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No.11l94/2002APP-IV 650

(Pl~rsonnel Policies-Il Branch)

Dited, Chandigarh, the" 12t1l Jal1uary;200¥t


All Heads of Departments,

Registrar.Punjab &: Haryana l;Iigh Court,
All Commi$siol\~~s of Divisions, ,,
All DeputY Commissioners and
All Sub-Divisional Office,rs(CivH), e- .:

,' in the State of Puti)ai:I.·

~{ ",;" :, -:':,.~
:' .,
, .

Subject.- Grant' ()fe,rnplOYl~entill the State Serviceson ~~~passion~teappointm~nts

.policy regarding; '. ',:

Sir/Madam, ,

I am directed torefer to the subject noted ~boveand to say that the,PuliJab " '
;,:. '>::..' . :'~

Govem~eIit issued policy instrucnonscontairied in 1etter No'.111105198-4PP-rrii4420

, dated 2~ .11.2002'), allbWingtOtll~:ci'si~hafe 'appointments to the 'depena~hts' ~rcat~~o~es para 30f the SChe'me;
The condition of 5% cap-imposed
in para 9(b) of tlie : ~, ,-,;
, 1. ••...•

policy was removed in letter Ni>.• 11/105198-4PP,·:ll/2209 dated 5.2.2003. In .the

meanwhile, the Department of Finance had in :letter No.6/1~9/2002':6F:PI'ci46J dated

~ . • "<. ' ~'. • • . ',1",.:", ,""

2.1.2003 stipulated that compassionate' appointments should be made only after 'the

. ,fin~mceDep~ment
" ,.' .., .- - . , '
Mlitlie ,
of Ministers. ,
The S~ate C1ove'mment

has now recon~idered the matter-and decided as under.-

'.'. '

a) Compassiqnate,apfJoiritri1ents
• "' " .•... ·.OY . .' '". -y
, ,
.against the dlr~cf,

quotaposts in Group.,C· and 'D' in pursuance of-the provisions of

the policycontained inIetter dated 21.11:2002. However 5% cap

imposed earlier:standsabolis·hed. ,
Where such appointments.
(~,. ~- ~- .

made ID p~f~uance of this policy, posts ~arliet<aboHsh~d\vould,~stand

automatically created to that extent.

b) Such appointments may be permitted without\v.,laitirig finalization

ofthe restructuring of'Govemment Departments.

c) Compassionate appointments made in line with this policy wouldnor

carry the pensionary benefits as present. The new contributory

Scheme for pension/under formulation would be applicable ,in their

- 2 •.

cases '. While issuing appointment letters, this 'condition will be .

specifically incorporated. '

.cl) .)'h~. compas;ionate appointments are to-be effected strictly- according

to the e!igibility~riteria'Jaid downand a~e notto betreatedasa

matter of right: It is, therefore, imperative .that all s:uch~'Cit$es"are

carefully scfutinlzed' by appointing. au~librities before. appointments
" "

'. ~ • < ~

" .
'ategra.,rtted. "Sucb appomtments will be, cleared by c~Iii'mi~ees,
:f" . .;;i , 1 ~ ~r "'" ••

:specifltaily constitute4 for this.purpo~~'as Under~~ ': '.' - "

,;":J,, <',:"," ,,', ',:~ «<, : ...• l~ ". "
1, AC~.1)lilutteechea:aedbythe<Dh;isi(mal<:Gotntllissiorier ;wi1r;s,oiu~rtise
•.•• 'I .'_ :~ •••.

cases ..of all g6vem~~nt empioye~s, whose c~dre'js ~Mttoiied

... at'


. district/dlvisiohe! .level. Representativesiof

,;.. '
the departments
~. .

. "Sainik Welfare and Welfare of Sche:duied Castes ,witj'also be ' ,

~':. ''the Committee. <

." I",

..' r.
the .Administrative
.Secretary concem~d,.which' w()uld'~on~ider all ";

'other 'ca'ses of compassionate appointment in' their Dep~ents:

~~: ' '.<," • ~~ " • '... ~

(Hi) ;In ··~lle.,<case- <ofe~ployeesof the Secr~tariatatid ".,Fin~d~l': "

to~s~i~~e~'s;:,con~nitte:e~~':ili':~e ~et up Ji~ad~<by, tH~ •.

Secretary Personnel' .and Financial Commissioner "'-" ': •. .. "

).: " -,..-

respectively, ,

Rispo~ible that'some of these Gommitte~s_

"~ .' ~aybeco~e' over l-;md~n'ed.' -
" "

In -such .eases <the . ~dmirtistrative' departments' may take up the "matter

with tuc'Chief-Secretary for further

.delegations,' where such.needarises-
. . '.

2. The comp-assiona~~p;ointmentsto thedep~~dentS·{)fpei$Q~s'kiiled by

• .',. 9,,~ .;',~"':. -, - j'-:: ..' ,~..... :,. ''j'~- ~-. ~.," •

, the 'Terroz1.sts/persons·~med,iir19~4 Riots shall continue "tobe'govemed, under.tbe policy'

. .•... ;... .'

. \;. '. .

instructions issuedbytfiePepartmenf
'". } '< ..... . ' "'---
ofR~lief& .
Resettlement; from time to time.
;" .•••.• ' •• ~ ,

, ,
',' Yours faithfuhUY, ,~," '
, ~
" '

(S.~. Rajput)
.Special SecretaryPers~JI1~lel···
IY'"":--:-=j~. .
c'(.$ n t'ill.. ,~lI ""
.,.r/3 .,

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