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Topic: Smoking in restaurants

It is believed that smoking should not be allowed in restaurant for different reasons. FirstlyFirst and
foremost, smoking is detrimental to human health. In particular, it has been proven that tobacco
consists of carcinogenic compounds which cause serious harm to a person’s health, not only to the
smoker but also surrounding non-smokers. These people are likely to develop cancers of the lungs,
mouth, throat , and other body parts. In restaurant, because of its special nature, it has more and more
risks. The second reason is that non-smokers feel uncomfortable in public spaces filled with cigarette
smoke. The smoke not only cause stress but also is also very annoying, especially for pregnant women
and senior citizens in office areas. Babies born by mothers who smoke are often born prematurely, with
lower birth weight, and are less healthy than babies born toby non-smoking mothers. In conclusion, the
government shou ld ban smoking in restaurants, which brings many positives to both community health
and the development of society.

Checked by Vu Lan Phuong

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