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֚֞֐֞᭠֑է᭟֑֑֊GENERAL STUDIES: Test – 2075 (2023)

֟֊։֞ᭅᳯ֒ֆ֚֐֑ֆ֠֊պեց֧ է֟։շֆ֐էեշ250
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250
ե ֧֠֟֗֘֙է֊֡ֈ֘

շ֣ ֌֑֞ᮧ᳤ᲂշ֧ իᱫ֒ֈ֧֊֧ ֧֚֌֢֗ᭅ ֟֊᳜֟֔֟ոֆᮧ᭜֑֧շէ֊֡ֈ֘

֧ շ֫᭟֑֞֊֌֢֗ᭅշ֌ָᱶ

շ֡ ֔֎
֧ ֠֐ᱶս֌֧֛ᱹֿ


ᮧ᭜֑֧շᮧ᳤֏֞չշ֧ ֟֔ձ֟֊֑ֆէեշի֚շ֧ ֚֞֐֊֧ᳰֈձչձ֛ᱹֿ

ᮧ᳤ᲂշ֧ իᱫ֒ի֚֠֐֞᭟֑֐֐ᱶ֟֔ո֧վ֞֊֧ռ֛֞֟ձ֟վ֚շ֞ի᭨֧֔ոը֌շ֧ ᮧ֧֗֘֌ᮢ֐ᱶᳰշ֑֞չ֑֛֞֨ն֒թ֚֐֞᭟֑֐

շ֞ ᭭֌᳥ ի᭨֧֔ո ᮧ᳤֛֚իᱫ֒ ᭍֑֢֚֠ձ  ֌֡֟᭭ֆշ֞ շ֧  ֐֡ո֌᳧֣ ֌֒ ֟֊᳸ֈᭅ᳥ ᭭և֞֊ ֌֒ ᳰշ֑֞ վ֞֊֞ ռ֛֞֟ձֿ
ի֟᭨֔֟ոֆ֐֞᭟֑֐շ֧ է֟ֆᳯ֒Ღէ᭠֑ᳰշ֚֠֐֞᭟֑֐֐ᱶ֟֔ո֧չձիᱫ֒֌֒շ֫ժէեշ֊֛ᱭ֟֐֔ᱶչֿ֧

ᮧ᳤֚ե᭎֑֞1֧֚10ֆշշ֞իᱫ֒150 ֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֆև֞ᮧ᳤֚ե᭎֑֞11֧֚20 ֆշշ֞իᱫ֒250 ֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈ֠֟վձֿ

ᮧ᳤ᲂ֐ᱶթե ֟չֆ֘᭣ֈ֚֠֐֞շ֫᭟֑֞֊֐ᱶ֒֟ոձֿ



Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions.
There are TWENTY questions printed in HINDI & ENGLISH.
All questions are compulsory.
The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated
clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks
will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.
Answers to Questions No. 1 to 10 should be in 150 words, whereas answers to Questions No. 11 to
20 should be in 250 words.
Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind.
Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Questions-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly
struck off.


 Q1. ֐֛֚֞֞չ֑֒֠ վ֔ ։֞֒֞ձե վ֑֔֗֞֡ շ֫ ֟֊֑ե֟ᮢֆ շ֒֊֧ ն֒ ֌֣᭝֗֠ ֌֒ ֚֐֡ᮤ֠ վ֠֗֊ շ֫ ֚֐ևᭅ֊ ᮧֈ֞֊ շ֒֊֧ ֐ᱶ
֐֛᭜֗֌֢օᭅ ֏֢֟֐շ֞֟֊֏֞ֆ֛֠ᱹֿռռ֞ᭅշᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 

Ocean currents play an important role in regulating climate and supporting marine life on
Earth. Discuss. (Answer in 150 words) 10

Q2. ᭬֘֡շֆ֞ն֢֚֒ո֧ շ֧ ֐᭟֑էեֆ֒֌֒ᮧշ֞֘փ֞֔ֆ֧ ᱟձ֢֚ո֧ շ֧ ֎ᱟը֑֞֐֠ᮧ֏֞֗֌֒ռռ֞ᭅ շᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒

Highlighting the differences between aridity and drought, discuss the multi-dimensional
impact of droughts. (Answer in 150 words) 10

Q3. ᳇֠֌֚֐֢֛֧֚ ը֌᭍֑֚֞֐տֆ֧ ֛ᱹ" թ֊շ֧ ֟֊֐֞ᭅօ֐ᱶ ֘֞֟֐֔֟֗֟֏᳖ᮧᳰᮓ֑֞Აշ֫իֈ֛֞֒օ֛֚֟ֆ֚֐տ֞թձֿ


What do you understand by archipelagos? Explain the different processes involved in their
formation, with examples. (Answer in 150 words) 10

Q4. էց֔֞եᳯցշ ֐֧ᳯ֒֟փ֑֊֔ յ֗֒ցᳺ֊ᲈչ ֚շ֡ᭅ ֧֔֘֊ $02&  ֧֚ ը֌ ᭍֑֞ ֚֐տֆ֧ ֛ᱹ" ֛֞֔ ֛֠ ֐ᱶ $02& շ֧ 
շ֐վ֫֒֌ַ֊֧շ֧ ֟֔ձիᱫ֒ֈ֑֞֠շ֞֒օᲂն֒թ֚շ֧ ᮧ֏֞֗֌֒ᮧշ֞֘փ֞֟֔ձֿֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 

What do you understand by Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)? Highlight

the reasons behind the recent decline in AMOC and its impact. (Answer in 150 words) 10

Q5. ֛֟֐֑֞֔շᳱ֗ֆᭅ֐֞֊է֌֛֗֞ᮧօ֞֔֠շ֞֍ᳱ֛ֈֆշᮓ֟֐շ֊ֈ֠է֌֛֒օշ֞֌ᳯ֒օ֞֐ֿ֛֨ռռ֞ᭅշᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒


The present drainage system of the Himalayas is, to a great extent, the result of progressive
river piracy. Discuss. (Answer in 150 words) 10

Q6. ֏֢շե֌շᳱ֏֞ե֟ֆֈ֡֟֊֑֞֏֒֐ᱶ᭔֗֞֔֞֐֡֟ո֑ᲂշ֞᭭և֞֟֊շ֟֗ֆ֒օ֏֠֟֊᳟֟ֆ֌֧ᳯց֑ᲂ ֎֧᭨᭗֚ ֑֞֐եփ֔ᲂ վᲂ֚ 

֐ᱶ֟֗᳒֐֞֊ֿ֛֨ռռ֞ᭅշᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 

Like earthquakes, the spatial distribution of volcanoes across the globe is well defined in belts
or zones. Discuss. (Answer in 150 words) 10

Q7. ֗֞ֆ֞ᮕվ֊֊շ֧ ֟֔ձը֑֗᭫շ֘ֆᲄշᳱ֧֟֗֗ռ֊֞շᳱ֟վձն֒֗֞ֆ֞ᮕᲂշ֧ ֗֨֟᳡շ֟֗ֆ֒օᮧ֟ֆᱨ֌շ֞֟֗֗֒օ

ֈ֠֟վձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 

Discuss the conditions required for the occurrence of frontogenesis and give an account of the
global distribution pattern of fronts. (Answer in 150 words) 10

Q8. ֑֛ֈ֧ո֞չ֑֛֞֨ ᳰշ ֐ᱶ ᳯ֒շ֩փᭅ ֒ո֊֧ շ֧ ֎֞ֈ֧֚ ᮕ֠֊֔ᱹփըթ֚֘֠ց *U,6  է֌֊֧ ಯ֚ֆ֛֠ᮤ᳞֐֞֊ರ ֐ᱶ
֚֎֧֚ ֎ַ֠ ֟չ֒֞֗ց շ֧  ռ֒օ ֧֚ չ֡վ֒ ֛֒֠ ֿ֛֨ թ֚ ֟չ֒֞֗ց շ֧  ֟֔ձ իᱫ֒ֈ֑֞֠ շ֞֒օᲂ ն֒ թ֚շ֧  ֚ե֏֞֟֗ֆ
֌ᳯ֒օ֞֐ᲂշ֞֌֒֠ᭃօշᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 

It has been observed that the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is going through the biggest outright
drop in its "surface mass" since record-keeping began in 1948. Examine the reasons behind
this shrinkage and its possible consequences. (Answer in 150 words) 10


Q9. ֏֞֒ֆշ֧ ֛֘֒ᲂ֐ᱶ ᳞֞֌շվ֔վ֐֞֗ն֒֎ָ֞շ֫ֈ֧ոֆ֧ ᱟձ ֎ָ֞ᮧ֎ե։֊շ֧ ֌֞֒ե ֌ᳯ֒շֈ᳥֣֟շ֫օᲂշ֫᭜֑֞չ֊֞
 ֐֛᭜֗֌֢օᭅ ֛֫ֆ֞ վ֞ ֛֒֞ ֿ֛֨ ռռ֞ᭅ շᳱ֟վձֿ ֚֞և ֛֠ թ֚ ֚եֈ֏ᭅ ֐ᱶ է֌֊֞ձ վ֞ ֚շ֊֧ ֧֗֞֔ շ֡ ս ֗֨շ֟᭨֌շ
ֈ᳥֣֟շ֫օᲂշ֞֏֠֗օᭅ֊շᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 
In view of extensive waterlogging and flooding of cities in India, it has become increasingly
important to shift away from traditional approaches of flood management. Discuss. Also,
state some alternative approaches that can be adopted in this context. (Answer in 150 words)

Q10. ը֌ֈ֞վ֫֟ո֐᭠֑֢֊֠շ֒օ֐ᱶ էեֆ֒֞ᭅ᳦֑֛֑֚֠֫չշ֧ ֐֛᭜֗֌֒ᮧշ֞֘փ֞֟֔ձֿ֚֞և֛֠ը֌ֈ֞Აշ֫շ֐շ֒֊֧

֐ᱶ ᭃ֧ᮢ֑֠ ֛֑֚֫չ շ֫ ֐վ֎֢ֆ շ֒֊֧ շ֧  ֟֔ձ ֏֞֒ֆ ᳇֞֒֞ ᮧ֞֒ե ֏ շᳱ չժ ֌֛֔ᲂ շ֞ ֏֠ ի᭨֧֔ո շᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒
Highlight the significance of international cooperation in disaster risk reduction. Also, state
the initiatives taken by India to strengthen regional cooperation for reducing disasters.
(Answer in 150 words) 10

Q11. ֑֗֞֡ֈ֞֎֌֧ᳯց֑ᲂշ֧ ֟֗᭭և֞֌֊շᳱ֌ᳯ֒պց֊֞շ֫᭭֌᳥շᳱ֟վձֿ֚֞և֛֠ᳰշ֚֠ᭃ֧ᮢշᳱվ֑֔֗֞֡ ֌֒թ֚շ֧ ᮧ֏֞֗

շ֞֗օᭅ֊շᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 
Explain the phenomenon behind the shifting of wind belts. Also, illustrate its impact on the
climate of a region. (Answer in 250 words) 15

Q12. ըշ֟᭭֐շ֎ָ֞ ᭢֔֨֘᭢֔փ շ֞֏֞֒ֆշ֧ ֟֊ռ֧֔ թ֔֞շᲂ֐ᱶ ֟᭭ևֆէ֟։֚֗֞ᲂ֌֒֟֗֊֞֘շ֞֒֠ᮧ֏֞֗֌ַֆֿ֛֞֨

֏֞֒ֆ ֐ᱶ ֎֞֒֎֞֒ ը֊֧ ֗֞֔֠ ըշ֟᭭֐շ ֎ָ֞ շ֧  շ֞֒օᲂ շᳱ ֧֟֗֗ռ֊֞ շᳱ֟վձֿ ֚֞և ֛֠ ի֊շ֧  ᮧ֏֞֗ᲂ ֌֒
ᮧշ֞֘փ֞֟֔ձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 
Flash floods have a devastating impact on the habitations in low-lying regions in India.
Discuss the reasons behind frequent occurrences of flash floods in India. Also, highlight their
impact. (Answer in 250 words) 15

Q13. ֟֗᳡֏֒֐ᱶ ֌֞ձվ֞֊֧ ֧֗֞֔ ֟֗֟֏᳖ᮧշ֞֒շ֧ ֐ᱧ᭭և֔ᲂշ֧ ֟֊֐֞ᭅօշᳱ᳞֞᭎֑֞շ֒ֆ֧ ᱟձի֊շ֞֟֗֗֒օᮧ᭭ֆ֡ֆ

շᳱ֟վձն֒ի֊շᳱ֧֟֗֘֙ֆ֞Აշ֞ի᭨֧֔ոշᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 
Explaining their formation, provide an account of the various kinds of deserts found across
the world along with their characteristics. (Answer in 250 words) 15

Q14. ᭃ֫֏֐եփ֔ ն֒ ֚֐ֆ֞֌ ֐եփ֔ ֐ᱶ յվ֫֊ շ֧  ֟֊֐֞ᭅօ ն֒ ի֊շᳱ ֏֢֟֐շ֞ ֚ե֎։
ե ֠ ֟֏᳖ֆ֞Ა շ֞ ֗օᭅ֊ շᳱ֟վձֿ
֚֞և ֛֠ ᭃ֫֏֐եփ֑֔֠ յվ֫֊ շ֧  ᮧ֏֞֗ շ֫ շ֐ շ֒֊֧ շ֧  ֟֔ձ ֟֗֟֏᳖ ֒օ֊֠֟ֆ֑ᲂ ֌֒ ռռ֞ᭅ շᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒
Bring out the differences in the formation and role of ozone in the troposphere and
stratosphere. Also, discuss the various strategies to reduce the impact of tropospheric ozone.
(Answer in 250 words) 15

Q15. ֏֢֚եռ֔֊շ֧ շ֞֒օ֟֊ᳶ֐ᭅֆտ֠֔ᲂշ֚֞ե֟ᭃ᳙֟֗֗֒օֈ֧ֆ֧ ᱟձ տ֠֔ᲂշ֧ ըᳶևᭅշն֒֌֞ᳯ֒֟᭭և֟ֆշ֐֛᭜֗֌֒

ռռ֞ᭅշᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 
Giving a brief account of the lakes formed due to Earth's movement, discuss the economic
and ecological significance of lakes. (Answer in 250 words) 15


Q16. ֐֛֚֞֞չ֑֒֠ ֔֗օֆ֞ շ֫ ֟֊։֞ᭅᳯ֒ֆ շ֒֊֧ ֧֗֞֔ շ֞֒շᲂ ֌֒ ᮧշ֞֘ փ֞֔ֆ֧ ᱟձ ֟֗᳡ ֏֒ ֐ᱶ թ֚շ֧  ᭭և֞֟֊շ
 ֟֗ֆ֒օ֌֒ռռ֞ᭅշᳱ֟վձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 
Highlighting the factors determining ocean salinity, discuss its spatial distribution across the
world. (Answer in 250 words) 15

Q17. ֏֞֒ֆ֑֚֠եֈ֏ᭅ ֧֚ իֈ֛֞֒օᮧ᭭ֆ֡ֆշ֒ֆ֧ ᱟձ᭭֌᳥շᳱ֟վձᳰշ֑֚֒֞֞֟֊շը֌ֈ֧֚֞ ը֌᭍֑֚֞֐տֆ֧ ֛ᱹֿ֚֞և

֛֠ ղ֚֠ ը֌ֈ֞Ა շ֞ ֘֐֊ շ֒֊֧ շ֧  ֚֐ᭃ ֐֬վ֢ֈ ռ֡֊֬֟ֆ֑ᲂ շ֞ ի᭨֧֔ո շᳱ֟վձ ն֒ ռռ֞ᭅ շᳱ֟վձ ᳰշ թ֊
ռ֡֊֬֟ֆ֑ᲂշ֚֞֐֞։֞֊շ֨ ֧֚ᳰշ֑֞վ֚֞շֆֿ֛֞֨
Explain what you understand by a chemical disaster with examples from the Indian context.
Also, mention the challenges to mitigate such disasters and discuss how these challenges can
be addressed. (Answer in 250 words) 15

Q18. ֚ե֑֡Ღ᳦֒֞ը֌ֈ֞վ֫֟ո֐᭠֑֢֊֠շ֒օշ֑֞֞ᭅ֑֔ 81'55 ᳇֞֒֞վ֞֒֠֗֨֟᳡շըշ֔֊ᳯ֒֌֫ցᭅ  *$5

  շ֞է֊֡֐֞֊֛֨ ᳰշըչ֞֐֠֗֙ᲄ֐ᱶ ը֌ֈ֞շᳱպց֊֞Აշᳱ֚ե᭎֑֞֎ָշ֒ ֆշ ᮧ֟ֆ֗֙ᭅ ֛֫
վ֞ձչֿ֠ թ֚ ֚եֈ֏ᭅ ֐ᱶ ի֊ ֒օ֊֠֟ֆ֑ᲂ ֌֒ ռռ֞ᭅ շᳱ֟վձ վ֫ըչ֞֐֠֗֙ᲄ ֐ᱶ ը֌ֈ֞Ა շ֧  վ֫֟ո֐ ն֒ ի֊շ֧ 
ᮧ֏֞֗շ֫շ֐շ֒֊֧շ֧ ֟֔ձէ֌֊֞ժվ֚֞շֆ֛֠ᱹֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ
The Global Assessment Report 2022 (GAR2022), released by the United Nations Office for
Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) estimates that the number of disaster events will increase
over the years to reach 560 a year by 2030. In this context, discuss the strategies that can be
employed to reduce risks and mitigate the impact of disasters in the coming years. (Answer in
250 words) 15

Q19. ը֌ֈ֞Ა֧֚֟֊֌ց֊֧֐ᱶ֌եռ֑֞ֆ֠֒֞վ֚ե᭭և֞֊ᲂ 35,V ᳇֚֞֒֞֞֐֊֞շᳱվ֞֊֧֗֞֔֠ռ֡֊֬֟ֆ֑ᲂ֌֒ᮧշ֞֘փ֞֔ֆ֧

ᱟձ ռռ֞ᭅ շᳱ֟վձ ᳰշ ֌եռ֑֞ֆ֠ ֒֞վ ֐եᮢ֑֞֔ շᳱ ը֌ֈ֞ ᮧ֎ե։֊ ֑֫վ֊֞ թ֊ ռ֡֊֬֟ֆ֑ᲂ ֧֚ ֟֊֌ց֊֧ ֐ᱶ շ֨ ֧֚
֛֑֚֞ֆ֞շ֚֒շֆֿ֛֠֨ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ
Highlighting the challenges faced by Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in tackling disasters,
discuss how the Disaster Management Plan of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj can help in
addressing these challenges. (Answer in 250 words) 15

Q20. ն᳒֫֟չշ ը֌ֈ֞ձե ᭍֑֞ ֛֫ֆ֠ ֛ᱹ" ֌֑֞ᭅ᳙ իֈ֛֞֒օᲂ ֛֚֟ֆ ռռ֞ᭅ շᳱ֟վձֿ ֚֞և ֛֠ ն᳒֫֟չշ ը֌ֈ֞Ა շ֧ 
վ֫֟ո֐շ֫շ֐շ֒֊֧շ֧ ֟֔ձը֑֗᭫շ֚ե᭭և֞չֆք֞եռ֧֌֒ᮧշ֞֘փ֞֟֔ձֿ իᱫ֒֘᭣ֈᲂ֐ᱶֈᱶ 
What are industrial disasters? Discuss with adequate examples. Also, highlight the
institutional framework for risk reduction of industrial disasters. (Answer in 250 words) 15




1. Ocean currents play an important role in regulating climate and supporting marine life on
Earth. Discuss. (Answer in 150 words) 10
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™‹†ȋ‘”‹‘Ž‹•‡ˆˆ‡ –Ȍǡƒ††‹ˆˆ‡”‡ ‡•‹™ƒ–‡”†‡•‹–›Ǥ ‡ƒ —””‡–•ƒ”‡Š‘”‹œ‘–ƒŽŽ›‘˜‹‰‘ ‡ƒ
Ocean currents play an important rolein regulating the climate on Earth in the following waysǣ
x Redistribution of global heat: ‡ƒ —””‡–•ƒ –— ŠŽ‹‡ƒ ‘˜‡›‘”„‡Ž–ǡ–”ƒ•’‘”–‹‰™ƒ”
™ƒ–‡”ƒ†’”‡ ‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘ˆ”‘–Š‡“—ƒ–‘”–‘™ƒ”†–Š‡’‘Ž‡•ƒ† ‘Ž†™ƒ–‡”ˆ”‘–Š‡’‘Ž‡•„ƒ –‘
–Š‡–”‘’‹ •‹ˆŽ—‡ ‹‰Ž‘ ƒŽƒ†‰Ž‘„ƒŽ Ž‹ƒ–‡Ǥ ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ–Š‡North Atlantic Drift‡‡’•–Š‡
‘ƒ•–•‘ˆ–Š‡‘”–Š‡ƒȋ™‡•–‡” ‘ƒ•–‘ˆ—”‘’‡Ȍ™ƒ”Ǥ
x Influences regional weather phenomenon:Š‡ Šƒ‰‡•‹‡“—ƒ–‘”‹ƒŽ—’™‡ŽŽ‹‰ƒ† —””‡–•
’Žƒ› ‡–”ƒŽ”‘Ž‡•‹†”‹˜‹‰–Š‡El Niño and La Niña phenomenaǡ–Š—•‹ˆŽ—‡ ‹‰‰Ž‘„ƒŽ Ž‹ƒ–‡
’ƒ––‡”• Ž‹‡ –Š‡ Indian monsoons, rainfall variability in Southern America and Pacific
”‡‰‹‘ǡ‡– Ǥ
x Amount of precipitation: ‡ƒ• ˆ‘” ƒ ‡••‡–‹ƒŽ ’ƒ”– ‘ˆ –Š‡ ƒ”–Šǯ• ™ƒ–‡” › Ž‡ ƒ• ‘•–
‡˜ƒ’‘”ƒ–‹‘ ‘‡•ˆ”‘–Š‡‘ ‡ƒ•ƒ†‘•–’”‡ ‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘ˆƒŽŽ•‘–Š‡‘ ‡ƒ•Ǥƒ” —””‡–•
ˆŽ‘™ƒŽ‘‰–Š‡‡ƒ•– ‘ƒ•–‘ˆ ‘–‹‡–•”‡•—Ž–‹‰‹™ƒ”ƒ†”ƒ‹› Ž‹ƒ–‡•™Š‹Ž‡ ‘Ž† —””‡–•
ˆŽ‘™ƒŽ‘‰–Š‡™‡•– ‘ƒ•–‘ˆ ‘–‹‡–•Ǥ
x Formation of deserts on the west coast:‘Ž† ‘ ‡ƒ —””‡–• Šƒ˜‡ ƒ †‹”‡ – ‡ˆˆ‡ – ‘ †‡•‡”–
ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘‹–Š‡™‡•– ‘ƒ•–”‡‰‹‘•‘ˆ–Š‡–”‘’‹ ƒŽƒ†•—„–”‘’‹ ƒŽ ‘–‹‡–•Ǥ ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡPeru
cold-water current ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‘—–ŠǦƒ•– ƒ ‹ˆ‹   ‡ƒ ‹• ƒ ’”‹ƒ”› ”‡ƒ•‘ ˆ‘” –Š‡ ƒ”‹†‹–› ‘ˆ –Š‡
–ƒ ƒƒ‡•‡”–ȋ†”‹‡•–†‡•‡”–‘ˆ–Š‡™‘”Ž†ȌǤ
x Tropical cyclones: ‡ƒ —””‡–•’‹Ž‡—’™ƒ”™ƒ–‡”•‹–Š‡–”‘’‹ •ƒ†–Š‹•™ƒ”™ƒ–‡”‹•–Š‡
ƒŒ‘”ˆ‘” ‡„‡Š‹†–”‘’‹ ƒŽ › Ž‘‡•Ǥ
Ocean currents also play a profound role in supporting marine life, as discussed below:
x  ‡ƒ —””‡–• impact the connectivity of marine populationsǡ ƒ• –Š‡› influence the
migration‘ˆ•–”‘‰•™‹‡”•ǡ‹ Ž—†‹‰™ŠƒŽ‡•ƒ†–—”–Ž‡•Ǥ
x Š‡›ƒ –ƒ• ƒ””‹‡”•‘ˆ†‹••‘Ž˜‡† ƒ”„‘†‹‘š‹†‡ƒ†‘”‰ƒ‹ ƒ––‡”‹–Š‡ˆ‘”‘ˆ•ƒŽŽ ”‡ƒ–—”‡•ǡ
•— Š ƒ• planktons, ™Š‹ Š ‘•–‹–—–‡ ƒƒŒ‘” ˆ‘‘† •‘—” ‡ ˆ‘” ƒ› ‘”‰ƒ‹•• Ž‹‡ ˆ‹•Š‡• –Š—•
”‡ƒ–‹‰–Š‡ˆ‘—†ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡global food web of speciesǤ
x Šƒ‰‡•‹‘ ‡ƒ ‹” —Žƒ–‹‘influence the rate of nutrient supplyˆ”‘†‡’–Š•–‘–Š‡•—”ˆƒ ‡
–Š—• ƒ””›‹‰”‡’”‘†— –‹˜‡ ‡ŽŽ•ƒ†‘ ‡ƒŽ‹ˆ‡–‘‡™’Žƒ ‡•Ǥ ‘”‹•–ƒ ‡ǡ–Š‡Southern Ocean
‹•ƒƒŒ‘”’Žƒ›‡”‹–Š‹•„ƒŽƒ ‡ǡƒ•‹–•—’™‡ŽŽ‹‰•—’’Ž‹‡•—–”‹‡–•ˆ‘”75% of global primary

1 ©Vision IAS


x Š‡ meeting of the cold and warm currents provides conducive ground for breeding of
fishes ƒ ”‘••–Š‡ƒ•–‡” ‘ƒ•–•‘ˆ ‘–‹‡–•Ǥ ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ‡‡–‹‰‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ„”ƒ†‘”ȋ ‘Ž†Ȍƒ†
 —Žˆ–”‡ƒȋ™ƒ”Ȍ —””‡–•‡ƒ”‡™ˆ‘—†Žƒ†ǡ‡‡–‹‰‘ˆ–Š‡›ƒ•Š‹‘ȋ ‘Ž†Ȍƒ†—”‘•Š‹‘
ȋ™ƒ”Ȍ —””‡–•‡ƒ”–Š‡ ‘ƒ•–‘ˆ ƒ’ƒǡ‡– Ǥ
 ‡ƒ —””‡–•ƒ”‡ ”‹–‹ ƒŽ–‘–Š‡‹–‡”Ǧ”‡Žƒ–‡†ƒ†‹–‡‰”ƒ–‡†‰Ž‘„ƒŽ Ž‹ƒ–‡•›•–‡ǡ™Š‹ Š‘–‘Ž›
‡‡’•–Š‡‰Ž‘„‡Šƒ„‹–ƒ„Ž‡„—–ƒŽ•‘ ‘•–‹–—–‡•ƒ†•—’’‘”–•–Š‡„‹‘†‹˜‡”•‹–›‘–Š‡’Žƒ‡–Ǥ

2. Highlighting the differences between aridity and drought, discuss the multi-dimensional impact
of droughts. (Answer in 150 words) 10
x ‹• —••–Š‡‡š–‡–‘ˆƒ”‹†‹–›ƒ††”‘—‰Š–‹ †‹ƒǤ
x ‹‰ŠŽ‹‰Š––Š‡†‹ˆˆ‡”‡ ‡•„‡–™‡‡†”‘—‰Š–ƒ†ƒ”‹†‹–›Ǥ
x ‡–‹‘–Š‡—Ž–‹Ǧ†‹‡•‹‘ƒŽ‹’ƒ –•‘ˆ†”‘—‰Š–•Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ
 ‘”†‹‰ –‘ –Š‡ Aridity Anomaly Outlook Index ˆ‘” —Ž›ǡ ‹••—‡† „› –Š‡ †‹ƒ ‡–‡‘”‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ
‡’ƒ”–‡– ȋ Ȍ –Š‹• ›‡ƒ”ǡ ƒ– Ž‡ƒ•– 85% of districts faced arid conditions ƒ ”‘•• †‹ƒǤ Ž•‘ǡ
ƒ”‘—† 21.06 percent of India was facing drought-like conditionsǡ ƒ ‘”†‹‰ –‘ –Š‡ Drought
Early Warning SystemǤ
”‹†‹–›‹•†‡ˆ‹‡†ǡ‹‡–‡‘”‘Ž‘‰›ƒ† Ž‹ƒ–‘Ž‘‰›ǡƒ•–Š‡†‡‰”‡‡–‘™Š‹ Šƒ Ž‹ƒ–‡Žƒ •‡ˆˆ‡ –‹˜‡ǡ
Ž‹ˆ‡Ǧ’”‘‘–‹‰‘‹•–—”‡Ǥ”‘—‰Š–‹•ƒ’‡”‹‘†‘ˆƒ„‘”ƒŽŽ›†”›™‡ƒ–Š‡”•—ˆˆ‹ ‹‡–Ž›Ž‘‰‡‘—‰Š–‘
ƒ—•‡ƒ•‡”‹‘—•Š›†”‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ‹„ƒŽƒ ‡ǤThe differences between the two include:
x Difference in measurementǣ”‹†‹–›‹•‡ƒ•—”‡†„› ‘’ƒ”‹‰Ž‘‰Ǧ–‡”ƒ˜‡”ƒ‰‡™ƒ–‡”•—’’Ž›
ȋ’”‡ ‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘Ȍ–‘Ž‘‰Ǧ–‡”ƒ˜‡”ƒ‰‡™ƒ–‡”†‡ƒ†ȋ‡˜ƒ’‘–”ƒ•’‹”ƒ–‹‘ȌǤ ˆ†‡ƒ†‹•‰”‡ƒ–‡”
–Šƒ •—’’Ž›ǡ ‘ ƒ˜‡”ƒ‰‡ǡ –Š‡ –Š‡ Ž‹ƒ–‡ ‹• ƒ”‹†Ǥ ”‘—‰Š– ”‡ˆ‡”• –‘ –Š‡ ‘‹•–—”‡ „ƒŽƒ ‡ –Šƒ–
Šƒ’’‡•‘ƒ‘–ŠǦ–‘Ǧ‘–Šȋ‘”‘”‡ˆ”‡“—‡–Ȍ„ƒ•‹•Ǥ ˆ–Š‡™ƒ–‡”•—’’Ž›‹•Ž‡••–Šƒ™ƒ–‡”
†‡ƒ†ˆ‘”ƒ‰‹˜‡‘–Šǡ–Š‡–Šƒ–‘–Š‹•ƒ„‘”ƒŽŽ›†”›ƒ†‹ˆ–Š‡”‡‹•ƒ•‡”‹‘—•Š›†”‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ
‹’ƒ –ǡ–Š‡ƒ†”‘—‰Š–‹•‘ —””‹‰–Šƒ–‘–ŠǤ
x Difference with respect to time scaleǣ”‘—‰Š–‹•ƒ”‡ —””‡–ƒ†–‡’‘”ƒ”›ƒ„‡””ƒ–‹‘ǡ—Ž‹‡
ƒ”‹†‹–›ǡ™Š‹ Š‹•ƒ’‡”ƒ‡–ˆ‡ƒ–—”‡‘ˆ Ž‹ƒ–‡Ǥ
Multi-dimensional impacts of droughts are the followingǣ
x Water supplyǣ—”‹‰†”‘—‰Š–•ǡ ‘—‹–‹‡•ƒ›Šƒ˜‡Ž‹‹–‡†ƒ ‡••–‘™ƒ–‡”ˆ‘”Š‘—•‡Š‘Ž†
—•‡ǡ ‹ Ž—†‹‰ †”‹‹‰ǡ ‘‘‹‰ǡ Ž‡ƒ‹‰ǡ ‡– Ǥ —”–Š‡”ǡ ‹– ƒˆˆ‡ –• –”ƒ•’‘”–ƒ–‹‘ǡ ƒ† ’‘™‡”
x Agricultureǣ”‘—‰Š–•ƒˆˆ‡ –Ž‹˜‡•–‘ ƒ† ”‘’•–Š‡”‡„›Šƒ˜‹‰ƒ†‡˜ƒ•–ƒ–‹‰‡ˆˆ‡ –‘ˆƒ”‹‰
ƒ†ˆ‘‘†’”‘†— –‹‘ǡ™Š‹ Š ‘–”‹„—–‡•–‘ˆ‘‘†’”‹ ‡‹•–ƒ„‹Ž‹–›Ǥ  ‘—–”‹‡•ƒŽ”‡ƒ†›ˆƒ ‹‰ˆ‘‘†
‹•‡ —”‹–›ǡ ‘•–•’‹‡• ƒŽ‡ƒ†–‘•‘ ‹ƒŽ—”‡•–ǡ‹‰”ƒ–‹‘ǡƒ†ˆƒ‹‡Ǥ
x Energyǣ”‘—‰Š–• ƒ”ƒ‹•‡ ‘ ‡”•ƒ„‘—––Š‡”‡Ž‹ƒ„‹Ž‹–›‘ˆ‡Ž‡ –”‹ ‹–›’”‘†— –‹‘ˆ”‘’Žƒ–•
–Šƒ–”‡“—‹”‡ ‘‘Ž‹‰™ƒ–‡”–‘ƒ‹–ƒ‹•ƒˆ‡‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘•Ǥ ›†”‘‡Ž‡ –”‹ ’‘™‡”ƒ›ƒŽ•‘„‡ ‘‡
—ƒ˜ƒ‹Žƒ„Ž‡ †—”‹‰ †”‘—‰Š–•Ǥ —”–Š‡”ǡ ™Š‡ Š‡ƒ– ™ƒ˜‡• ‘‹ ‹†‡ ™‹–Š †”‘—‰Š–•ǡ ‡Ž‡ –”‹ ‹–›
†‡ƒ†• ƒ‰”‘™ǡ ‘’‘—†‹‰•–”‡••‘–Š‡‰”‹†Ǥ
x Public healthǣ‡†— ‡†ˆŽ‘™•‹”‹˜‡”•ƒ†•–”‡ƒ•†—‡–‘†”‘—‰Š–• ƒŽ‡ƒ†–‘ ‘ ‡–”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ
’‘ŽŽ—–ƒ–•ǡ –Š‡”‡„› –Š”‡ƒ–‡‹‰ –Š‡ “—ƒŽ‹–› ‘ˆ ™ƒ–‡” —•‡† ˆ‘” †”‹‹‰ ƒ† ”‡ ”‡ƒ–‹‘Ǥ Ž•‘ǡ
†”‘—‰Š–Ǧˆ—‡ŽŽ‡† ™‹Ž†ˆ‹”‡• ƒ ‡š’‘•‡ ‡ƒ”„› ‘—‹–‹‡• –‘•‘‡ ƒ† ’‘ŽŽ—–ƒ–•ǡ ™Š‹ Š ƒ
‡šƒ ‡”„ƒ–‡ Š”‘‹ ”‡•’‹”ƒ–‘”›‹ŽŽ‡••‡•Ǥ
x Social impactsǣ —‡ –‘ ˆ”‡“—‡– †”‘—‰Š–•ǡ –Š‡”‡ ƒ „‡ ‘—–‹‰”ƒ–‹‘ ‘ˆ –Š‡ ’‘’—Žƒ–‹‘ ˆ”‘
†”‘—‰Š–Ǧƒˆˆ‡ –‡†ƒ”‡ƒ•Ž‡ƒ†‹‰–‘‰”‡ƒ–‡”‹†‡„–‡†‡••ǡƒŽ‹‡ƒ–‹‘ˆ”‘Žƒ†ƒ†Ž‹˜‡•–‘ ƒ••‡–•ǡ
ƒŽ—–”‹–‹‘ǡ•–ƒ”˜ƒ–‹‘‡– Ǥ

2 ©Vision IAS


Š‡”‡ ‡‡†• –‘ „‡ ”‡‰—Žƒ” ‘‹–‘”‹‰ ‘ˆ †”‘—‰Š–• ‹ •–ƒ–‡• „› •‡––‹‰ —’ ‘ˆ Drought Monitoring
Centres (DMCs), ™Š‹ Š™‹ŽŽ„‡•–ƒˆˆ‡†„›ƒ—Ž–‹Ǧ†‹• ‹’Ž‹ƒ”›–‡ƒ‘ˆ‡–‡‘”‘Ž‘‰‹•–•ǡŠ›†”‘Ž‘‰‹•–•
 ƒ†ƒ‰”‹ —Ž–—”‡• ‹‡–‹•–•ǤŽ•‘ǡ•–ƒ–‡‰‘˜‡”‡–•ƒ†„—•‹‡••‡•‡‡†–‘‹†‡–‹ˆ›–Š‡‹”˜—Ž‡”ƒ„‹Ž‹–›
–‘†”‘—‰Š–•ƒ†‹’”‘˜‡”‡•‹Ž‹‡ ‡„›’”ƒ –‹ ‹‰ƒ†’”‘‘–‹‰™ƒ–‡” ‘•‡”˜ƒ–‹‘ƒ†‡Šƒ ‹‰
™ƒ–‡”‡ˆˆ‹ ‹‡ ›Ǥ

3. What do you understand by archipelagos? Explain the different processes involved in their
formation, with examples. (Answer in 150 words) 10
x š’Žƒ‹™Šƒ–›‘——†‡”•–ƒ†„›ƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘•Ǥ
x ‹• —••–Š‡ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘•ƒ†•—„•–ƒ–‹ƒ–‡™‹–Š‡šƒ’Ž‡•Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ
ƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘‹•a group of islands closely scattered‹ƒ„‘†›‘ˆ™ƒ–‡”Ǥ•—ƒŽŽ›ǡ–Š‹•„‘†›‘ˆ™ƒ–‡”
‹•–Š‡‘ ‡ƒǡ„—–‹– ƒƒŽ•‘„‡ƒŽƒ‡‘””‹˜‡”Ǥ ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ the Malay archipelagoǡ–Š‡Žƒ”‰‡•–‰”‘—’
‘ˆ‹•Žƒ†•‹–Š‡™‘”Ž†ǡ ‘•‹•–•‘ˆ‘”‡–Šƒͳ͹ǡͲͲͲ‹•Žƒ†•‹ †‘‡•‹ƒƒ†ƒ’’”‘š‹ƒ–‡Ž›͹ǡͲͲͲ
Types of archipelagosǣ‡’‡†‹‰‘–Š‡‰‡‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ‘”‹‰‹ǡ–Š‡‹•Žƒ†•‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘• ƒ„‡
‘ ‡ƒ‹ ‘” ‘–‹‡–ƒŽ‹•Žƒ†•Ǥ
x Oceanic archipelagos: Š‡•‡ ƒ”‡ –Š‡ ‰”‘—’ ‘ˆ ‹•Žƒ†• –Šƒ– †‘ ‘– „‡Ž‘‰ –‘ ƒ ’ƒ”–‹ —Žƒ”
‘–‹‡–ƒŽ–‡ –‘‹ ’Žƒ–‡ǡ„—–ƒ”‡‘ˆ˜‘Ž ƒ‹ ‘”‹‰‹ǤŠ‡•‡ˆ‘”•ƒ–ƒ‰”‡ƒ–‡”•’‡‡†Ǥ ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ
–Š‡ ƒ™ƒ‹‹ƒƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘Ǥ
x Continental archipelago: Š‡•‡ ‹•Žƒ†• ƒ”‡ ˆ‘”‡† „› ‘–‹‡–ƒŽ ˆ”ƒ‰‡–• –Šƒ– Šƒ˜‡ „‡‡
•‡’ƒ”ƒ–‡†ˆ”‘–Š‡ ‘–‹‡–„›–Š‡‘˜‡‡–‘ˆ–‡ –‘‹ ’Žƒ–‡•ƒ†‘–Š‡”‰‡‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ’”‘ ‡••‡•Ǥ
For exampleǡ–Š‡”‹–‹•Š •Ž‡•ƒ†ƒŽ‡ƒ”‹  •Žƒ†•Ǥ
Processes involved in the formation of archipelagos include:
x Volcanic activityǣ‘Ž ƒ‹ ƒ –‹˜‹–›–Šƒ– ƒˆ‘”ƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘•‹ Ž—†‡•ƒhotspotǡ™Š‡”‡ƒƒ”‡ƒ
™‹–Š‹–Š‡‘ ‡ƒ‹  ”—•–‹•Š‡ƒ–‡†ƒ†Šƒ•ƒ ‘•–ƒ–supply of magma spewing outˆ”‘™‹–Š‹
ƒ†cooling off to form landǤŠ‡”‡Žƒ–‹˜‡Ž›stationary hotspotƒ –‹‰‘–Š‡•Š‹ˆ–‹‰ ”—•–‹•
™Šƒ– ”‡ƒ–‡• ƒ chain of islands ‘” ƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘•Ǥ ‘” ‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ –Š‡ Hawaiian archipelago ‹•
ˆ‘”‡†„›ƒ•‡”‹‡•‘ˆ˜‘Ž ƒ‘‡•Ǥ
x Erosion and sediment deposit formation: ‘˜‡‡–‘ˆ‡”‘•‹‘ƒŽƒ‰‡–•Ž‹‡™ƒ–‡” ƒ„”‡ƒ
†‘™”‘ ‹–‘•‡†‹‡–•ǤŠ‡•‡•ƒŽŽ•‡†‹‡–• ƒ ƒ””›ƒ™ƒ›–‘ƒ‡™Ž‘ ƒ–‹‘ƒ†•‡––Ž‡–‘
ˆ‘”‹•Žƒ†ǦŽ‹‡•–”— –—”‡•Ǥ ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ–Š‡coral clay archipelago of Florida Keysˆ‘”‡†‘—–
‘ˆ•‡†‹‡–•–”ƒ•’‘”–‡†„›‘ ‡ƒ —””‡–•ƒ†‰”ƒ†—ƒŽŽ›„—‹Ž–—’‘–Š‡”‡‡ˆ•–”— –—”‡Ǥ
x Tectonic movements: ‘–‹‡–ƒŽ ˆ”ƒ‰‡–• ƒ”‡ ƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘• –Šƒ– Šƒ˜‡ •‡’ƒ”ƒ–‡† ˆ”‘ ƒ
‘–‹‡–ƒŽŽƒ†ƒ••†—‡–‘–Š‡ƒ”–Šǯ•–‡ –‘‹ ‘˜‡‡–•Ǥ ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡,Farallon Islands‘ˆˆ
–Š‡ ‘ƒ•–‘ˆƒŽ‹ˆ‘”‹ƒǤ
o ’ƒ”–ˆ”‘–Š‹•ǡƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘•ƒŽ•‘formed at a convergent plate boundary™Š‡”‡‘ ‡ƒ‹ 
’Žƒ–‡ ‰‡–• •—„†— –‡†‹–‘ –Š‡ƒ–Ž‡ƒ† ‡Ž– –‘”ƒ‹•‡ ‘˜‡ –‹‘ —””‡–•Ǥ — Š ‰”‘—’ ‘ˆ
‹•Žƒ†• ƒŽŽ‡†ƒ• •Žƒ†ƒ” ‘Ž ƒ‘‡•Ǥ ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡFiji, Alaska’s Aleutian Islands.
x Glacial retreat: Š‹•’Š‡‘‡‘Ž‡ƒ†•–‘–Š‡ˆŽ‘‘†‹‰‘ˆ˜ƒŽŽ‡›•ƒ†rise in sea level leaving
coastal mountain ranges •–ƒ†‹‰ –ƒŽŽǤ Š‡ ‘ƒ•–ƒŽ ‘—–ƒ‹ ”ƒ‰‡• ‡˜‡–—ƒŽŽ› „‡ ‘‡
ƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘•Ǥ ‘” ‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ –Š‡ Malay archipelagoǡ –Š‡ Žƒ”‰‡•– ‘ –Š‡ ƒ”–Šǡ ™ƒ• ˆ‘”‡† „› ƒ
‰Žƒ ‹ƒŽ”‡–”‡ƒ–Ǥ
x Post-glacial reboundǣ –Š‹•’”‘ ‡••ǡŽƒ†–Šƒ–™ƒ••“—ƒ•Š‡†„›–Š‡™‡‹‰Š–‘ˆŠ‡ƒ˜›‰Žƒ ‹‡”•
†—”‹‰–Š‡ ‡‰‡•Ž‘™Ž›”‡‰ƒ‹•‹–••Šƒ’‡ǡŽ‹‡ƒ•’‘‰‡ƒ†‹•Žƒ†•ƒ”‡ˆ‘”‡†‘—–‘ˆ–Š‹•Žƒ†Ǥ
‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ–Š‡Finnish archipelagoȋ–Š‡ƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘‹ ‹Žƒ†ȌǤ
’ƒ”–ˆ”‘–Š‡•‡ƒŒ‘”’”‘ ‡••‡•ǡƒ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘•ƒŽ•‘ˆ‘”†—‡–‘ Šƒ‰‡•‹–Š‡ ‘—”•‡‘ˆ”‹˜‡”•ǡ–Š‡
†”›‹‰ —’ ‘ˆ Žƒ‡•ǡ ‡– Ǥ ” Š‹’‡Žƒ‰‘•ǡ ƒ• ƒ ‰‡‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ •–”— –—”‡ ƒ”‡ ‘– ‘Ž› ‹’‘”–ƒ– ‹ –‡”• ‘ˆ
Š—ƒ•‡––Ž‡‡–„—–ƒ”‡ƒŽ•‘’‡”–‹‡–ˆ‘”‡ ‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ’”‡•‡”˜ƒ–‹‘Ǥ
3 ©Vision IAS


4. What do you understand by Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)? Highlight the
reasons behind the recent decline in AMOC and its impact. (Answer in 150 words) 10
x –”‘†— ‡–Š‡ƒ•™‡”„›‡š’Žƒ‹‹‰–Š‡ ‘ ‡’–‘ˆ–Žƒ–‹ ‡”‹†‹‘ƒŽ˜‡”–—”‹‰‹” —Žƒ–‹‘
x ‹‰ŠŽ‹‰Š–”‡ƒ•‘•ˆ‘”‹–•”‡ ‡–†‡ Ž‹‡Ǥ
x ‹• —••–Š‡‹’ƒ –‘ˆ™‡ƒ‡‹‰Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) ‹•ƒŽƒ”‰‡•›•–‡‘ˆ‘ ‡ƒ —””‡–•ǡŽ‹‡
ƒ ‘˜‡›‘”„‡Ž–ǡ†”‹˜‡„›†‹ˆˆ‡”‡ ‡•‹–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡ƒ†•ƒŽ‹‹–›Ǥ –‹•ƒ–Š‡”‘ Ž‹‡ ‹” —Žƒ–‹‘–Šƒ–
ƒ””‹‡•™ƒ”•—”ˆƒ ‡™ƒ–‡”•ˆ”‘–Š‡
–”‘’‹ • –‘™ƒ”†• –Š‡ ‘”–Š‡”
‡‹•’Š‡”‡ǡ™Š‡”‡‹– ‘‘Ž•ƒ†•‹•Ǥ
––Š‡”‡–—”•–‘–Š‡–”‘’‹ •ƒ†–Š‡
–‘ –Š‡ ‘—–Š –Žƒ–‹  ƒ• ƒ „‘––‘
—””‡–Ǥ ”‘–Š‡”‡‹–‹•†‹•–”‹„—–‡†–‘
ƒŽŽ ‘ ‡ƒ „ƒ•‹• ˜‹ƒ –Š‡ –ƒ” –‹ 
‹” —’‘Žƒ” —””‡–Ǥ Š‹• ‰Ž‘„ƒŽ
’”‘ ‡•• ƒ‡• •—”‡ –Šƒ– –Š‡ ™‘”Ž†ǯ•
‘ ‡ƒ• ƒ”‡ ‘–‹—ƒŽŽ› ‹š‡†ǡ ƒ†
–Šƒ– Š‡ƒ– ƒ† ‡‡”‰› ƒ”‡ †‹•–”‹„—–‡†
‘™‡˜‡”ǡ–Š‡Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its recent report Š‹‰ŠŽ‹‰Š–‡†
–Šƒ–‹•Ž‘•‹‰‹–••–ƒ„‹Ž‹–›ƒ†‹•˜‡”›likely to decline over the 21st century due to following
x Melting of Arctic ice sheets: Ž‘„ƒŽ™ƒ”‹‰Šƒ•Ž‡†–‘ƒ‹ ”‡ƒ•‡‹ˆ”‡•Š™ƒ–‡”†—‡–‘‡Ž–‹‰
‘ˆ ”‡‡Žƒ†ƒ†” –‹ ‹ ‡•Š‡‡–•Ǥ – ƒƒ‡ ‹” —Žƒ–‹‘™‡ƒ‡”ƒ•‹–”‡†— ‡•–Š‡•ƒŽ‹‹–›ƒ†
x Weakening of Gulf Stream: –Š”‘’‘‰‡‹  ˆƒ –‘”• •— Š ƒ• ‰Ž‘„ƒŽ ™ƒ”‹‰ Šƒ˜‡ Ž‡† –‘
™‡ƒ‡‹‰‘ˆ —Žˆ–”‡ƒǡ™Š‹ ŠŠƒ•ˆ—”–Š‡”Ž‡†–‘‹•–ƒ„‹Ž‹–›ƒ††‡ Ž‹‡‘ˆǤ
x Increasing precipitation and river run-offǣ – ƒ Šƒ‰‡–Š‡•ƒŽ‹‹–›ƒ††‡•‹–›‘ˆ–Š‡‘ ‡ƒ
™ƒ–‡”ǡŽ‡ƒ†‹‰–‘—•–ƒ„Ž‡‘”‘–•‘•–”‘‰ ‹” —Žƒ–‹‘Ǥ
Impact of decline of AMOC
x Change in regional climateǣ‡ƒ‡‹‰‘ˆƒ† —Žˆ–”‡ƒ™‹ŽŽ–”‹‰‰‡”ƒ ‘‘Ž‹‰‡ˆˆ‡ –‘
Ž‹ƒ–‡ƒ† †‡ ”‡ƒ•‡‹ ”ƒ‹ˆƒŽŽ‘˜‡” ƒ”‘—† –Š‡ ‘”–Š –Žƒ–‹  ”‡‰‹‘ǡ ƒ• –Š‡ ‘”–Š™ƒ”† Š‡ƒ–
•—’’Ž›‹••Ž‘™‡††‘™Ǥ –ƒ›ƒŽ•‘Ž‡ƒ†–‘ƒ‹ ”‡ƒ•‡‹™‹–‡”•–‘”•‘˜‡”—”‘’‡ƒ†•–”‘‰‡”
Š—””‹ ƒ‡•‹–Š‡Ǥ
x Sea level riseǣŠ‡‘”–Š™ƒ”†•—”ˆƒ ‡ˆŽ‘™‘ˆ–Š‡Ž‡ƒ†•–‘†‡ˆŽ‡ –‹‘‘ˆ™ƒ–‡”ƒ••‡•–‘
–Š‡”‹‰Š–ǡƒ™ƒ›ˆ”‘–Š‡‡ƒ•– ‘ƒ•–Ǥ•–Š‡ —””‡–•Ž‘™•†‘™ǡ–Š‹•‡ˆˆ‡ –™‡ƒ‡•ƒ†‘”‡
™ƒ–‡” ƒ’‹Ž‡—’ƒ––Š‡‡ƒ•– ‘ƒ•–ǡŽ‡ƒ†‹‰–‘ƒ‡Šƒ ‡†•‡ƒŽ‡˜‡Ž”‹•‡Ǥ
x Severe consequences for Atlantic marine ecosystems: Š‡ ‘”–Š –Žƒ–‹  ‡ ‘•›•–‡ ‹•
ƒ†ƒ’–‡† –‘ –Š‡ ‡š‹•–‡ ‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‘˜‡”–—”‹‰ ‹” —Žƒ–‹‘ǡ ™Š‹ Š •‡–• –Š‡ ‘†‹–‹‘• Ž‹‡ Ǧ –Š‡
•‡ƒ•‘ƒŽ › Ž‡ǡ–Š‡–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡ǡ–Š‡—–”‹‡– ‘†‹–‹‘•Ǥ› Šƒ‰‡•‹–Š‡•‡ ‘†‹–‹‘•™‘—Ž†
x Other impacts: Š‡ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡  ƒ› ‹†— ‡ Šƒ‰‡• ‹  ȋŽ ‹‘Ȃ‘—–Š‡”
• ‹ŽŽƒ–‹‘Ȍ Šƒ”ƒ –‡”‹•–‹ •ǡ†‹‡„ƒ ‘ˆ–Š‡ƒœ‘”ƒ‹ˆ‘”‡•–ƒ†•Š”‹‹‰‘ˆ–Š‡‡•––ƒ” –‹ 
‡Š‡‡–†—‡–‘•‡‡•ƒ™‡ˆˆ‡ –ǡ‡– Ǥ
Š‡”‡‹•ƒ‡‡†–‘”‡ ‘ ‹Ž‡ Ž‹ƒ–‡‘†‡Ž•™‹–Š–Š‡’”‡•‡–‡†‘„•‡”˜ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ‡˜‹†‡ ‡–‘ƒ••‡••Š‘™
ˆƒ”‘”Š‘™ Ž‘•‡–Š‡”‡ƒŽŽ›‹•–‘‹–• ”‹–‹ ƒŽ–Š”‡•Š‘Ž†Ǥ —”–Š‡”ǡ–Š‡”‡‹•ƒ—”‰‡–‡‡†–‘‡•—”‡
–Š‡‡ˆˆ‡ –‹˜‡‹’Ž‡‡–ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ‡˜‹”‘‡–ƒŽ ‘‹–‡–•—†‡”–Š‡ƒ”‹• Ž‹ƒ–‡†‡ƒŽ„›‡˜‡”›
‘—–”›–‘ƒ††”‡•• Ž‹ƒ–‡ Šƒ‰‡ƒ†•Ž‘™†‘™–Š‡™‡ƒ‡‹‰‘ˆǤ
4 ©Vision IAS


5. The present drainage system of the Himalayas is, to a great extent, the result of progressive river
piracy. Discuss. (Answer in 150 words) 10

x ‹˜‡ƒ„”‹‡ˆ‹–”‘†— –‹‘–‘•–”‡ƒ’‹”ƒ ›Ǥ

x ‡• ”‹„‡Š‘™–Š‡’”‡•‡–†”ƒ‹ƒ‰‡•›•–‡‘ˆ–Š‡ ‹ƒŽƒ›ƒ•‹•–Š‡”‡•—Ž–‘ˆ’”‘‰”‡••‹˜‡•–”‡ƒ
’‹”ƒ ›Ǥ
x ‹˜‡ƒ„”‹‡ˆ ‘ Ž—•‹‘Ǥ
Š‡diversion of the part of the course of a river „›ƒ‘–Š‡””‹˜‡”‹• ƒŽŽ‡†•–”‡ƒ†‹˜‡”•‹‘‘”
•–”‡ƒȀ”‹˜‡” ƒ’–—”‡‘”•–”‡ƒ’‹”ƒ ›Ǥ‹˜‡” ƒ’–—”‡‹•ƒƒ–—”ƒŽ’”‘ ‡••ǡ™Š‹ Š‹•more active in
the youthful stage ‘ˆ–Š‡˜ƒŽŽ‡›†‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–„‡ ƒ—•‡–Š‡•–”‡ƒ•ƒ”‡ƒ –‹˜‡Ž›‡‰ƒ‰‡†‹Š‡ƒ†™ƒ”†
‡”‘•‹‘ƒ†˜ƒŽŽ‡›Ž‡‰–Š‡‹‰„—–‹– ƒƒŽ•‘‘ —”†—”‹‰ƒ–—”‡ƒ†•‡‹Ž‡•–ƒ‰‡•‘ˆ–Š‡˜ƒŽŽ‡›
†‡˜‡Ž‘’‡––Š”‘—‰Š–Š‡’”‘ ‡••‘ˆŽƒ–‡”ƒŽ‡”‘•‹‘ƒ†‡ƒ†‡”‹–‡”•‡ –‹‘Ǥ
Š‡drainage system”‡ˆ‡”•–‘–Š‡‘”‹‰‹ƒ††‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–‘ˆ•–”‡ƒ•ƒ†–Š‡‹” Šƒ‡Ž•–Š”‘—‰Š
–‹‡Ǥ – ‹• „‡Ž‹‡˜‡† –Šƒ– –Š‡ present drainage system of the Himalayas is the outcome of
progressive river piracy †—”‹‰˜ƒ”‹‘—••–ƒ‰‡•‘ˆ†”ƒ‹ƒ‰‡†‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–ǤŠ‡headward erosion
Šƒ• „‡‡ –Š‡ ‘•– ƒ –‹˜‡ ’”‘ ‡•• ‘ˆ ”‹˜‡” ƒ’–—”‡ ‹ –Š‡ ‹ƒŽƒ›ƒ•Ǥ ‹˜‡” ƒ’–—”‹‰ Šƒ• „‡‡ ƒ
ˆ”‡“—‡–’Š‡‘‡‘‹–Š‡‡˜‘Ž—–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡’”‡•‡–†”ƒ‹ƒ‰‡•›•–‡‘ˆ ‹ƒŽƒ›ƒ•™Š‹ Š ƒ„‡
x Yarlung Tsangpo was sequentially captured „› –Š‡ ’ƒŽ‡‘Ǧ‡†ǡ ””ƒ™ƒ††› ƒ† ‘Š‹– ‹˜‡”•ǡ
„‡ˆ‘”‡‹–•ˆ‹ƒŽ ƒ’–—”‡„›–Š‡BrahmaputraǤ
x The Arun Kosiǡ ƒ Š‡ƒ† –”‹„—–ƒ”› ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‘•‹ ”‹˜‡”ǡ Šƒ• captured the Phung Cho, ƒ •‘—–Š‡”
x ™‘Š‡ƒ†Ǧ–”‹„—–ƒ”‹‡•‘ˆ–Š‡ ƒ‰ƒ‡Ǥ‰Ǥ–Š‡Bhagirathi and the Vishnuganga have captured the
source tributaries of the Sutlej riverǤ
x Š‡deviation in the course of the Saraswati river ‹•„‡Ž‹‡˜‡†–‘„‡ ƒ—•‡†„›”‹˜‡”’‹”ƒ ›ǤŠ‡
Š‡ƒ†™ƒ”†‡”‘•‹‘„›–Š‡ƒ—ƒ —––Š‡ Šƒ‡Ž†‡‡’‡”ƒ††‡‡’‡”‡˜‡–—ƒŽŽ›Ž‡ƒ†‹‰–‘–Š‡
x Š‡™ƒ–‡”†‹˜‹†‡„‡–™‡‡–Š‡–”‹„—–ƒ”‹‡•‘ˆ–Š‡‘‰”‹˜‡”ȋƒ–”‹„—–ƒ”›‘ˆ–Š‡ ƒ‰ƒ”‹˜‡”Ȍƒ†
–Š‡•ƒ”‹˜‡”ȋƒ–”‹„—–ƒ”›‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ—ƒ”‹˜‡”Ȍ‹•‘Ž›ƒˆ‡™‡–”‡•™‹†‡‡ƒ”‡Š”ƒ†—Ǥ –‹•
‡š’‡ –‡† –Šƒ– –Š‡ Song river may capture the Asan river ƒ† –Š—• –Š‡ —’’‡” ‘—”•‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡
ƒ—ƒƒ›„‡†‹˜‡”–‡†–‘–Š‡ ƒ‰ƒ˜‹ƒ–Š‡•ƒƒ†–Š‡‘‰”‹˜‡”•Ǥ
 –Š‡ ‹‹–‹ƒŽ •–ƒ‰‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡‹” †‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–ǡ‘•– ‘ˆ –Š‡ •–”‡ƒ•ƒ† –Š‡‹” –”‹„—–ƒ”‹‡• ƒ”‡ ‡‰ƒ‰‡†‹
ƒ –‹˜‡Š‡ƒ†™ƒ”†‡”‘•‹‘”‡•—Ž–‹‰‹ ‘–‹—‘—• ”‡‡’‹‰‘”•Š‹ˆ–‹‰‘ˆ™ƒ–‡”†‹˜‹†‡•ƒ†Ž‡‰–Š‡‹‰
‘ˆ –Š‡‹” ˜ƒŽŽ‡› –ŠƒŽ™‡‰•Ǥ Š‡ •–”‘‰‡” ƒ† ‘”‡ ’‘™‡”ˆ—Ž •–”‡ƒ• ȋ‹ –‡”• ‘ˆ Šƒ‡Ž ‰”ƒ†‹‡–ǡ
•–”‡ƒ˜‡Ž‘ ‹–›ƒ††‹• Šƒ”‰‡ƒ†‹‡–‹ ‡‡”‰›Ȍ ƒ’–—”‡–Š‡—’’‡” ‘—”•‡•‘ˆ™‡ƒƒ†•Ž—‰‰‹•Š

6. Like earthquakes, the spatial distribution of volcanoes across the globe is well defined in belts or
zones. Discuss. (Answer in 150 words) 10
x ”‹‡ˆŽ›™”‹–‡ƒ„‘—––Š‡•’ƒ–‹ƒŽ†‹•–”‹„—–‹‘‘ˆ‡ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡•ƒ†˜‘Ž ƒ‘‡•ƒ ”‘••–Š‡‰Ž‘„‡‹™‡ŽŽǦ
x ”‹–‡”‡ƒ•‘•„‡Š‹†–Š‹••’ƒ–‹ƒŽ†‹•–”‹„—–‹‘‘ˆ˜‘Ž ƒ‘‡•Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ
ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡•ƒ†˜‘Ž ƒ‘‡•ƒ”‡ƒ–—”ƒŽ’Š‡‘‡ƒƒ†ƒ”‡ Ž‘•‡Ž›Ž‹‡†™‹–Š•‡‹•‹ ‡˜‡–•Ǥ
‡ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡‹• ƒ—•‡††—‡–‘”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡‘ˆ‡‡”‰›ƒŽ‘‰ƒˆƒ—Ž–‹‡ƒ”–Šǯ• ”—•–ǡ™Š‹ Š‰‡‡”ƒ–‡•™ƒ˜‡•
–Šƒ––”ƒ˜‡Ž‹ƒŽŽ†‹”‡ –‹‘•Ǥ˜‘Ž ƒ‘‹•ƒ’Žƒ ‡™Š‡”‡‰ƒ•‡•ǡƒ•Š‡•ƒ†Ȁ‘”‘Ž–‡”‘ ƒ–‡”‹ƒŽȂ
Žƒ˜ƒȂ‡• ƒ’‡–‘–Š‡‰”‘—†Ǥ
5 ©Vision IAS


Spatial distribution of earthquake and volcanoes show a close relation between the two as
indicated in the figure belowǣ
 ‘•–‘ˆ –Š‡ Žƒ”‰‡•– ‡ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡•
–Šƒ– ‡˜‡” Šƒ’’‡‡† ‘ ‡ƒ”–Šǡ
™‡”‡ ƒŽ‘‰ –Š‡ Circum-Pacific
beltǡ ™Š‹ Š ‹• ƒŽ•‘ ƒŽŽ‡† –Š‡
Ǯ‹‰ ‘ˆ ‹”‡Ǥǯ ˆ–‡” –Š‹•ǡ
‡ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡• Šƒ˜‡ „‡‡ ‘”‡
ˆ”‡“—‡– ‹ Alpide or Alpine-
Himalayan earthquake belt,
™Š‹ Š”—•ˆ”‘ ƒ˜ƒ–‘—ƒ–”ƒ
–Š”‘—‰Š –Š‡ ‹ƒŽƒ›ƒ•ǡ –Š‡
‡†‹–‡””ƒ‡ƒ ƒ† ‘—– ‹–‘ –Š‡
–Žƒ–‹ Ǥ Š‡ –Š‹”† ’”‘‹‡–
Atlantic Ridge.  The map of
volcanoes also shows a similar
pattern.  Š‡› ƒ”‡ †‹•–”‹„—–‡†
ƒŽ‘‰three major belts or zones in the world, namelyǦ
(i) Circum-Pacific belt:  Ž•‘
‘™ ƒ• –Š‡ Ǯvolcanic
zones of the convergent
oceanic plate marginsǯǡ ‹–
‹ Ž—†‡•–Š‡˜‘Ž ƒ‘‡•‘ˆ–Š‡
‡ƒ•–‡” ƒ† ™‡•–‡” ‘ƒ•–ƒŽ
ƒ”‡ƒ•‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ ‹ˆ‹  ‡ƒǡ‘ˆ
‹•Žƒ† ƒ” • ƒ† ˆ‡•–‘‘• ‘ˆˆ
–Š‡ ‡ƒ•– ‘ƒ•– ‘ˆ •‹ƒ ƒ† ‘ˆ
–Š‡˜‘Ž ƒ‹ ‹•Žƒ†•• ƒ––‡”‡†
‘˜‡”–Š‡ƒ ‹ˆ‹  ‡ƒǤ
(ii) Mid-continental beltǣ Ž•‘
‘™ ƒ• Ǯthe volcanic
zones of convergent
continental plate marginsǯǡ
‹–‹ Ž—†‡•–Š‡˜‘Ž ƒ‘‡•‘ˆŽ’‹‡‘—–ƒ‹ Šƒ‹•ƒ†–Š‡‡†‹–‡””ƒ‡ƒ‡ƒƒ†–Š‡˜‘Ž ƒ‘‡•
‘ˆ–Š‡ˆƒ—Ž–œ‘‡‘ˆ‡ƒ•–‡”ˆ”‹ ƒǤ
(iii) Mid-oceanic ridge beltǣŠ‹•„‡Ž–‹ Ž—†‡•–Š‡˜‘Ž ƒ‘‡• ƒ‹Ž›ƒŽ‘‰–Š‡‹†Ǧ–Žƒ–‹ ”‹†‰‡
™Š‹ Š”‡’”‡•‡–•–Š‡•’Ž‹––‹‰Ȁ†‹˜‡”‰‡–œ‘‡‘ˆ’Žƒ–‡•Ǥ
’ƒ–‹ƒŽ†‹•–”‹„—–‹‘‘ˆ˜‘Ž ƒ‘‡•ƒ†‡ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡••Š‘™•‹‹Žƒ”‹–‹‡•ƒ•„‘–Š‡˜‡–•ƒ”‡ Ž‘•‡Ž›Ž‹‡†
™‹–Š –Š‡ Theory of Plate Tectonics, ™Š‹ Š ‡š’Žƒ‹• –Š‡ ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘ ‘ˆ ‘˜‡”‰‡– ƒ† †‹˜‡”‰‡–

7. Discuss the conditions required for the occurrence of frontogenesis and give an account of the
global distribution pattern of fronts. (Answer in 150 words) 10
x ‡ˆ‹‡ˆ”‘–‘‰‡‡•‹•Ǥ
x š’Žƒ‹–Š‡ ‘†‹–‹‘•”‡“—‹”‡†ˆ‘”ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆˆ”‘–•Ǥ
x ‹˜‡ƒƒ ‘—–‘ˆ‹–•†‹•–”‹„—–‹‘’ƒ––‡”‰Ž‘„ƒŽŽ›Ǥ
x ‹˜‡ƒ„”‹‡ˆ ‘ Ž—•‹‘Ǥ

6 ©Vision IAS


Š‡ –™‘ †‹ˆˆ‡”‡– ƒ‹” ƒ••‡• ‡‡–ǡ –Š‡ „‘—†ƒ”› œ‘‡ „‡–™‡‡ –Š‡ ‹• ƒŽŽ‡† ƒ ˆ”‘– ƒ† –Š‡
 ’”‘ ‡••‘ˆˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡ˆ”‘–•‹•‘™ƒ•frontogenesis. Š‡”‡ƒ”‡ˆ‘—”–›’‡•‘ˆˆ”‘–•ǡ‹Ǥ‡Ǥǡ cold,
warm, stationary, and occluded front. ”‘–•ƒ”‡ Šƒ”ƒ –‡”‹œ‡†„›•–‡‡’‰”ƒ†‹‡–•‹–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡
ƒ†’”‡••—”‡ǤŠ‡›„”‹‰ƒ„”—’– Šƒ‰‡•‹–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡ƒ† ƒ—•‡–Š‡ƒ‹”–‘”‹•‡–‘ˆ‘” Ž‘—†•ƒ†
ƒ—•‡’”‡ ‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘Ǥ
Conditions required for Frontogenesis:
x Temperature differenceǣ Š‡ –™‘ ‘’’‘•‹‰ ƒ‹” ƒ••‡•
–Šƒ– ‘˜‡”‰‡ –‘ ˆ‘” ƒ ˆ”‘– —•– Šƒ˜‡ ƒ ‘–”ƒ•–‹‰
–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡Ǥ ˆ ‘‡ ƒ‹” ƒ•• ‹• ™ƒ”ǡ ‘‹•– ƒ† Ž‹‰Š–ǡ ƒ
ˆ”‘– ƒ‘Ž›„‡ ”‡ƒ–‡†™Š‡–Š‡‘–Š‡”ƒ‹”ƒ••‹• ‘Ž†ǡ
጖ Frontogenesis does not take place in the equatorial
region ƒ•–Š‡–™‘ƒ‹”ƒ••‡• ‘˜‡”‰‡ƒ––Š‡‡“—ƒ–‘”
ȋ–”ƒ†‡ ™‹†•Ȍ „—– –Š‡ –‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡ ‘ˆ „‘–Š –Š‡•‡ ƒ‹”
x Convergence of air massesǣŠ‡–™‘ƒ‹”ƒ••‡•Šƒ˜‹‰
†‹ˆˆ‡”‡– –‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡• ‘˜‡”‰‡ǡ –Š‡› –”› –‘ ‹˜ƒ†‡ –Š‡
•’ƒ ‡‘ˆ‡ƒ Š‘–Š‡”ƒ†–Š‹•Ž‡ƒ†•–‘–Š‡ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡
”‘–•ƒ†ƒ••‘ ‹ƒ–‡††‡’”‡••‹‘•–‡†–‘†‡˜‡Ž‘’‹ƒ™‡ŽŽǦ†‡ˆ‹‡†‘”†‡”ǤThe major regions of
frontal development are as followsǣ
x East Asia and Eastern North Americaǣ ”‘–•ƒ”‡ˆ‘”‡†‡•’‡ ‹ƒŽŽ›‹™‹–‡”ǡ™Š‡”‡–Š‡”‡‹•ƒ
•Šƒ”’–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡‰”ƒ†‹‡–„‡–™‡‡–Š‡•‘™Ǧ ‘˜‡”‡†Žƒ†ƒ†™ƒ”‘ˆˆ•Š‘”‡ —””‡–•Ǥ
጖ Pacific Arctic frontsƒ”‡ˆ‘”‡†ƒŽ‘‰–Š‡‘ ‹‡•Ǧ ”‡ƒ–ƒ‡•”‡‰‹‘Ǥ
጖ Atlantic Polar frontsƒ”‡ˆ‘”‡†™Š‡ƒ”‹–‹‡–”‘’‹ ƒŽƒ‹”ƒ••‡•‡‡– ‘–‹‡–ƒŽ’‘Žƒ”
ƒ‹”ƒ••‡•Ǥ —ŽŽ†‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–‘ˆ–Š‹•ˆ”‘––ƒ‡•’Žƒ ‡†—”‹‰™‹–‡”Ǥ
጖ Ž•‘ǡ–Š‡ˆ”‘–ƒŽˆ”‡“—‡ ›‹•˜‡”›Š‹‰Š‹–Š‡‘”–Š–Žƒ–‹ ™Š‡”‡ƒ•‹–†‡ ”‡ƒ•‡•‡ƒ•–™ƒ”†
‹–Š‡‘”–Šƒ ‹ˆ‹ „‡ ƒ—•‡‘ˆŽ‡••‰”ƒ†‹‡–‘ˆ•‡ƒ•—”ˆƒ ‡–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡Ǥ ”‘–ƒŽƒ –‹˜‹–›‹•ƒŽ•‘
˜‡”› ‘‘‹–Š‡‡–”ƒŽ‘”–Šƒ ‹ˆ‹ Ǥ
x Mediterraneanǣ ‡”‡–Š‡’‘Žƒ”ˆ”‘–‹• ‘‘Ž›”‡ˆ‡””‡†–‘ƒ•–Š‡‡†‹–‡””ƒ‡ƒˆ”‘––Šƒ–‹•
Ž‘ ƒ–‡†‘˜‡”–Š‡‡†‹–‡””ƒ‡ƒǦƒ•’‹ƒ‡ƒƒ”‡ƒ•Ǥ
጖ –‹•ˆ‘”‡†™Š‡–Š‡ ‘Ž†’‘Žƒ”ƒ‹”ƒ••‡•‘ˆ—”‘’‡‡‡––Š‡™‹–‡”ƒ‹”ƒ••‡•‘ˆ‘”–Š
ˆ”‹ ƒ‘”‹‰‹‘˜‡”–Š‡‡†‹–‡””ƒ‡ƒ„ƒ•‹ƒ†‹‹–‹ƒ–‡•ˆ”‘–‘‰‡‡•‹•Ǥ
጖ –Š‡•—‡”ǡ„‡ ƒ—•‡‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ–‹ › Ž‘‹  ‘†‹–‹‘•ǡ–Š‡ˆ”‘–ƒŽœ‘‡‹•ƒ„•‡–ǤŠ‡–Žƒ–‹ 
” –‹  ”‘–‹•ˆ‘”‡†™Š‡–Š‡ƒ”‹–‹‡’‘Žƒ”ƒ‹”ƒ••‡•‡‡––Š‡ƒ‹”ƒ••‡•†‡˜‡Ž‘’‡†
ƒŽ‘‰–Š‡„‘—†ƒ”›‘ˆ” –‹ •‘—” ‡Ǧ”‡‰‹‘Ǥ
Š‡ƒ••‘ ‹ƒ–‡†™‡ƒ–Š‡”’Š‡‘‡ƒƒ”‡†‹ˆˆ‡”‡–‹‡ƒ Š–›’‡‘ˆˆ”‘–ǤŠ‡ ‘Ž†ˆ”‘–„”‹‰•Ž‘–•‘ˆ
’”‡ ‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘ƒ† ‘Ž†™‡ƒ–Š‡”™Š‡”‡ƒ•–Š‡™ƒ”ˆ”‘–„”‹‰•†”‹œœŽ›”ƒ‹ƒ†™ƒ”‡”™‡ƒ–Š‡”Ǥ

8. It has been observed that the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is going through the biggest outright
drop in its "surface mass" since record-keeping began in 1948. Examine the reasons behind this
shrinkage and its possible consequences. (Answer in 150 words) 10
x ”‹‡ˆŽ›†‹• —••–Š‡ ”‡‡Žƒ† ‡Š‡‡–‹–Š‡‹–”‘†— –‹‘Ǥ
x š’Žƒ‹–Š‡”‡ƒ•‘•„‡Š‹†–Š‡‡Ž–‹‰‘ˆ–Š‹•‹ ‡•Š‡‡–Ǥ
x ‹• —••–Š‡’‘••‹„Ž‡ ‘•‡“—‡ ‡•Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ

7 ©Vision IAS


–ƒ” –‹ ƒ ƒ† ”‡‡Žƒ† ƒ”‡ Š‘‡ –‘ ƒ”–Šǯ• ‘Ž› –™‘ ‹ ‡ •Š‡‡–•Ǥ – Šƒ• „‡‡ ‘„•‡”˜‡† –Šƒ– –Š‡
 Greenland Ice sheet (GrISȌ‹•‡Ž–‹‰ƒ–ƒ— Šˆƒ•–‡”’ƒ ‡–Šƒ„‡ˆ‘”‡Ǥ•’‡””‡•‡ƒ” Š‡”•ǡ–Š‡ ” 
Šƒ• „‡‡ Ž‘•‹‰ ƒ•• ˆ‘” •‡˜‡”ƒŽ †‡ ƒ†‡• †—‡ –‘ „‘–Š increased surface meltwater runoff ƒ†
ablation of marine-terminating outlet glaciers ˜‹ƒ ƒŽ˜‹‰ ƒ† •—„ƒ”‹‡ ‡Ž–‹‰ǡ –‡”‡† ‹ ‡
†‹• Šƒ”‰‡Ǥ
Reasons for this shrinkage include:
x —”‹‰ –Š‡ •—‡” ‘–Š•ǡ increasing air temperatures Š‡ƒ– –Š‡ ‰Žƒ ‹‡”ǯ• •—”ˆƒ ‡ǡ ”‡ƒ–‹‰
pools of meltwaterǤŠ‡•‡’‘‘Ž•Ž‡ƒ–Š”‘—‰Š–Š‡‹ ‡ƒ†ˆŽ‘™ˆ”‘–Š‡‰Žƒ ‹‡”‹–‘”‹˜‡”•„‡Ž‘™
–Š‡•—”ˆƒ ‡Ǥ
጖ •–Š‡‡Ž–™ƒ–‡”ˆŽ‘™•‹–‘–Š‡•‡ƒǡ‹–encounters the warmer salty water at the bottom
of the fjordǤ Žƒ ‹ƒŽ‡Ž–™ƒ–‡”†‘‡•‘– ‘–ƒ‹•ƒŽ–ǡ•‘‹–‹•less dense–Šƒ•ƒŽ–™ƒ–‡”ƒ†
–Š—•rises as a plumeǤ
጖ Š‡ ’Ž—‡ †”ƒ‰• –Š‡ ™ƒ”‡” ‘ ‡ƒ ™ƒ–‡” ‹–‘ ‘–ƒ – ™‹–Š –Š‡ ‰Žƒ ‹‡”ǯ• „ƒ•‡Ǥ Š‡ ™ƒ”
™ƒ–‡”–Š‡”—„•—’ƒ‰ƒ‹•––Š‡„‘––‘‘ˆ–Š‡‰Žƒ ‹‡”ǡ ƒ—•‹‰‡˜‡‘”‡‘ˆ–Š‡‰Žƒ ‹‡”–‘‡Ž–Ǥ
጖ Š‹•‘ˆ–‡Ž‡ƒ†•–‘ ƒŽ˜‹‰Ȃ‹ ‡ ”ƒ ‹‰ƒ†„”‡ƒ‹‰‘ˆˆ‹–‘Žƒ”‰‡‹ ‡ Š—•ȋ‹ ‡„‡”‰•ȌȂƒ–
–Š‡ ˆ”‘– ‡†ǡ ‘” –‡”‹—• ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‰Žƒ ‹‡”Ǥ Š‹• ™Š‘Ž‡ ’”‘ ‡•• ”‡ƒ–‡• ƒ ˆ‡‡†„ƒ  Ž‘‘’ –Š—•
጖ Š‡ƒ‘—–‘ˆ—†‡” —––‹‰†‡’‡†•‘–Š‡†‡’–Š‘ˆ–Š‡ˆŒ‘”†ǡ–Š‡™ƒ”–Š‘ˆ–Š‡‘ ‡ƒ™ƒ–‡”ǡ
ƒ†–Š‡ƒ‘—–‘ˆ‡Ž–™ƒ–‡”ˆŽ‘™‹‰‘—–ˆ”‘„‡‡ƒ–Š–Š‡‰Žƒ ‹‡”Ǥ
x –‹•‘„•‡”˜‡†–Šƒ–‰Ž‘„ƒŽ™ƒ”‹‰‹•Šƒ˜‹‰ƒ‹–‡•‡‹’ƒ –‘˜‡”–Š‡” –‹ Ǥ –‹•™ƒ”‹‰‘”‡
”ƒ’‹†Ž›–Šƒ‘–Š‡””‡‰‹‘•ǡˆ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ™Š‹Ž‡ƒ”–Šǯ•ƒ˜‡”ƒ‰‡–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡Šƒ•‹ ”‡ƒ•‡†„›‘‡
†‡‰”‡‡ ƒŠ”‡Š‡‹–‘˜‡”–Š‡’ƒ•– ‡–—”›ǡƒ‹”–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡‹ ”‡‡Žƒ†Šƒ•‹ ”‡ƒ•‡†„›ƒ„‘—–
•‡˜‡†‡‰”‡‡• ƒŠ”‡Š‡‹–•‹ ‡ͳͻͻͳǤ‡ ƒ—•‡™ƒ”‹‰‹•‘”‡”ƒ’‹†‹–Š‡” –‹ ǡ–Š‡‹’ƒ –‹•
— Š‘”‡’”‘‘— ‡†Ǥ
Consequences of this phenomenon are:
x Rise in sea level:‡Ž–‹‰‰Žƒ ‹‡”•ƒ††–‘”‹•‹‰•‡ƒŽ‡˜‡Ž•ǡ™Š‹ Š‹–—”ǡ‹ ”‡ƒ•‡ ‘ƒ•–ƒŽ‡”‘•‹‘
ƒ†‡Ž‡˜ƒ–‡•–‘”•—”‰‡ƒ•™ƒ”ƒ‹”ƒ†‹ ”‡ƒ•‡†‘ ‡ƒ–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡• ”‡ƒ–‡‘”‡ˆ”‡“—‡–ƒ†
‹–‡•‡ ‘ƒ•–ƒŽ•–‘”•Ž‹‡Š—””‹ ƒ‡•ƒ†–›’Š‘‘•Ǥ
x Impact on the weather patternǣ•–Š‡‹ ‡‡Ž–•ǡ†ƒ”‡”’ƒ– Š‡•‘ˆ–Š‡‘ ‡ƒ•–ƒ”––‘‡‡”‰‡ǡ
‡Ž‹‹ƒ–‹‰–Š‡‡ˆˆ‡ ––Šƒ–’”‡˜‹‘—•Ž› ‘‘Ž‡†–Š‡’‘Ž‡•ǡ ”‡ƒ–‹‰™ƒ”‡”ƒ‹”–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡•ƒ†‹
–—” †‹•”—’–‹‰ ‘”ƒŽ ’ƒ––‡”• ‘ˆ ‘ ‡ƒ ‹” —Žƒ–‹‘Ǥ ‡•‡ƒ” Š •Š‘™• –Š‡ ’‘Žƒ” ˜‘”–‡š ‹•
ƒ’’‡ƒ”‹‰‘—–•‹†‡‘ˆ–Š‡” –‹ ‘”‡ˆ”‡“—‡–Ž›„‡ ƒ—•‡‘ˆ Šƒ‰‡•–‘–Š‡Œ‡–•–”‡ƒǡ ƒ—•‡†„›ƒ
‘„‹ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ™ƒ”‹‰ƒ‹”ƒ†‘ ‡ƒ–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡•‹–Š‡” –‹ ƒ†–Š‡–”‘’‹ •Ǥ
x Impact on humans and wildlifeǣ••‡ƒ‹ ‡ƒ†‰Žƒ ‹‡”•‡Ž–ƒ†‘ ‡ƒ•™ƒ”ǡ‘ ‡ƒ —””‡–•
™‹ŽŽ ‘–‹—‡–‘†‹•”—’–™‡ƒ–Š‡”’ƒ––‡”•™‘”Ž†™‹†‡Ǥ
጖ †—•–”‹‡•–Šƒ––Š”‹˜‡‘˜‹„”ƒ–ˆ‹•Š‡”‹‡•™‹ŽŽ„‡ƒˆˆ‡ –‡†ƒ•™ƒ”‡”™ƒ–‡”• Šƒ‰‡™Š‡”‡
጖ ‘ƒ•–ƒŽ ‘—‹–‹‡• ™‹ŽŽ ‘–‹—‡ –‘ ˆƒ ‡ ‹••—‡• ƒ• ˆŽ‘‘†‹‰ „‡ ‘‡• ‘”‡ ˆ”‡“—‡– ƒ†
•–‘”•„‡ ‘‡‘”‡‹–‡•‡Ǥ
጖ –Š‡” –‹ ǡƒ••‡ƒ‹ ‡‡Ž–•ǡ™‹Ž†Ž‹ˆ‡Ž‹‡™ƒŽ”—•ƒ”‡Ž‘•‹‰–Š‡‹”Š‘‡ƒ†’‘Žƒ”„‡ƒ”•ƒ”‡
•’‡†‹‰‘”‡–‹‡‘Žƒ†ǡ ƒ—•‹‰Š‹‰Š‡””ƒ–‡•‘ˆ ‘ˆŽ‹ –„‡–™‡‡’‡‘’Ž‡ƒ†„‡ƒ”•Ǥ
‘™— Šƒ†Š‘™“—‹ Ž›–Š‡ ”‡‡Žƒ† ‡Š‡‡–‡Ž–•‹–Š‡ˆ—–—”‡™‹ŽŽŽƒ”‰‡Ž› †‡–‡”‹‡–Š‡
‘ ‡ƒ Ž‡˜‡Ž ”‹•‡ ‹ –Š‡ ˆ—–—”‡Ǥ ˆ ‡‹••‹‘• ‘–‹—‡ –‘ ”‹•‡ǡ –Š‡ —””‡– ”ƒ–‡ ‘ˆ ‡Ž–‹‰ ‘ –Š‡
”‡‡Žƒ† ‡ Š‡‡– ‹• ‡š’‡ –‡† –‘ †‘—„Ž‡ „› –Š‡ ‡† ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‡–—”›Ǥ Žƒ”‹‰Ž›ǡ ‹ˆ ƒŽŽ –Š‡ ‹ ‡ ‘

8 ©Vision IAS


9. In view of extensive waterlogging and flooding of cities in India, it has become increasingly
important to shift away from traditional approaches of flood management. Discuss. Also, state
 some alternative approaches that can be adopted in this context. (Answer in 150 words) 10
x ”‹‡ˆŽ›‰‹˜‡ƒƒ ‘—–‘ˆ”‡ —””‹‰—”„ƒˆŽ‘‘†•‹ †‹ƒǤ
x ‡–‹‘–Š‡–”ƒ†‹–‹‘ƒŽƒ’’”‘ƒ Š‡•–‘™ƒ”†•ˆŽ‘‘†ƒƒ‰‡‡–Ǥ
x ‹‰ŠŽ‹‰Š––Š‡ƒŽ–‡”ƒ–‹˜‡ƒ’’”‘ƒ Š‡•–‘—”„ƒˆŽ‘‘†ƒƒ‰‡‡–Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ
Š‡”‡ Šƒ• „‡‡ ƒ ‹ ”‡ƒ•‹‰ –”‡† ‘ˆ —”„ƒ ˆŽ‘‘† †‹•ƒ•–‡”• ‹ †‹ƒ ‘˜‡” –Š‡ ’ƒ•– •‡˜‡”ƒŽ ›‡ƒ”•
™Š‡”‡„›ƒŒ‘” ‹–‹‡•Šƒ˜‡„‡‡•‡˜‡”‡Ž›ƒˆˆ‡ –‡†Ǥ‘•–”‡ ‡–Ž›ǡ‡‰ƒŽ—”—™ƒ•„”‘—‰Š––‘•–ƒ†•–‹ŽŽ
†—‡ –‘ ˆŽ‘‘†‹‰ ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‹–› ȋʹͲʹʹȌǤ  –Š‡ ʹͲʹͲ ˆŽ‘‘†• ‹ ›†‡”ƒ„ƒ†ǡ –Š‘—•ƒ†• ‘ˆ Š‘—•‡• ™‡”‡
•—„‡”‰‡†Ǥ‹‹Žƒ”Ž›ǡ–Š‡ʹͲͳͷŠ‡ƒ‹ˆŽ‘‘†™ƒ•†‡˜ƒ•–ƒ–‹‰Ǥ‘ ‘„ƒ–•— Š‘ —””‡ ‡•ǡ ‹–‹‡•
Šƒ˜‡‘•–Ž›”‡Ž‹‡†‘–”ƒ†‹–‹‘ƒŽƒ’’”‘ƒ Š‡•‘ˆˆŽ‘‘†ƒƒ‰‡‡––‡”‡† ‘Grey Infrastructure’Ǥ
”‡› ‹ˆ”ƒ•–”— –—”‡ ”‡ˆ‡”• –‘ •–”— –—”‡• •— Š ƒ• †ƒ•ǡ •‡ƒ™ƒŽŽ•ǡ ”‘ƒ†•ǡ ’‹’‡• ‘” ™ƒ–‡” –”‡ƒ–‡–
Issues with this traditional approach to flood management:
x Š‡ ‹ˆ”ƒ•–”— –—”‡ ‘ˆ–‡ ‰‡–• overwhelmed during heavy downpours †—‡ –‘ –Š‡ ”‡†— ‡†
ƒ’ƒ ‹–›‘ˆ‹•–ƒŽŽ‡†’‹’‡Ž‹‡•ǡˆŽ‘‘†•–‘”ƒ‰‡ǡ†”ƒ™„ƒ •‹–Š‡‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ’—’‹‰•–ƒ–‹‘•ƒ†
ƒ‰‡‡”ƒŽŽƒ ‘ˆƒ‹–‡ƒ ‡Ǥ
x Extreme precipitation events ‘—Ž†Ž‡ƒ†–‘ˆ”‡“—‡–”—Ǧ‘ˆˆ•ǡ™Š‹ Š ‘—Ž†‡š ‡‡†–Š‡ ƒ’ƒ ‹–‹‡•
‘ˆ —””‡–—”„ƒ†”ƒ‹ƒ‰‡•›•–‡•ǤŠ‡”‡ˆ‘”‡ǡƒ”‡ƒ•ƒŽ‘‰–Š‡”‹˜‡”•‘”–Š‡ ‘ƒ•–Ž‹‡•ƒ†‹Žƒ†
ƒ”‡ƒ•ƒ”‡˜—Ž‡”ƒ„Ž‡–‘‹ ”‡ƒ•‡†”‹••‘ˆˆŽ‘‘†‹‰ǡ”‹•‹‰•‡ƒŽ‡˜‡Ž•ǡƒ†— ‡”–ƒ‹’”‡ ‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘
x Š‡ —””‡–‰Ž‘„ƒŽ‹••—‡•ǡ•— Šƒ•‹ ”‡ƒ•‡†—”„ƒ‹œƒ–‹‘ǡŠ‹‰Š‡””—Ǧ‘ˆˆ˜‘Ž—‡•ǡƒ† Ž‹ƒ–‡
Šƒ‰‡ǡŠƒ˜‡’—–a strain on the existing systems.Š‡’”‘„Ž‡•Šƒ˜‡particularly escalated
in the face of climate change–Šƒ–‹’ƒ –•”ƒ‹ˆƒŽŽ’ƒ––‡”•ǡ‹–‡•‹–‹‡•ǡƒ†–Š‡‹”ˆ”‡“—‡ ‹‡•Ǥ
x –„‡ ‘‡•difficult to upgrade the existing grey infrastructure™‹–Š Šƒ‰‹‰†‹‡•‹‘•ƒ†
Š‡”‡ˆ‘”‡ǡ–Š‡”‡‹•ƒ‡‡†ˆ‘”ƒŽ–‡”ƒ–‹˜‡ƒ’’”‘ƒ Š‡•–‘—”„ƒˆŽ‘‘†ƒƒ‰‡‡–Ǥƒ› ‹–‹‡•ƒ”‘—†
–Š‡™‘”Ž†ƒ”‡ƒ†‘’–‹‰nature-based solutions (NBS)–Šƒ–ƒ”‡socio-ecologically sound–‘”‡†— ‡
–Š‡Ž‘••‘ˆŽ‹˜‡•ƒ†Ž‹˜‡Ž‹Š‘‘†•ˆ”‘—”„ƒˆŽ‘‘†•ǤŠ‡•‡‡ƒ•—”‡• ƒ„‡‡š‡” ‹•‡†ƒ–„‘–Š‡†•‘ˆ
–Š‡•›•–‡ǡˆ”‘‹†‹˜‹†—ƒŽ•‹Š‘—•‡Š‘Ž†•–‘Ž‘ ƒŽ‰‘˜‡”‡–„‘†‹‡•Ǥ
They include the following: 
x ‡––‹‰—’—”„ƒˆ‘”‡•–•ǡ–‡””ƒ ‡•ƒ†•Ž‘’‡•ǡ‘’‡‰”‡‡•’ƒ ‡•ƒ† ‘””‹†‘”•Ǥ
x –Š‡” ‘’‘‡–•‹ Ž—†‹‰—”„ƒˆƒ”‹‰ƒ†„‹‘”‡–‡–‹‘ƒ”‡ƒ•ǡƒ–—”ƒŽ‘” ‘•–”— –‡†‹Žƒ†
™‡–Žƒ†•ǡ ”‹˜‡” ƒ† ˆŽ‘‘†’Žƒ‹ ”‡•–‘”ƒ–‹‘ǡ ”‹’ƒ”‹ƒ „—ˆˆ‡” ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘ ‘” ”‡Œ—˜‡ƒ–‹‰ ƒ†
‹•–ƒŽŽ‹‰ƒ‰”‘˜‡•ƒ†•ƒŽ–ƒ”•Š‡•ǡ„ƒ•‡†‘•’ƒ ‡ƒ˜ƒ‹Žƒ„‹Ž‹–›ƒ†–Š‡ƒ–—”‡‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ„‹‡–
–‘’‘‰”ƒ’Š›ǡ ‹–›•‹–‡ƒ†•‹œ‡ƒ†‹–••‘ ‹‘Ǧ‡ ‘‘‹ ’”‘ˆ‹Ž‡ǡ‡‡†–‘„‡‹ ‘”’‘”ƒ–‡†Ǥ
x †‘’–‹‰‡ ‘Ǧˆ”‹‡†Ž›’”ƒ –‹ ‡•ˆ”‘˜ƒ”‹‘—••–ƒ–‡•Ȁ—‹‘–‡””‹–‘”‹‡• ‘—–”›Ǧ™‹†‡ǡ•— Šƒ•ǣ
o ƒ—ƒ†ƒ•Š‹”ǯ•eco-restoration policies–‘ˆ‹‰Š–ƒ‰ƒ‹•– Ž‹ƒ–‡ Šƒ‰‡Ǥ
o ’Šƒ•‹• ‘ –Š‡ ‹’‘”–ƒ ‡ ‘ˆ open spaces within built-up areasǡ ’”‡•‡”˜ƒ–‹‘ ‘ˆ
™ƒ–‡”•Š‡†• ƒ† ™‡–Žƒ†•ǡ ”‡ ‘‡ –‹‰ –Š‡ ˆŽ‘‘†’Žƒ‹• ƒ† ƒˆˆ‘”‡•–ƒ–‹‘ǡ ƒ• †‘‡ ‹
o ‘‡ ‘–ƒ„Ž‡ ƒ–—”‡Ǧ„ƒ•‡† •‘Ž—–‹‘• –‘ ‘„ƒ– —”„ƒ †”ƒ‹ƒ‰‡ ‹••—‡• ƒ† ‡˜‹”‘‡–ƒŽ
‹’ƒ –•ƒ”‡Bhopal’s Green and Blue Master PlanǡDelhi’s Master Plan 2041ǡChennai’s
‘Wateras Leverage’‹‹–‹ƒ–‹˜‡ƒ†Pune’s urban agricultural planǤ
†‹ƒǯ• —”„ƒ ’‘’—Žƒ–‹‘‹• ‡š’‡ –‡† –‘ ”‡ƒ Š ͺͳͶ ‹ŽŽ‹‘ „› ʹͲͷͲǡ ™‹–Š –Š‡ ƒ††‹–‹‘ ‘ˆ ˆ‘—” ‡™
‡‰ƒ ‹–‹‡•„›ʹͲ͵ͲǤŠ‡”‡ˆ‘”‡ǡ–Š‡”‡‹•ƒ—”‰‡–‡‡†–‘”‡ ‘‰‹œ‡ƒ†ƒ†˜‘ ƒ–‡–Š‡ƒ†‘’–‹‘‘ˆ
ƒ––Š‡ƒ–‹‘ƒŽŽ‡˜‡Ž–‘‹–‹‰ƒ–‡—”„ƒˆŽ‘‘†‹‰ƒ†‹ Ž—†‡–Š‡ƒ• ”— ‹ƒŽ ‘’‘‡–•‘ˆ ‹–›ƒ•–‡”
Žƒ•ƒ†—”„ƒ”‡‡™ƒŽ• Š‡‡•‹ †‹ƒǤ
9 ©Vision IAS


10. Highlight the significance of international cooperation in disaster risk reduction. Also, state the
initiatives taken by India to strengthen regional cooperation for reducing disasters. (Answer in
 150 words) 10
x Žƒ„‘”ƒ–‡‘–Š‡‹’‘”–ƒ ‡‘ˆ‹–‡”ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ ‘‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘‹†‹•ƒ•–‡””‹•”‡†— –‹‘Ǥ
x ‹‰ŠŽ‹‰Š– –Š‡ ”‘Ž‡ ‘ˆ †‹ƒ ‹ •–”‡‰–Š‡‹‰ ”‡‰‹‘ƒŽ ‹‹–‹ƒ–‹˜‡• ™‹–Š ”‡‰ƒ”† –‘ †‹•ƒ•–‡”
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ’’”‘’”‹ƒ–‡Ž›Ǥ 
‹–Šƒ‡ƒ”doubling of major disaster events over the last 20 years ƒ†‹’ƒ –‘ˆ Ž‹ƒ–‡ Šƒ‰‡
‘ –Š‡ ˆ”‡“—‡ › ‘ˆ †‹•ƒ•–‡”•ǡ ‡Šƒ ‡† ‹–‡”ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ ‘‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘ ‹ †‹•ƒ•–‡” ”‹• ”‡†— –‹‘ Šƒ•
„‡ ‘‡ƒ‹’‘”–ƒ–ƒ•’‡ –‘ˆ‹–‡”ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ”‡Žƒ–‹‘•Ǥ
Significance of international cooperation in disaster risk reduction:
x Critical for reducing the riskǣ Ž› ŠƒŽˆ ‘ˆ –Š‡ ͳͻ͵ ‡„‡”• ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‘”Ž† ‡–‡‘”‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ
”‰ƒ‹œƒ–‹‘Šƒ˜‡—Ž–‹ǦŠƒœƒ”†‡ƒ”Ž›™ƒ”‹‰•›•–‡•ǤŠƒ”‹‰‘ˆ†ƒ–ƒƒ†ˆ‘”‡ ƒ•–•‘•‡˜‡”‡
™‡ƒ–Š‡”ǡ‘•‘‘•ǡˆŽ‘‘†•ǡƒ†–”‘’‹ ƒŽ › Ž‘‡•ƒ‘‰ ‘—–”‹‡• ƒ‡ƒ„Ž‡‡˜‡”› ‘—–”›–‘
–ƒ‡”‹•Ǧ‹ˆ‘”‡††‡ ‹•‹‘•ˆ‘”†‹•ƒ•–‡””‹•”‡†— –‹‘Ǥ
x For better post-disaster responseǣŠ”‘—‰Š ‘‘”†‹ƒ–‹‘ƒ†•Šƒ”‹‰‘ˆ‹ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘ǡ‡š’‡”–‹•‡ǡ
ƒ†”‡•‘—” ‡•ǡ ‘—–”‹‡• ƒŠ‡Ž’‘‡ƒ‘–Š‡”†—”‹‰–Š‡ ”‹–‹ ƒŽͶͺŠ‘—”•ˆ‘ŽŽ‘™‹‰ƒ†‹•ƒ•–‡”ǡ
™Š‡ƒ ‘—–”›ǯ•ƒ„‹Ž‹–›–‘”‡•’‘†ƒ†’”‘˜‹†‡ƒ‹†‘‹–•‘™ ‘—Ž†„‡ ”‹’’Ž‡†Ǥ
x Crucial for support in the recovery phaseǣƒ”–‡”•Š‹’•ƒ†‡–™‘”•‹–Š‡”‡‰‹‘ ƒ•Šƒ”‡
ƒ’’”‘ƒ Š‡•ǡ –‘‘Ž•ǡ –‡ Š‘Ž‘‰‹‡•ǡ ƒ† ‰‘‘† ’”ƒ –‹ ‡• –Šƒ– ƒ Ž‡ƒ† –‘ ‘”‡ ˜‹ƒ„Ž‡ †‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–
‘—– ‘‡•†—”‹‰–Š‡”‡ ‘˜‡”›’Šƒ•‡Ǥ
x Improvement of diplomatic tiesǣ ƒ††‹–‹‘–‘–Š‡†‹”‡ –„‡‡ˆ‹–•ǡ ‘‘’‡”ƒ–‹‰‹ —ƒ‹–ƒ”‹ƒ
••‹•–ƒ ‡ƒ†‹•ƒ•–‡”‡Ž‹‡ˆ‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘•ƒ†”‡•’‘•‡’Žƒ• ƒ„—‹Ž† ‘ˆ‹†‡ ‡ƒ†‹’”‘˜‡
†‹’Ž‘ƒ–‹ –‹‡•‹–Š‡”‡‰‹‘Ǥ
x Emerging needǣ• Ž‹ƒ–‡ Šƒ‰‡‹•ƒ ”‘••Ǧ„‘”†‡”‹••—‡ǡ”‡‰‹‘ƒŽ ‘‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘„‡ ‘‡•‡˜‡
Š‡”‡ƒ”‡various international agencies ™‘”‹‰–‘‰‡–Š‡”‹†‹•ƒ•–‡””‹•”‡†— –‹‘ ƒ†•‡˜‡”ƒŽ
‹‹–‹ƒ–‹˜‡• Šƒ˜‡ „‡‡ –ƒ‡ ‹ –Š‹• ”‡‰ƒ”† •— Š ƒ• –Š‡ ‹–‡† ƒ–‹‘• –‡”ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ –”ƒ–‡‰› ˆ‘”
‹•ƒ•–‡”‡†— –‹‘ǡ‘”Ž†‘ˆ‡”‡ ‡‘‹•ƒ•–‡”‹•‡†— –‹‘ǡ Ž‘„ƒŽŽƒ–ˆ‘”ˆ‘”‹•ƒ•–‡”‹•
‡†— –‹‘ǡ ‹–‡† ƒ–‹‘• ‹•ƒ•–‡” ••‡••‡– ƒ† ‘‘”†‹ƒ–‹‘ǡ Ž‘„ƒŽ ƒ ‹Ž‹–› ˆ‘” ‹•ƒ•–‡”
‡†— –‹‘ƒ†‡ ‘˜‡”›ǡ‡– .
India’s role in strengthening regional cooperation for reducing disasters:
x Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: †‹ƒǡ „‡‹‰ ‹–• •‹‰ƒ–‘”›ǡ ‹• ‘‹––‡† –‘
ƒ Š‹‡˜‡–Š‡•—„•–ƒ–‹ƒŽ”‡†— –‹‘‘ˆ†‹•ƒ•–‡””‹•ƒ†Ž‘••‡•–Š”‘—‰Š•›•–‡ƒ–‹ ƒ†‹•–‹–—–‹‘ƒŽ
x Bilateral/ multilateral agreements: †‹ƒŠƒ†•‹‰‡†„‹Žƒ–‡”ƒŽȀ—Ž–‹Žƒ–‡”ƒŽƒ‰”‡‡‡–•™‹–Š
•‡˜‡”ƒŽ ‘—–”‹‡•ˆ‘” ‘‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘‹–Š‡ˆ‹‡Ž†‘ˆ†‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–Ž‹‡ǣ
o SAARC Agreement‘ƒ’‹†‡•’‘•‡–‘ƒ–—”ƒŽ‹•ƒ•–‡”•Ǥ
o †‹ƒŠƒ••‹‰‡†ƒ‡‘”ƒ†—‘ˆ†‡”•–ƒ†‹‰ƒ†Šƒ• ‘‘’‡”ƒ–‡†™‹–Š˜ƒ”‹‘—• ‘—–”‹‡•
Ž‹‡IndonesiaǡJapanǡSwitzerland, Russia etcǤ
x Other organisationsǣ †‹ƒ ƒŽ•‘ Šƒ• ”‡‰‹‘ƒŽ ’ƒ”–‡”•Š‹’ ™‹–Š  ‹•ƒ•–‡” ƒƒ‰‡‡–
‡–”‡Ǧ –‡”‹‹–ǡ•‹ƒ‹•ƒ•–‡”‡†— –‹‘‡–”‡ǡ•‹ƒ‹•ƒ•–‡””‡’ƒ”‡†‡••‡–”‡ƒ†
‡‰‹‘ƒŽ ‘”—Ǥ
x Coalition on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI): †‹ƒŠƒ••‡–—’–Š‡ –‘ ‘†— –
‘—–”›Ǧ•’‡ ‹ˆ‹  ƒ† ‰Ž‘„ƒŽ ƒ –‹˜‹–‹‡• ƒ† •‡”˜‡ ƒ• ƒ ’Žƒ–ˆ‘” ˆ‘” ‰‡‡”ƒ–‹‰ ƒ† ‡š Šƒ‰‹‰
‘™Ž‡†‰‡–‘ˆƒ ‹Ž‹–ƒ–‡ƒ†‡ ‘—”ƒ‰‡‹˜‡•–‡–‹†‹•ƒ•–‡”Ǧ”‡•‹Ž‹‡–‹ˆ”ƒ•–”— –—”‡•›•–‡•Ǥ
x Disaster Risk Management- Indian Ocean Rim Association: Š‡ ƒ‹ ‹• –‘ ˆƒ ‹Ž‹–ƒ–‡ ƒ†
‡Šƒ ‡ ”‡‰‹‘ƒŽ ‘‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘ ‘ ’”‡’ƒ”‡†‡•• ƒ† ”‡•’‘•‡ •–”ƒ–‡‰‹‡• –‘ ˆ”ƒ‰‹Ž‡ ƒ†
—’”‡†‹ –ƒ„Ž‡•‹–—ƒ–‹‘•Ǥ
10 ©Vision IAS


Š‡‡‰ƒ‰‡‡–‘ˆ—Ž–‹’Ž‡•–ƒ‡Š‘Ž†‡”•ƒ––Š‡”‡‰‹‘ƒŽŽ‡˜‡Ž–‘‡ˆˆ‡ –‹˜‡Ž›ƒƒ‰‡ƒ–—”ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”•
™‘—Ž†‘–‘Ž›Š‡Ž’‹†‡˜‹•‹‰ƒˆ— –‹‘ƒŽ•›•–‡‘ˆ ‘ŽŽ‡ –‹˜‡†‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–„—–ƒŽ•‘‹
 ƒ Š‹‡˜‹‰•—•–ƒ‹ƒ„Ž‡†‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–Ǥ

11. Explain the phenomenon behind the shifting of wind belts. Also, illustrate its impact on the
climate of a region. (Answer in 250 words) 15
x ”‹–‡ƒ•Š‘”–‘–‡‘–Š‡”‡Žƒ–‹˜‡’‘•‹–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡•—ƒ†–Š‡ƒ”–ŠǤ
x ”‹‡ˆŽ›‡š’Žƒ‹–Š‡•Š‹ˆ–‹‰‘ˆ–Š‡’”‡••—”‡ƒ†™‹†„‡Ž–•Ǥ
x ŽŽ—•–”ƒ–‡–Š‡‹”‹’ƒ –‘–Š‡ Ž‹ƒ–‡‘ˆƒ”‡‰‹‘Ǥ
Š‡ ”‡Žƒ–‹˜‡ ’‘•‹–‹‘ ‘ˆ –Š‡ ƒ”–Š ™‹–Š ”‡•’‡ – –‘ –Š‡ •— Šƒ‰‡• ™‹–Š‹ ƒ ›‡ƒ” †—‡ –‘ ƒ”–Šǯ•
”‡˜‘Ž—–‹‘Ǥ —”–Š‡”ǡ†—‡–‘–Š‡‹ Ž‹ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ”–Š‘‹–•ƒš‹•ǡ–Š‡”‡ƒ”‡†‹ˆˆ‡”‡ ‡•‹–Š‡Š‡ƒ–‹‰
‘ˆ–Š‡ ‘–‹‡–•ƒ†‘ ‡ƒ•ƒ†ƒ•ƒ”‡•—Ž–ǡ–Š‡’”‡••—”‡ ‘†‹–‹‘•‹ ƒ—ƒ”›ƒ† —Ž›˜ƒ”›‰”‡ƒ–Ž›Ǥ
Š‹• ‘•‡“—‡–Ž›”‡•—Ž–•‹–Š‡•Š‹ˆ–‹‰‘ˆ–Š‡™‹†„‡Ž–•Ǥ
Shifting of pressure and wind belts:
x Summer and Winter Solstice:
o Š‡sun during the summer solstice is vertical over the Tropic of Cancerƒ†–Š‡”‡ˆ‘”‡ǡ
all the pressure belts shift northward,‹ Ž—†‹‰–Š‡ Equatorial Low Pressure BeltǡSub-
tropical High Pressure Belt ‡š ‡’––Š‡‘”–Š‡”‘Žƒ” ‹‰Š”‡••—”‡‡Ž–ǤŠ‡wind belts
associated with the said pressure belts also shift northward.
o Similarly during the winter solstice, –Š‡’”‡••—”‡ƒ†™‹†„‡Ž–•shift southward ‡š ‡’–
–Š‡‘—–Š‡”‘Žƒ” ‹‰Š”‡••—”‡‡Ž–Ǥ
x Autumnal and Vernal Equinox:Š‡•—„‡ ‘‡•
˜‡”–‹ ƒŽ‘˜‡”–Š‡“—ƒ–‘”ƒ†Š‡ ‡ƒŽŽ–Š‡’”‡••—”‡
„‡Ž–•‘ —’›–Š‡‹”normal positionsǤ
These seasonal changes in the relative positions of
the wind belts introduce the following typical
climatic conditions:
ȋ‹ȌŠ‡Mediterranean climatic regionsƒ”‡ˆ‘—†‹
–Š‡ ™‡•–‡” ’ƒ”–• ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‘–‹‡–• ™‹–Š‹ –Š‡
Žƒ–‹–—†‹ƒŽœ‘‡‘ˆ30°-45° in both the hemispheresǤ
Š‡ Sub-Tropical High Pressure Belts ‡š–‡†‹‰
„‡–™‡‡30°- 35° latitudesƒ”‡ Šƒ”ƒ –‡”‹œ‡†„›dry trade winds during summer season and anti-
cyclonic conditionsǤŠ‹•„‡Ž–‡š–‡†•up to 40° latitudes in the Northern hemisphere at the time
of summer solstice and in the Southern hemisphere at the time of winter solsticeǤŠ—•ǡ–Š‡
western parts of the continents within the zone of 30°-40° latitudes do not receive rainfall
during the summer season.
–Š‡‘–Š‡”Šƒ†ǡ–Š‡Sub-Tropical Belt shifts towards the Equator at the time of winter solstice
in the Northern hemisphereƒ†ƒ––Š‡–‹‡‘ˆsummer solstice in the Southern hemisphereǤ
‘•‡“—‡–Ž›ǡ–Š‡zone ‹• Šƒ”ƒ –‡”‹œ‡†„›–Š‡Westerlies, which lead toprecipitation during the
winter•‡ƒ•‘ǤŠ‡Mediterranean type of climate is thus characterized by dry summers and
wet wintersǤ
ȋ‹‹ȌŠ‡”‡‰‹‘•Ž›‹‰„‡–™‡‡60°-70° latitudesƒ”‡ Šƒ”ƒ –‡”‹œ‡†„›two types of winds‹ƒ›‡ƒ”Ǥ
‹–Š–Š‡northward migration of the sun at the time of summer solstice,–Š‡Polar Easterlies
are weakened„‡ ƒ—•‡–Š‡Westerlies extend over these areas†—‡–‘–Š‡‘”–Š™ƒ”†•Š‹ˆ–‹‰‘ˆ
Sub-Polar Low Pressure BeltsǤ
Š‡•‹–—ƒ–‹‘‹•”‡˜‡”•‡†ƒ––Š‡–‹‡‘ˆwinter solstice™Š‡–Š‡”‡‹•southward migration of the
sunǤŠ‡Polar Easterlies are re-established„‡–™‡‡60°-70°N „‡ ƒ—•‡‘ˆ–Š‡shifting of the belt

11 ©Vision IAS


of the Westerlies southward. ‘•‡“—‡–Ž›ǡ‹– ”‡ƒ–‡•ƒ Ž‹ƒ–‡ Šƒ”ƒ –‡”‹œ‡† „› wet summers
through the Westerlies and associated cyclonesƒ†dry winters due to Polar EasterliesǤ
 ȋ‹‹‹ȌMonsoon climate‹•ƒŽ•‘–Š‡”‡•—Ž–‘ˆ–Š‡•Š‹ˆ–‹‰‘ˆ’”‡••—”‡ƒ†™‹†„‡Ž–•Ǥ—‡–‘northward
migration of the sun in the Northern hemisphereƒ––Š‡–‹‡‘ˆsummer solstice,–Š‡North Inter-
Tropical Convergence Zone (NITCZ) is extended upto 30°N latitude over the Indian
subcontinent, South-East Asia and parts of AfricaǤ Š—•ǡ –Š‡ Equatorial Westerlies are also
extended‘˜‡”–Š‡ƒˆ‘”‡•ƒ‹†”‡‰‹‘•ǡ™Š‹ Š„‡ ‘‡–Š‡south-west or summer monsoonsǤŠ‡•‡
•‘—–ŠǦ™‡•– ‘•‘‘ ™‹†• bring much rain „‡ ƒ—•‡ –Š‡› ‘‡ ˆ”‘ ‘˜‡” –Š‡ ‘ ‡ƒ ƒ† ƒ”‡
ƒ••‘ ‹ƒ–‡† ™‹–Š tropical cyclones. Š‡ NITCZ is withdrawn ˆ”‘ –Š‡ †‹ƒ •—„ ‘–‹‡– ƒ†
‘—–ŠǦƒ•– •‹ƒ because of southward shifting of pressure and wind belts †—‡ –‘ southward
migration of the sunƒ––Š‡–‹‡‘ˆwinter solstice. Š—•ǡnorth-east trades are re-established
™Š‹ ŠŽ‡ƒ†–‘–Š‡north-east or winter monsoonsǤ‹ ‡–Š‡› ‘‡ˆ”‘‘˜‡”–Š‡Žƒ†•ǡ–Š‡›ƒ”‡

12. Flash floods have a devastating impact on the habitations in low-lying regions in India. Discuss
the reasons behind frequent occurrences of flash floods in India. Also, highlight their impact.
(Answer in 250 words) 15
x ”‹‡ˆŽ›‡š’Žƒ‹™Šƒ–›‘——†‡”•–ƒ†„›ˆŽƒ•ŠˆŽ‘‘†•‹–Š‡‹–”‘†— –‹‘Ǥ
x ”‹‰‘—––Š‡”‡ƒ•‘•ˆ‘”–Š‡‹”ˆ”‡“—‡–‘ —””‡ ‡Ǥ
x ‹• —••–Š‡‹”‹’ƒ –‘Šƒ„‹–ƒ–‹‘•‹Ž‘™ǦŽ›‹‰”‡‰‹‘•Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ
Žƒ•Š ˆŽ‘‘†• ‘ —” ™Š‡ Š‡ƒ˜› ”ƒ‹ˆƒŽŽ ‡š ‡‡†• –Š‡ ƒ„‹Ž‹–› ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‰”‘—† –‘ ƒ„•‘”„ ‹– ƒ† ƒ Žƒ”‰‡
˜‘Ž—‡‘ˆ™ƒ–‡”–—”•‹–‘”—‘ˆˆǤ  †‹ƒǡˆŽƒ•ŠˆŽ‘‘†•Šƒ˜‡„‡‡ ‘‘Ž›™‹–‡••‡†‹ ‹–‹‡•Ž‹‡
Š‡ƒ‹ƒ†—„ƒ‹Ǥ‡’”‡••‹‘ƒ† › Ž‘‹ •–‘”•‹–Š‡ ‘ƒ•–ƒŽƒ”‡ƒ•‘ˆ”‹••ƒǡ‡•–‡‰ƒŽǡ
†Š”ƒ”ƒ†‡•Šǡƒ†‘–Š‡”•ƒŽ•‘ ƒ—•‡ˆŽƒ•ŠˆŽ‘‘†•Ǥ –Š‡ ‹ƒŽƒ›ƒ•–ƒ–‡•ǡˆŽƒ•ŠˆŽ‘‘†•ƒ”‡‘ˆ–‡
ƒ••‘ ‹ƒ–‡†™‹–Š Ž‘—†„—”•–•ǡ™Š‹ Š ƒ—•‡Š—‰‡†‡˜ƒ•–ƒ–‹‘•†‘™•–”‡ƒǤ
Reasons for frequent occurrences of flash floods in India:
x Short but intense rainfall: Š‡‘‡ƒŽ‹‡ Ž‘—†„—”•–‘”–Š—†‡”•–‘”™Š‡”‡Š‡ƒ˜›–‘˜‡”›
Š‡ƒ˜›”ƒ‹ˆƒŽŽ‘ —”•‘˜‡”ƒ ƒ– Š‡–‘˜‡”ƒ˜‡”›•Š‘”–’‡”‹‘†‘ˆ–‹‡‘˜‡” ‘‡–Š‡ƒ„•‘”„‹‰
ƒ’ƒ ‹–›‘ˆ–Š‡ ƒ– Š‡–Ž‡ƒ†‹‰–‘Š—‰‡˜‘Ž—‡‘ˆ”—‘ˆˆǤ ‹ƒŽƒ›ƒ”‡‰‹‘•‰‡‡”ƒŽŽ›™‹–‡••
•— ŠˆŽƒ•ŠˆŽ‘‘†•†—”‹‰‘•‘‘•‡ƒ•‘•†—‡–‘ Ž‘—†„—”•–Ǥ‘ƒ•–ƒŽƒ”‡ƒ•‘ˆ”‹••ƒǡ‡•–‡‰ƒŽǡ
x Changed characteristics of drainage surface: ‹Ž†ˆ‹”‡ǡ ‘ ”‡–‹œƒ–‹‘ ƒ† ‘–Š‡” Šƒ‰‡• ‹
Žƒ†• ƒ’‡ Šƒ‰‡ –Š‡ Šƒ”ƒ –‡”‹•–‹ • ‘ˆ –Š‡ †”ƒ‹ƒ‰‡ •—”ˆƒ ‡ǡ –Š—•ǡ ”‡†— ‹‰ –Š‡‹” ƒ„•‘”„‹‰
ƒ’ƒ ‹–›ǡ™Š‹ Š‹–—”Ž‡ƒ†•–‘”ƒ’‹†”—‘ˆˆǤ
x Himalayan terrain: ‘•– ‘ˆ –Š‡ ”‹˜‡”• ‹ –Š‡ ‹ƒŽƒ›ƒ –‡””ƒ‹ ˆŽ‘™ –Š”‘—‰Š ƒ””‘™ ‰‘”‰‡•
ƒ„—––‹‰ ‘†‡”ƒ–‡ –‘ •–‡‡’ •Ž‘’‡• ™‹–Š •Šƒ”’ „‡†• ƒ† ‡‡– –”‹„—–ƒ”‹‡• ‘ •–‡‡’‡” •Ž‘’‡•Ǥ
‘ŽŽ‹‰‘ˆ†‡„”‹•ƒŽ‘‰–Š‡ ‘•–”‹ –‡† ‘—”•‡‘ˆ–Š‡”‹˜‡”•Ž‡ƒ†•–‘•Š‘”–Ǧ–‡”†ƒ‹‰‘ˆ–Š‡
”‹˜‡”ˆŽ‘™ǡ”‡•—Ž–‹‰‹–Š‡ ”‡ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ–‡’‘”ƒ”›Žƒ‡•ǤŠ‡–Š‡„ƒ ™ƒ–‡”’”‡••—”‡‘ˆ–Š‡Žƒ‡
‡š ‡‡†•–Š‡”‡–‡–‹‘ ƒ’ƒ ‹–›‘ˆ–Š‡„ƒ””‹‡”ǡ–Š‡ƒ ——Žƒ–‡†™ƒ–‡”‰—•Š‡•†‘™•–”‡ƒ™‹–Š
’‘™‡”ˆ—Žˆ‘” ‡‹—†ƒ–‹‰‘–Š‡”™‹•‡•ƒˆ‡•‡––Ž‡‡–•Ǥ
Impact of flash floods on low-lying regions in India:
x Damage to infrastructure and economy: Žƒ•ŠˆŽ‘‘†•†ƒƒ‰‡ ”‹–‹ ƒŽ‹ˆ”ƒ•–”— –—”‡•Ž‹‡†ƒ•ǡ
Š›†”‘’‘™‡”’Žƒ–•ǡ”‘ƒ†ǡ”ƒ‹Ž–”ƒ •ǡ‡Ž‡ –”‹ ‹–›–‡Ž‡ ‘—‹ ƒ–‹‘‹ˆ”ƒ•–”— –—”‡ƒ†„”‹†‰‡•Ǥ
Žƒ•ŠˆŽ‘‘†•ƒŽ•‘Šƒ˜‡ƒ‹‡•‡‹’ƒ –‘–Š‡‡ ‘‘›‘ˆ–Š‡”‡‰‹‘ƒ†–Š‡•ƒˆ‡–›‘ˆ–Š‡Ž‘ ƒŽ
’‘’—Žƒ–‹‘ǤŠ‡›†ƒƒ‰‡ ”‘’•ƒŽ‘‰–Š‡™ƒ›ƒ†Šƒ˜‡ƒ†˜‡”•‡‡ˆˆ‡ –•‘ƒ –‹˜‹–‹‡•Ž‹‡–‘—”‹•Ǥ
Ž•‘ǡ ”‡•–‘”ƒ–‹‘ ‘ˆ †ƒƒ‰‡† ‹ˆ”ƒ•–”— –—”‡ •–”ƒ‹• –Š‡ ˆ‹ƒ ‹ƒŽ ƒ’ƒ ‹–› ‘ˆ –Š‡ •–ƒ–‡ ƒ†

12 ©Vision IAS


x Loss of lifeǣ ʹͲͳ͵ǡ–Š‡ˆŽƒ•ŠˆŽ‘‘†•–”‹‰‰‡”‡†„›˜‡”›Š‡ƒ˜›”ƒ‹ˆƒŽŽƒ† Ž‘—†„—”•–‹–Š‡˜ƒŽŽ‡›•
‘ˆ––ƒ”ƒŠƒ†ƒˆˆ‡ –‡†ͳʹ‘—–‘ˆ–Š‡ͳ͵†‹•–”‹ –•‹–Š‡•–ƒ–‡Ǥ„‘—–͸ͲͲͲ’‡‘’Ž‡Ž‘•––Š‡‹”Ž‹˜‡•
x Loss of agricultural landsǣ Š‡ ƒŒ‘”‹–› ‘ˆ
–Š‡ •‡––Ž‡‡–• ‹ –Š‡ ‹ƒŽƒ›ƒ ƒ”‡ƒ ƒ”‡
Ž‘ ƒ–‡†‘–Š‡‹††Ž‡•Ž‘’‡•Ǥ‡‘’Ž‡–‡†–‘
‡š’Ž‘‹–ˆŽ—˜‹ƒŽ–‡””ƒ ‡•ƒ•–Š‘•‡ƒ”‡ƒ†Œƒ ‡––‘
–Š‡ ”‹˜‡”•Ǥ Š‡•‡ ƒ”‡ƒ• ƒ”‡ ‘•‹†‡”‡† –‘ „‡
–Š‡‘•–ˆ‡”–‹Ž‡Ž‘ ƒ–‹‘•„—–ƒ––Š‡•ƒ‡–‹‡
ƒ”‡ ‘•– ˜—Ž‡”ƒ„Ž‡ –‘ ˆŽ‘‘†• ƒ—•‡† „› –Š‡
„”‡ƒ Š‹‰‘ˆŽƒ†•‹†‡Ǧ‹†— ‡††ƒ•Ǥ˜‹†‡ ‡‘ˆ’ƒ•–†ƒ‹‰‹†‹ˆˆ‡”‡–”‹˜‡”„ƒ•‹•‘ˆ–Š‡
†‹ƒ ‹ƒŽƒ›ƒ••—‰‰‡•––Šƒ––Š‡”‹˜‡”™ƒ•„Ž‘ ‡†ƒ›–‹‡•ǡ’ƒ”–‹ —Žƒ”Ž›ƒ––Š‡ ‘ˆŽ—‡ ‡
™‹–Š–”‹„—–ƒ”‹‡•Ǥ Žƒ•ŠˆŽ‘‘†•†ƒƒ‰‡–Š‡•‡ƒ‰”‹ —Ž–—”ƒŽŽƒ†•Ǥ
Š‡†ƒƒ‰‡†—‡–‘ˆŽƒ•ŠˆŽ‘‘†•Šƒ•‹ ”‡ƒ•‡†‹–Š‡”‡ ‡–’ƒ•–†—‡–‘‹ ”‡ƒ•‡‹–Š‡ˆ”‡“—‡ ›‘ˆ
ˆŽ‘‘†•ǡ‡ ”‘ƒ Š‡–‘ˆˆŽ‘‘†’Žƒ‹•ƒ†‘–Š‡”ƒ–Š”‘’‘‰‡‹ ƒ –‹˜‹–‹‡•Ž‹‡‹‹‰ǡ†‡ˆ‘”‡•–ƒ–‹‘‡– Ǥ

13. Explaining their formation, provide an account of the various kinds of deserts found across the
world along with their characteristics. (Answer in 250 words) 15
x ”‹‡ˆŽ›‡š’Žƒ‹†‡•‡”–•‹–Š‡‹–”‘†— –‹‘Ǥ
x ‡–‹‘˜ƒ”‹‘—•‹†•‘ˆ†‡•‡”–•ˆ‘—†‹†‹ˆˆ‡”‡–ƒ”‡ƒ•‘ˆ–Š‡™‘”Ž†ƒ†–Š‡”‡ƒ•‘•ˆ‘”–Š‡‹”
ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘ǡƒŽ‘‰™‹–Š–Š‡‹” Šƒ”ƒ –‡”‹•–‹ •Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ
ƒ”‡ƒ•™Š‡”‡ƒ—ƒŽ’”‡ ‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘‹•Ž‡••
–ŠƒʹͷͲǤ –‹•‘‡‘ˆƒ”–Šǯ•ƒŒ‘”
–›’‡• ‘ˆ ‡ ‘•›•–‡•ǡ •—’’‘”–‹‰ ƒ
‘—‹–›‘ˆ†‹•–‹ –‹˜‡ˆŽ‘”ƒƒ†ˆƒ—ƒ
•’‡ ‹ƒŽŽ› ƒ†ƒ’–‡† –‘ –Š‡ Šƒ”•Š
Geologists group deserts into five categories:
x Subtropical deserts: Š‡› ƒ”‡ ˆ‘—† ƒŽ‘‰ –Š‡ ”‘’‹  ‘ˆ
ƒ ‡”ǡbetween 15 and 30 degrees north of the Equator, or
along the Tropic of Capricorn, between 15 and 30 degrees
south of the Equator,™Š‡”‡ ‘˜‡ –‹‘ ‡ŽŽ•†‹˜‡”‰‡ǤŠ‡›ƒ”‡
ƒ—•‡†„›–Š‡ ‹” —Žƒ–‹‘’ƒ––‡”•‘ˆƒ‹”ƒ••‡•Ǥ ‘–ǡ‘‹•–ƒ‹”
‘‘Ž• ƒ† †”‘’• ‹–• ‘‹•–—”‡ ƒ• Š‡ƒ˜› –”‘’‹ ƒŽ ”ƒ‹•Ǥ Š‡
”‡•—Ž–‹‰ ‘‘Ž‡”ǡ†”‹‡”ƒ‹”ƒ••‘˜‡•ƒ™ƒ›ˆ”‘–Š‡“—ƒ–‘”Ǥ
• ‹– ƒ’’”‘ƒ Š‡• –Š‡ –”‘’‹ •ǡ –Š‡ ƒ‹” †‡• ‡†• ƒ† ™ƒ”• —’
ƒ‰ƒ‹ǤŠ‡†‡• ‡†‹‰ƒ‹”Š‹†‡”•–Š‡ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ Ž‘—†•ǡ•‘
˜‡”› Ž‹––Ž‡ ”ƒ‹ ˆƒŽŽ• ‘ –Š‡ Žƒ† „‡Ž‘™Ǥ Subtropical deserts include –Š‡ ƒŠƒ”ƒ ‡•‡”– ‹
‘”–Š‡” ˆ”‹ ƒǡ –Š‡ ƒŽƒŠƒ”‹‡•‡”–‹ ‘—–Š‡” ˆ”‹ ƒ ƒ† –Š‡ ƒƒ‹‡•‡”–‹ ‘”–Š‡”
x Coastal Deserts: Cold Ocean currents ‘–”‹„—–‡–‘–Š‡ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ coastal deserts. Š‡›ƒ”‡
‰‡‡”ƒŽŽ›ˆ‘—†‘–Š‡™‡•–‡”‡†‰‡•‘ˆ ‘–‹‡–•‡ƒ”–Š‡”‘’‹ •‘ˆƒ ‡”ƒ†ƒ’”‹ ‘”Ǥ
‹–‡”ˆ‘‰ǡ’”‘†— ‡†„›—’™‡ŽŽ‹‰ ‘Ž† —””‡–•ǡˆ”‡“—‡–Ž›„Žƒ‡– ‘ƒ•–ƒŽ†‡•‡”–•ƒ†„Ž‘ 
•‘Žƒ””ƒ†‹ƒ–‹‘ǤThe heavy fog drifts onto land. Although humidity is high, the atmospheric

13 ©Vision IAS


changes that normally cause rainfall are not present. ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ–Š‡ ‘Ž† —„‘Ž†–—””‡–
ˆŽ‘™‹‰ˆ”‘–ƒ” –‹ ƒ–‘‘—–Š‡”Š‹Ž‡ ”‡ƒ–‡•–Š‡–ƒ ƒƒ‡•‡”–‘ˆ‘—–Š‡”‹ ƒǡ™Š‹Ž‡–Š‡
 ‘Ž†‡‰—‡Žƒ—””‡–‹• ”‹–‹ ƒŽ–‘–Š‡ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ‹„‡•‡”–Ǥ
x Rain Shadow Deserts: Š‡•‡ †‡•‡”–•‡š‹•– ‡ƒ” –Š‡Ž‡‡™ƒ”†•Ž‘’‡• ‘ˆ •‘‡‘—–ƒ‹
”ƒ‰‡•ǤŠ‡‘‹•–—”‡ǦŽƒ†‡ƒ‹”Š‹–•ƒ‘—–ƒ‹”ƒ‰‡ǡ‹–‹•ˆ‘” ‡†–‘”‹•‡ǤŠ‡ƒ‹”–Š‡ ‘‘Ž•ƒ†
ˆ‘”• Ž‘—†•–Šƒ–†”‘’‘‹•–—”‡‘–Š‡™‹†™ƒ”†ȋ™‹†Ǧˆƒ ‹‰Ȍ•Ž‘’‡•ǤŠ‡–Š‡ƒ‹”‘˜‡•‘˜‡”
–Š‡ ‘—–ƒ‹–‘’ ƒ† „‡‰‹• –‘ †‡• ‡† –Š‡Ž‡‡™ƒ”†•Ž‘’‡•ǡ –Š‡”‡ ‹• Ž‹––Ž‡ ‘‹•–—”‡ Ž‡ˆ–Ǥ Š‡
†‡• ‡†‹‰ƒ‹”™ƒ”•—’ǡƒ‹‰‹–†‹ˆˆ‹ —Ž–ˆ‘” Ž‘—†•–‘ˆ‘”Ǥ ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ–Š‡‡ƒ–ŠƒŽŽ‡›ǡ‹
–Š‡ǤǤ‹•‹–Š‡”ƒ‹•Šƒ†‘™‘ˆ–Š‡‹‡””ƒ‡˜ƒ†ƒ‘—–ƒ‹•Ǥ‹‹Žƒ”Ž›ǡPatagonian DesertŽ‹‡•
x Interior Deserts:Š‡›ƒ”‡ˆ‘—†‹–Š‡Š‡ƒ”–‘ˆ ‘–‹‡–•Ǥ›–Š‡–‹‡ƒ‹”ƒ••‡•ˆ”‘ ‘ƒ•–ƒŽ
ƒ”‡ƒ•”‡ƒ Š–Š‡‹–‡”‹‘”ǡ–Š‡›Ž‘•‡ƒŽŽ–Š‡‹”‘‹•–—”‡ǤŠ‡›ƒ”‡•‘‡–‹‡• ƒŽŽ‡†‹Žƒ††‡•‡”–•Ǥ
‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ–Š‡Gobi Desert‹Š‹ƒƒ†‘‰‘Ž‹ƒǤ
x Polar Deserts:ƒ”–•‘ˆ–Š‡” –‹ ƒ†–Š‡–ƒ” –‹ ƒ”‡ Žƒ••‹ˆ‹‡†ƒ•†‡•‡”–•ǤŠ‡›ƒ”‡˜‡”›†”›ǡ
„—–‘–‹–Š‡–”ƒ†‹–‹‘ƒŽ•‡•‡ǤŽ‹‡‘–Š‡”–›’‡•‘ˆ†‡•‡”–•ǡ–Š‡›ƒ”‡ ‘Ž†ƒŽŽ›‡ƒ””‘—†™‹–Š
ˆ”‹‰‹†™‹–‡”•Ǥ •–‡ƒ†‘ˆ•ƒ†ǡ–Š‡•—””‘—†‹‰•—”ˆƒ ‡‹• ‘˜‡”‡†‹Žƒ›‡”•‘ˆ‹ ‡ƒ†•‘™ǤŠ‡›
‡š’‡”‹‡ ‡Ž‹––Ž‡’”‡ ‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘„‡ ƒ—•‡ƒ„‘˜‡͸͸Ͳƒ†Žƒ–‹–—†‡–Š‡”‡‹•˜‡”›Ž‹––Ž‡‘‹•–—”‡‹
–Š‡ƒ‹”†—‡–‘‡š–”‡‡ ‘Ž†–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡•Ǥ
‡•‡”–•ƒ”‡ˆ‘—†‘‡˜‡”› ‘–‹‡–ƒ† ‘˜‡”ƒ„‘—–‘‡Ǧˆ‹ˆ–Š‘ˆƒ”–Šǯ•Žƒ†ƒ”‡ƒǤŠ‡›ƒ”‡Š‘‡
–‘ƒ”‘—†ͳ„‹ŽŽ‹‘’‡‘’Ž‡Ȅ‘‡Ǧ•‹š–Š‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ”–Šǯ•’‘’—Žƒ–‹‘Ǥ –Šƒ•„‡‡‘„•‡”˜‡†–Šƒ–‹•‡‹Ǧ
ƒ”‹† ƒ”‡ƒ• –Šƒ– „‘”†‡” †‡•‡”–•ǡ Ž‹ƒ–‡ Šƒ‰‡ ƒ† Š—ƒ ƒ –‹˜‹–‹‡• Šƒ˜‡ Ž‡† –‘ ‹ ”‡ƒ•‡†
†‡•‡”–‹ˆ‹ ƒ–‹‘Ǥ

14. Bring out the differences in the formation and role of ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere.
Also, discuss the various strategies to reduce the impact of tropospheric ozone. (Answer in 250
words) 15
x –ƒ”–™‹–Šƒ„”‹‡ˆ‹–”‘†— –‹‘ƒ„‘—––Š‡‘œ‘‡‰ƒ•Ǥ
x Žƒ„‘”ƒ–‡‘–Š‡†‹ˆˆ‡”‡ ‡•‹ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘ƒ†”‘Ž‡‘ˆ‘œ‘‡‹–Š‡–”‘’‘•’Š‡”‡ƒ†•–”ƒ–‘•’Š‡”‡Ǥ
x ‹• —•••–”ƒ–‡‰‹‡•–‘”‡†— ‡–Š‡‹’ƒ –‘ˆ–”‘’‘•’Š‡”‹ ‘œ‘‡Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ’’”‘’”‹ƒ–‡Ž›Ǥ
œ‘‡ȋ͵Ȍ‹•ƒŠ‹‰ŠŽ›”‡ƒ –‹˜‡‰ƒ• ‘’‘•‡†‘ˆ–Š”‡‡‘š›‰‡ƒ–‘•Ǥ –‹•both a natural and a man-
made product–Šƒ–‘ —”•‹–Š‡ƒ”–Š̵•—’’‡”ƒ–‘•’Š‡”‡ȋ•–”ƒ–‘•’Š‡”‡Ȍƒ†Ž‘™‡”ƒ–‘•’Š‡”‡
ȋ–”‘’‘•’Š‡”‡ȌǤ‡’‡†‹‰‘™Š‡”‡‹–‹•‹–Š‡ƒ–‘•’Š‡”‡ǡ‘œ‘‡ƒˆˆ‡ –•Ž‹ˆ‡‘ƒ”–Š‹‡‹–Š‡”‰‘‘†
Formation of tropospheric and stratospheric ozone
”‘’‘•’Š‡”‹ ‘”‰”‘—†ǦŽ‡˜‡Ž‘œ‘‡‹•formed primarily from photochemical reactions between
two major classes of air pollutantsǡ˜‘Žƒ–‹Ž‡‘”‰ƒ‹  ‘’‘—†•ȋ•Ȍƒ†‹–”‘‰‡‘š‹†‡•ȋšȌǤ
šƒ†„”‡ƒƒ’ƒ”–‹–Š‡’”‡•‡ ‡‘ˆ‹–‡•‡•—Ž‹‰Š–ƒ†recombine into new structuresǡ
”‡ƒ–‹‰‘œ‘‡Ǥ –‹• ”‡ƒ–‡†„›Š—ƒƒ –‹˜‹–‹‡•ƒ•‡‹••‹‘•ˆ”‘‹†—•–”‹ƒŽˆƒ ‹Ž‹–‹‡•ƒ†‡Ž‡ –”‹ 
—–‹Ž‹–‹‡•ǡ‘–‘”˜‡Š‹ Ž‡‡šŠƒ—•–ǡ‰ƒ•‘Ž‹‡˜ƒ’‘—”ƒ† Š‡‹ ƒŽ•‘Ž˜‡–•ƒ”‡•‘‡‘ˆ–Š‡ƒŒ‘”•‘—” ‡•
–Š‡‘–Š‡”Šƒ†, the stratospheric ozone ‹•formed naturally through the interaction of solar
ultraviolet (UV) ”ƒ†‹ƒ–‹‘ ™‹–Š ‘Ž‡ —Žƒ” ‘š›‰‡ ȋʹȌǤ Š‡ solar ultraviolet radiation breaks
apart one oxygen molecule ȋʹȌ –‘ ’”‘†— ‡ –™‘ ‘š›‰‡ ƒ–‘• ȋʹ Ȍ ƒ† ‡ƒ Š ‘ˆ –Š‡•‡ highly
reactive atoms combines with an oxygen molecule –‘ ’”‘†— ‡ ƒ ‘œ‘‡ ‘Ž‡ —Ž‡ ȋ͵ȌǤ Š‡•‡
reactions occur continually™Š‡‡˜‡”•‘Žƒ”—Ž–”ƒ˜‹‘Ž‡–”ƒ†‹ƒ–‹‘‹•’”‡•‡–‹–Š‡•–”ƒ–‘•’Š‡”‡Ǥ

14 ©Vision IAS


Role of tropospheric and stratospheric ozone
Š‡–”‘’‘•’Š‡”‹ ‘œ‘‡‘”„ƒ†‘œ‘‡ ƒ–”‹‰‰‡”ƒ˜ƒ”‹‡–›‘ˆŠ‡ƒŽ–Š’”‘„Ž‡•‹ Ž—†‹‰ Š‡•–’ƒ‹ǡ
 ‘—‰Š‹‰ǡ ƒ† –Š”‘ƒ– ‹””‹–ƒ–‹‘Ǥ – ‹• ƒŽ•‘ ƒ major component of urban smog, ™Š‹ Š ƒ ™‘”•‡
„”‘ Š‹–‹•ƒ†‡’Š›•‡ƒǡ–”‹‰‰‡”ƒ•–Šƒǡƒ†’‡”ƒ‡–Ž›†ƒƒ‰‡Ž—‰–‹••—‡Ǥ
—”–Š‡”ǡ „ƒ† ‘œ‘‡ ƒŽ•‘ damages vegetation and ecosystems ƒ•‹– Ž‡ƒ†• –‘ ”‡†— ‡† ƒ‰”‹ —Ž–—”ƒŽ
”‘’ƒ† ‘‡” ‹ƒŽˆ‘”‡•–›‹‡Ž†•ǡ”‡†— ‡†‰”‘™–Šƒ†•—”˜‹˜ƒ„‹Ž‹–›‘ˆ–”‡‡•‡‡†Ž‹‰•ǡƒ†‹ ”‡ƒ•‡†
•—• ‡’–‹„‹Ž‹–›–‘†‹•‡ƒ•‡•ǡ’‡•–•ƒ†‘–Š‡”•–”‡••‡••— Šƒ•Šƒ”•Š™‡ƒ–Š‡”Ǥ
Whereas, the stratospheric ozone absorbsƒ’‘”–‹‘‘ˆȋŽ–”ƒ‹‘Ž‡–ȌŽ‹‰Š– ƒŽŽ‡†ˆ”‘–Š‡
•—ǡ’”‡˜‡–‹‰‹–ˆ”‘”‡ƒ Š‹‰–Š‡’Žƒ‡–̵••—”ˆƒ ‡ǤŠ—•ǡ‹–’”‘–‡ –•ˆ”‘ƒ›Šƒ”ˆ—Ž‡ˆˆ‡ –•ǡ
‹ Ž—†‹‰•‹ ƒ ‡”•ǡ ƒ–ƒ”ƒ –•ǡƒ†Šƒ”–‘•‘‡ ”‘’•ƒ†ƒ”‹‡Ž‹ˆ‡Ǥ
—– –Š‹• ‰‘‘† ‘œ‘‡ ‹• ‰”ƒ†—ƒŽŽ› „‡‹‰ †‡•–”‘›‡† „› ƒǦƒ†‡ Š‡‹ ƒŽ• ”‡ˆ‡””‡† –‘ ƒ• ‘œ‘‡Ǧ
†‡’Ž‡–‹‰ •—„•–ƒ ‡• ȋȌǡ ‹ Ž—†‹‰ ŠŽ‘”‘ˆŽ—‘”‘ ƒ”„‘• ȋ •Ȍǡ Š›†”‘ ŠŽ‘”‘ˆŽ—‘”‘ ƒ”„‘•
ȋ  •Ȍǡ‡– Ǥ
Strategies to prevent the formation of tropospheric ozone
x Fossil fuels & transport sector
o Vapor recovery nozzles at the gasoline pumps–‘”‡†— ‡”‡ˆ—‡Ž‹‰‡‹••‹‘•Ǥ
o Cleaner burning gasoline reformulated through ƒ–ƒŽ›–‹  ‘˜‡”–‘”•–‘”‡†— ‡ǡšǡ
‡– Ǥ
o Strict NOx emission limits ˆ‘”’‘™‡”’Žƒ–•ƒ†‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ ‘„—•–‹‘•‘—” ‡•Ǥ
x Agriculture sector:
o ’’Ž›‹–‡”‹––‡–ƒ‡”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ ‘–‹—‘—•Ž›ˆŽ‘‘†‡†”‹ ‡ˆ‹‡Ž†•Ǥ
o Introduce selective breeding–‘”‡†— ‡‡‹••‹‘‹–‡•‹–›ƒ†‹ ”‡ƒ•‡’”‘†— –‹‘Ǥ
x Waste management
o Separate and treat biodegradable municipal wasteǡƒ†–—”‹–‹–‘ ‘’‘•–‘”„‹‘‡‡”‰›Ǥ
o Upgrade wastewater treatment™‹–Š‰ƒ•”‡ ‘˜‡”›ƒ†‘˜‡”ˆŽ‘™ ‘–”‘ŽǤ
x Better Monitoring of Ozone mitigation initiatives •— Šƒ•–Šƒ–‘ˆŽ‘‰Ǧƒ‰‡”ƒ•„‘—†ƒ”›
‹”‘ŽŽ—–‹‘–Š”‘—‰Š‹’Ž‡‡–ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ ‘–Š‡„—”‰’”‘–‘ ‘Žƒ†‡ˆˆ‡ –‹˜‡ˆ‘”‡ ƒ•–‹‰–Š”‘—‰Š
 ȋ›•–‡‘ˆ‹”—ƒŽ‹–›ƒ†‡ƒ–Š‡” ‘”‡ ƒ•–‹‰ȌǤ
Š‡ ‘˜‡”‡–Šƒ•ˆ—”–Š‡”–ƒ‡‹‹–‹ƒ–‹˜‡••— Šƒ•ƒ–‹‘ƒŽŽ‡ƒ‹””‘‰”ƒ‡ȋȌǡ ”ƒ†‡†
‡•’‘•‡ –‹‘Žƒȋ Ȍǡ‡– Ǥ–‘ Š‡ ‘œ‘‡’‘ŽŽ—–‹‘ƒ†‹’”‘˜‡ƒ‹”“—ƒŽ‹–›ǤŠ‡”‡‹•ƒ‡‡†
ˆ‘”‡ˆˆ‡ –‹˜‡‹’Ž‡‡–ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ—Ž–‹Ǧˆƒ ‡–‡†’”‘‰”ƒ•–‘ —–šƒ†•‡‹••‹‘•ˆ”‘˜‡Š‹ Ž‡•ǡ
‹†—•–”‹ƒŽˆƒ ‹Ž‹–‹‡•ǡƒ†‡Ž‡ –”‹ —–‹Ž‹–‹‡•Ǥ‘Ž—–ƒ”›’”‘‰”ƒ•ƒ›ƒŽ•‘„‡•–ƒ”–‡†–‘‡ ‘—”ƒ‰‡–Š‡
‘—‹–‹‡•–‘ƒ†‘’–’”ƒ –‹ ‡•ǡ•— Šƒ• ƒ”’‘‘Ž‹‰ǡ–‘”‡†— ‡Šƒ”ˆ—Ž‡‹••‹‘•Ǥ

15. Giving a brief account of the lakes formed due to Earth's movement, discuss the economic and
ecological significance of lakes. (Answer in 250 words) 15
x –”‘†— ‡„›‰‹˜‹‰–Š‡†‡ˆ‹‹–‹‘‘ˆŽƒ‡•Ǥ
x š’Žƒ‹–Š‡†‹ˆˆ‡”‡––›’‡•‘ˆŽƒ‡•†—‡–‘ƒ”–Šǯ•‘˜‡‡–Ǥ
x ‹• —••–Š‡‡ ‘‘‹ ƒ†‡ ‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ•‹‰‹ˆ‹ ƒ ‡‘ˆŽƒ‡•Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ’’”‘’”‹ƒ–‡Ž›Ǥ
ƒ‡•ƒ”‡†‡ˆ‹‡†ƒ•Žƒ”‰‡ƒ”‡ƒ•‘ˆ™ƒ–‡”„‘†‹‡•–Šƒ–occupy the hollows‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ”–Šǯ••—”ˆƒ ‡ǡƒ”‡
•—””‘—†‡†„›Žƒ†ǡƒ†ƒ”‡not connected–‘–Š‡•‡ƒ•‡š ‡’–„›”‹˜‡”•‘”•–”‡ƒ•Ǥƒ‡• ƒ„‡
ˆ‘”‡† †—‡ –‘ ˜ƒ”‹‘—• ˆƒ –‘”• •— Š ƒ• ƒ”–Šǯ• ‘˜‡‡–ǡ ‰Žƒ ‹ƒ–‹‘ǡ ˜‘Ž ƒ‹  ƒ –‹˜‹–›ǡ ‡”‘•‹‘ǡ
†‡’‘•‹–‹‘ǡƒ†Š—ƒƒ†„‹‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽƒ –‹˜‹–‹‡•Ǥ
The lakes formed due to Earth’s movements are as follows:
x Tectonic lakes:
጖ Š‡•‡Žƒ‡•ƒ”‡ˆ‘”‡†™Š‡†‡’”‡••‹‘•‹–Š‡ƒ”–Šǯ••—”ˆƒ ‡‘ —”†—‡–‘–Š‡ sagging,
warping, bending and fracturing‘ˆ–Š‡ƒ”–Šǯ• ”—•–Ǥ
15 ©Vision IAS


጖ ‘‡examples‘ˆ•— ŠŽƒ‡•ƒ”‡ Lake Titicaca in the Andes, Caspian Sea, Baikal Lake,
Sea of Aral, and Wular Lake‹ †‹ƒǤ
 x Rift Valley lakes:
጖ —‡–‘–Š‡ˆƒ—Ž–•‹–Š‡ƒ”–Šǯ• ”—•–ǡ”‹ˆ–˜ƒŽŽ‡›•ƒ”‡ˆ‘”‡†„›•‹‹‰‘ˆŽƒ†„‡–™‡‡–™‘
጖ Examples‘ˆ•— ŠŽƒ‡•ƒ”‡East African Rift Valley Lake‡š–‡†‹‰ˆ”‘Zambia in Africa
till Jordan in the Middle- EastǡTanganyika, Malawi, Rudolf, Albert, Dead Sea‡– Ǥ
—ƒŽ‹ˆ‡‹• Ž‘•‡Ž›Ž‹‡†–‘–Š‡™ƒ–‡”„‘†‹‡•ǡƒ†Žƒ‡•ƒ”‡‘†‹ˆˆ‡”‡–ǤŠ‡›‘–‘Ž›’Žƒ›ƒ ”— ‹ƒŽ
”‘Ž‡‹–Š‡‡ ‘‘‹ ǡ•‘ ‹ƒŽǡƒ† —Ž–—”ƒŽŽ‹ˆ‡‘ˆ’‡‘’Ž‡„—–ƒ”‡ƒŽ•‘ƒ‡›Ž‹‹‘—”‡ ‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ•›•–‡Ǥ
Economic significance of lakes
x Means of communication:Š‡›ƒ”‡ƒ Š‡ƒ’ƒ† ‘˜‡‹‡–‘†‡‘ˆ–”ƒ•’‘”–ƒ–‹‘ˆ‘”„—Žƒ†
Š‡ƒ˜›ƒ–‡”‹ƒŽ••— Šƒ•‹”‘ǡ ‘ƒŽǡ ‡‡–‡– Ǥ ‘”‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ–Š‡Great Lakes of North America
and St. Lawrence waterwaysƒ”‡—•‡†ƒ•–Š‡chief arteries of commerceǤ
x Industrial development:‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–‘ˆƒŽŽ•‡ –‘”•ƒ”‡‰”‡ƒ–Ž›‹ˆŽ—‡ ‡†„›–Š‡’”‘š‹‹–›–‘
–Š‡Žƒ‡•Ǥ ‘”‹•–ƒ ‡ǡthe HOMES Districts‹–Š‡‡ƒ”–Š‡Great Lakes,—Šƒ‹Š‹ƒ
‡ƒ” Lakes Poyang, ‡– Ǥ
x Water storage:Š‡›ƒ”‡—•‡†ƒ•™ƒ–‡”•–‘”ƒ‰‡•ˆ‘”•—’’Ž›‘ˆ™ƒ–‡”ˆ‘”Š—ƒ ‘•—’–‹‘ƒ†
‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ ’—”’‘•‡•Ǥ ‘” ‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ Lake Thirlmere •—’’Ž‹‡• ™ƒ–‡” –‘ ƒ Š‡•–‡”ǡ Okhla
Reservoir•—’’Ž‹‡•™ƒ–‡”–‘‡ŽŠ‹ǡ‡– Ǥ
x Hydroelectric power generation:ƒ‡•ƒ”‡ƒ‰”‡ƒ–•‘—” ‡‘ˆ™ƒ–‡”ˆ‘” Ž‡ƒƒ† Š‡ƒ’Š›†‡Ž
’‘™‡” ‰‡‡”ƒ–‹‘Ǥ ‘” ‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ Lake Erie and Lake Ontario in North America, Abu Bakar
Dam in Malaysia and Bhakra Nangal‹ †‹ƒǤ
x Source of minerals:ƒ‡•ƒ”‡ƒ•‘—” ‡‘ˆ‹‡”ƒŽ••— Šƒ•common salts, rock salt, gypsum,
Borax ‡– Ǥǡƒ†Šƒ˜‡Ž‡†–‘–Š‡†‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–‘ˆ Š‡‹ ƒŽ‹†—•–”‹‡•ƒ”‘—†–Š‡Ǥ
Ecological significance of lakes:
x Nutrient cyclingǣ ƒ‡• ’Žƒ› ƒ ”‹–‹ ƒŽ ”‘Ž‡ ‹ —–”‹‡– › Ž‹‰ –Š”‘—‰Š water, carbon, and
nitrogen cycles.
x Regulation of water levelsǣ—”‹‰–Š‡’‡”‹‘†‘ˆŠ‡ƒ˜›”ƒ‹ˆƒŽŽǡŽƒ‡•ƒ„•‘”„–Š‡‡š ‡••™ƒ–‡”
ƒ‹–ƒ‹ƒ•–‡ƒ†›ˆŽ‘™ǤŠ‹•‡•—”‡•ecological flowƒ†Š‡Ž’•maintain the fragile ecosystem
x Moderation of climate:Differential heating of deep and large water bodiesŠ‡Ž’•moderate
the climate‘ˆ–Š‡•—””‘—†‹‰”‡‰‹‘•Ǥ –ƒŽ•‘ ”‡ƒ–‡•ƒ ‘†— ‹˜‡‡˜‹”‘‡–ˆ‘”rainfallǤ
x Conservation of species:ƒ‡•’Žƒ›ƒ ”‹–‹ ƒŽ”‘Ž‡‹ ‘•‡”˜‹‰–Š‡‡ ‘•›•–‡ƒ†‹–•†‹˜‡”•‹–›
„› ’”‘˜‹†‹‰ Ž‹ˆ‡Ǧ•—•–ƒ‹‹‰ ‘†‹–‹‘• ˆ‘” ƒ ”ƒ‰‡ ‘ˆ •’‡ ‹‡•Ǥ ‘” ‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ Chilika lake and
Bhitarkanika lake‹ †‹ƒǤ
ƒ‡•ƒŽŽ‘˜‡”–Š‡™‘”Ž†ƒ”‡ˆƒ ‹‰–Š”‡ƒ–†—‡–‘ Ž‹ƒ–‹ ƒ†ƒ–Š”‘’‘‰‡‹ ˆƒ –‘”•Ǥ’Žƒ–‘’”‘–‡ –
Žƒ‡•‡ ‘’ƒ••‹‰Ž‘ ƒŽ„‘†‹‡•ǡŽ‘ ƒŽ’‘’—Žƒ–‹‘ǡƒ†ƒ–‹‘ƒŽƒ†•–ƒ–‡Ž‡˜‡Žƒ‰‡ ‹‡•ˆ‘ —•‹‰‘

16. Highlighting the factors determining ocean salinity, discuss its spatial distribution across the
world. (Answer in 250 words) 15
x ‹˜‡ƒ„”‹‡ˆ‹–”‘†— –‹‘ƒ„‘—––Š‡ ‘ ‡’–‘ˆ‘ ‡ƒ•ƒŽ‹‹–›Ǥ
x ‹‰ŠŽ‹‰Š–˜ƒ”‹‘—•ˆƒ –‘”•–Šƒ–†‡–‡”‹‡‘ ‡ƒ•ƒŽ‹‹–›Ǥ
x ‹• —•••’ƒ–‹ƒŽ†‹•–”‹„—–‹‘‘ˆ‘ ‡ƒ•ƒŽ‹‹–›ƒ ”‘••–Š‡™‘”Ž†Ǥ
 ‡ƒ•ƒŽ‹‹–›”‡ˆ‡”•–‘–Š‡–‘–ƒŽƒ‘—–‘ˆ•ƒŽ–†‹••‘Ž˜‡†‹•‡ƒ™ƒ–‡”Ǥ –‹• ƒŽ —Žƒ–‡†ƒ•–Š‡ƒ‘—–
‘ˆ‰”ƒ•‘ˆ•ƒŽ–’‡”‹Ž‘‰”ƒ‘ˆ•‡ƒ™ƒ–‡”ƒ†ƒŽ•‘†‡‘–‡†ƒ•parts per thousand (ppt).Š‡‘”ƒŽ
”ƒ‰‡‘ˆ‘ ‡ƒ•ƒŽ‹‹–›”ƒ‰‡•„‡–™‡‡͵͵Ǧ͵͹‰”ƒ•’‡”Ž‹–‡”ȋ͵͵ΩǦ͵͹ΩȌǤ
16 ©Vision IAS


Factors determining ocean salinity:
x Evaporation:Š‡”ƒ–‡‘ˆ‡˜ƒ’‘”ƒ–‹‘ƒ†•ƒŽ‹‹–›ƒ”‡’‘•‹–‹˜‡Ž›”‡Žƒ–‡†Ǥ ‹‰Š‡”–Š‡‡˜ƒ’‘”ƒ–‹‘
 ”ƒ–‡ǡŠ‹‰Š‡”–Š‡•ƒŽ‹‹–›Ǥ‹–ŠŠ‹‰Š–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡ƒ†Ž‘™Š—‹†‹–›ǡ‘”‡‡˜ƒ’‘”ƒ–‹‘–ƒ‡•’Žƒ ‡
ƒ†•ƒŽ– ‘ ‡–”ƒ–‹‘‹ ”‡ƒ•‡•–Š—•‹ ”‡ƒ•‹‰–‘–ƒŽ•ƒŽ‹‹–›Ǥ
x Precipitation: – ‹• ‹˜‡”•‡Ž› ’”‘’‘”–‹‘ƒŽ –‘•ƒŽ‹‹–› ‹Ǥ‡Ǥǡ Š‹‰Š‡” ’”‡ ‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘ ”‡•—Ž–• ‹ Ž‘™‡”
•ƒŽ‹‹–›ƒ†˜‹ ‡˜‡”•ƒǤ
x The influx of river water: ‹˜‡”• „”‹‰ ‹ ˆ”‡•Š ™ƒ–‡” –‘ –Š‡ ‘ ‡ƒ ƒ† ”‡†— ‡ –Š‡ •ƒŽ–
‘ ‡–”ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡•‡ƒ„›†‹Ž—–‹‰‹–‹–Š‡‹ˆŽ—š”‡‰‹‘Ǥ
x Atmospheric pressure and wind directionǣ–‹ › Ž‘‹  ‘†‹–‹‘•‰‡‡”ƒŽŽ›”ƒ‹•‡–Š‡•ƒŽ‹‹–›
‘ˆ‘ ‡ƒ‹ •—”ˆƒ ‡™ƒ–‡”™Š‡‹–Šƒ••–ƒ„Ž‡ƒ‹”ƒ†ƒŠ‹‰Š‡”–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡ƒ•‹–Ž‡ƒ†•–‘Ž‡••”ƒ‹ˆƒŽŽ
ƒ† Š‹‰Š ‡˜ƒ’‘”ƒ–‹‘Ǥ ‹‹Žƒ”Ž› ™‹† ƒ† —””‡–• ’”‘˜‹†‡ ƒ••‹•–ƒ ‡ ‹ –Š‡ ”‡†‹•–”‹„—–‹‘ ‘ˆ
‘ ‡ƒ‹ •ƒŽ‹‹–›Ǥ
x Global warmingǣ –ƒ›ƒˆˆ‡ –ˆƒ –‘”••— Šƒ•–‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡ǡ‹ ‡‡Ž–‹‰ƒ†‘–Š‡”ˆƒ –‘”•™Š‹ Š
†‹”‡ –Ž›ƒ†‹†‹”‡ –Ž›‹’ƒ ––Š‡•ƒŽ‹‹–›‘ˆ•‡ƒ™ƒ–‡”Ǥ
Š‡•’ƒ–‹ƒŽ†‹•–”‹„—–‹‘‘ˆ•ƒŽ‹‹–›‹ Ž—†‡•„‘–Š˜‡”–‹ ƒŽƒ†Š‘”‹œ‘–ƒŽ†‹•–”‹„—–‹‘Ǥ
x Vertical distribution: • †‡’‹ –‡† ‹ –Š‡ ˆ‹‰—”‡ǡ •ƒŽ‹‹–› ˜ƒ”‹‡• ™‹–Š †‡’–Š †‡’‡†‹‰ ‘ –Š‡
Žƒ–‹–—†‡ƒ†–Š‡”‡‹•ƒ†‹•–‹ –œ‘‡ ƒŽŽ‡†
–Š‡ halocline, where salinity changes
sharply. For e.g., •ƒŽ‹‹–› ‹ ”‡ƒ•‡• ™‹–Š
‹ ”‡ƒ•‹‰†‡’–Š‹Š‹‰ŠŽƒ–‹–—†‡•‹Ǥ‡Ǥ–Š‡”‡
‹• ’‘•‹–‹˜‡ ”‡Žƒ–‹‘•Š‹’ „‡–™‡‡ –Š‡
ƒ‘—– ‘ˆ •ƒŽ‹‹–› ƒ† †‡’–Š „‡ ƒ—•‡ ‘ˆ
x Horizontal distribution: Š‡ „ƒ•‹ 
’”‹ ‹’Ž‡ ‘ˆ •ƒŽ‹‹–› †‹•–”‹„—–‹‘ ‹• –Šƒ– ‹–
decreases from the equator to the polesǤ
‘™‡˜‡”ǡ–Š‡highest salinity is not found
on the equator†—‡–‘Š‹‰Š”ƒ‹ˆƒŽŽǡbut in
the tropical regions (20 – 40 degrees
North) ‘™‹‰ –‘ Š‹‰Š –‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡• ƒ†
Š—‹†‹–› ƒ† Ž‡•• ’”‡ ‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘Ǥ ƒŽ‹‹–›
†‡ ”‡ƒ•‡• –‘™ƒ”†• ’‘Žƒ” œ‘‡• †—‡ –‘ –Š‡
‹ˆŽ—š‘ˆ‡Ž–‹‰‹ ‡™ƒ–‡”Ǥ
x Regional distribution of salinity: Š‡•ƒŽ‹‹–›ˆ‘”normal open ocean ”ƒ‰‡•„‡–™‡‡33 ppt
and 37 pptǤ –Š‡Žƒ†ǦŽ‘ ‡†‡†•‡ƒǡ‹–‹•ƒ•Š‹‰Šƒ•Ͷͳ’’–ǡ™Š‹Ž‡‹–Š‡‡•–—ƒ”‹‡•ƒ†–Š‡” –‹ ǡ
–Š‡•ƒŽ‹‹–›ˆŽ— –—ƒ–‡•ˆ”‘ͲȂ͵ͷ’’–ǡ•‡ƒ•‘ƒŽŽ›Ǥ hot and dry regionsǡ™Š‡”‡‡˜ƒ’‘”ƒ–‹‘‹•
Š‹‰Šǡ–Š‡•ƒŽ‹‹–›•‘‡–‹‡•reaches 70 pptǤ ‘”‹•–ƒ ‡ǡ–Š‡‡†‹–‡””ƒ‡ƒ‡ƒ”‡ ‘”†•Š‹‰Š‡”
‹‹Žƒ”Ž›ǡ•ƒŽ‹‹–›˜ƒ”‹ƒ–‹‘‹–Š‡ƒ ‹ˆ‹  ‡ƒ‹•ƒ‹Ž›†—‡–‘‹–••Šƒ’‡ƒ†Žƒ”‰‡”ƒ”‡ƒŽ‡š–‡–Ǥ –
†‡ ”‡ƒ•‡•ˆ”‘͵ͷ’’–Ǧ͵ͳ’’–‘–Š‡™‡•–‡”’ƒ”–•‘ˆ–Š‡‘”–Š‡”Š‡‹•’Š‡”‡„‡ ƒ—•‡‘ˆ–Š‡‹ˆŽ—š
‘ˆ‡Ž–‡†™ƒ–‡”ˆ”‘–Š‡” –‹ ”‡‰‹‘Ǥ –Š‡•ƒ‡™ƒ›ǡƒˆ–‡”ͳͷιǦʹͲι•‘—–Šǡ‹–†‡ ”‡ƒ•‡•–‘͵͵’’–Ǥ
Š‡ƒ˜‡”ƒ‰‡•ƒŽ‹‹–›‘ˆ–Š‡ †‹ƒ ‡ƒ‹•͵ͷ’’–ǤŠ‡Ž‘™•ƒŽ‹‹–›–”‡†‹•‘„•‡”˜‡†‹–Š‡ƒ›‘ˆ
‡‰ƒŽ†—‡–‘Žƒ”‰‡‹ˆŽ—š‘ˆ”‹˜‡”™ƒ–‡”Ǥ–Š‡ ‘–”ƒ”›ǡ–Š‡”ƒ„‹ƒ‡ƒ•Š‘™•Š‹‰Š‡”•ƒŽ‹‹–›†—‡

17. Explain what you understand by a chemical disaster with examples from the Indian context. Also,
mention the challenges to mitigate such disasters and discuss how these challenges can be
addressed. (Answer in 250 words) 15
x š’Žƒ‹™Šƒ–›‘——†‡”•–ƒ†„›ƒ Š‡‹ ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒ† ‹–‡‡šƒ’Ž‡•ˆ”‘–Š‡ †‹ƒ ‘–‡š–Ǥ
x ‹• —••–Š‡ ŠƒŽŽ‡‰‡•–‘‹–‹‰ƒ–‡ Š‡‹ ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”•Ǥ

17 ©Vision IAS


x ‡–‹‘–Š‡•–‡’•–Šƒ–‡‡†–‘„‡–ƒ‡–‘ƒ††”‡••–Š‡ ŠƒŽŽ‡‰‡•ƒ”‹•‹‰‘—–‘ˆ Š‡‹ ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”•
‹ †‹ƒǤ
 x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ
 Š‡‹ ƒŽ †‹•ƒ•–‡” ‹• –Š‡ ƒ ‹†‡–ƒŽ ƒ† — ‘–”‘ŽŽ‡† ”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡ ‘ˆ ƒ –‘š‹  •—„•–ƒ ‡ǡ ’‘–‡–‹ƒŽŽ›
”‡•—Ž–‹‰‹Šƒ”–‘’—„Ž‹ Š‡ƒŽ–Šƒ†–Š‡‡˜‹”‘‡–Ǥ
Some examples of chemical disasters from the Indian context include:
x †‹ƒ Šƒ• ™‹–‡••‡† –Š‡ ™‘”Ž†ǯ• ™‘”•– Š‡‹ ƒŽ ȋ‹†—•–”‹ƒŽȌ †‹•ƒ•–‡” ‹Ǥ‡Ǥ –Š‡ ǮBhopal Gas
Tragedyǯ‹–Š‡›‡ƒ”ͳͻͺͶǡ™Š‡”‡‘˜‡”–Š‘—•ƒ†•‘ˆ’‡‘’Ž‡†‹‡†‘”™‡”‡‹Œ—”‡††—‡–‘ƒ ‹†‡–ƒŽ
”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡‘ˆ–‘š‹ ‰ƒ•‡–Š›Ž •‘ ›ƒƒ–‡ȋ ȌǤ
x  ʹͲͲͺǡ ’‡‘’Ž‡ ƒ– ƒ–ƒ ‘–‘”• ‰‘– ‡š’‘•‡† –‘ †‡•‡ ’ƒŽ‡ ‰”‡‡ ’—‰‡– ƒ† ’‘‹•‘‘—• ‰ƒ•ǡ
x ʹͲʹͲǡƒgas leak from a styrene plant‘™‡†„›‘—–Š‘”‡ƒ‡Ž‡ –”‘‹ •‰‹ƒ– ƒˆˆ‡ –‡†
x  ‘”†‹‰–‘–Š‡ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–—–Š‘”‹–›ȋȌǡ‹–Š‡Žƒ•––™‘†‡ ƒ†‡•ǡ130
significant chemical accidents were reported in Indiaǡ™Š‹ Š”‡•—Ž–‡†‹ʹͷͻ†‡ƒ–Š•ƒ†ͷ͸͵
Challenges to mitigate chemical disasters:
x Lack of awarenessǣ ƒ’’”‘’”‹ƒ–‡ ƒ† Šƒ’Šƒœƒ”† ‘•–”— –‹‘ ƒ† Žƒ  ‘ˆ ƒ™ƒ”‡‡•• ƒ†
’”‡’ƒ”‡†‡••‘–Š‡’ƒ”–‘ˆ–Š‡ ‘—‹–›‡Šƒ ‡–Š‡˜—Ž‡”ƒ„‹Ž‹–›–‘•— Š†‹•ƒ•–‡”•Ǥ
x Lack of coordination:ƒ”‹‘—••–ƒ‡Š‘Ž†‡”•Ž‹‡–Š‡ˆ‹”‡†‡’ƒ”–‡–ǡŠ‡ƒŽ–Š†‡’ƒ”–‡–ǡ ‹˜‹Ž
•‘ ‹‡–›‡– Ǥ‹˜‘Ž˜‡†‹ Š‡‹ ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–Žƒ ƒ†‡“—ƒ–‡ƒ„‹Ž‹–›–‘ƒ –‹ ‘ŽŽƒ„‘”ƒ–‹‘
™Š‡ƒ†‹•ƒ•–‡”‘ —”•Ǥ
x Lack of proper implementation of existing lawsǣ †‹ƒ†‘‡•‘–•–”‹‰‡–Ž›‡ˆ‘” ‡’”‘˜‹•‹‘•
Žƒ‹† ‘—– ‹ –Š‡ ˜‹”‘‡– ȋ”‘–‡ –‹‘Ȍ  –ǡ ͳͻͺ͸ ƒ† ‹•ƒ•–‡” ƒƒ‰‡‡–  –ǡ ʹͲͲͷ ˆ‘”
‡ˆˆ‡ –‹˜‡‘Ǧ•‹–‡ƒ•™‡ŽŽƒ•‘ˆˆǦ•‹–‡‡‡”‰‡ ›ƒƒ‰‡‡–’Žƒ‹‰Ǥ
x Negligence in handling of hazardous chemicalsǣ ƒ†Ž‹‰ Žƒ”‰‡ “—ƒ–‹–‹‡• ‘ˆ Šƒœƒ”†‘—•
Š‡‹ ƒŽ•‹‹•–ƒŽŽƒ–‹‘•ǡ‹•‘Žƒ–‡†•–‘”ƒ‰‡•ǡƒ††—”‹‰–”ƒ•’‘”–ƒ–‹‘ǡ’‘•‡•–Š‡‰”ƒ˜‡”‹•‘ˆƒ
•—††‡”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡‘ˆ ‘’‹‘—•“—ƒ–‹–‹‡•‘ˆ–‘š‹ ƒ–•‹–Š‡‡˜‹”‘‡–Ǥ
x Unorganised sectorǣ Š‘—•ƒ†• ‘ˆ ˆƒ –‘”‹‡• ‹ –Š‡ —‘”‰ƒ‹œ‡† •‡ –‘” †‡ƒŽ ™‹–Š —‡”‘—•
Šƒœƒ”†‘—•ƒ–‡”‹ƒŽ•ǡ™Š‹ Š‹•‡šƒ ‡”„ƒ–‡†„›Žƒ ‘ˆ’”‘–‡ –‹˜‡‡“—‹’‡–Ǥ
ƒ™••— Šƒ•–Š‡š’Ž‘•‹˜‡• –ǡͳͺͺͶǡ‡–”‘Ž‡— –ǡͳͻ͵Ͷǡ ƒ –‘”‹‡• –ǡͳͻͶͺǡ •‡ –‹ ‹†‡• –ǡ
ͳͻ͸ͺǡ ˜‹”‘‡– ȋ”‘–‡ –‹‘Ȍ  –ǡ ͳͻͺ͸ǡ —„Ž‹  ‹ƒ„‹Ž‹–› •—”ƒ ‡  –ǡ ͳͻͻͳǡ ‹•ƒ•–‡”
ƒƒ‰‡‡– –ǡʹͲͲͷ‡– ǤŠƒ˜‡„‡‡‹’Ž‡‡–‡†‹ †‹ƒ–‘†‡ƒŽ™‹–Š Š‡‹ ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”•ǤŽ–Š‘—‰Š
ƒ ‘’”‡Š‡•‹˜‡Ž‡‰ƒŽˆ”ƒ‡™‘”‡š‹•–•‹‘—” ‘—–”›–‘ƒ††”‡•• Š‡‹ ƒŽ”‹•ǡƒ††‹–‹‘ƒŽ‡ƒ•—”‡•
ƒ”‡”‡“—‹”‡†–‘ƒ††”‡••–Š‡ƒ„‘˜‡Ǧ‡–‹‘‡† ŠƒŽŽ‡‰‡•ǤThese include:
x Hazard mappingǣ   —”ƒ–‡ ‹ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘ ƒ„‘—– Ž‘ ƒ–‹‘ǡ –›’‡ ƒ† “—ƒ–‹–‹‡• ‘ˆ Šƒœƒ”†‘—•
ƒ–‡”‹ƒŽ„‡‹‰•–‘”‡†ǡ—•‡†‘”’”‘†— ‡†•Š‘—Ž†„‡‘™ƒ–†‹•–”‹ –ƒ†•–ƒ–‡Ž‡˜‡Ž•Ǥ
x Proper inspectionǣ”‡‰—Žƒ”ƒ†•›•–‡ƒ–‹ ‹•’‡ –‹‘‘ˆ Š‡‹ ƒŽ’Žƒ–•ƒ†•–‘”ƒ‰‡ˆƒ ‹Ž‹–‹‡•
‘ˆŠƒœƒ”†‘—•ƒ–‡”‹ƒŽ• ƒ’”‡˜‡–•— Š†‹•ƒ•–‡”•‹ˆŽƒ‹††‘™‘”•ƒ”‡ˆ‘ŽŽ‘™‡†•–”‹ –Ž›„›ƒŽŽ
x Capacity buildingǣ Š‡”‡ ‹• ƒ ‡‡† ˆ‘” ƒ’ƒ ‹–› „—‹Ž†‹‰ „‘–Š ‘ˆˆ•‹–‡ ƒ† ‘•‹–‡ –‘ ƒ††”‡••
Š‡‹ ƒŽ‡‡”‰‡ ‹‡•Ǥ ‘‘—†‡”•–ƒ†‹‰‘”‡“—‹”‡‡–•‘ˆ•ƒˆ‡–›„›–Š‡‰‘˜‡”‡–
‘ˆˆ‹ ‹ƒŽ•ǡ–Š‘•‡”—‹‰‹†—•–”‹‡•ƒ•™‡ŽŽƒ•’‡‘’Ž‡Ž‹˜‹‰‹–Š‡˜‹ ‹‹–›‘ˆ Š‡‹ ƒŽ‹†—•–”‹‡•‹•
x Stakeholder collaborationǣ ‘‘”†‹ƒ–‹‘‡ Šƒ‹•„‡–™‡‡˜ƒ”‹‘—••–ƒ‡Š‘Ž†‡”••Š‘—Ž†„‡
‡•–ƒ„Ž‹•Š‡†–‘•‡–’”‘ ‡†—”‡•–‘–ƒ Ž‡ Š‡‹ ƒŽ‡‡”‰‡ ‹‡•Ǥ
x Rehearsal of emergency plansǣ ‡”‰‡ › ’Žƒ•ǡ „‘–Š ‘ˆˆǦ•‹–‡ ƒ† ‘Ǧ•‹–‡ǡ •Š‘—Ž† „‡
’‡”‹‘†‹ ƒŽŽ›”‡Š‡ƒ”•‡†ǤŠ‘‡•–ˆ‡‡†„ƒ ƒ†’”‘’–ƒ –‹‘–‘’Ž—‰–Š‡‰ƒ’•‘„•‡”˜‡††—”‹‰
•— Š‘ †”‹ŽŽ•‹•‘‡‘ˆ–Š‡‘•–‹’‘”–ƒ–ˆ‡ƒ–—”‡•‘ˆ’”‡’ƒ”‡†‡••Ǥ

18 ©Vision IAS


††‹–‹‘ƒŽŽ›ǡ –Š‡ ˆ‘ —• •Š‘—Ž† „‡ ‘ •‡––‹‰ —’ ‘†‡Ž •ƒˆ‡–› ‘†‡•Ȁ •–ƒ†ƒ”†• ˆ‘” ’”‡˜‡–‹‘ ‘ˆ
ƒ ‹†‡–•ƒ––Š‡‹†—•–”›Ž‡˜‡Ž„›—’‰”ƒ†‹‰’”‘ ‡••‡•ƒ†–‡ Š‘Ž‘‰‹‡•ˆ‘”•ƒˆ‡–›‹•–ƒŽŽƒ–‹‘•ƒŽ‘‰
 ™‹–Š •–”‡‰–Š‡‹‰ ‘ˆ –Š‡ ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ ‹•ƒ•–‡” ‡•’‘•‡ ‘” ‡ ȋ Ȍǡ ˆ‹”‡ •‡”˜‹ ‡•ǡ ‡†‹ ƒŽ ˆ‹”•–
”‡•’‘†‡”•ƒ†‘–Š‡”‡‡”‰‡ ›”‡•’‘†‡”•Ǥ

18. The Global Assessment Report 2022 (GAR2022), released by the United Nations Office for
Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) estimates that the number of disaster events will increase over
the years to reach 560 a year by 2030. In this context, discuss the strategies that can be employed
to reduce risks and mitigate the impact of disasters in the coming years. (Answer in 250 words)
x ”‹‡ˆŽ›’”‡•‡–ˆ‡™•–ƒ–‹•–‹ •”‡Žƒ–‡†–‘†‹•ƒ•–‡”•‹–Š‡‹–”‘†— –‹‘Ǥ
x ”‹‰ ‘—– –Š‡ •–”ƒ–‡‰‹‡• –Šƒ– ‡‡† –‘ „‡ ‡’Ž‘›‡† –‘ ”‡†— ‡ ”‹•• ƒ† ‹–‹‰ƒ–‡ –Š‡ ‹’ƒ – ‘ˆ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ
Š‡ Ž‘„ƒŽ ••‡••‡– ‡’‘”– ȋ ʹͲʹʹȌǡ ”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡† „› –Š‡  ˆˆ‹ ‡ ˆ‘” ‹•ƒ•–‡” ‹• ‡†— –‹‘
ȋȌ”‡˜‡ƒŽ•–Šƒ–„‡–™‡‡͵ͷͲƒ†ͷͲͲ‡†‹—–‘Žƒ”‰‡Ǧ• ƒŽ‡†‹•ƒ•–‡”•–‘‘’Žƒ ‡‡˜‡”››‡ƒ”
‘˜‡”–Š‡’ƒ•––™‘†‡ ƒ†‡•ǤŠ‡—„‡”‘ˆ†‹•ƒ•–‡”‡˜‡–•‹•’”‘Œ‡ –‡†–‘”‡ƒ Šͷ͸Ͳƒ›‡ƒ”‘”ͳǤͷ‡ƒ Š
†ƒ› „› ʹͲ͵ͲǤ  ‘”†‹‰ –‘ –Š‡ ”‡’‘”–ǡ –Š‹• ™‹ŽŽ „‡ †—‡ –‘ ƒ „”‘‡ ’‡” ‡’–‹‘ ‘ˆ ”‹• „ƒ•‡† ‘
Dz‘’–‹‹•ǡ —†‡”‡•–‹ƒ–‹‘ ƒ† ‹˜‹ ‹„‹Ž‹–›ǡdz ™Š‹ Š Ž‡ƒ†• –‘ ’‘Ž‹ ›ǡ ˆ‹ƒ ‡ ƒ† †‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–
†‡ ‹•‹‘•–Šƒ–‡šƒ ‡”„ƒ–‡‡š‹•–‹‰˜—Ž‡”ƒ„‹Ž‹–‹‡•ƒ†’—–’‡‘’Ž‡‹†ƒ‰‡”Ǥ
• Ž‘„ƒŽ •›•–‡• ȋ‡ ‘Ž‘‰‹‡•ǡ ˆ‘‘† •›•–‡•ǡ •—’’Ž› Šƒ‹•ǡ ‡ ‘‘‹‡• ƒ† •‘ ‹ƒŽ •‡”˜‹ ‡•Ȍ ƒ”‡
„‡ ‘‹‰‘”‡ ‘‡ –‡†ǡ–Š‡›™‹ŽŽ„‡‘”‡˜—Ž‡”ƒ„Ž‡‹ƒ— ‡”–ƒ‹”‹•Žƒ†• ƒ’‡ǤŠ‡”‡ˆ‘”‡ǡ
–Š‡”‡‹•ƒ—”‰‡–‡‡†–‘‡’Ž‘›strategies to reduce risks and mitigate the impact of disasters
in the coming years:
x Hazard and risk assessment: Š‡”‡‹•ƒ‡‡†–‘ƒ’–Š‡ƒ–—”ƒŽŠƒœƒ”†•–Šƒ–‡š‹•–ƒ†identify
potentially exposed infrastructureȋ‡Ǥ‰Ǥǡ• Š‘‘Ž•ǡ Ž‹‹ •ǡ”‘ƒ†™ƒ›•ǡ™ƒ–‡”•—’’Ž›ǡ’‘™‡”ƒ†
–‡Ž‡ ‘—‹ ƒ–‹‘• •›•–‡•ȌǤ – ‹• ƒŽ•‘ ˜‡”› ‹’‘”–ƒ– –‘ identify communities ™Š‘•‡
‡ ‘‘‹ ǡ†‡‘‰”ƒ’Š‹ ǡ‡˜‹”‘‡–ƒŽǡ‹•–‹–—–‹‘ƒŽƒ†Ȁ‘”•‘ ‹ƒŽ Šƒ”ƒ –‡”‹•–‹ •ƒ›’—––Š‡
o ›ƒ’’‹‰‘—–’‘–‡–‹ƒŽŠƒœƒ”†•ǡƒ zoning system ƒ„‡†‡˜‡Ž‘’‡†–Šƒ–™‹ŽŽ•‡”˜‡ƒ•ƒ
„—‹Ž†‹‰ ‘†‡•Ǥ
x Risk reduction strategy: ‹• ”‡†— –‹‘ ‡ƒ•—”‡• •Š‘—Ž† „‡ ‹ Ž—†‡† ‹ –Š‡ governance
frameworkǡ™Š‹ Šƒ›”‡“—‹”‡–Š‡ƒ‡†‡–‘”‹–”‘†— –‹‘‘ˆƒ–‹‘ƒŽŽƒ™•ƒ†‘–Š‡”Ž‘‰Ǧ
–‡”’Žƒ‹‰‹•–”—‡–•Ǥ ‘•– ƒ•‡•ǡ–Š‡”‡ƒ•‘™Š›‹ˆ”ƒ•–”— –—”‡‹•†ƒƒ‰‡†„›ƒƒ–—”ƒŽ
Šƒœƒ”†‹•–Šƒ–‹–™ƒ•‘– ‘•–”— –‡†’”‘’‡”Ž›‘”Šƒ•„‡‡’Žƒ ‡†‹ƒ—•—‹–ƒ„Ž‡ȋŠ‹‰ŠǦ”‹•Ȍ
Ž‘ ƒ–‹‘Ǥ
o ‹•ƒƒ‰‡‡–ƒŽ•‘‡–ƒ‹Ž•–Š‡—•‡‘ˆ investment policies and programmes–Šƒ––ƒ‡
ƒ ‘—–‘ˆ˜—Ž‡”ƒ„‹Ž‹–‹‡•ƒ†‹ Ž—†‡–‘‘Ž•ˆ‘””‡†— ‹‰–Š‡‡š’‘•—”‡‘ˆƒ ‘—‹–›‘”ƒ••‡–
x Disaster Preparedness: ”‡’ƒ”‡†‡•• •Š‘—Ž† „‡ ’ƒ”– ‘ˆ ƒŽŽ ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ †‡˜‡Ž‘’‡– ’Žƒ•Ǥ Š‡
‘ ‡’– ‘ˆ ’”‡’ƒ”‡†‡•• ”‡ˆ‡”• –‘ –Š‡ ‘™Ž‡†‰‡ ƒ† •‹ŽŽ• †‡˜‡Ž‘’‡† „› ƒ ‰‘˜‡”‡–ǡ –Š‡
’”‹˜ƒ–‡•‡ –‘”ƒ† ‘—‹–‹‡•–Šƒ–ƒŽŽ‘™–Š‡–‘anticipate, respond to and recoverˆ”‘ƒ
o –‡ ‘’ƒ••‡•‘–‘Ž›‡˜‡”›–Š‹‰–Šƒ–‹•†‘‡–‘’”‡’ƒ”‡ˆ‘”†‹•ƒ•–‡”•before they happenǡ
„—– ƒŽ•‘ –Š‡ ƒ –‹‘• –ƒ‡ –‘ ‘—– ƒ ‡ˆˆ‡ –‹˜‡ ”‡•’‘•‡ –Šƒ– ™‹ŽŽ ’ƒ˜‡ –Š‡ ™ƒ› ˆ‘” ƒ
‘”‰ƒ‹œ‡†–”ƒ•‹–‹‘ˆ”‘response to recovery.
x Financial strategies: ‡•‹Ž‹‡– ’Žƒ‹‰ •Š‘—Ž† ‹ Ž—†‡ ƒ financial strategy for protecting
public-sector assets and for creating incentives for the private sector to protect its own

19 ©Vision IAS


assetsǤ’”‘’‡”ˆ‹• ƒŽ•–”ƒ–‡‰›ˆ‘”‡•—”‹‰ˆ‹ƒ ‹ƒŽ’”‘–‡ –‹‘‹ Ž—†‡•˜ƒ”‹‘—•‹•–”—‡–•ǡ
•— Šƒ•insurance, loans and the use of national fundsǤ
 x Resilient Recovery:Š‡”‡ƒ”‡two stages in any recovery processǤŠ‡first‹˜‘Ž˜‡•ƒ––‡†‹‰
–‘–Š‡ƒˆˆ‡ –‡†’‘’—Žƒ–‹‘ǡ‰‡––‹‰–Š‡‡š‹•–‹‰‹ˆ”ƒ•–”— –—”‡„ƒ ‹–‘‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘ƒ†‘”ƒŽ‹œ‹‰
’”‘†— –‹‘ƒ –‹˜‹–‹‡•ǤŠ‡second ‹˜‘Ž˜‡•—’‰”ƒ†‹‰•–”ƒ–‡‰‹ ‹ˆ”ƒ•–”— –—”‡‹ƒ ‘”†ƒ ‡™‹–Š
ƒ Ž‘ ƒŽ †‡˜‡Ž‘’‡– ƒ’’”‘ƒ Š –Šƒ– –ƒ‡• ‹–‘ ƒ ‘—– –Š‡ ‘’‘‡–• ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‘–Š‡” ’‹ŽŽƒ”•
Š‡„‡•–†‡ˆ‡ ‡ƒ‰ƒ‹•–ˆ—–—”‡•Š‘ •‹•–‘–”ƒ•ˆ‘”•›•–‡•‘™ǡ–‘„—‹Ž†”‡•‹Ž‹‡ ‡„›ƒ††”‡••‹‰
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‡•‹Ž‹‡– ˆ”ƒ•–”— –—”‡ȋ Ȍǡ‡– Ǥ

19. Highlighting the challenges faced by Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in tackling disasters,
discuss how the Disaster Management Plan of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj can help in
addressing these challenges. (Answer in 250 words) 15
x ”‹‡ˆŽ›‡–‹‘•‹‰‹ˆ‹ ƒ ‡‘ˆ†‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–ƒ––Š‡Ž‡˜‡Ž‘ˆƒ Šƒ›ƒ–‹ƒŒ •–‹–—–‹‘•
ȋ •ȌǤ
x ‡–‹‘ ŠƒŽŽ‡‰‡•ˆƒ ‡†„› •‹–ƒ Ž‹‰†‹•ƒ•–‡”•Ǥ
x ‹• —••Š‘™–Š‡”‡ ‡–’Žƒ ƒŠ‡Ž’‹ƒ††”‡••‹‰–Š‡ƒ„‘˜‡ ŠƒŽŽ‡‰‡•Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ ‘”†‹‰Ž›Ǥ
•’‡”  ǡ †‹ƒ‹•ƒ‘‰–Š‡™‘”Ž†ǯ•‘•–†‹•ƒ•–‡”Ǧ’”‘‡ ‘—–”‹‡•™‹–Š„‘–Š‹–•–ƒ–‡•ƒ†
‹‘‡””‹–‘”‹‡•‡š’‘•‡†–‘”‡ —””‡–ƒ–—”ƒŽŠƒœƒ”†•ǤŠ—•ǡ–Š‡”‘Ž‡‘ˆŽ‘ ƒŽ„‘†‹‡•Ž‹‡ƒ Šƒ›ƒ–‹
ƒŒ •–‹–—–‹‘•ȋ •Ȍ„‡ ‘‡‹’‡”ƒ–‹˜‡‹†‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–ƒ•–Š‡›„‡‹‰‡ƒ”‡”–‘–Š‡’‡‘’Ž‡
ƒ†‘”‡ˆƒ‹Ž‹ƒ”–‘–Š‡Ž‘ ƒŽ”‡“—‹”‡‡–•ǡƒ”‡‹ƒ„‡––‡”’‘•‹–‹‘–‘—†‡”–ƒ‡”‡Ž‹‡ˆ–ƒ••Ǥ —”–Š‡”ǡ
–Š‡› ƒŠ‡Ž’ ‡ˆˆ‡ –‹˜‡Ž›‹ •’”‡ƒ†‹‰ ƒ™ƒ”‡‡•• ƒ† ‡•—”‡ ’‡‘’Ž‡ǯ• ’ƒ”–‹ ‹’ƒ–‹‘ ‹ ˆ‹‰Š–‹‰ –Š‡
Challenges faced by PRIs in tackling disasters
x Lack of clarity regarding roles and responsibilities of PRIs in disaster managementǤ ‘”
‹•–ƒ ‡ǡ ‡˜‡ ‹ ”‡•’‡ – ‘ˆ ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ ‹•ƒ•–‡” ƒƒ‰‡‡–  – ʹͲͲͷǡ –Š‡ ’‘™‡”• ƒ†
”‡•’‘•‹„‹Ž‹–‹‡•‘ˆ’ƒ Šƒ›ƒ–•ƒ”‡‹ƒ†‡“—ƒ–‡Ž›†‡ˆ‹‡†ƒ†Ž‡ˆ––‘„‡†‡–‡”‹‡†„›”‡•’‡ –‹˜‡
x Low level of devolution ‘ˆ ’‘™‡”• ƒ† ˆ— –‹‘• „› –Š‡ –ƒ–‡• Ž‡ƒ†‹‰ –‘ Žƒ  ‘ˆ ƒ •›•–‡ǡ
”‡•‘—” ‡•ǡ ƒ† ƒ’ƒ ‹–› –‘ ƒ – ‹†‡’‡†‡–Ž› „›  • ‡•’‡ ‹ƒŽŽ› ‹ –Š‡ ˆ‹‡Ž† ‘ˆ †‹•ƒ•–‡”
x The Panchayats are not given enough fundsƒ†ƒ”‡‘ˆ–‡„›’ƒ••‡†„›–ƒ–‡Ǧ ‘–”‘ŽŽ‡†Ž‹‡
x Lack of training‘ˆ‡Ž‡ –‡†”‡’”‡•‡–ƒ–‹˜‡•ƒ†‘ˆˆ‹ ‹ƒŽˆ— –‹‘ƒ”‹‡•”‡‰ƒ”†‹‰‡ Šƒ‹••ƒ†
‘•‹†‡”‹‰–Š‡‹’‘”–ƒ–”‘Ž‡–Šƒ–Ž‘ ƒŽ ‘—‹–‹‡• ƒ’Žƒ›‹”‡†— ‹‰˜—Ž‡”ƒ„‹Ž‹–‹‡•ƒ†‡ƒ”Ž›
”‡ ‘˜‡”›ǡ –Š‡ ‹‹•–”› ‘ˆ ƒ Šƒ›ƒ–‹ ƒŒ Šƒ• ’”‡’ƒ”‡† –Š‡ ‹•ƒ•–‡” ƒƒ‰‡‡– Žƒ •‘ –Šƒ– ƒŽŽ
ƒ Šƒ›ƒ–‹ƒŒ •–‹–—–‹‘•ƒŽ‘‰™‹–Š ‘—‹–‹‡• ƒ„‡’”‡’ƒ”‡†ˆ‘”ƒ›†‹•ƒ•–‡”Ǥ
– ƒaddress above challenges faced by PRIs in the following way:
x Institutional arrangementǣ – ƒŽŽ•ˆ‘” ‘•–‹–—–‹‰ƒ˜‹ŽŽƒ‰‡ ‘‹––‡‡‘‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–
‹ ‡ƒ Š ˜‹ŽŽƒ‰‡ ƒ† ƒ ™‘”‹‰ ‰”‘—’ ‘ †‹•ƒ•–‡” ƒƒ‰‡‡– ‹ ‡ƒ Š ƒ Šƒ›ƒ– ˆ‘” ’Žƒ‹‰ǡ
x Mainstreaming of Community Based DMP of Villages and Panchayatsǣ˜‡”› †‹ƒ˜‹ŽŽƒ‰‡

20 ©Vision IAS


‘ˆ ”‡•’‡ –‹˜‡ ”ƒ ƒ Šƒ›ƒ– ‡˜‡Ž‘’‡– Žƒȋ Ȍ ƒ† •—„•‡“—‡–Ž› –Š‡ ˆ‘”—Žƒ–‹‘‘ˆ
Ž‘ ‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–ŽƒȋȌƒ†‹•–”‹ –‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–ŽƒȋȌǤ
 x Hazard Risk, Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis: –‹˜‘Ž˜‡•˜—Ž‡”ƒ„‹Ž‹–›ƒ’’‹‰ǡœ‘‹‰
ˆ‘” ƒ–—”ƒŽ †‹•ƒ•–‡”• •— Š ƒ• › Ž‘‡ǡ ˆŽ‘‘†•ǡ †”‘—‰Š–ǡ ‡ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡ǡ •—ƒ‹ ‡– Ǥ ˆ‘” ”‡•’‡ –‹˜‡
ƒ Šƒ›ƒ–•Ǥ
x Socially Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in Rural Areaǣ Š‡ ’Žƒ ƒŽŽ• ˆ‘” ‹ ‘”’‘”ƒ–‹‰
•‘ ‹ƒŽŽ› ‹ Ž—•‹˜‡ †‹•ƒ•–‡” ”‹• ‡‡†• ‘ˆ —Ž‡”ƒ„Ž‡ ”‘—’• Ž‹‡ ‡š—ƒŽ ‹‘”‹–‹‡•ǡ  Š‡†—Ž‡†
ƒ•–‡•ƒ† Š‡†—Ž‡†”‹„‡•ǡŠ‹Ž†”‡ƒ†’‡ ‹ƒŽŽ›„Ž‡†‡”•‘•‹‡ƒ Šƒ Šƒ›ƒ–Ǥ
x Capacity Building FrameworkǣŠ‡’Žƒ‡˜‹•ƒ‰‡• ‘’‡–‡ ‡„ƒ•‡†–”ƒ‹‹‰ˆ‘”–™‘‡„‡”•
‘ˆ‡˜‡”›˜‹ŽŽƒ‰‡ ‘‹––‡‡‘†‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–ǡ‡„‡”•‘ˆ–Š‡™‘”‹‰‰”‘—’‘†‹•ƒ•–‡”
ƒƒ‰‡‡–ˆ‘”‡ƒ Šƒ Šƒ›ƒ–ǡ‡– Ǥ
x Coordination, Convergence and Collective ActionǣŠ‡’Žƒƒ†˜‘ ƒ–‡•ˆ— –‹‘ƒŽ ‘‘”†‹ƒ–‹‘
™‹–Š—Ž–‹’Ž‡ƒ‰‡ ‹‡•ǡ ‘˜‡”‰‡ ‡™‹–Š•–”— –—”‡ƒ†•›•–‡‘ˆ†‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–Ǥ
o ’Ž‡‡–ƒ–‹‘ ‘ˆ –Š‡ ’Žƒ ™‹ŽŽ „‡ ‹ ‘˜‡”‰‡ ‡ ‘†‡ ™‹–Š –Š‡ ‘‰‘‹‰ • Š‡‡ ‘ˆ
ƒ•Š–”‹›ƒ ”ƒ ™ƒ”ƒŒ „Š‹›ƒ  ȋ Ȍǡ • Š‡‡• ‘ˆ ‡–”ƒŽ ‘˜‡”‡– ƒ† –ƒ–‡
‘˜‡”‡–• ƒ† ‹•ƒ•–‡” ƒƒ‰‡‡– —–Š‘”‹–‹‡• ȋ•Ȍ ƒ† ”ƒ–• ‘ –Š‡ „ƒ•‹• ‘ˆ
”‡ ‘‡†ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ ‹ˆ–‡‡–Š ‹ƒ ‡‘‹••‹‘Ǥ
Š‡‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–Žƒ‘ˆ–Š‡‹‹•–”›‘ˆƒ Šƒ›ƒ–‹ƒŒƒ‹•–‘„—‹Ž††‹•ƒ•–‡””‡•‹Ž‹‡ ‡ƒ–
–Š‡ ‰”ƒ••”‘‘–• Ž‡˜‡Ž ƒ‘‰ –Š‡ ƒ Šƒ›ƒ–• ƒ† ‡•–ƒ„Ž‹•Š ƒ ˆ”ƒ‡™‘” –‘ ƒŽ‹‰ –Š‡ †‹•ƒ•–‡”

20. What are industrial disasters? Discuss with adequate examples. Also, highlight the institutional
framework for risk reduction of industrial disasters. (Answer in 250 words) 15
x ‡ˆ‹‡‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”•‹–Š‡‹–”‘†— –‹‘Ǥ
x ‹•–†‘™‹–•–›’‡•ƒ†‰‹˜‡‡šƒ’Ž‡•Ǥ
x ‹• —••–Š‡‡ Šƒ‹••–‘”‡†— ‡”‹••†—”‹‰ †—•–”‹ƒŽ‹•ƒ•–‡”•Ǥ
x ‘ Ž—†‡ƒ’’”‘’”‹ƒ–‡Ž›Ǥ
†—•–”‹ƒŽ †‹•ƒ•–‡”• ƒ”‡ •‡”‹‘—• ‡˜‡–• –Šƒ– ‹˜‘Ž˜‡ Šƒœƒ”†‘—• ƒ–‡”‹ƒŽ• ƒ† –Šƒ– ƒ Šƒ˜‡
‘•‡“—‡ ‡• „‘–Š ˆ‘” –Š‡ •—””‘—†‹‰ ’‘’—Žƒ–‹‘ ƒ† ‡˜‹”‘‡–Ǥ †—•–”‹ƒŽ ƒ ‹†‡–•ǡ ƒŽ•‘
‘™ƒ•–‡ Š‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”•ǡƒ”‡‘Ǧƒ–—”ƒŽ ƒŽƒ‹–‹‡•Ǥ
Different types of industrial disasters
x Explosion:Š‡ •Š‘ ™ƒ˜‡ǦŽ‹‡† ‡š’Ž‘•‹‘ ƒ ‹ŽŽ ’‡‘’Ž‡ „—– —•—ƒŽŽ› –Š‡ ‹†‹”‡ – ‡ˆˆ‡ –• ‘ˆ
‘ŽŽƒ’•‹‰„—‹Ž†‹‰•ǡˆŽ›‹‰‰Žƒ••ƒ††‡„”‹• ƒ—•‡ˆƒ”‘”‡Ž‘••‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡ƒ†•‡˜‡”‡‹Œ—”‹‡•ǤǤ‰Ǥǣ
Chernobyl Explosion in Russia, Halifax explosion in Canada.
x Toxic/Chemical release: —††‡”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡•‘ˆ–‘š‹ ˜ƒ’‘—”•Šƒ˜‡–Š‡’‘–‡–‹ƒŽ–‘ ƒ—•‡†‡ƒ–Šƒ†
•‡˜‡”‡ ‹Œ—”‹‡• •‡˜‡”ƒŽ ‹Ž‡• ˆ”‘ –Š‡ ”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡ ’‘‹–Ǥ Š‡› ƒ”‡ ƒ””‹‡† „› ™ƒ–‡” ƒ† ƒ‹”Ǥ Š‡‹”
”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡ ‹–‘ ’—„Ž‹  •‡™ƒ‰‡ •›•–‡•ǡ ”‹˜‡”•ǡ ƒƒŽ• ƒ† ‘–Š‡” ™ƒ–‡” ‘—”•‡•ǡ ‡‹–Š‡” †‹”‡ –Ž› ‘”
–Š”‘—‰Š ‘–ƒ‹ƒ–‡†™ƒ–‡”—•‡†‹ˆ‹”‡ˆ‹‰Š–‹‰ ƒ”‡•—Ž–‹•‡”‹‘—•–Š”‡ƒ––‘–Š‡’—„Ž‹ ǤE.g.:
Bhopal Gas Tragedy, 1984.
x Industrial Fires:Š‹• ‹• –Š‡ ‘•– ˆ”‡“—‡– ‘ˆ –Š‡ Šƒœƒ”†•ǡ Š‘™‡˜‡”ǡ –Š‡ ‘•‡“—‡ ‡• ƒ”‡
‰‡‡”ƒŽŽ› ‘ ‡••‡–‹ƒŽ •‡”˜‹ ‡• Ž‹‡ ’‘™‡” ƒ† ‹•–”—‡–ƒ–‹‘ǤŠ‡ ‡ˆˆ‡ – ‘ˆ ˆ‹”‡ ‘ ’‡‘’Ž‡
—•—ƒŽŽ› –ƒ‡• –Š‡ ˆ‘” ‘ˆ •‹ „—”• ƒ† ‹• —•—ƒŽŽ› †‡’‡†‡– ‘ –Š‡ ‡š’‘•—”‡ –‹‡ ƒ† –Š‡
‹–‡•‹–› ‘ˆ –Š‡ Š‡ƒ–Ǥ ‹”‡ ƒ ƒŽ•‘ ’”‘†— ‡ –‘š‹  ˆ—‡• Ž‹‡  ”‘Ž‡‹ǡ ƒ”„‘ ‘‘š‹†‡ ƒ†
›ƒ‹†‡•ǤE.g., Mundka fire incidents in New Delhi.
Legal framework for risk reduction of such events is discussed as follows:
x Š‡ ”‹• ”‡†— –‹‘ ˆ”ƒ‡™‘” ‹ Ž—†‡• Chemical Risk Assessment, Process Safety
ManagementǡSafety Audits, Emergency Planning, Training and public awareness.

21 ©Vision IAS


x Š‡ ƒ–‹‘ƒŽ ‹•ƒ•–‡” ƒƒ‰‡‡– —–Š‘”‹–› ȋȌ ‘ˆ †‹ƒ Šƒ• ƒŽ”‡ƒ†› ‘‡ ‘—– ™‹–Š
guidelines on Chemical Disaster ManagementǤ –‹•ƒŽ•‘™‘”‹‰‘”‡˜ƒ’‹‰‘ˆ •ȋŠ‹‡ˆ
 •’‡ –‘”ƒ–‡‘ˆ ƒ –‘”‹‡•Ȍ–‘•–”‡‰–Š‡ Š‡‹ ƒŽ•ƒˆ‡–›‹ †‹ƒǤ
x Š‡ National Action Plan on Chemical Industrial Disaster Management (NAP-CIDM)ǡ Šƒ•
„‡‡ˆ‹ƒŽ‹œ‡†™Š‹ Š™‹ŽŽƒ –ƒ•–Š‡”‘ƒ†ƒ’ˆ‘” Š‡‹ ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒƒ‰‡‡–‹ †‹ƒǤ
x Š”‘—‰Š CAPP, the United Nations Environment Programme ƒ‹• –‘ ’”‘‘–‡ Š‡‹ ƒŽ
ƒ ‹†‡– ’”‡˜‡–‹‘ ƒ† ’”‡’ƒ”‡†‡••ǡ ‹ ‡‡”‰‹‰ ‡ ‘‘‹‡• ƒ† †‡˜‡Ž‘’‹‰ ‘—–”‹‡• –Šƒ–
‡‡†•—’’‘”––‘ƒ††”‡••–Š‡‹ ”‡ƒ•‡†”‹••‘ˆ Š‡‹ ƒŽƒ ‹†‡–•Ǥ
x The OECD’s programme on Chemical Accidents ƒ‹• –‘ •Šƒ”‡ ‡š’‡”‹‡ ‡• ƒ‘‰•–
‰‘˜‡”‡–• ƒ† ‘–Š‡” •–ƒ‡Š‘Ž†‡”• ƒ† ”‡ ‘‡†• ’‘Ž‹ › ‘’–‹‘• ˆ‘” ‡Šƒ ‹‰ –Š‡
’”‡˜‡–‹‘‘ˆǡ’”‡’ƒ”‡†‡••ˆ‘”ƒ†”‡•’‘•‡–‘ Š‡‹ ƒŽƒ ‹†‡–•Ǥ
x Š‡ ͳͻͻʹ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on the
Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents ‹• †‡•‹‰‡† –‘ ’”‘–‡ – ’‡‘’Ž‡ ƒ† –Š‡
‡˜‹”‘‡– ƒ‰ƒ‹•– –Š‡ †‡˜ƒ•–ƒ–‹‰ ‡ˆˆ‡ –• ‘ˆ ‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ ƒ ‹†‡–• ‹ Ž—†‹‰ ’”‡˜‡–‹‘ ‘ˆ
‹†—•–”‹ƒŽƒ ‹†‡–•–”‹‰‰‡”‡†„›ƒ–—”ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”•ǡ•— Šƒ•ˆŽ‘‘†•ǡŽƒ†•Ž‹†‡•‘”‡ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡•Ǥ
x —‹†‡Ž‹‡• ‘ International Health Regulations and the public health management ‘ˆ
Š‡‹ ƒŽ‹ ‹†‡–• by WHO.
x ƒ”‹‘—•ƒ –•Šƒ˜‡„‡‡„”‘—‰Š–•— Šƒ• Factories Act 1948, Environment Protection Act 1986,
Public Liability Insurance Act 1991, Explosives Act 1884 etc ˆ‘” †‡ƒŽ‹‰ ™‹–Š ‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ
†‹•ƒ•–‡”•‹ †‹ƒǤ
‡•‹†‡•ǡ—Ž–‹Ǧ•–ƒ‡Š‘Ž†‡”’ƒ”–‹ ‹’ƒ–‹‘ǡ’”‘ƒ –‹˜‡ƒ™ƒ”‡‡•• ƒ’ƒ‹‰•ǡ•Šƒ”‡†„‡•–’”ƒ –‹ ‡•ƒ†
‡ˆˆ‡ –‹˜‡‹’Ž‡‡–ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ’‘Ž‹ ›‹•‡›–‘ƒ††”‡••‹‰‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”•Ǥ†‡”UNISDR disaster
risk, the recent “Bangkok Principles”‘’‡—’‘’’‘”–—‹–‹‡•ˆ‘” ‘ŽŽƒ„‘”ƒ–‹‘„‡–™‡‡ƒŽŽ”‡Ž‡˜ƒ–
•‡ –‘”•ƒ†•–ƒ‡Š‘Ž†‡”•ǯ‹†‹•ƒ•–‡”ƒˆˆ‡ –‡†ƒ”‡ƒ•Ǥ 

22 ©Vision IAS

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