, as well as the micro- desirable crack patterns in concrete specimens and
structure of the cement paste itself (porosity and pore availability of appropriate methods for concrete diffu-
structure) (Oh and Jang 2004). sivity measurements, a limited number of studies have
Moreover, in most cases, cracks (or microcracks) are been done on the transport property of cracked concrete
present in concrete due to several causes such as (Wang et al. 1997), so till now the characteristics of
chloride ions transportation in cracked concrete have not
yet been made clear (Kato and Uomoto 2005).
1 The interfacial transition zone (ITZ) formed at the vi-
PhD., Post doctor, Division of Built Environment, cinity of aggregate particles in concrete is a very thin
Hokkaido University, Japan; Associate Professor, School layer, in which the microstructure differs significantly
of Civil & Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of from that of the bulk cement paste (Delagrave et al.
Technology, China. 1997; Shane et al. 2000). The ITZ thickness is usually
E-mail: reported in the range of 15-50μm or less than 80μm when
Engineer, Environmental Creation Bureau, Japan. the aggregate size is varied from 0 to 20mm (Otsuki et al.
Dr. Eng., Professor, Division of Built Environment, 2006) and the typical values are in the order of 20μm
Hokkaido University, Japan.
144 L. Wang, M. Soda and T. Ueda / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No. 1, 143-155, 2008

(Bentz et al. 1997). Generally speaking, the presence of 2. Truss network model based on RBSM
aggregates in a hydrated cement paste matrix has two
opposite effects on the transport properties (Delagrave et 2.1 Outline
al. 1996; 1997). First, the addition of solid particles leads Generally speaking, the load-induced cracks appear
to an increase in the tortuosity of matrix, so the chloride mostly at the paste-aggregate interface and extend into
ions have to move around the solid particles. This implies the cement paste as the load is increased (Samaha and
that tortuosity (redirecting) effects reduce the transport Hover 1992). Research evidence indicates that the
properties. Second, the presence of porous and connected characteristics of cracks after a concrete has been
ITZ probably contributes to facilitating the movement of unloaded are quite different from those while under load
ions. In order to investigate the effect of aggregate con- because the cracks can close back partially or completely
tent and ITZ on the transport properties, usually the upon unloading. Thus, the transport property of concrete
mortar or concrete is treated as a three-phase composite can be influenced by the test condition, i.e., whether the
material in which aggregates are embedded in a matrix of test is carried out under loading or after removal of load
hardened cement paste, and the ITZ is around the ag- (Lim et al. 2000). However, in most of the previous
gregates (Yang 2003; Care and Herve 2004; Kato and studies, the chloride transport property tests were usually
Uomoto 2005) (see Fig. 1). Recent research shows that conducted on the completely unloaded specimen but not
the ITZ between the cement paste and aggregate, espe- on the loading concrete although some attempts were
cially coarse aggregate, can more effectively explain the made to study the progressive cracking in concrete. The
phenomena of chloride diffusion (Takewaka et al. 2003). reason is that in most cases it is not easy and possible to
Compared with a concrete, the mortar should be more conduct salt attack tests on loaded concrete. It implies
homogeneous because of its relatively small aggregate that the results of chloride transport property test would
size. Therefore, on the meso scale, the mortar can be not reflect the actual crack characteristics of concrete,
treated as a nominal homogeneous material and the because the salt attacks mostly take place under loading
chloride diffusion coefficient of which is regarded as a conditions for practical concrete structures. Therefore,
constant for a fixed water-to-cement ratio. But for the RBSM must be a realistic method to characterize the
ITZ around coarse aggregates, its effect on the diffusivity cracks of a concrete under loading.
of concrete should be taken into account and clarified
precisely. 2.2 Concept of RBSM
The authors have showed potential of numerical ap- The RBSM is sometimes referred to as a discrete element
proach with meso-scopic RBSM to simulate effects of method, which was first developed by Kawai (1978).
loading on diffusivity of concrete structures (Soda 2006; One of the key notions of RBSM is its random geometry
Soda and Ueda 2006). The numerical approach is very based on Voronoi diagrams, so that the locations and
helpful to reduce the experimental time and errors and to directions of crack propagation need not be anticipated
understand the phenomena itself. The object of this study and adaptive remeshing is not needed (Bolander and Le
is to propose a numerical method which can appropri- 1999). In RBSM, the analytical model is divided into
ately take into account the effect of load-induced crack- polyhedron elements whose faces are interconnected by
ing on diffusivity of concrete through careful investiga- springs. Each element has two translational and one
tion of experimental evidences on diffusivity of concrete, rotational degrees of freedom for a two dimensional
mortar, crack and ITZ. It is hoped that the numerical modeling simulation. The response of the springs can
approach in this study could facilitate the service life simulate the interaction between elements instead of
prediction of concrete structures subject to salt attack. consideration of the internal behavior of each element
(see Fig. 2) (Nagai et al. 2004).
The advantage of RBSM in simulating crack propa-
gation of concrete has been reported widely (Bolander
and Saito 1998; Nagai et al. 2004). In addition to the
PhaseⅠ: mortar simulation of random locations and directions, RBSM
can estimate the crack width by calculating the relative
Phase Ⅱ: aggregate displacement between rigid elements, which equals to
the elongation of the normal spring.

2.3 Truss network model method

In the present study, RBSM is used to predict the cracks
in concrete under loading, and consequently, the truss
network model is used to numerically simulate the chlo-
ride ions transport process. As shown in Fig. 3, each of
Phase Ⅲ: ITZ the Voronoi elements is linked by truss elements with the
nodes at the centers of Voronoi elements and the inter-
Fig. 1 Three-phase structure of concrete on meso-scale. mediate points of Voronoi element boundaries. This is a
L. Wang, M. Soda and T. Ueda / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No. 1, 143-155, 2008 145

refined approach of truss network model proposed by sectional area is determined by the thickness of ITZ and
Nakamura et al. (2006), in which only the Voronoi nuclei the diffusion coefficient will be estimated based on the
are linked to generate a truss element (Bolander and method proposed in the following sections. After
Berton 2004). And then, it is assumed that substance (e.g., cracking, the cross sectional area of truss element on
chloride ions) transport is performed along one dimen- interface will be estimated based on the crack width
sional truss element in the network. Here, it should be calculated by RBSM and the diffusion coefficient
emphasized that the truss network model presented in through these cracks may become quite large compared
this paper is on the meso scale since concrete is treated as with that of bulk concrete (Nakamura et al 2006).
a heterogeneous material, which is quite different from In the present study, volume faction and size distribu-
the ideas of the previous studies regarding concrete as a tion of coarse aggregate are assumed to be in accordance
homogeneous material (Bolander and Berton 2004; Na- with conditions generally applied in actual concrete. In
kamura et al 2006). As a result, the type of truss elements fact there are differences in cracking characteristics, such
and the chloride transport through them become more as crack surface area and crack direction, between
realistic. For an uncracked concrete, the cross sectional three-dimensional space and two-dimensional space.
area and the diffusivity of truss element are set according More precise three-dimensional analysis is necessary as a
to the following rules: for truss elements in aggregate, further study.
both are assumed 0; for truss elements in mortar, the
cross sectional area is given according to the corre- 3. Statistics of diffusion coefficient of
sponding Voronoi element area and the diffusion coef- concrete (Dc) and mortar (Dm)
ficient is given according to experimental results of
mortar. For truss elements on the interface of two mortar 3.1 Diffusion coefficient of concrete
Voronoi elements, the cross sectional area is assumed 0 To a conventional concrete, the diffusion coefficient Dc
and no mass transfer occurs, but for those on the interface is not a real physical constant since the process of chlo-
of aggregate and mortar, i.e., the ITZ truss elements, the ride ion transportation in concrete is considered to be
governed by a number of factors such as diffusion, ionic
interaction, water transportation, and chloride ion fixa-
kn tion (Kato and Uomoto 2005). However, according to the
extensive experimental investigations, it has been con-
kt cluded that the most important factors are the wa-
t ter-to-cement ratio (w/c) and the temperature. Because
the results of experimental and numerical analysis are
scattering too much, in order to simplify the simulating
process, the influence of temperature on Dc is not taken
y into account in the present study.
Several mathematical models based on the regression
analysis for relationship between Dc and w/c have been
Fig. 2 Schematic representations of the RBSM. proposed according to experimental investigation or
numerical analysis. Fig. 4 shows the effect of w/c on
chloride diffusivity as predicted by some previous mod-
els. Because these models are based on different ex-
perimental conditions and assumptions, in this paper,
they will be firstly summarized and argued separately
and then combined together to give a unified model.
Additionally, it should be pointed out that we are only
attempting to estimate the diffusion coefficient of chlo-
ride ions in a saturated concrete and are not accounting
for the chloride binding capacity with solid phases in the
cement paste as reported by many authors (Mohammed
and Hamada 2003; Martin-Petez et al. 2000). Certainly,
the modeling techniques presented in this study ought to
be extended to consider such effects by some improve-
Node of centroid of Voronoi element When common Portland cement is used, JSCE (2002)
Node of boundary element gives the expression as
Truss element in Voronoi elements log Dc = −3.9 ( w c ) + 7.2 ( w c ) − 2.5
Truss element on boundary of Voronoi elements
Fig. 3 Schematic representation of truss network model. in which the unit of Dc is in cm2/yr. The empirical equa-
tion proposed by Boulfiza et al. (2003), which is based
146 L. Wang, M. Soda and T. Ueda / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No. 1, 143-155, 2008

on JSCE Specification and some other sources, is similar 14 JSCE 2002

to Eq. (1) only with 14.0 substituted for 2.5, and their Luciano and Miltenberger 1999
difference of the calculated value of Dc is quite marginal. 12 Hobbs 1999
Luciano and Miltenberger (1999) developed an em-

Dc ( x10-12m2/s)
Eq. (4)
pirical formulation based on the statistical analysis of a 10 3.5
database containing chloride diffusion coefficients from Dc=30.83(w/c)
all of the concrete mixture proportions. This model can 8
account for such factors as the amount of cement, fly ash,
silica fume, granulated blast furnace slag, coarse aggre- 6
gate, fine aggregate, temperature and curing time of
concrete. If only w/c is regarded as the dominant factor, a 4
simplified equation can be derived as
Dc = ( 7.466 + 30.52 × ( w / c − 0.45) )
where Dc is in mm2/yr. 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Hobbs (1999) proposed the relation of chloride ion w/c
diffusion coefficient for mature concrete exposed to a Fig. 4 New models about relationship between Dc and
marine environment to w/c as follows: w/c compared with previous ones.

Dc = 0.04(1166 w / c ) × 10 −12 (3)

12 Otsuki et al. 1999 Eq.(5) for mortar
where Dc is in m2/s.
Diffusion coefficient ( x10-12m2/s)

The relationship between Dc and w/c of the above Care 2003 Eq.(4) for concrete
mentioned three models is depicted in Fig. 4 in order to 10 Delagrave et al. 1996
compare with each other. Obviously, they show a similar Jensen et al. 1999
tendency with the increase of w/c. For the sake of con- 8 Oh and Jang 2004
venience, the average of the above three models is cal- Li et al. 1998
culated and estimated with a new formula as follows: 6
Dc = 30.83( w / c ) 3.5
The comparison of the new model proposed by Eq. (4)
with previous models is also shown in Fig. 4. 2

3.2 Diffusion coefficient of mortar

In terms of the diffusion coefficient of mortar, although a 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
lot of experiments have been carried out with a similar w/c
method used in the measurement of concrete and the Fig. 5 Effect of w/c on Dm and comparison between Dc
relationship between Dm and w/c was once believed to be and Dm.
approximately exponential (Atkinso and Nickerson
1984), till now few attempts have been done on the re-
gression of this relationship. Many authors have reported
with the same w/c in most cases. This finding is validated
that the influence of aggregate on chloride ingress is
by the series of chloride transport tests conducted si-
mainly due to the presence of an ITZ, which results from
multaneously on concrete and mortar with the same w/c
interactions between aggregate and cement paste.
(Oh and Jang 2004), which is listed in Table 1. It should
Therefore the volume fraction and size distribution of
be pointed out that Eqs. (4) and (5) are to be applied only
aggregates will influence the diffusion properties of
when the values of Dc and Dm are unknown. That is be-
concrete, especially to mortar, the diffusion coefficient
cause of the small number but large scatter of available
must differ from that of concrete for lack of coarse ag-
test data and approximation in the regression for Eq. (5).
gregates. In this paper, based on the data collected from
Moreover, previous study has also shown that the cor-
previous studies, a regression analysis is performed for
relation between diffusion coefficient and w/c is very low
mortar to give a formula to express the relationship be-
for concrete and mortar than that for cement pastes be-
tween Dm and w/c. The regression result is written in Eq.
cause of the inclusion of aggregates (Hobbs 1999). Since
(5) and depicted in Fig. 5 to compare with that of con-
one of the central objectives of this paper is to show the
feasibility of the truss network model and to give an
Dm = 15.93(w / c ) − 2.98 (5) approximate estimation of the diffusivity of ITZ, it is
more reasonable to use the test data of Dc and Dm derived
Obviously, from Fig. 5, Dm is somehow higher than Dc from a same experiment in order to reduce the regression
L. Wang, M. Soda and T. Ueda / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No. 1, 143-155, 2008 147

error of Eq. (5). Therefore, in the following sections, the as 4.86×10-3g/cm3. The unit means chloride concentra-
experimental data from Oh and Jang (2004) with w/c of tion is in grams of chloride ions per cm3 of concrete. The
0.55 is adopted (see Table 1) to demonstrate the analysis profiles of chloride concentration along three dotted lines
process of chloride ions transport. as shown in Fig. 6 are selected as the calculation results,
and they will be used to determine the diffusion coeffi-
4. Diffusivity of ITZ cient of concrete according to the theoretical solution of
Fick’s second law as given by Eq. (6) if the initial chlo-
4.1 Summary of previous studies ride concentration of concrete is assumed to be zero:
Because of the higher porosity in the ITZ, its presence
might negatively impact the durability of cement-based ⎡ ⎛ x ⎞⎤
materials by forming fast-conduction pathways through C ( x, t ) = C s ⎢1 − erf ⎜ ⎟⎥ (6)
⎢⎣ ⎜ 2 D t ⎟⎥
the material, thus allowing accelerated ingress and ⎝ c ⎠⎦

movement of aggressive ions. To predict accurately the

where C(x,t) is the chloride concentration at distance, x,
transport properties of concrete, the ITZ should be taken
from the exposed surface; Cs is the surface chloride
into account correctly. Based on this concern, numerous
concentration; t is the exposure time and in this paper, it
studies have been carried out to investigate effects of
is also the elapsed simulation time; erf is the error func-
aggregate and ITZ on the transport properties of mortar
tion. After a certain exposure time, in Eq. (6), only Dc is
and concrete.
the unknown parameter and can be calculated by the
Delagrave et al. (1997) argued that the increased tor-
regressing method with the given chloride concentration
tuosity of the matrix induced by the presence of aggre-
profile C(x,t).
gates appears more important than the influence of ITZ,
and the interconnection of ITZ was not found to lead to a
rapid increase of the chloride ions transportation coeffi- Table 1 Experimental data (Oh and Jang 2004).
cient; that means that the overall transport properties of w/c 0.35 0.45 0.55
the mortars are influenced more by the presence of ag- Dc (×10-12m2/s) 1.485 2.425 5.475
gregates than by the presence of ITZ. Yang (2003) Dm (×10-12m2/s) 3.563 5.526 6.644
pointed out that for mortar, the approximate migration
coefficient of ITZ (DITZ) is 1.6-1.3 times of that of matrix
when the thickness of ITZ was assumed to be 10-40μm. Table 2 Results of DITZ from references.
Using the three-phase composite material model, Care
and Herve (2004) proposed a new analytical model for Thickness of
Series DITZ/Dp References
chloride diffusion coefficient in mortar and DITZ is esti-
1 20-40 1.6-1.3 Yang 2003
mated as 16.2 times of that of cement paste without ag- 2 30 16.2 Care and Herve 2004
gregate (Dp), which was simultaneously validated by the 3 10-30 5 Delagrave et al. 1997
experimental results. Oh and Jang (2004) reported that 4 20 4-8 Oh and Jang 2004
DITZ/Dp≈7, mostly in the range of 4 to 8, based on his 5 - 6-12 Breton et al. 1992
experimental data and analytic model, moreover, it co- 6 20 2-6 Bentz et al. 1997
incides well with the other researchers’ results (Dela- 7 15-30 2-7 Shane et al. 2000
grave et al. 1997; Breton et al. 1992; Bentz et al. 1997;
Shane et al. 2000). The diffusion characteristics of ITZ Cl-
predicted from different literatures are listed in Table 2.
Although the conclusions are not in full agreement with
each other, it can be generally summarized that DITZ is
usually less than 16 times of that of cement paste, espe-
cially in most cases no more than 10 times. Moreover,
although their experimental conditions are somehow
different, e.g., a few of them are under steady-state con-
dition and others are non-steady-state migration tests, it
is considered in this study that the diffusivity of ITZ in
comparison with that of cement paste is similar among
the different conditions.

4.2 Analysis model of a specimen

Figure 6 shows the analysis model and calculating con- Voronoi elements: 1011
ditions. The volume ratio of aggregate is about 40% and Truss elements: 10094
the particle size distribution of aggregates is set as 4, 6, 8,
10mm with the same ratio of 25%. On the diffusion
boundary, the surface chloride concentration is assumed (60×60 mm)
Fig. 6 The model and analysis conditions of the specimen.
148 L. Wang, M. Soda and T. Ueda / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No. 1, 143-155, 2008

With regard to the effects of aggregates on the trans- 9

port properties, it may be supposed that the calculating
results using truss network model will depend on the 8

m /s)
exposure time or the amount of aggregates that chloride

ion may probably pass by. The reason is that, with short 7

exposure time, most of the chloride ions can only dis-

Dc (x10
tribute in the surface mortar layer, but not ingress deeper 6
due to the impermeable of aggregates. However, with the
increase of exposure time, the chloride concentration in
the surface mortar layer will reach to a balanced state and
more and more chloride ions will penetrate through the
mortar between aggregates and the ITZ. Thus, the in- 4
fluence of surface mortar layer will be decreased and the
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
predicted Dc will approach a constant. So that, the value
of Dc at the balanced state can be regarded as the actual Elasped time (days)
diffusion coefficient for a concrete. In this study, the Fig. 7 Effect of elapsed time in simulation on Dc.
values of Dc after a series of elapsed time are obtained so
as to determine a stable analysis period. Fig. 7 shows the
time-dependent characteristics of the chloride ions 6.3
penetration in concrete. It can be observed that when the
diffusion time is longer than 400 days, the diffusion m /s) 6.0
-12 2
Target Dc=5.47x10 m /s

coefficient will approach a constant with the calculating

conditions depicted in Fig. 6. Then, in the later analysis, 5.7
Dc (x10

the calculating parameters will be based on Fig. 6 and the

exposed time will be set as 400 days. In the previous 5.4
studies, especially for a mortar, DITZ is usually expressed
as the times of that of cement paste (Dp). Therefore, for a
concrete, DITZ can be expressed using the similar rela-
tions as the times of that of mortar (Dm), which is written
as follows: 4.5
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
D ITZ = nD m (7)
Fig. 8 Determination method of DITZ.
4.3 Determination method of DITZ
The experimental data in Table 1 with w/c=0.55 is used,
which means Dm and Dc are assumed as constants, i.e., cally in the range of 15 to 50μm (Shane, et al. 2000). One
6.644×10-12m2/s and 5.475×10-12m2/s. Thus, with the reason for this large range of thicknesses is that there is
target diffusion coefficient of concrete, no clear-cut transition from ITZ paste to matrix paste, so
Dc=5.475×10-12m2/s, the purpose of this calculation is to the cut-off value is somewhat subjective (Shane et al.
determine the approximate value of DITZ. However, to 2000). In this section, the influence of thickness of ITZ
date, the thickness and the diffusion coefficient of ITZ on diffusivity of concrete is investigated by varying the
cannot be predicted precisely although they have been value of thickness of ITZ in the range of 10 to 50μm,
considered in a certain range of values. Therefore, only which is shown in Fig. 9. So it is observed that when the
for the sake of simplification, the thickness of ITZ is thickness of ITZ is changed in that range, the values of n
assumed specially to be 20μm with consideration of the are estimated in rather wide range (from 15.6 to 3.8) and
usually proposed range shown in Table 2. So that as decrease with the increase of thickness of ITZ (see Fig.
depicted in Fig. 8, by varying n in a range of 1-16, a 9), which indicates that the calculation results with the
series of values of Dc can be obtained and then one may truss network model in this paper quite coincide with
appropriately determine the value of n corresponding to those previous research conclusions as shown in Table 2.
the target value of Dc. Thus, when the thickness of ITZ is
assumed as 20μm and target diffusion coefficient of Dc is
5. Chloride ions transport through cracks
5.474×10-12m2/s, as shown in Fig. 8, the value of n is
predicted as 8.9. 5.1 Review of previous studies
The testing schemes for evaluation transport property of
4.4 Effect of the thickness of ITZ on its diffusion cracked concrete can be divided into three kinds based on
coefficient the loading method: uniaxial compressive test (Saito and
As expected, the value of DITZ is depending on the Ishimori 1995; Lim et al. 2000; Samaha and Hover 1992),
thickness of ITZ, although the thickness of ITZ is typi-
L. Wang, M. Soda and T. Ueda / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No. 1, 143-155, 2008 149

splitting test (Wang et al. 1997; Aldea et al. 1999; Kato 16

et al. 2005) and flexural test (Gowripalan et al. 2000;
Xing et al. 2005a). The effect of microcracking on 14

transport property under uniaxial compression has been 12
studied by several researchers. However, there are some 10
conflicting views pertaining to their findings. Samaha
and Hover (1992) reported that microcracks at load lev- 8
els below approximately 75% of the maximum capacity 6
do not affect mass transport properties of the concrete,
but their influence become pronounced when the
maximum compressive capacity of the concrete is 2
reached, attaining a 10-20% increase of permeability 0
over unloaded specimens. Saito and Ishimori (1995) 10 30 2040 50
found that the chloride permeability of concrete sub- Thickness of the ITZ (μm)
jected to static compressive stresses up to 90% of the Fig. 9 Influence of the thickness of ITZ on its diffusion
ultimate strength is nearly equal to that of concrete be- coefficient.
fore loading. Furthermore, even concrete after reaching
the ultimate strength only exhibits a comparatively small
increase in the chloride permeability. Because the char-
acteristics of the microcraks are different when a con- 60 ο
Steel sample at 20 C
crete is under a load and when it is completely unloaded, Eq. (8)
Dcr ( x10 m /s)
Lim et al. (2000) pointed out that unloading or not can 50

influence the chloride permeability of a concrete.


Using the feedback controlled splitting test method, 40

Wang et al. (1997) and Aldea et al. (1999) pointed out
that the degree of the permeability of cracked concrete 30
depends on the value of the crack opening (crack width
Wcr) in the concrete. But when a crack opening dis- 20
placement is less than 50μm, the crack opening had little
effect on the permeability. When the crack opening dis- 10
placement increases from 50 to 200μm, the cracked
concrete permeability increases rapidly with a great 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
magnitude in comparison with that corresponding un-
cracked concrete. Based on the similar test method, Kato crack width Wcr (mm)
and Uomoto (2005) concluded that the diffusion coeffi- Fig. 10 Relationship between Dcr and crack width Wcr.
cient of chloride ions through a crack (Dcr) increased
with increases in the crack width and is almost constant
when the crack width becomes wider than approximately
75μm. In the simulation model of Takewaka et al. (2003),
if Wcr is less than 50μm, the cracks seldom affect diffu- Eq. (8) can approximately express the relationship be-
sivity, but when the Wcr is between 50μm and 100μm, tween Dcr and Wcr reported in the previous studies.
Dcr was set 10 times of sound part (1×10-12m2/s), and
when Wcr is larger than 100μm, Dcr was set as 103 times. 6. Chloride diffusivity of cracked concrete
Other experimental results indicate that no significant
chloride diffusion occurs in cracks having an opening 6.1 Compressive loading
(crack width) below a critical value, which is approxi- A series of uniaxial compression analysis by RBSM are
mately 30μm (Francois et al. 2005; Ismail et al. 2004). carried out under different stress levels in order to obtain
different levels of damage in concrete. As stated in 4.3,
5.2 Relationship between Dcr and Wcr the thickness and diffusion coefficient of ITZ is set as
In order to establish the relationship between Dcr and Wcr, 20μm and 8.9 times of that of mortar, respectively. Fig.
in the present study, the experimental results of chloride 11 shows the crack locations in red lines at the peak
ions transport through the steel specimens with a slit compressive stress, in which the penetration path is par-
(Kato and Uomoto 20005) are adopted and formulated as allel to the loading direction. The crack width is obtained
follows: from the analysis of RBSM and Dcr is determined ac-
cording to Eq. (8). Then the numerical calculation results
log Dcr = − 2.277 [1 + 1.311exp( − 20.6Wcr )) ] (8)
under different compressive stress levels up to the
The proposed Eq. (8) and experimental results about strength capacity are shown in Fig. 12 to compare with
Dcr are shown in Fig. 10. Obviously, in a certain extent, some available experiment data, in which and elsewhere
150 L. Wang, M. Soda and T. Ueda / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No. 1, 143-155, 2008

Compressive loading Sample_1 Sample_2

Samaha and Hover 1992: w/c=0.31
Samaha and Hover 1992: w/c=0.53
Cl- 1.4 Samaha and Hover 1992: w/c=0.46
Lim et. al 2000





30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Stress level σ/fc (%)
Fig.12 Influence of compressive stress level on the diffu-
sion coefficient of concrete.

Calculation results based on Eq. (8)

Compressive loading 5
Fig.11 Loading and diffusion direction of the compressive 1.7 Calculation results assumed Dcr=10 Dm
specimen. Sakoi and Hiriguch 2006

in the text, Dc0 and D’c is the diffusion coefficient of 1.4
concrete before loading and cracked concrete, respec-
tively. In Fig.12, Sample_1 and Sample_2 are two ana- 1.3
lyzed specimens with the same size, the same volume
ratio of coarse aggregates, but with different positional 1.2
arrangement, because the coarse aggregate particles are 1.1
put in and located randomly in an area based on the con-
cept of RBSM (Nagai et al. 2004). Thus, in Fig. 12, the 1.0
difference of diffusivity between both models might be
50 60 70 80 90 100
attributed to the different stress level whether the critical Stress level σ/fc (%)
stress, representing the onset of unstable microcrack
propagation during loading process, is exceeded or not, Fig. 13 Comparison between calculating results and
as reported by Lim et al. (2000). Moreover, although the Sakoi and Horiguchi’s (2006) experimental results.
calculation results in the present study seem to be in good
agreement with those experimental data found in the
literatures (see Fig. 12), it must be emphasized that the under loading conditions. Obviously, even when Dcr is
previous researches are based on tests conducted on assumed as large as 105 times of that of mortar, the cal-
specimens after they have been completely unloaded. culation results are still much lower than that of ex-
Studies have proved that the microcracks can close back perimental results.
partially or completely upon unloading depending on the
stress level at which the concrete is subjected. Especially 6.2 Tensile loading
when the stress level is less than 50%, the microcracks The diffusion coefficient evaluation of cracked concrete
can almost recover 100%. However, from Fig. 12, it induced by tensile loading is also carried out. In Fig. 14,
appears that we cannot observe the visible effect of the cracks distribution at peak tensile stress is illustrated.
unloading on the transport property of concrete by the Because the cracks generally propagate perpendicular to
comparison between present calculations and the previ- the loading direction under uniaxial tension, the pene-
ous experimental results. One cause is supposed to be tration path may affect the diffusivity of cracked concrete.
due to the lower values of diffusion coefficient in cracks. Therefore, two cases, perpendicular and parallel to the
Therefore, another case with Dcr assumed as 105 times of loading direction, are performed respectively for the
that of mortar (Soda 2006) is carried out, and the calcu- same stress level. Thereby, the influence of penetration
lation results are shown in Fig. 13 to be compared with direction is considered by setting two vertical exposed
the former case and the experimental results of Sakoi and sides namely as case 1 and case 2 (see Fig. 14). Fig. 15
Horiguchi (2006), whose experiments were carried out shows the effect of penetration direction on the diffusiv-
L. Wang, M. Soda and T. Ueda / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No. 1, 143-155, 2008 151

ity of tensile cracked concrete. It is observed that if

1.8 Case 1
penetration is perpendicular to the loading direction (case
1 in Fig. 14), i.e., parallel to the crack propagating di- Case 2

rection, the diffusion coefficient is quite larger than that 1.6
of parallel to loading direction (case 2 in Fig. 14);
moreover, with the increase of stress level, the influence
of penetration direction becomes more dominant. 1.4
In Fig. 16, the comparison of calculation results in this
paper with experimental data in previous literatures
shows noticeable deviation similar as those findings
under compressive loading conditions (see Fig. 13). In
order to find out the causes for such high deviations even 1.0
when Dcr is assumed as 105 times of that of mortar, the
amount and distribution of cracks under tensile stress 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
level of 60% is illustrated in Fig. 17. From Fig. 17, it is Stress level σ/ft (%)
found that the amount of cracks is so small that the cracks Fig. 15 Effect of diffusion direction on the diffusivity of
obviously have little effect on the diffusivity of concrete tensile cracked concrete.
no matter how large the diffusion coefficient of cracks is
set. However, the experimental facts indicate that even
the stress level is between 30~60%, the diffusivity of Calculation results based on Eq. (8)
concrete will undergo a considerable increase. For ex- 2.6 Calculation results assumbed Dcr=10 Dm
ample, Xing et al. (2005b) reported an increase of 20% Sakoi and Horiguchi 2006
and 90% at the stress level of 30% and 60%, respectively. Xing et al. 2005b
It means that only considering the effects of cracks on 2.2 He and Gong 2005

transport properties of damaged concrete is not sufficient 2.0

to accurately predict the diffusivity.
7. Diffusivity model of mortar and ITZ 1.6
before cracking 1.4
7.1 Basic assumption
The available experimental data shows that, for tensile 1.0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Tensile loading Stress level σ/ft (%)
Case 2

Fig.16 Influence of stress level on the Dc under tensile

Cl- loading conditions.

Tensile loading
Case 1

Tensile loading
Case 1: Perpendicular to loading direction
Case 2: Parallel to loading direction

Fig. 14 Loading and diffusion direction of the tensile Tensile loading

specimen. Fig. 17 Cracks distribution at tensile stress level of 60%.
152 L. Wang, M. Soda and T. Ueda / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No. 1, 143-155, 2008

condition, even at lower stresses which are less than 50% point of view, the reason that the strength of ITZ is lower
of the tensile strength, the diffusion coefficient increases than that of mortar is due to the dense void content and
significantly compared with the same concrete which original microcracks in ITZ. For simplicity, in this paper
never been loaded (He and Gong, 2005; Sakoi and an assumption is given as: when the tensile stress in
Horiguch, 2006; Xing, et al. 2005b). On the other hand, normal spring between two mortar elements equals to
some experimental facts also indicate that a compressive (ftm-fti), the diffusivity of mortar at this stress level is
stress, when it is less than a certain stress level, can re- supposed to be same as that of ITZ without stress, which
duce the diffusivity of concrete (Gowripalan et al. 2000; means λ=n (as in Eq. (7)) with σ=ftm-fti. Thus, for mortar
Xing et al. 2005b). For example, in Gowripalan’s ex- under tensile stress, substituting σ=ftm-fti into Eq. (10a),
periment, a maximum reduction of chloride diffusion we can get the following relation:
coefficient of 38% was observed when compared with
the stress-free condition. These effects may attribute to ⎡ ⎛ ftm − fti ⎞ ⎤

n = ⎢1 + a⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ (11)
the propagation of originally existing microcracks and
the connectivity of the internal pore structures under
⎢⎣ ⎝ f tm ⎠ ⎥⎦
tensile stress (Sugiyama, et al. 1996). By using the
For instance, when w/c=0.55, along the perpendicular
computer tomography (CT) scanning technique, it has
direction of the specimen in Fig. 6, n has been deter-
been observed that the air content in concrete is in-
mined as 4.1, and the corresponding values of ftm and fti
creased upon loading due to new nucleation or growth or
are calculated as 3.17MPa and 1.51MPa, respectively,
to microcracking and the increase rate becomes lager or
using the equations for strength on meso scale presented
nonlinear when the stress level is higher than 50% of the
by Nagai, et al. (2004). Thus Eq. (11) yields the appro-
concrete strength (Wong and Chau 2005). As for com-
priate a as
pression, it is due to the closure of microcracks or cap-
illaries as well as the consolidation of pore structures that a = 3.1 × (0.524 )
exist in the direction of diffusion (Sugiyama, et al, 1996;
Gowripalan, et al. 2000). The value of b is determined by sensitivity analysis in
Thus, in view of the microstructural variation of con- order to best fit the experimental results. Fig. 18 shows
crete mentioned above, the diffusion coefficient on meso the comparison between calculating results with different
scale of mortar and ITZ should be corrected in terms of values of constant b and the available experimental data.
their stress values in normal spring. Therefore, the dif- It is observed that the calculation results based on the
fusion coefficient of mortar and ITZ (Ds) under stress assumption as represented by Eq. (10) and (11) can
could be written as match the experimental findings better than that shown in
Figs. 13 and 16. Lastly, it must be pointed out that due to
Ds = λD0 (9)
the scattering features of experimental data caused by
diverse test conditions, the value of constant b should be
where D0 is the diffusion coefficient of mortar or ITZ
empirically fitted and determined.
before stressing; λ is the coefficient for stress effect,
which is expressed empirically using a simple equation
just to account for the variation tendency of diffusivity of 8. Conclusions
mortar and ITZ
To facilitate the durability design of reinforced concrete
⎡ b
⎤ structures and simulate the real working conditions, an
⎛σ ⎞
λ = ⎢1 + a⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ for σ ≥ 0 (10a) attempt to evaluate the chloride diffusivity of load-
⎢⎣ ⎝ ft ⎠ ⎥⎦ ing-damaged concrete is carried out on the basis of
RBSM and truss network model, the former and latter of
−1 which are mechanical and transport analysis respec-
⎡ ⎛σ ⎞

λ = ⎢1 + a⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ for σ < 0 (10b) tively. The following conclusions can be drawn in this
⎢⎣ ⎝ ft ⎠ ⎥⎦ study:
(1) On the meso scale, concrete can be described as a
where σ is the stress of normal spring under loading three-phase composite, i. e., the mortar, aggregate
conditions; ft is the peak strength of the normal spring for particles and interfacial transition zone (ITZ), in
mortar (ftm) and ITZ (fti), respectively; a and b are con- which it is possible to adopt different material
stants, which should be experimentally determined. models, such as mechanical and transport models,
for the three phases.
7.2 Determining constant a and b (2) The advantage of RBSM is to simulate the crack
Generally speaking, in the micro-scale, the air void propagation, representing on two aspects: one is that
content affects not only the durability of concrete but it can express the random characteristics of cracks
also the strength. Wong and Chau (2005) experimentally location and direction; the other is that it can easily
proved the compressive strength of concrete decreases estimate the crack width by calculating the elonga-
with increasing of air content. From the micro-scale tion of normal spring. On the other hand the advan-
L. Wang, M. Soda and T. Ueda / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 6, No. 1, 143-155, 2008 153
3.5 Eq. (10): b=0.5 2.4 Eq. (10): b=0.5
Eq. (10): b=1.0 Eq. (10): b=1.0
Eq. (10): b=3.0 2.2 Eq. (10): b=3.0


Sakoi and Horiguchi 2006 2.0 Sakoi and Horiguchi 2006

Xing et al. 2005b
2.5 1.8
He and Gong 2005
1.5 1.2
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Stress level σ/ft Stress level σ/fc

(a) Tensile loading (b) Compressive loading

Fig.18 Comparison between experimental data and calculation results with the newly proposed Eq. (10).

tage of the truss network model is its simplicity prediction of the chloride diffusivity of concrete is
which makes possible to conduct two-dimensional achieved.
transport analysis by one-dimensional governing
equation. Thus, combining the techniques of RBSM Acknowledgements
and truss network model is a good method to con- This study was supported by the 21st Century COE
duct diffusivity analysis of damaged concrete. Program ‘Sustainable Metabolic System of Water and
(3) Based on the previous study and experimental data, Waste for Area-based Society’ of Hokkaido University.
the statistics relationship of chloride ions diffusion Also, financial support under the Center for Concrete
coefficients of concrete (Dc) and mortar (Dm) with Corea, Korea to the Yonsei University of Korea and the
w/c are proposed respectively. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) No.19206048
(4) The diffusivity of ITZ is numerically clarified, from Japanese Government are gratefully acknowl-
which is about 3-16 times of that of mortar with edged.
variation of its thickness in the range of 10-50µm. The first author would also thank to the support by
The present conclusion agrees very well with that of the Program of Innovative Research Team of Education
previous studies by other researchers. of China (No. IRT 0518).
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