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Complete de sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets:

1. My book is ________________ (heavy) than yours.

2. My football field is ____________________ (big) than yours.
3. My sister is ____________________ (tall) than me.
4. My car is _______________________ (bad) than yours.
5. For me Maths is __________________________________ (difficult) than English.
6. This computer is ________________________ (good) than mine.


1. Os adjetivos GOOD e BAD são irregulares.

GOOD – better
BAD – worse

2. Adjetivos pequenos que terminam em consoante + vogal + consoante, dobram a última

BIG – bigger
THIN - thinner

3. Adjetivos que terminam em Y, o Y cai e transforma-se em I:

HAPPY – happier
PRETTY - prettier

4. Os adjetivos longos ficam iguais, só se acrescenta MORE antes do adjetivo:

INTERESTING – more interesting than

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