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English words used in other languages ( EXTENDED VERSION)

Borrowed words from English have permeated languages across the globe,
becoming an integral part of lexicons and reflecting the interconnectedness of
cultures in our modern world. This phenomenon, known as linguistic borrowing,
occurs when languages adopt terms from another language to fill lexical gaps or to
express concepts introduced by the borrowing culture.

In Japanese, the term "コンピュータ" (konpyūta) is used to refer to computers,

illustrating the incorporation of English words into the lexicon to describe
technological advancements. Similarly, in French, "le weekend" has become
ubiquitous, reflecting the influence of Anglophone leisure culture. Spanish speakers
commonly use "internet" to denote the global network of interconnected computers,
showcasing the adoption of English terminology in the digital age.

Languages often adapt borrowed words to fit their phonological and grammatical
structures. For instance, German speakers use "das Handy" to refer to mobile phones,
a term that has been phonetically assimilated into the language. In Mandarin
Chinese, "手机" (shǒujī) literally translates to "hand machine," reflecting the literal
interpretation of the English term "mobile phone."

The process of linguistic borrowing is not one-sided, as English itself has borrowed
numerous words from other languages throughout its history. However, the
widespread influence of English as a global lingua franca has led to a significant
influx of borrowed words in other languages in recent decades.

While linguistic borrowing facilitates communication and allows languages to evolve

and adapt to changing societal needs, it can also spark debates about language
purity and preservation. Some language purists advocate for the use of native terms
over borrowed ones to maintain linguistic authenticity. However, the reality is that
language is dynamic and constantly evolving, shaped by cultural exchanges and

In conclusion, borrowed words from English play a vital role in enriching and
diversifying languages around the world. They serve as linguistic bridges, connecting
cultures and facilitating communication in an increasingly interconnected global

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