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• Function is a block of organized, reusable code.

• It performs a specific task or set of tasks, often with a
specific purpose.

Advantages of Functions:-
1. Once defined, Python functions can be called multiple times
and from any location in a program.
2. Our Python program can be broken up into numerous, easy-
to-follow functions if it is significant.
3. The ability to return as many outputs as we want using a
variety of arguments is one of Python's most significant

def function_name(parameters):
# code block
Function Calling:
• To call a function, simply write that function's
name followed by parenthesis(), and by placing
required arguments within the parenthesis.
• Eg
def greet():
print("Hello, world!")

# Output: Hello, world!
Function Arguments and Parameter:

• Parameters are variables that are used in the
function definition.
• They act as placeholders for the values that will be
passed to the function when it is called.
• Parameters are specified in the function signature.
• Arguments are the actual values or expressions
that are passed to a function when it is called.
• They are the values assigned to the parameters
during the function call.
• Arguments are specified in the function call.
Function Arguments and Parameter:

• Eg
def check_even_odd(num):
if num % 2 == 0:
print(num, "is even")
print(num, "is odd")


#15 is odd
#20 is even
Return Statement:
• The keyword ‘return’ is used to return value.
• The ‘return’ statement in Python is used in a function to
send a value back to the caller.
• It is not mandatory to have a return statement in every
function, but if return statement is used then it must be
the last statement of Python function.
• Because a function is considered as terminated when
return statement appears in a function.
• Eg def add_numbers(x, y):
result = x + y
return result
sum_result = add_numbers(3, 5)
print(sum_result) # Output: 8
Return multiple values:
• functions can return multiple values also. It is done by
same return statement but followed by values to be
returned separated by comma (,).
• Eg def function():
return a,b
x = function()
print("Output multiple values: ", x)
print("Output type: ",type(x))

#Output multiple values: (10, 10)

Output type: <class 'tuple'>
Return multiple values using a list:
• lists can also be used to return multiple values
in python.
• Eg def function():
a=10; b=10
return [a,b]
x = function()
print("Output multiple values: ", x)
print("Output type: ",type(x))

#Output multiple values: [10, 10]

#Output type: <class 'list'>
Return multiple values using a dictionary:

• You can also return multiple values from a function using

a dictionary.
• Eg def function():
d = dict()
a, b, c = 10, 20, 30
d['a'] = a
d['b'] = b
d['c'] = c
return d
x = function()
print("Output multiple values:", x)
print("Output type:", type(x))
#Output multiple values: {'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'c': 30}
#Output type: <class 'dict'>
Return multiple using a set :
• You can also return multiple values from a function using
a set.
• Eg def function():
my_set = set()
a, b, c = 10, 20, 30
return my_set
x = function()
print("Output multiple values:", x)
print("Output type:", type(x))
#Output multiple values: {10, 20, 30}
#Output type: <class 'set'>
Scope of Variables:
• The scope of a variable refers to the region of the
program where the variable can be accessed or
• The scope of a variable is determined by where it
is defined.

Local Variables:
• Variables defined inside a function have local
• They are accessible only within the function where
they are defined.
• They are created when the function is called and
destroyed when the function exits.
Scope of Variables:
• Eg
def my_function():
x = 10
print("Inside the function:", x)

• Global Variables :
• Variables defined outside of any function or block have
global scope.
• They are accessible from any part of the code, both
inside and outside functions.
Scope of Variables:
• Eg:- z = 15
def my_function():
• if you want to declare a variable as global within a
function you need to use the ‘global’ keyword.
• Eg:- global_variable = 10
def my_function():
global global_variable
global_variable += 1
print(global_variable) # Output will be 11
Scope of Variables:
• Enclosing (Non-local) Variables :
• When a function is defined inside another function, the
inner function can access variables from the outer
• Eg
def outer_function():
def inner_function():
outer_function() #5
Function with Default Arguments/Parameters:

• Functions can have optional parameters, also called

default arguments/parameters.
• Default parameters are parameters, which don't have to
be passed, when the function is called.
• In such case, the default values are used. We will
demonstrate the operating principle of default
• Eg def sayHello(name="Everyone"):
print("Hello", name, "!")

sayHello("Deepak") # Hello Deepak !

sayHello() # Hello Everyone !
Keyword Arguments OR kwargs:

• In Python, keyword arguments allow you to pass values to

a function by explicitly specifying the parameter names
along with the values.
• This provides clarity and flexibility in function calls,
especially when dealing with functions that have a large
number of parameters.
• Eg: def sample_function(para1, para2, para3):
print("Parameter-1 received:", para1)
print("Parameter-2 received:", para2)
print("Parameter-3 received:", para3)
sample_function(para2=10, para1=True, para3=74.11)
#Parameter-1 received: True
#Parameter-2 received: 10
#Parameter-3 received: 74.11
Variable Length Arguments:
• In Python, you can use variable-length arguments when
defining a function to allow it to accept a variable number
of arguments.
• There are two types of variable-length arguments:
1. Arbitrary Positional Arguments (*args) :-
• Allows a function to accept any number of positional
• The ‘*args’ syntax collects the additional positional
arguments into a tuple.
• Eg:- def example_function(*args): #Output
for arg in args: #1
print(arg) #2
example_function(1, 2, "three", 4) #three #4
Variable Length Arguments:
2. Arbitrary Keyword Arguments(**kwargs):-
• Allows a function to accept any number of keyword
• The ‘**kwargs’ syntax collects the additional keyword
arguments into a dictionary.
• Eg:- def example_function(**kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(key, ":", value)
example_function(name="John", age=25, city="New
#name : John
#age : 25
#city : New York
Variable Length Arguments:

• Eg def example_function(*args, **kwargs):

for arg in args:
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(key, ":", value)
example_function(1, 2, "three", name="Alice",
#name : Alice
#age : 30
Nested Function OR Inner Functions:-
• Python allows nested functions, also known as inner
• This means you can define a function inside another
• The inner function is only accessible within the scope of
the outer function.
• Eg :- def outer_function():
print("This is outer function.")
def inner_function():
print("This is inner function.")
Pass by Value & Pass by Reference:

1. Pass by Value:-
• When you pass an immutable object (e.g.,
numbers, strings, or tuples) to a function, a
new reference to the object is created
inside the function. Changes made to the
reference inside the function do not affect
the original object outside the function.
• A copy of that value is made and passed to
the function. Modifying the copy within the
function does not affect the original value.
Pass by Value & Pass by Reference:
• Eg def val(x):
x = 15
x = 10
val(x) #15
print(x) #10

A new object is created in the memory

because integer objects are immutable (not
Pass by Value & Pass by Reference:

2. Pass by Reference:-
• When you pass a mutable object (e.g., a list,
dictionary) to a function, you are passing a
reference to that object. Changes made to the
object inside the function will affect the original
object outside the function.
• A reference or pointer to the original object is
passed to the function. As a result, any
modifications made within the function directly
impact the original object itself.
Pass by Value & Pass by Reference:
• Eg def val(I):
lst = [1, 2, 3]
print(lst) #[1, 2, 3]
val(lst) #[1, 2, 3, 4]
print(lst, ) #[1, 2, 3, 4]

• A new object is not created in the memory

because list objects are mutable (modifiable). It
simply add new element to the same object.
Python Built-in Functions

• Datatype and object related

Python Built-in Functions:

• Data Conversion functions:-

Python Built-in Functions:-
• Input-Output related:-

• Files and Expression related:-

Python Built-in Functions:

• Class and Inheritance related:-

Python Built-in Functions:

• Mathematical Function:-
Python Modules:

• A document with definitions of functions

and various statements written in Python is
called a Python module.
• A module is a piece of software that has a
specific functionality. Each module is a
different file, which can be edited
• Modules provide a means of collecting sets
of Functions together so that they can be
used by any number of programs.
Creating Modules:
• To create a module, you simply write Python code in a
‘.py’ file. For example, if you have a file named
‘’, it can be imported as a module using
‘import mymodule’.
• Eg def add(x, y):
return x + y

def subtr(x, y):

return x - y

def mult(x, y):

return x * y

def div(x, y):

return x / y
Importing Modules:

• We can import a module using the import

statement and access the definitions inside
it using the dot operator.
• The ‘import’ statement is used to bring
modules or specific attributes (functions,
classes, or variables) from modules into the
current namespace, allowing you to use
them in your code.
• To access functions or attributes within this
module, you use dot notation:
Importing Modules:
• Eg import mymodule

result_addition = mymodule.add(5, 3)
result_subtraction = mymodule.subtr(10, 4)
result_multiplication = mymodule.mult(6, 7)
result_division = mymodule.div(20, 5)

print("Result of addition:", result_addition)

print("Result of subtraction:", result_subtraction)
print("Result of multiplication:", result_multiplication)
print("Result of division:", result_division)
Result of addition: 8
Result of subtraction: 6
Result of multiplication: 42
Result of division: 4.0
Import with Renaming:

• Importing specific attributes with renaming allows

you to import a specific attribute from a module
and assign it an alias, making it easier to refer to
in your code.
• We can import a module by renaming it as follows:
# import module by renaming.

import mymodule as m
result_addition = m.add(5, 3)
print("Result of addition:", result_addition)
from...import Statement:
• We can import specific attribute/member
from a module without importing the
module as a whole.
• Eg from mymodule import add, subtr
result = add(2,5)
Import everything using *
• To import all the objects from a module within
the present namespace, use the * symbol and
the from and import keyword.
• Eg from mymodule import *
result = add(2,5)
Importing Multiple Modules:

• You can use multiple import statements or

combine them into a single import
• Eg 1. import module1
import module2
import module3
• Eg 2. import module1, module2, module3
Python built-in Modules:
• Python’s built-in modules are a set of libraries that
come pre-installed with the Python installation.
• Eg: 1. decimal
2. fractions
3. math
4. operator
5. random
Functional Programming Module:
1. Lambda Expression:
• Lambda functions in Python are anonymous functions
that can be defined using the ‘lambda’ keyword.
• They are typically used for short, simple operations
where a full function definition is unnecessary.
• Lambda functions can take any number of arguments,
but they can only have one expression.
• Syntax:- lambda arguments: expression
• Eg: square = lambda x: x ** 2
print(square(5)) # Output: 25
Functional Programming Module:

2. Map Function:
• The ‘map()’ function in Python is a built-in
function used to apply a given function to
each item of an iterable (like a list, tuple, or
dictionary) and return a map object, which
is an iterator.
• Syntax: map(function, iterable)
Functional Programming Module:

• Eg: def square(x):

return x ** 2
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
result = map(square, numbers)
squared_numbers = list(result)
# Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
Functional Programming Module:

3. Filter Function:
• The ‘filter()’ function in Python is another
built-in function that allows you to filter
elements from an iterable (like a list, tuple,
or dictionary) based on a specified function
and returns an iterator of the elements for
which the function returns ‘true’.
• Syntax: filter(function, iterable)
Functional Programming Module:

• Eg: def is_even(x):

return x % 2 == 0
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
result = filter(is_even, numbers)
even_numbers = list(result)
# Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
Functional Programming Module:

4. Reduce Function:
• The ‘reduce’ function in Python is used to apply a
function to a sequence (such as a list) cumulatively
to reduce the sequence to a single value.
• It is part of the ‘functools’ module in Python 3 and
above and must be imported before use.
• Syntax: from functools import reduce
result = reduce(function, sequence)
Functional Programming Module:

• Eg from functools import reduce

def add(x, y):
return x + y
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
sum_of_numbers = reduce(add,
# Output: 15 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15)
Namespace in Scoping:

• In Python, a namespace is a mapping from names

(identifiers) to objects. It provides a way to avoid
name conflicts and organize the code logically.
• Namespaces are crucial for understanding variable
scope, module organization, and the functioning
of Python's import system.
1. Local Namespace:
This namespace includes local names inside a
function or method. It's created when the function is
called and is deleted when the function exits.
Namespace in Python:

2. Global Namespace:
This namespace includes names from various
imported modules that are accessible throughout the
module. It's created when the module is imported
and lasts until the script ends.

3. Built-in Namespace:
This namespace includes built-in functions,
exceptions, and attributes provided by Python itself.
It's automatically available in all Python scripts.
Python Packages:

• In Python, a package is a way of organizing

related modules into a single directory
• This allows you to create a collection of
modules that can be easily distributed and
imported by other Python programs.
• Packages are used to structure larger
Python projects, making code organization
and reuse more manageable.
Python Packages:
• The directory that contains the file is defined
as a Python package.
• This file can contain initialization code that is executed
when the package is first imported.
• This can include setting up package-level variables,
importing specific modules or subpackages, or
performing any other initialization tasks necessary for
the package to function correctly.
• file can be empty.
• A package can be imported the same way as a
module is imported.
Different ways to access Python Packages:

• You can use different Syntax to import Packages

in Python
1. Syntax: import packageName.moduleName
2. Syntax: import
3. Syntax: from packageName import moduleName
4. Syntax: from packageName.subPackageName import
module Name
5. Syntax: from packageName.moduleName import
6. Syntax: from packageName import*
Python built-in packages:
• Python built-in packages are collections of reusable
modules and functions that extend the capabilities of
Python programming language.
• These built-in packages provide pre-written code to help
developers accomplish common tasks more efficiently.
• Ex:
1. NumPy: NumPy is a powerful library for numerical
computing in Python.
2. Pandas: Pandas is a library for data manipulation and
3. Scikit-learn: Scikit-learn is a machine learning library
that provides simple and efficient tools for data mining
and data analysis

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