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1. THBT Social media influencers are to blame for glorifying fast fashion that is harmful to the environment.

A. Introduction
Fast fashion, a term used to describe the rapid production of inexpensive clothing that is quickly replaced by new designs,
has become a widespread and detrimental phenomenon in our society.
Problem in Status Quo
The fashion industry, particularly fast fashion, is currently a major contributor to environmental degradation. It involves
excessive resource consumption, wasteful production, and the release of harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases. The
fashion industry is one of the world's largest polluters, and it's exacerbating issues such as climate change, water pollution,
and waste generation.
Al A’raf : 56
٥٦‫يبا ِمنَاا ْٱل ُمحْ ِسنِينَاا‬
‫ٱّللاقَ ِر ًۭا‬
‫تا ِا‬ َ ‫عو اهُاخ َْو ًۭفاا َو‬
‫ط َمعااۚا ِإناا َرحْ َم َا‬ ُ ‫صلَ ٰـ ِح َهاا َوٱ ْد‬ ‫ىا ْٱْل َ ْر ِ ا‬
ْ ‫ضا َب ْع ادَا ِإ‬ ‫لات ُ ْف ِسدُوااافِ ا‬
‫َو َ ا‬
Do not spread corruption in the land after it has been set in order. And call upon Him with hope and
fear. Indeed, Allah’s mercy is always close to the good-doers.

B. Argument
The Harmful Effects of Fast Fashion
First, the production process is incredibly resource-intensive, from water usage to energy consumption. Second, the
disposable nature of fast fashion encourages a culture of overconsumption and rapid disposal, leading to vast amounts of
textile waste. Furthermore, the industry often relies on cheap labor in poor working conditions. Social and ethical
problems also arise due to these labor practices.
Al Isra : 26
‫ىا َحق ۥهُا َو ْٱل ِم ْس ِكينَاا َوٱبْنَااٱلس ِبي ِالا َو َ ا‬
‫لات ُ َبذ ْا‬
٢٦‫ِرات َ ْبذِيراا‬ ‫تاذَاا ْٱلقُ ْر َب ٰا‬
‫َو َءا ِا‬
And do not spend wastefully.
Why Social Media Influencers Become the Cause of This Issue
Social media influencers have an enormous impact on shaping consumer behavior and trends. They are often seen as style
icons, and their recommendations heavily influence the choices made by their followers. These influencers frequently
promote fast fashion brands, showcasing their products as must-haves and setting trends for their large audience. They
encourage the buy-and-toss mentality, promoting excessive consumption.
Social media influencers, who have many followers, are important in making fast fashion popular. Fast fashion is not good
for the environment. They make people buy a lot of clothes quickly and throw them away. This hurts the environment
because it uses too many resources, wastes water, and puts bad chemicals into the air. Social media influencers keep
talking about fast fashion and the idea that we should buy clothes and throw them away quickly. This makes the problem
worse. So, it's fair to say that social media influencers share some responsibility for making fast fashion popular and
damaging the environment.
Al Hajj : part of 41

‫نا ْٱل ُمن َك ِرا‬

‫ع ِا‬ ‫ا َوأَ َم ُروااابِ ْٱل َم ْع ُر ِا‬
َ ‫وفا َونَ َه ْواا‬
encourage what is good, and forbid what is evil
C. Closing
In conclusion, we contend that social media influencers, due to their significant influence over consumer choices and their
role in promoting fast fashion, are indeed to blame for glorifying an industry that is harmful to the environment. We
believe that by addressing the root of the problem and holding influencers accountable for their promotion of fast fashion,
we can take a significant step towards mitigating the environmental damage caused by this industry.
2. TH Suggests That Government should spend more money on environmental issues rather than on poverty and the healthcare

A. Introduction

We strongly believe that the government should spend more money on taking care of the environment rather than focusing on
poverty and healthcare. Let us present our case in a simpler way:


The problem is that our environment is facing more severe and critical challenges compared to poverty and healthcare.
Environmental issues such as climate change, deforestation, and habitat loss are escalating rapidly, and if left unaddressed, they
can have devastating and irreversible consequences for the planet and all living beings. These issues are interconnected and can
lead to more frequent natural disasters, resource shortages, and health problems.

Al A’raf : 56

٥٦‫يبا ِمنَاا ْٱل ُمحْ ِسنِينَاا‬

‫تاٱّللِااقَ ِر ًۭا‬ َ ‫عو اهُاخ َْو ًۭفاا َو‬
‫ط َمعااۚا ِإناا َرحْ َم َا‬ ُ ‫صلَ ٰـ ِح َهاا َوٱ ْد‬ ‫ىا ْٱْل َ ْر ِ ا‬
ْ ‫ضابَ ْع ادَا ِإ‬ ‫لات ُ ْف ِسدُوااافِ ا‬
‫َو َ ا‬
Do not spread corruption in the land after it has been set in order. And call upon Him with hope and
fear. Indeed, Allah’s mercy is always close to the good-doers.

B. Argument :

Environmental Problems Affect Everyone

When we hurt the environment, it doesn't just hurt one country or group of people. It hurts all of us, no matter where we live.
Once we make the Earth really sick, it can be very hard to make it better. So, taking care of the environment is like taking care of
our home, and that's very important.

Case Study :
The case of deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest shows why it's more important to focus on environmental issues than poverty
and healthcare. Fast tree cutting for farming and other activities causes habitat loss and releases a lot of carbon dioxide, which
makes the world's weather change. This hurts the environment a lot, and many plants and animals are at risk. It also affects people
who live there, especially those who depend on the forest for their jobs and resources. So, we think we should put the
environment first because these problems are long-lasting and global, and it's hard to fix them once they get worse. This is
different from poverty and healthcare issues, which can be managed with the right programs. Additionally, protecting the Amazon
rainforest, which acts like a natural sponge for carbon dioxide, can help make the world's weather better and healthier for people.

Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saw a young man sitting in
the mosque and praying, saying, "O Allah, if You know that I love You, then forgive me." The Prophet approached the young man
and advised him, "There is something better you can do to express your love for Allah. Help someone in need or do something
beneficial for others. This is better than just sitting here praying." The Prophet Muhammad then narrated a longer hadith to explain
the importance of doing good to others.

This hadith underscores the importance of giving priority to tasks that are more beneficial to other people and society over
personal worship. It aligns with the principle of prioritizing more important or crucial tasks in Islam.


1. Everything in the Environment is Connected

When we hurt the environment, it can make many problems worse. For example, when the Earth gets too hot, it can cause big
problems like floods and storms. These things can hurt poor people even more. So, if we take care of the environment, we can also
help with poverty and healthcare problems.

2. Taking Care of the Environment Can Help with Healthcare and Poverty
When we take care of the environment, we can also make healthcare better because we won't get sick from dirty air and water. It
can also help poor people who depend on nature for their food and jobs.

C. Closing

In conclusion, we believe that protecting the environment is very important. It's not just about the Earth; it's about our health and
helping people who are struggling with poverty. So, let's invest in our environment to make the world better for all of us.

3. THBT Land degradation is caused by human-induced activities, not because of extreme weather conditions.

A. Introdction

Problem: Land degradation has severe and far-reaching consequences. It leads to reduced agricultural productivity, loss of
biodiversity, desertification, and increased vulnerability to natural disasters. This issue impacts not only the environment but also
food security, livelihoods, and the overall well-being of people around the world.

Al A’raf : 56

٥٦‫يبا ِمنَاا ْٱل ُمحْ ِسنِينَاا‬

‫تاٱّللِااقَ ِر ًۭا‬ َ ‫عو اهُاخ َْو ًۭفاا َو‬
‫ط َمعااۚاإِناا َرحْ َم َا‬ ُ ‫صلَ ٰـ ِح َهاا َوٱ ْد‬ ‫ىا ْٱْل َ ْر ِ ا‬
ْ ِ‫ضابَ ْع ادَاإ‬ ‫لات ُ ْف ِسدُوااافِ ا‬
‫َو َ ا‬
Do not spread corruption in the land after it has been set in order. And call upon Him with hope and
fear. Indeed, Allah’s mercy is always close to the good-doers.
B. Argument:

Our fundamental argument is that land degradation is primarily driven by human-induced activities, rather than extreme weather
conditions. The detailed and comprehensive justification for this argument includes the following points:

1. Unsustainable Agriculture Practices: Human activities, particularly unsustainable agricultural practices like overgrazing,
deforestation, and excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, lead to soil erosion and degradation. These practices strip
the land of its fertility and make it more susceptible to further degradation.

2. Urbanization and Infrastructure Development: Rapid urbanization and infrastructure development often result in the conversion
of arable land into built-up areas, leading to the loss of productive soil. Human expansion and construction contribute significantly
to land degradation.

3. Land Pollution and Contamination: Human activities also introduce pollutants into the soil through improper disposal of
industrial waste, mining operations, and the use of harmful chemicals. These pollutants can render the land infertile and unsuitable
for agricultural purposes.

4. Poor Land Management: Inadequate land management and poor land-use planning by humans exacerbate land degradation.
Improper irrigation practices, failure to implement soil conservation measures, and lack of reforestation efforts further degrade the

Comprehensive Justification:

The comprehensive justification for our argument is rooted in the fact that human-induced activities directly impact the land's
health and productivity. The evidence of land degradation caused by these activities is prevalent across the globe, and it is well-
documented. Extreme weather conditions, while having an influence, do not play as central a role in the ongoing and widespread
problem of land degradation. Therefore, addressing human-induced activities is crucial in combatting this issue and ensuring the
sustainability of our land for future generations.

C. Closing

In conclusion, we firmly believe that human-induced activities are the primary drivers of land degradation, and addressing these
activities is vital to mitigating this global challenge. It is our responsibility to take action to protect our land and preserve it for the
well-being of all.
4. THBT Fossil fuels, natural gas, and nuclear power are destructive to the environment.

A. Introduction


The idea talks about how these energy sources can harm the environment. It's a big problem because they can lead to things like
global warming, dirty air, and other issues that affect the Earth.

Al A’raf : 56

٥٦‫يبا ِمنَاا ْٱل ُمحْ ِسنِينَاا‬

‫تاٱّللِااقَ ِر ًۭا‬ َ ‫عو اهُاخ َْو ًۭفاا َو‬
‫ط َمعااۚاإِناا َرحْ َم َا‬ ُ ‫صلَ ٰـ ِح َهاا َوٱ ْد‬ ‫ىا ْٱْل َ ْر ِ ا‬
ْ ِ‫ضابَ ْع ادَاإ‬ ‫لات ُ ْف ِسدُوااافِ ا‬
‫َو َ ا‬
Do not spread corruption in the land after it has been set in order. And call upon Him with hope and
fear. Indeed, Allah’s mercy is always close to the good-doers.
B. Fundamental Argument:

Our main point is that these energy sources can cause big problems for the environment.

Bad Environmental Effects: Fossil fuels, like coal and oil, let out stuff like carbon dioxide when we use them, and that's making the
Earth warmer. Natural gas, even though it's cleaner than some other things, still lets out things that can be harmful. And nuclear
power creates waste that's really dangerous and hard to deal with.

Case study :

In the case of coal power plants, we find an example of how fossil fuels, natural gas, and nuclear power can harm the environment.
Coal, often used for electricity due to its affordability and accessibility, presents significant environmental problems. These issues
include the emission of harmful pollutants like sulfur and nitrogen during coal combustion, resulting in air pollution that negatively
affects both human health and the natural environment. This case study exemplifies why fossil fuels such as coal, alongside natural
gas and nuclear power, are considered destructive to the environment. The clear evidence of coal power plants causing air
pollution, with its associated health and environmental consequences, supports this argument, underscoring the broader concern
of how these energy sources can have detrimental impacts on the environment.

Responsibility for the Environment (Islamic Principle): Islam emphasizes the importance of humans being stewards of the Earth
and taking care of the environment. The Prophet Muhammad encouraged his followers to avoid wastefulness, conserve resources,
and protect the natural world. Narrated by Abu Dawood

Avoiding Harm and Protecting Health (Hadith): The Prophet Muhammad said, "There should be neither harming nor reciprocating
harm." This hadith teaches that it's essential to avoid actions that can harm others and oneself. Narrated by Ibn Majah

Caring for Future Generations (Islamic Principle): Islam encourages considering the well-being of future generations. The Prophet
Muhammad mentioned the importance of planting trees and doing good deeds that benefit those who come after us. Narrated by
Sahih al-Bukhari


We support our argument by showing that there's proof of the environment getting worse because of these energy sources. The
rising temperatures, weird weather, and pollution are connected to using fossil fuels, natural gas, and nuclear power. We need to
find cleaner and safer ways to make energy.

C. Closing:

In conclusion, we think that fossil fuels, natural gas, and nuclear power are bad for the environment, and we should find better
ways to make energy. This will help keep our planet safe from the harm caused by these energy sources. Thank you.
5. THW Criminalize Individuals and Organizations Who Do Not Recycle

A. Introduction

We firmly believe that individuals and organizations failing to recycle should face legal consequences to protect our environment.


The problem we face is the worsening environmental crisis due to the widespread neglect of recycling. Recycling is a vital
component of responsible waste management, and the failure to do so contributes to overflowing landfills, pollution, and resource

Al A’raf : 56

٥٦‫يبا ِمنَاا ْٱل ُمحْ ِسنِينَاا‬

‫تاٱّللِااقَ ِر ًۭا‬ َ ‫عو اهُاخ َْو ًۭفاا َو‬
‫ط َمعااۚا ِإناا َرحْ َم َا‬ ُ ‫صلَ ٰـ ِح َهاا َوٱ ْد‬ ‫ىا ْٱْل َ ْر ِ ا‬
ْ ‫ضابَ ْع ادَا ِإ‬ ‫لات ُ ْف ِسدُوااافِ ا‬
‫َو َ ا‬
Do not spread corruption in the land after it has been set in order. And call upon Him with hope and
fear. Indeed, Allah’s mercy is always close to the good-doers.
B. Fundamental Argument:

Urgent Need for Accountability

Our main argument is that holding individuals and organizations accountable for recycling is essential to combat the growing
environmental issues. By criminalizing those who do not recycle, we send a clear message that we must take responsibility for our
actions to safeguard the planet for future generations.

From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever among you sees something wrong, let
them change it with their hand; if they cannot, then with their tongue; if they still cannot, then with their heart, and that
is the weakest level of faith." (Sahih Muslim)

Study Case:

The Case of Plastic Pollution

To illustrate the importance of this motion, let's consider the case of plastic pollution. In many countries, plastic waste, especially
single-use plastics, ends up in landfills and oceans, causing harm to marine life and ecosystems. By making non-recycling a legal
offense, we can significantly reduce plastic pollution and save our oceans.


Environmental Impact: Failing to recycle contributes to environmental degradation, including air and water pollution,
deforestation, and habitat destruction.

Resource Conservation: Recycling conserves valuable resources, such as energy and raw materials, reducing the need for resource
extraction and its associated environmental harm.

Public Awareness: Criminalization can raise awareness and encourage responsible recycling practices, creating a more eco-
conscious society.

C. Closing:

In conclusion, we advocate for the criminalization of individuals and organizations that do not recycle as a necessary step to protect
our environment. By taking recycling seriously and enforcing it through legal means, we can minimize waste, preserve resources,
and combat the environmental crisis. Let us take this important step towards a greener and more sustainable future.
1. Mosi :‫ا‬THBT‫ا‬Human‫ا‬diets‫ا‬pollute‫ا‬the‫ا‬environment‫ا‬and‫ا‬threaten‫ا‬the‫ا‬extinction‫ا‬of‫ا‬animals.

Introduction :‫ا‬Assalamualaikum‫ا‬wr‫ا‬wb,‫ا‬Honorable‫ا‬for‫ا‬all‫ا‬of‫ا‬the‫ا‬judges,‫ا‬debaters‫ا‬and‫ا‬audiences‫ا‬as‫ا‬well‫ا‬here

Identification :‫ا‬This discussion centers on how the way people eat affects nature and puts animals in danger.

Framing :‫ ا‬I‫ ا‬am‫ ا‬as‫ ا‬priminister‫ ا‬would‫ ا‬like‫ ا‬to‫ ا‬propose‫ ا‬the‫ ا‬motions‫ا“ ا‬THBT‫ ا‬Human‫ ا‬diets‫ ا‬pollute‫ ا‬the‫ ا‬environment‫ ا‬and‫ا‬

Justification :‫ا‬Scientists agree that what we eat can harm the environment. Producing meat on a large scale, for example,
adds a lot of gases that heat the planet, pollutes water, and uses up many resources. Unsustainable fishing practices also
harm the oceans and the people who depend on seafood. To protect the environment and save animal species, we must
choose our food wisely.‫ا‬

Problem :‫ا‬The problem is that the foods people eat and how they eat them can harm the environment and put animals
at risk. We need to think carefully about how what we eat affects the environment and animal survival. ‫ا‬Remember‫ا‬in‫ا‬al‫ا‬

‫اْل َ أ‬
‫ر ضِااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا‬ ‫أ‬ ِ‫َو َلِ ت ُفأ س دُواِ ف ي‬
َِ‫ّللاِ ق َ ر يبِ مِ الأ ُم أح س ن ي ن‬
َ ِ‫ت‬َ ‫ص ََل ح َه اِ َو ا أد ع ُ و هُِ َخ أو ف ًاِ َو طَ َم ع ًاِ ِۚ إ َنِ َر أح َم‬
‫ب َ عأ دَِ إ أ‬
Do not defraud people of their property , nor spread corruption in the land after it has been set in order. This is for
your own good if you are truly believers.


Argumen :‫ا‬Moving‫ا‬to‫ا‬my‫ا‬argument,‫ا‬by‫ا‬this‫ا‬motion‫ا‬in‫ا‬our‫ا‬argument‫ا‬we‫ا‬will‫ا‬focus‫ا‬on‫ا‬showing‫ا‬specificly‫ا‬about‫ا‬human‫ا‬

worse‫ ا‬when‫ ا‬some‫ ا‬people‫ ا‬throw‫ ا‬the‫ ا‬trash‫ ا‬carelessly.‫ ا‬We‫ ا‬cannot‫ ا‬deny‫ ا‬that‫ ا‬human‫ ا‬diets‫ ا‬give‫ ا‬this‫ ا‬bad‫ ا‬impact‫ ا‬to‫ ا‬the‫ا‬

َ ‫ش أي‬
‫ط ِن ۚ إِنَّهۥ لَك أم عَدو ُّمبِين‬ ِ ‫طيِبًا َو َل تَتَّبِعوا خط َو‬
َّ ‫ت ٱل‬ ِ ‫يََٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاس كلوا مِ َّما فِى أٱْلَ أر‬
َ ‫ض َحلَ ًل‬

O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and wholesome in the earth, and follow not the footsteps of the devil.
Lo! he is an open enemy for you.

Al Baqarah verse 205

‫ّللاُِِلِِيُحب أ‬
َ َ‫ِِالف‬
ِ‫سا َد‬ َ ‫ِِوالنَ أس َل‬
َ ‫ِِو‬ ‫اِويُ أهل أ‬
َ ‫كَِِال َح أر‬
َ ‫ث‬ َ ‫ِِاْلَ أرضِِليُ أفس َدِِفي َه‬ َ ِِ‫ِوإذَاِت ََولَى‬:ِِ
‫س َعىِِفي أ‬ َ ‫ِقالِهللاِتعالى‬

And when he goes away, he strives throughout the land to cause corruption therein and destroy crops and animals.
And Allah does not like corruption. (QS. Al-Baqarah verse 205)

Fundamental Argument: The main point is that the way people eat today, especially consuming a lot of meat and

processed foods, is bad for the environment. This harms natural places and leads to animals being at risk of disappearing
forever. When we eat too much and don't think about how it affects nature, we end up damaging the environment,
releasing gases that heat the planet, and destroying the homes of many animals.

Study Case: One clear example of this is what's happening in the Amazon rainforest. The rainforest is being cut down to

make room for cattle farms, mainly because people around the world eat a lot of beef. This destruction harms the
rainforest, which is home to many unique animals. Because of our meat-heavy diet, these animals might disappear forever.

Closing: To wrap it up, the way we eat can harm the environment and put animals at risk. Recognizing this issue is the

first step. We can make changes by choosing more plant-based and locally-sourced foods, being responsible when we
fish, and reducing food waste. By making better choices, we can help protect our planet and the many unique animals
that call it home.

2. Mosi :ِTHBTِScienceِandِTechnologyِcontributedِaِbadِimpactِonِtheِenvironment.

Introduction :‫ا‬Assalamualaikum‫ا‬wr‫ا‬wb,‫ا‬Honorable‫ا‬for‫ا‬all‫ا‬of‫ا‬the‫ا‬judges,‫ا‬debaters‫ا‬and‫ا‬audiences‫ا‬as‫ا‬well‫ا‬here

Identification: This is about saying that science and technology have made the environment worse.

Framing :‫ا‬I‫ا‬am‫ا‬as‫ا‬priminister‫ا‬would‫ا‬like‫ا‬to‫ا‬propose‫ا‬the‫ا‬motions‫ا“ا‬THBT‫ا‬science‫ا‬and‫ا‬technology‫ا‬contributed‫ا‬a‫ا‬bad‫ا‬impact‫ا‬

Justification : The reason for saying all of this is because there is proof from science that shows how technology has
hurt the environment. For example, machines have made the air and water dirty, cut down trees, and used up too many
natural things from the earth. Also, making things like phones and computers needs a lot of metals from the earth, which
has caused harm to the places where they are taken.
Problem : The problem is that even though science and technology have given us many good things, they have also
caused some bad things for the environment. We need to look closer at how these inventions have made the environment

Argument :‫ا‬Moving‫ا‬to‫ا‬my‫ا‬argument,‫ا‬as‫ا‬we‫ا‬know‫ا‬in‫ا‬21‫ا‬st‫ا‬century‫ا‬era,‫ا‬the‫ا‬technology‫ا‬and‫ا‬science‫ا‬develop‫ا‬so‫ا‬massive‫ا‬

َِ‫ّللاِ ق َ ر يبِ مِ الأ ُم أح س ن ي ن‬

َ ِ‫ت‬ ‫اْل َ أر ضِ ب َ عأ دَِ إ أ‬
َ ‫ص ََل ح َه اِ َو ا أد عُ و هُِ َخ أو ف ًاِ َو طَ َم ع ًاِ ِۚ إ َنِ َر أح َم‬ ‫ف يِ أ‬

Do not defraud people of their property , nor spread corruption in the land after it has been set in order. This is for
your own good if you are truly believers.

Fundamental Argument: The big argument here is that while science and technology have helped us in many ways,

they have also hurt the environment a lot. For example, factories and machines powered by technology have used up a
lot of fuel from the earth and made the air and water dirty. This has caused problems like climate change, pollution, and
animals losing their homes. All of these things make the environment not healthy and put our planet at risk.

Study Case: A clear example of this problem is the pollution in the air caused by things like cars and factories. These

machines need a lot of fuel, and when they use it, they make a gas called carbon dioxide. This gas goes into the air and
makes the earth hotter. This warming causes things like strange weather and hurts the environment and people too.

Closing: To finish, science and technology have given us many good things, but they have also

made the environment worse. We need to know this and try to make technology in a way that

doesn't hurt the earth. This is important for us now and for the people who come after us.

3. Motion :‫ا‬TH‫ا‬Regrets‫ا‬The‫ا‬Narrative‫ا‬That‫ا‬Banning‫ا‬the‫ا‬use‫ا‬of‫ا‬single-use‫ا‬plastics‫ا‬will‫ا‬harm‫ا‬the‫ا‬economy.

Introduction :‫ا‬Assalamualaikum‫ا‬wr‫ا‬wb,‫ا‬Honorable‫ا‬for‫ا‬all‫ا‬of‫ا‬the‫ا‬judges,‫ا‬debaters‫ا‬and‫ا‬audiences‫ا‬as‫ا‬well‫ا‬here

Identification : This is about saying that people are sad about the idea that stopping the use of single-use plastics will
hurt the economy.
Framing :‫ا‬I‫ا‬am‫ا‬as‫ا‬priminister‫ا‬would‫ا‬like‫ا‬to‫ا‬propose‫ا‬the‫ا‬motions‫ا“ا‬TH‫ا‬regrets‫ا‬the‫ا‬narrative‫ا‬that‫ا‬banning‫ا‬the‫ا‬use‫ا‬of‫ا‬single‫ا‬

Justification : The problem is that some people believe that stopping the use of single-use plastics will make the
economy worse. This belief might stop important environmental actions. We need to look closely at whether this belief
is true.

Problem : The problem is that some people believe that stopping the use of single-use plastics will make the economy
worse. This belief might stop important environmental actions. We need to look closely at whether this belief is true.

Question : Is that really the use of single use plastics will harm the economics ?

Argument :

Job Creation:‫ ا‬The‫ ا‬single-use‫ ا‬plastics‫ ا‬industry‫ ا‬provides‫ ا‬employment‫ ا‬for‫ ا‬a‫ ا‬significant‫ ا‬number‫ ا‬of‫ ا‬people,‫ ا‬from‫ا‬

Economic Growth:‫ا‬The‫ا‬production‫ا‬and‫ا‬sale‫ا‬of‫ا‬single-use‫ا‬plastics‫ا‬contribute‫ا‬to‫ا‬economic‫ا‬growth,‫ا‬as‫ا‬they‫ا‬are‫ا‬a‫ا‬significant‫ا‬

Affordability and Accessibility:‫ ا‬Single-use‫ ا‬plastics,‫ ا‬such‫ ا‬as‫ ا‬disposable‫ ا‬cutlery,‫ ا‬packaging,‫ ا‬and‫ ا‬bags,‫ ا‬are‫ ا‬often‫ ا‬more‫ا‬

Al Baqarah Verse 188

‫َو ََل تَأ ْ ُكلُ ٓو ۟ا أ َ ْم َٰ َولَكُم بَ ْينَكُم بِٱ ْلبَـَٰطِ ل‬

Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly,


Fundamental Argument: The main argument is that feeling sorry for the idea that banning single-use plastics will harm

the economy is based on thinking that this idea is not completely true. While there might be some short-term problems,
a smart plan to stop using these plastics can help us think of new and better ways to do things, create new jobs, and help
the environment.

Study Case: An example is the European Union, where they decided to ban single-use plastics. This led to more

investment in creating better, eco-friendly things. It made less plastic pollution, and it also made new businesses and jobs
in making and selling these new eco-friendly things.
Closing: To finish, feeling sorry about the idea that stopping the use of single-use plastics will harm the economy is

reasonable when we think about the long term. There might be some small changes at first, but if we do it smartly, we
can make new jobs, help the environment, and keep the economy going well. We just need to make sure we balance
taking care of our planet and our economy.

4. Motion : THW‫ا‬Boycott‫ا‬fast‫ا‬fashion‫ا‬brands‫ا‬that‫ا‬plays‫ا‬a‫ا‬big‫ا‬impact‫ا‬on‫ا‬the‫ا‬environment.

Introduction :‫ا‬Assalamualaikum‫ا‬wr‫ا‬wb,‫ا‬Honorable‫ا‬for‫ا‬all‫ا‬of‫ا‬the‫ا‬judges,‫ا‬debaters‫ا‬and‫ا‬audiences‫ا‬as‫ا‬well‫ا‬here

Identification: This is about saying we should not buy clothes from brands that hurt the environment.

Framing :‫ا‬I‫ا‬am‫ا‬as‫ا‬priminister‫ا‬would‫ا‬like‫ا‬to‫ا‬propose‫ا‬the‫ا‬motions‫ا“ا‬TH‫ا‬Boycott‫ا‬fast‫ا‬fashion‫ا‬brands‫ا‬that‫ا‬plays‫ا‬a‫ا‬big‫ا‬impact‫ا‬

Problem : The problem is that some fashion brands make clothes in a way that harms the environment. They use too
many resources, make a lot of pollution, and sometimes treat their workers badly. We need to think about the
environment when we decide where to buy our clothes.

Argument :

Consumer Power: Consumers have the power to influence corporate behavior. A collective boycott can pressure fast

fashion brands to adopt more responsible practices. Companies often respond to market demand, and if consumers show
a preference for environmentally conscious options, brands may be more likely to change their approach.

٢٦ : ‫السراء‬ ( ‫ل ت ُ َبذ ْا‬
‫ِر ت َ ْب ِذيْرا‬ ‫ى َحقها َو ْال ِم ْس ِكيْنَا َوابْنَا الس ِب ْي ِا‬
‫ل َو َ ا‬ ‫َو ٰا ِا‬
‫ت ذَا ْالقُ ْر ٰب ا‬
And give the relative his right, and [also] the poor and the traveler, and do not spend wastefully

Environmental Degradation: Fast fashion brands are known for their high consumption of natural resources, including

water, land, and energy. They contribute to deforestation, soil degradation, and water pollution through the production
of textiles and clothing. By boycotting these brands, consumers can reduce the demand for such environmentally harmful

So we know that by boycott fast fashion brand it will be the most effective way to big impact that bad to the environment.

Fundamental Argument:‫ا‬The‫ا‬big‫ا‬point‫ا‬here‫ا‬is‫ا‬that‫ا‬we‫ا‬should‫ا‬boycott‫ا‬fashion‫ا‬brands‫ا‬that‫ا‬harm‫ا‬the‫ا‬environment.‫ا‬When‫ا‬

Study Case:‫ا‬An‫ا‬example‫ا‬is‫ا‬how‫ا‬fast‫ا‬fashion‫ا‬brands‫ا‬affect‫ا‬the‫ا‬textile‫ا‬industry.‫ا‬They‫ا‬make‫ا‬clothes‫ا‬very‫ا‬quickly‫ا‬and‫ا‬use‫ا‬a‫ا‬

clothes,‫ ا‬which‫ ا‬leads‫ ا‬to‫ ا‬waste‫ ا‬and‫ ا‬pollution.‫ ا‬By‫ ا‬boycotting‫ ا‬them,‫ ا‬we‫ ا‬can‫ ا‬make‫ ا‬them‫ ا‬change‫ ا‬their‫ ا‬ways‫ ا‬and‫ ا‬be‫ ا‬more‫ا‬

we‫ ا‬care‫ ا‬about‫ ا‬the‫ ا‬environment‫ ا‬and‫ ا‬want‫ ا‬them‫ ا‬to‫ ا‬be‫ ا‬better.‫ا‬This‫ ا‬helps‫ ا‬protect‫ ا‬the‫ ا‬planet‫ ا‬and‫ ا‬encourages‫ ا‬the‫ ا‬fashion‫ا‬

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