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BSTC 1003

Lecture Notes 7

Psychological Approaches to Studying

Sigmund Freud and Religion

G. A. Somaratne
Functionalist approach to religion
Functionalist theorists
origins = how in human
attempt to explain religion by
history, religion arises in
showing its “origin”.
response to certain
individual/group needs]

They look beneath or behind As they claim, certain

the conscious thoughts of underlying social structures
religious people to find or unnoticed psychological
something deeper and pressures are the real cause
hidden. of religious behaviour.

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Freud’s psychoanalytic approach to Religion

From childhood onward a Religion is very similar to a

Freud sees resemblance between
neurotic person passes through neurosis. Neurotic people believe
the activities of religious people
stages of early trauma, defence, and do irrational things; religious
and the behaviours of his
latency, outbreak of neurosis, and people also believe and do
neurotic patients.
return of the repressed. irrational things.

A nun who spends hours at

devotions moving her prayer Prayer is an abnormal behaviour
beads and a neurotic who spends – it arises not from rational Religion is the universal
hours counting the buttons on his motives but from irrational ones obsessional neurosis of humanity.
shirt are both engaged in the located in the unconscious.
same form of behaviour.

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Freud on religion
Religion arises from
Why does religion persist The real and ultimate source emotions and conflicts that
even when it has been of religion’s appeal is not the originate early in childhood
discredited by science or rational mind but the and lie deep beneath the
philosophy? unconscious. rational, normal surface of
the personality.

This is like a neurotic who

Religion is best seen as an
would not give up The normal causes we see
obsessional neurosis.
continuous handwashing on the surface of things are
Believers would not give up
because someone has not the real causes of the
their faith because it has
pointed out that his hands behaviour.
been proved irrational.
are already quite clean.

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Functionalist reductionism
Once psychoanalysis has
Religion arises only in
scientifically resolved such
response to deep emotional
Freud is a psychological problems, the illusion of
conflicts and weaknesses
functionalist or reductionist. religion quite naturally
which are the true and
disappears from the human
fundamental causes.

Religion can be reduced to a

collection of ideas and
Freud claims not just to
beliefs that turn out to be
explain religion but to
illusory wish fulfilments
explain it away.
generated by the

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Freud and Religion
He had also developed a useful
In childhood, Freud had gained a
working knowledge of
From his psychoanalysis, Freud basic acquaintance with the
Christianity, drawn from his life in
found religion a most promising teachings of Judaism. He knew
Catholic Vienna and his wide
subject of study. well the stories and writings of
reading in the history and
the Hebrew Bible.
literature of Western civilization.

His personal stance, however,

was one of complete rejection of
Further, religious ideas, imagery, Freud found no reason to believe
religious belief. The biographer
and parallels figured prominently in God. Therefore, he saw no
tells: “he went through life from
in the neuroses of some of his value or purpose in the rituals of
beginning to end a natural
first patients. religious life. *
atheist.”* [Jones, Life and Work of
Freud, 3: 351]

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Why does religion persist?
The believers claim that they
believe because Freud is quite sure that religious
ideas do not come from a God or
Freud’s approach to religion is quite • God has spoken to them through the Bible,
gods, for gods do not exist;
the opposite of that of the • a divinity has touched their hearts,
believers. • or what their church or synagogue teaches is nor do such beliefs come from the
the truth. sort of sound thinking about the
world that normally leads to truth.

but they raise important questions

about human nature:
For Freud, religious beliefs are • Why, if they are so obviously false, do so
many people persist in holding these beliefs, Freud finds the answers to these
surely erroneous and are and with such deep conviction? questions in psychoanalysis.
superstitions, • If religion is not rational, how do people
acquire it?
• And why do they keep it?

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Activities of religious people and the behaviors of
neurotic patients
In it, he discusses a close
In 1907, Freud wrote an
resemblance between the
article titled: “Obsessive
activities of religious people
Actions and Religious
and the behaviours of his
neurotic patients.

Both place great emphasis

on doing things in a In both cases, the
patterned, ceremonial ceremonies are associated
fashion. Both feel guilty with the repression of basic
unless they follow the rules instincts.
of their rituals to perfection.

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Activities of religious people and the behaviors of
neurotic patients
Sexual repression results in an
Psychological neuroses arise
individual obsessional
from repression of the sex
neurosis. Similarly, religion
drive. Religion demands
practiced widely by humans
repression of selfishness,
could be “a universal
control of the ego-instinct.
obsessional neurosis.” [p. 126]

Religious behaviour resembles

This comparison suggests a
mental illness. Accordingly, the
theme that is fundamental to
concepts most suited to
everything Freud writes on
explaining religion are those
developed by psychoanalysis.

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Three books
taking this basic
Freud writes three
books on religion,
explanation of religion)
in distinctive ways.

and notice the pattern

Let us give some
of psychoanalytic
consideration to each

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Totem and Taboo (1913)
It shows the influence of
evolutionary thinking: We have evolved not only
This book presents a • the Darwin’s theory of biological physically but also intellectually.
psychological interpretation of evolution Over the ages, our social
the life of primitive peoples. • and the general ideas of intellectual and institutions have traced an
social evolution.
upward line of progress.

The past includes our civilized

ancestors (like the Greeks and
Similarly, we find in the character
We find clues to the personality Romans) as well as prehistoric
of past cultures important clues
of individual adults in their earlier cultures and peoples (those
to the nature of civilization in the
character as children. communities of humans who first
descended from their animal

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The use of animal totems and the custom of taboo

Freud turns to
(1) The use of (2) The custom of
two practices of
animal “totems”: “taboo”:
primitive peoples:

A tribe or clan chooses to

Some person or thing is
associate itself with a
called “taboo” if a tribe
specific animal (or plant),
wants to declare it “off
which serves as its sacred
limits” or forbidden.
object, its “totem.”

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(1) No incest. (2) No killing or eating of the
• Marriage must always be totem animal.
Most early societies have “exogamous” (outside the • Except on certain rare ceremonial
strictly prohibited two immediate family or clan). occasions (when this rule was
things: • Among primitives there is a “horror solemnly broken), eating the
of incest.” “totem” was “taboo.”

But if so, why make them

What is the point in making
crimes in the first place?
taboos (in publicly Evidently, these are crimes
Why make everyone
disallowing these things), that people did try to
miserable by creating rules
unless people wanted to do commit.
that no one really wanted to

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Religious behaviour from the intellectual
Human religious behaviour It also demonstrates a
Their rites of “taboo” and
represents a conscious effort failure to reason correctly.
rituals of totemism cannot
to use reason to understand Religious people try to be
achieve what they suppose.
the world. rational but fail.

The personalities of both

If it is a mistake to believe in
disturbed and normal
totems and taboos, why They want to do certain
people alike are strongly
should anyone continue to things, and at the same time
marked by ambivalence—by
do so? Freud finds the they do not.
the clash of powerful
answer in the unconscious.
opposing desires.

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Guilt and hate
The neurotic person
Yet on probing the unconscious, unconsciously wants the parent
Obsessively neurotic people will
Freud finds: What causes their to die. Yet—once the death has
feel extreme grief when a loved
emotion is not love but guilt and occurred—he/she goes on to
one (a father or mother) dies.
hate. feel intense guilt for having
harboured such a terrible wish.

In their use of magic, too, they

To cope with the stress, the
Tribal peoples show this trait, imagine that the world is just an
neurotic may even project onto
thinking of their dead ancestors extension of their own selves. By
the dead person certain negative
as demons, or “wicked spirits,” thinking about the sound of
characteristics, so that the death
who deserve their hate. thunder and imitating it, they
wish will seem justified.
suppose they can make real rain.

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A psychic ambivalence
The first human beings were
The practices of totemism and
living (like their animal
taboo in primitive cultures Within these groups there were
ancestors of apes) in “primal
inform a psychic ambivalence loyalty, affection, and security
hordes”—extended families of
(human emotions) in the against danger.
women and children dominated
earliest age of humanity.
by one powerful male.

The young males sexually

But they had to suppress their
For the young males, there was desired the females, all of
desires as they feared and
also frustration and envy. whom were their father’s
wives. respected their father.

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Thou shalt not kill
Torn between their need for
In a fearsome turn of events
the security of the horde
(which undoubtedly the sons banded together
and their suppressed sexual
occurred many times in and murdered their father.
urges, they were at length
different hordes),
driven to a fateful act.

Since they were cannibals, and proceeded to take

they consumed his body, possession of his wives.

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Thou shalt not kill
Wanting desperately to
At first this primeval murder
restore the father they had
in the horde brought a sense
The sons were overcome killed, they found in the
of joy and liberation, but
with guilt and remorse. totem animal a “father
grave second thoughts soon
substitute” and symbol and
agreed to worship it.

Over time, this rule was

Before it, they swore the generalized to the entire
“Thou shalt not kill,” the first
oldest of all taboos: “Thou clan and became the
moral rule of the humans.
shalt not kill the totem.” universal commandment
against all murder:

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Thou shalt not take thy father’s wives
The same powerful feelings The sons regretted their
The sons agreed to a
of remorse led quickly to act and recognized that
second commandment:
the second taboo—the seizing the father’s wives
“Thou shalt not take thy
commandment against would only create new
father’s wives.”
incest. conflict among themselves.

that lay behind the

In order to live together, These prehistoric
mythical “social contract”
the sons had to agree to agreements of the brothers
which philosophers call the
find any new wives only may have been the real
foundation of human
“outside the clan.” events

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Totem Sacrifice
Normally the totem’s life was sacred.
Freud explains the first taboo However, there were certain sacred The totem animal then was killed and
referring to “totem sacrifice.” occasions on which the pattern was consumed by all in a ritual feast.

From the standpoint of

psychoanalysis, the totem sacrifice
and quite unconsciously also release
makes sense only as a deeply
the hate caused by the sexual
emotional ceremony in which the In the ritual, the sons publicly
renunciation they now endure. *
community re-enacts the primeval reaffirm their love for him
[Totem and Taboo, in Standard
murder of the first father, who,
Edition, 13: 132–42]
through death, has now become its

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Totem sacrifice
It is the acting out in history
The brothers’ assault upon
The original murder of the of the powerful, double
their father is in essence the
father was a crime, human emotions that
crime of Oedipus enacted
committed in the childhood converge in every male’s
thousands of years before
of the human race. infancy to form the Oedipus
the story.

the first sons committed a To the human race, these

Out of jealous desire for
murder which was followed extraordinary events have
their father’s wives (a desire
by a great ritual of remorse left a legacy of profound
for their own mothers),
and affection. emotional ambivalence.

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Totem sacrifice
On the level of conscious
By projection, they give him They offer him their worship
activity, the members of the
the status of divinity and by eating the totem flesh
tribe identify the animal in
confess that they are all and chaining their sexual
the totem sacrifice with
children. desire.
their dead father.

However, on the deeper The ritual by its very nature and thereby releases the
plane of the unconscious, recreates their original deed frustration and hate that
they express quite the of rebellious murder and arise from the ongoing
opposite emotions. cannibalism, denial of their oedipal urges.

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Christian Communion from the psychoanalytic perspective

In the communion, the flesh and

Seen in this light, a modern blood of Christ, God’s son
Like the ancient totem ritual, it
sacrament like the Christian (symbolizing the eldest brother,
re-enacts, and seeks to reverse,
communion shows its true leader of the rebellion) are
the original crime of humanity.
character. eaten in remembrance of his

Since the father and son are

one, the sacrament of the son’s
On behalf of his brothers, Christ
(a death suffered as punishment death is symbolically in the
atones for their prehistoric
for the “original sin” of the same moment the sacrament of
crime. Yet the atonement is also
primeval rebellion). the father’s murder. Thus, the
communion secretly recalls
oedipal hate as well as love.

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The origin of religion
Over time, the totem animal was Freud’s main concern is to show the
reduced to a simple sacrificial gift.
striking connection between
A long process of evolution stands • Its place was taken first by animal-human present-day religion and the dark
between the totem rites of early deities, later by the gods of polytheism, and
ceremonies of the primitive past.
cannibals and the communion meal finally by the father God of Christianity. But
these are details. These grim events and deep
of Christianity.
psychological tensions reveal the
origin of religion.

The birth of belief is to be found in

the Oedipus complex, in the “Totemic religion arose from the
All later religions are seen to be
powerful, divided emotions that led filial sense of guilt, in an attempt to
attempts at solving the same
humanity to its first great crime, allay that feeling and appease the
problem.” *[Totem and Taboo, in
then turned a murdered father into father by deferred obedience to
Standard Edition, 13: 145]
a god and promised sexual him.
renunciation as a way to serve him.

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Totem and taboo as the foundation of civilization
In the incest taboo—the
For Freud, the murder in the
agreement to protect the
prehistoric herd is an event In the powerful emotions it
clan in its aftermath—we
of momentous importance produced, we find the origin
can see the origin of
in the history of human of religion.
morality and the social
social life.

Taken together, totem and [Freud’s this book, Totem

taboo thus form the very and Taboo, met with
Christian critics found the
foundation of all that has approval from his associates
book particularly insulting.]
come to be called in psychoanalysis but with
civilization. outrage from everyone else.

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The Future of an Illusion (1927)
14 years later, Freud The Future of an Illusion
Totem and Taboo looks
returned to the subject considers religion in the
backward into the
of religion in The Future present and looks
prehistoric past.
of an Illusion (1927). ahead.

It centres on the It puts a focus on ideas

“manifest motives” of and beliefs—
religion in all places and particularly belief in
times. God.

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The battle between nature and culture

Human life has arisen, or Though it has produced our For protection, we have
evolved, out of the natural species, nature constantly joined into clans and
world, an arena that is not threatens also to destroy us communities, thereby
necessarily friendly to our through predators, disasters, creating what we call
enterprises. disease, or physical decline. civilization.

Through it we gain security,

but at a price.

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The battle between nature and culture
We must restrain our instincts,
We cannot just kill when anger compensating ourselves with
Society can survive only if we
seizes us, take what we do not other satisfactions we can hope
bend our personal desires to its
own, or satisfy sexual desires as to find in, say, the joys of art
rules and restraints.
we want. and leisure or the ties of family,
community, and nation.

In the battle between nature

Yet even with these sacrifices In the face of disease and
and culture, nature’s laws of
and comforts, civilization death, we are all ultimately
decay and death will always
cannot fully protect us. helpless. finally win.

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Childhood security

Then there was always a

None of us finds this We would rather face
father to reassure us
unhappy truth easy to things as we did in the
against the dangers of
accept; it runs counter to sunnier days of our
the storm and the
all we treasure most. childhood.
darkness of the night.

As adults, we all continue

Then there was always a
to crave that childhood The voice of religion
voice of strength to say
security, though in reality makes us think that
that all would be well in
we can no longer have it. indeed we can.
the end.
Or can we?

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Projection onto the external world a God
Religion claims: “over each one of us
who through his power (1) dispels there watches a benevolent
Following the childhood pattern, the terrors of nature, (2) gives us providence which … will not suffer us
religious belief projects onto the comfort in the face of death, and (3) to become a plaything of the
external world a God rewards us for accepting the moral overmighty and pitiless forces of
restrictions imposed by civilization. nature.” *[Freud, The Future of an
Illusion, in Standard Edition, 21: 19]

In denying our desires, we not only

We can be certain that our immortal
In the eyes of such faith, even death help society but also obey the
spirits will one day be released from
loses its sting: eternal laws of a just and righteous
our bodies and live on with God.

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Belief in God is an illusion [not delusion]
An illusion is a belief whose main Delusion is something I may also
characteristic is that we very much want to be true but which everyone
want it to be true. else knows is not, and perhaps
An illusion is not the same as a • My belief that I am destined for greatness never could be so.
delusion. would be a case in point. • If I were to claim that I will one day be 8 feet
• It could turn out someday to be true, but tall (which, being now fully grown, I most
that is not why I hold it. certainly will not), I would be holding to a
• I hold it because I strongly wish it to be true. delusion.

It is enough for us that we have

recognized them as being, in their
“To assess the truth-value of psychological nature, illusions.”*
Freud is not here calling belief in
religious doctrines does not lie
God as Father a delusion; in fact, he • *[The Future of an Illusion, in Standard
within the scope of the present Edition, 21: 33]
calls it an illusion.

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Religious teachings are the strongest and most urgent
wishes of the human beings

nor are they logical

They are ideas whose main
Religious teachings are not conclusions based on
feature is that we dearly
truths revealed by God, scientifically confirmed
want them to be true.

The secret of their strength

They are “fulfilments of the lies in the strength of those
oldest, strongest and most wishes.”*
urgent wishes of mankind. • *[The Future of an Illusion, in
Standard Edition, 21: 30]

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Religious beliefs are in the end delusions
Religious beliefs are teachings
For Freud, the distinction we have no right to believe
Even if they cannot be
between “illusion” and because they cannot pass the
absolutely proved to be such,
“delusion” comes to very little. test of the scientific method
religious beliefs are in the end
It hardly makes a difference • (which is the only way we have of
which term we use. reliably telling us what is true and
what is not).

It is the habit of believers to Hence, we ought never to put

draw on nothing more than our trust in religion, even if its
personal feelings and intuitions, teachings can be shown to have
and these are notorious for provided certain services for
being often mistaken. humanity in the past.

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Religion’s contribution to the growth of civilization
Later religion did its part
Certainly, the early totem
At times, religious beliefs when these and similar
made a contribution,
may have been of some crimes were discouraged by
through its role in the
small assistance in the presenting them as offenses
denunciation of murder and
growth of civilization. deserving of punishment in

It is like we do not want to

We do not want to build force grown men and
But civilization is now
today’s society on such women to obey the rules of
mature and established.
superstition and repression. behaviour that we lay down
for children.

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Religious teachings are those suitable to the childhood
of the human civilization
In the earlier history of
Religious teachings are
humanity (“the times of its like an episode of neurosis
beliefs and rules suitable to
ignorance and intellectual that individuals pass
the childhood of the
weakness”), religion was through in their childhood.
human race.

However, when there is a

failure to overcome the then psychoanalysis knows
The same is true for the
traumas and repressions of that the personality is in
growth of civilization.
earlier life and the neurosis disorder.
persists into adulthood,

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Religion is the universal obsessional neurosis of

Religion that persists into

“Religion would thus be the
the present age of human to begin to leave it behind is
universal obsessional
history can only be a sign of the first signal of health.
neurosis of humanity;

If this view is right, it is to be and that we find ourselves

like the obsessional at this very juncture in the
supposed that a turning-
neuroses of children, it middle of that phase of
away from religion is bound
arose out of the Oedipus development.”*
to occur with the fatal
Complex, out of the relation
inevitability of a process of • * [The Future of an Illusion, in
to the father.
growth, Standard Edition, 21: 43]

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Religion must be discarded
and we may now argue for replacing the effects
It is best “to view that the time has of repression by the
religious teachings ... as probably come, as it results of the rational
neurotic relics, does in an analytic operation of the
treatment, intellect.”*

As humanity grows into not by superstition and

Mature people allow faith.
adult life, it must discard
their lives to be guided
religion and replace it • * [The Future of an Illusion, in
by reason and by
with forms of thought Standard Edition, 21: 44]
suitable to maturity.

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Presented in a dialogue format
The critic insists
• (1) that it is wrong to talk of religion as
The Future of an Illusion in its arising merely from our emotional needs, In one of these objections, Freud
dialogue format answers the • (2) that religion ought to be believed on is asked why he seems to have
objections of an imaginary critic the basis of tradition, and changed his theme since Totem
who takes the side of religion. • (3) that if religion is discarded as the and Taboo.
ground for morals, society will collapse
into violence and chaos.

His answer was: That book was

also about the origin of religion,
but its subject was totemism and
Has the theory now changed?
the father-son relationship; this
one talks mainly about human

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God is an image, an illusion
Totem and Taboo explored only one
Freud’s answer to the question (Has element of what goes into religion: The Future of an Illusion explores
the theory now changed?) is the two-sided feeling of both love “the other, less deeply concealed
instructive: for and fear of the father who ruled part”: the realization of adults that
the primeval horde.

The God whom people call upon in

prayer is not a being who belongs
in the face of nature’s crushing
Still, whatever the motives, the to reality; he is an image, an illusion
power, they will always be as weak
result in Freud’s eyes is always the projected outward from the self
as children and in need of a loving
same: and onto the external world out of
Father to defend them.
the deep need to overcome our
guilt or allay our fears.

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Moses and Monotheism

In a series of essays
At the very end of his career,
undertaken between 1934 and
Freud’s interest in religion did he returned to the subject for
1938, he focused his attention
not end with The Future of an one final effort—writing this
on the figure of Moses,
Illusion. time on Judaism, his own
examining his foundational
religious tradition.
role in Jewish life and thought.

These essays were then

brought together in a single
volume and published in the
year of his death under the
title Moses and Monotheism.

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Was Moses really a Hebrew?
The Bible presents Moses as
This book presents a set of It shows how the concepts the great Hebrew prophet
new claims about certain and comparisons drawn who inspired the Israelites
events in religious history, in from psychoanalysis can by his leadership and
particular Jewish history. help to explain them. shaped their lives by giving
them the God’s law.

who tried to replace the

A close look at the texts
worship of many gods of
reveals that Moses was an
But how do we know Moses ancient Egypt with a strict
Egyptian prince, a ruler and
was really a Hebrew? devotion to one and only
follower of the radical
one deity—the sun god
Pharaoh Akhenaton

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The worship of Aten

It stressed a purely spiritual

The worship of Aten god of love and goodness, When Akhenaton died, his
employed neither images who was also revered as new religion failed in Egypt,
nor superstitious rituals. the strong guardian of an but not entirely.
eternal moral law.

He united them behind the

One of those who kept it
Moses adopted the Hebrew new faith, and with great
alive was this same man,
slaves as his people. courage led them out of
their captivity.

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The worship of Yahweh
Later, buffeted by their
Initially those who
misfortunes in the
followed Moses They renounced his god
desert, Moses’ chosen
prospered under his and put him to death.
people rebelled against
his leadership.

His monotheistic religion the god whom Israelites

was then overlaid by a worshipped as they
new cult dedicated to a fought their bloody
violent, volcano-deity battles to win the Land
named Yahweh, of Promise.

21/3/2023 G. A. Somaratne, HKU, BSTC1003 43

The new religion
However, this sleight of hand
Later, in writing their scriptures, could not disguise the differences
Jewish scribes attached the name between the new religion and the The new faith replaced the pure
of Moses also to the founder of earlier monotheism of the spirituality and morals of the old
this second faith. original Moses, their first and
true spiritual leader.

with the rituals, superstitions,

Degraded as it appears to us, the leaving behind little more than a
and bloody animal sacrifices we
new religion managed almost faint memory of the original
find in Israel during the age of the
completely to push out the old, Moses and his faith.
great Hebrew kings.

21/3/2023 G. A. Somaratne, HKU, BSTC1003 44

Worship of the one universal God of Moses
Centuries later, the Israelites These prophets
found themselves face to face • (1) denounced the religion of sacrifices;
with the great monotheistic • (2) demanded worship of the one
Yet that is not where the story universal God announced by the first
prophets (like Amos, Isaiah, and
ends. Moses;
others) who had their mission to • (3) called again for obedience to his stern
recover and revive the old faith of moral law.
the tribe.

From the time of the Hebrew

Their words thus marked a For it was out of the soil of this prophets forward, faith in the
decisive turn that affected not revived Jewish monotheism that awesome and righteous God of
just Jewish history but the entire Christianity would rise to become Moses took its place as the
world. a great world religion. immovable centre of both Jewish
and Christian belief.

21/3/2023 G. A. Somaratne, HKU, BSTC1003 45

How did a true monotheism come back to
Moses was an Egyptian,
This quite extraordinary
that he was murdered, that
retelling of Hebrew history
It is not easy to find in the two persons were given his
would trouble both the
Bible any clear proof that name, or that the early
historian and the biblical
Hebrews ever had two
different religions.

Much more interesting to

him is the mystery of how,
To Freud, all these
over many centuries, a true
problems are hardly a
monotheism was somehow
born, apparently died, and
then came back to life.

21/3/2023 G. A. Somaratne, HKU, BSTC1003 46

Religion is best conceived along the lines of a neurosis

only to revive centuries later

How can it be that the faith Theologians may be at a loss
in dramatic fashion and win
of the original Moses to answer such a question,
back the hearts and minds
virtually disappeared from but psychoanalysis certainly
of the entire Jewish
the life of his people, is not.

Freud asks us to suppose And he restates his view that

once again that a parallel and what happens in history, religion is best conceived
can be found between what over a much longer time, to along the lines of a neurosis.
happens psychologically to an entire community of Those premises in place, he
an individual person over people like the Jews. proceeds to the following
the course of a life ingenious argument.

21/3/2023 G. A. Somaratne, HKU, BSTC1003 47

The stages of personal neurosis and the sequences in
the Jewish history
They start, often in early Then at a later point (often at the
childhood, with a traumatic, onset of puberty or in early
Psychoanalytic theory has clearly
disturbing event that is pushed adulthood) the irrational
demonstrated that cases of
out of memory for a time. There behaviour (which is the sign of
personal neurosis follow a
follows a period of “latency,” neurosis) suddenly makes its
familiar pattern.
when nothing shows; all seems appearance. We find that there is
normal. a “return of the repressed.”

And as we do, we can recall the

Now if these stages are indeed
points made in the earlier books Do they not fit with an almost
identifiable, we can compare
about ambivalent emotions, uncanny desire for the figure of a
them with the sequences
tribal murder, and religion as father? Do they not fit with an
discovered in the history of
childlike desire for the figure of a almost uncanny accuracy?

21/3/2023 G. A. Somaratne, HKU, BSTC1003 48

Yahweh religion of the second Moses
The powerful personality of His death in a desert rebellion
The message of monotheism
Moses recalled the imposing was a re-enactment of the
spoke to the Jews’ natural human
figure of the first father in the primeval murder of the great
longing for a divine father.
primeval horde. father,

by striving to erase the entire

Once the murder had been memory of Moses—both the
an event no less traumatic for the
committed, the Hebrew monotheism and the murder—
Jews than the first murder was
community, in an act of collective from community life, thus
for the sons and brothers in the
repression, sought to relieve its allowing the crude Yahweh
prehistoric human tribe.
guilt religion of the second Moses to
take its place.

21/3/2023 G. A. Somaratne, HKU, BSTC1003 49

The law of neurosis
a long period when it lay
For the true Mosaic religion, And yet the law of neurosis
submerged and almost
this was the period of its is clear: Whatever is
forgotten in the Judaic
latency, repressed must return.
communal mind.

Henceforth, pure
After centuries in eclipse,
monotheism, the religion of
the pure and ancient creed
loving devotion to the
of the founder made its
Creator and Lord of the
powerful return in the
Covenant, became again the
oracles of the prophets.
faith all Jews.

21/3/2023 G. A. Somaratne, HKU, BSTC1003 50

A two-sided emotional outcome: love and fear
Even the role of Christianity
It is clear from Totem and Judaism recalls the urge to
as Judaism’s successor
Taboo that the revolt in the idealize the Father, to make
comes into clearer focus
primeval horde had a two- him into a loving God and
once we read its history
sided emotional outcome: repress the guilt left behind
through the eyes of
love and fear. by his murder.

As framed by its chief on God who in the form of

Christianity feels the same thinker, the Jewish rabbi the firstborn Son goes to his
mix of affection and guilt Paul: Christian theology death to atone for the
but responds by declaring centres not on God the original sin committed by
the need for atonement. Father but on Christ the Son the first sons in the
and his death; prehistoric horde.

21/3/2023 G. A. Somaratne, HKU, BSTC1003 51

A psychoanalytic portrait of religion
Freud here offers a The appeal of religions lies not
psychoanalytic portrait of both in the truth of their teachings
Jewish and Christian about a god or a saviour, their
monotheism that few claims about miracles or a
theologians or historians chosen people, or their hopes
would dare attempt. of a life after death.

The real power of religions is

to be found beyond their
These doctrines are empty
doctrines, in the deep
because they lie beyond any
psychological needs they fill,
chance of proof.
and the unconscious emotions
they express.

21/3/2023 G. A. Somaratne, HKU, BSTC1003 52

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