Scale To 1K+ Fans The No Bullshit Guide.f85697ac4521edde9697

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No Sales
Attracting Followers
No Cash

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What makes Makes This Guide Unique

Profile Optimization is your best friend

DMs are your brands key to growth

People only care about themselves

Provide Value To Get Value

Growing your personal brand

How to engage properly with others content

The 4 pillars to personal brand growth with content

Engagement (Dopamine)

Authority (build Expertise)

Authenticity (Build Connection)

Storytelling is the cornerstone to authenticity


HBIC Framework

Yo Yo Yo 1-4-8 3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9. Representing the ABQ What up BIATCH!

Hello, Mate. (Please excuse that breaking bad reference lol).

You’re reading this guide because you want 1k+ FANS on 𝕏 in 45 days.

And honestly? I don’t blame you. Fuck followers, they are overrated.

Fans are FAR better for exactly 4 reasons:

• They WANT to engage with your content

• They WANT to buy your Products & Services
• They WANT to spread word of your page & Products
• They WANT to make you their mentor. (Think about you 24/7)

You’re clearly smart enough to know followers won’t do those 4 things,

Only TRUE fans will. ;)

This E-book will give you practical steps on scaling to 1k+ fans & Beyond.

Meaning, this guide will serve you for the rest of your X journey (scaling to 100k+ fans)

Before we Dive in, let me tell you about myself and more specifically...
HOW I scaled to 1k+ followers in 45 days.
(Just so you know I’m qualified to help you)

My name is Andrew Sabbagh.

I started writing seriously on 𝕏 8 weeks ago.

In those 8 weeks I gained…

• 1k+ Followers
• 20.2+ Million Impressions

The breaking point for me was in January...

I posted my first ever giveaway...
The Results?

• 367 Comment
• 350 New Followers (ALL in under 48 hours)

it took me from 652 --> 1002 Followers in Less than 48 hours.

If I avoided most of the mistakes I made (Not doing giveaways earlier is one of them.)
I would’ve reached 1k+ fans in 30-45 days...

So I’m making it my obligation to make sure you avoid all the mistakes I made.

By avoiding my mistakes, You can get the same results 4x faster.

Meaning you can prepare for brand success 4x faster.

Meaning you can achieve these 5 things 4x faster.

• Attracting true FANS

• Scaling to 1k+ Fans
• monetizing with funnels.
• Using the funnel to convert your fans to cash.
• Having two methods of prospecting (Funnel + DMs)

Before we get into it, I’m gonna explain what makes this guide unique.
What makes this guide unique?
1) It explains EXACTLY why you do something

2) It Provides case studies to show you practical applications.

This is something 90% of all guides fail to do.

90% of guides give you no practical explanations whatsoever,

This gives you 0 clarity on what to do with the information.

If you do not have clarity on what to do,

You will execute what the guide says without a strategy (Mindlessley).

And without strategy, You will not succeed at anything in life...

So I'm also making it my top priority that you understand this guide How?

by creating a dedicated ‘CASE STUDY’ section for all 7 topics.

This will give you MAX clarity on how to effectivley strategise your path to 1k+ fans.

Effectively strategising this guide will allow to:

• Attract 100k+ Fans

• Make 6 figures+ per year
• Achieve time freedom
• Achieve location freedom
• Succeed at anything in life
• SELF - ACTUALISE (The ultimate goal)

This is what separates this guide from all the other guides that promise you $1,000,000
dollars in 0.1 seconds of work.

It isn’t bullshit, You can apply it practically, You don’t have to send someone $500,000 of
Bitcoin to get $1,000,000 back.


Profile Optimization is your best friend
Profile optimization will AMPLIFY everything you apply in this guide.

I can’t stress how important this section is.

If you want more results for less work. Pay close attention (Especially to the case study).

This section won’t just be about making your profile look clean As Fuck.

it will mainly be about making your profile into a magnet for Die-hard Fans.

There is one key point to keep in mind when perfecting your profile.

Does your profile look like you should have 100,000+ followers?

If not, Learn more about profile optimisation & Re-apply your knowledge.


Your profile is dependent on the vibe you are trying to give off.

This vibe is your life vison for the future. (Essentially your dream),

I will give you clarity about what visions are in the case study.

With that in Mind, think about the following 4 points. (these make up every single profile)

1) How is your PFP

Is the lighting good?

Are you showing your face clearly?

2) What are you doing in your PFP?

Are you looking away from the camera? ( More mysterious )

Are you looking at the camera? (Direct & confident look)
Are you holding a phone on a call? (Make it look like you’re hustling)
3) Do you have good contrast?

Does your picture stand out on the timeline?

(I’m talking about the vibe, Not the background colour)

4) Your header image. Does it match your brand colours?

Are you promoting a product?
If not, does the header you are using represent your vision?

• At the very least, Make sure it matches your PFP colour.

• It should be promoting your vision (For max effect)

So to recap, This is what your PFP & Banner should be doing.

• Banner & PFP match in colour

• Banner communicates Expertise.
• PFP & Banner give off the vibe you want (Relating to your vison)

For example, My header says ‘Learn The Art Of Preparation’

This aligns with my vision (purpose) of helping people prepare for self-actualization.

At this current moment I help brands & businesses prepare for higher cash flow.

Hence ‘Preparing your brand for high paying fans’

This displays my skill of Copywriting (indirectly), displays my vision & markets brand.

The important part of doing this is that you can change your ‘Niche’ all while
maintaining your personal brand. (You won’t stick to certain niches forever lol)

(This will all make more sense in the case study I have Included)
My PFP gives off the ‘Hustler’ Vibe, (Talking on the phone, Doing business) etc.
(Which is exactly the vibe I’m trying to give off with my current ‘niches’)
When you are engaging with others or having your content shared,
people only see:

• your PFP
• your name
• the content along with it.

Does your profile picture scream that you are a creator that provides value?
Make sure it does. Or else you won’t attract people interested in paying for value.


Create a bio based on where you’re at in your journey.
I’m currently Consulting Businesses to get 1k+ fans & Converting
these fans to cash with copywriting & Funnels

So that is what I wrote...

3) Your pinned posts.

Your pinned post’s effectiveness depends on these 3 main points.

• Your highest engagement post to flex social proof

(people trust things with high engagement).

• A long form about your hero's journey

(your story, the struggles you went through, and what you talk about).

• A post that has actionable beginner-level advice based on your expertise to raise
their level of awareness.

Profile optimization is about telling someone you are a

creator, not a consumer. The entire point of this is so the
accounts that end up following you will be interested in
buying what you offer.
DM’s are your brands key for growth on 𝕏
Now We’re getting into the juicy stuff (I know... profile optmisation is boring).

If you’re on 𝕏 for an income, This section is extremely important.

If you only focus on great content, You will attract fans REALLY slowly.

Which is why we’re covering networking (How to DM) first.

Not only will this attract fans you can sell to, It will also open up potential client work.

The NO BULLSH*T NETWORKING framework has exactly 7 steps to generate fans for you.

#1 People only care about themselves

People only care about themselves... (Surprise surprise)

Which means that if you want someone to reply to your DM, Make it About them.

Never and I mean NEVER dm someone the following.

• Hi or hey

• How are you

• A straight sales pitch with no prior connection

• Can you follow me back / Engage with my posts?

• A long block of text that takes too much time to read. (Especially with 0 whitespace).

Instead, what we will be doing is DM someone their very own post.

Why? Simple.

• It instantly shows you engaged with their content

• It shows you deeply resonated with their content
• You took the time to DM / Compliment their work.
• In their inbox it says. ‘Sent you your own post’
(which comes across as very personal & trustworthy).
Now tell me which DM would you rather reply to...

‘Engage under my posts?’

or ‘sent you your post, Hey X this resonated’

99% of people will reply to these 2 DM’s

(The other 1% are on crack).

So if you want MUCH higher open rates,

DM brands their very own post,

with these 2 simple steps.
1) Find a brand, Click on one of their posts

Click the share button in the bottom right

2) Search the username of the tweet’s author

DO the following

> Compliment post

> Sound human
> Ask what they’re working on.

(We will cover this next)

1) Find somebody you want to DM

Reach out to people that:

• You are inspired by

• ENGAGED WITH YOUR CONTENT (This is the most effective way to outreach)
• You would want to work with
• You would want to strategize with
• You see potential for mutual benefit
When starting out, Work your way up the ladder, If you’re at 200 followers...
DM people at around 200 followers. Make sure they’re in your follower range.

Don’t bother to DM someone with 2000+ followers.

They won’t take you seriously, You will waste your time.

Where can you find people to DM?

• The "following" list of accounts that you like

• In the reply area of one of your friends / mentors / own posts.

2) Send them an inspired compliment

Find a piece of their content, work, or current projects that you are truly inspired by.

Send it to them and tell them how it resonated with you.

This requires you to actually like their work.

If they don't respond, you can try reaching out again in the same manner.

3) Show interest in them

Ask them about:

• Their goals
• What they are building
• What they do for work

This gives you the opportunity to give value that helps their current projects.
(even if YOU don't have value to give right now, Knowing this is useful).
#2 Provide value to get value
4) Lead with value

This is the part where most people fuck up. 😳😳

After finding out whaty are are working on,
Your first options are to:

• See where you can help

• Send actionable tips
• Send resources, systems, or videos you've created or remember.
See where you can help, Send actionable tips, Send resources,
systems, or videos you've created or remember off the top of
your head.

If you have to ask more questions in order to send better actionable tips or resources,
do it.

5) Get on a call to make a deeper connection

Nobody can see you, Or your personality via text,

Making face to face communication with someone is cruical, There is

no better way to build a connection than throught that.

This is a perfect opportunity for the following:

• Asking them further questions about their goals / business

• Sharing advice & problems you both have.
• Ask opinions on their work or tweets.

6) Follow up with value

Remember their goals.

keep an eye out for any content, resources, or people you can send their way.
When you find something or someone, send it to them.

"This" can be a YouTube video, article, lead magnet you found,

or a person you connected with that may be able to help them.
#3 Leveraging your connection for value

7) Follow up with an ask

By this point you've built a pretty damn solid connection.
You've given value to the point where they are ready to return the favor.
From here you can:
• Ask them to join a twitter group
• Send them one of your posts that you put a lot of time into.
• Ask any specific questions you have for them.
• Possibly even pitch your services to them. (This depends if your skills can help them)

Now repeat steps 1-7 ,

The more you repeat them, , The more connections you’ll develop.

I will be telling you how to build trust with these new connections through your
content in the next section.

This is where you build the foundation for them to FURTHER Trust you. To the point
where they beg you to onboard them as a client or buy your product.

You will also be leveraging these connections when you release giveaways packed
full of value related to your skill.

This will get you 100s of retweets for your giveaways & new fans who trust you as an
authority source.
(Assuming you provide good value in the giveaway).

Following up the giveaway with great authority content will guarantee an increase
of 200-400 fans on your profile. (Assuming you execute the giveaway & content well)

You are basically hitting 4 birds with one stone.

• Getting daily new followers / Die-hard Fans

• Leveraging them for launches / giveaways
• Opening up potential for paid work
• Creating future clients (For when you monetise) CLICK HERE FOR A CASE STUDY

So far you have optimised your profile & learned exactly how to network effectively.

Good sh** bruv! Let us continue growing :)

Besides using my 7 step No bullshit networking method,

The next best method you can take advantage of is engaging.

Most people know about this or have caught onto it, But they tend to be terrible at doing it.

The main way of getting eyes on your profile without relying on content & NO BULLSHIT
networking is through engagement, So it’s important you nail this down.

This is also why we optimized your profile at the start of the guide.
people will more likely read your replies if your PFP catches attention,
In other words you can get more results for less ‘engagement work’ with an optimised Profile

Here is 5 ways to engage with a tweet to maximize engagement & profile visits. (Potential fans)

• Give your perspective on the topic

• Talk about a problem you solved related to that topic and how

• Tell a short story that comes to mind when reading that topic

• ADD to the tweet and format it into your content style / brand.

• Ask a question that will get them to respond to you

The more replies you get out, the more potential for growth you have.

It ain’t fucking rocket science mate.

This is also a great way to generate content ideas.

(which we will be getting into).


Here is the main tweet

In this particular case,

I talked about a story.

Notice how I ended my reply with the same message as the tweet.
This made people resonate with the comment & engage.

Here are the other


In Other Words,

Begin by engaging at least 10x per day

(I personally do this around 30x per day)

Start slow, Work your way up.

Don’t fucking overwhelm yourself or you will quit.


Traditional brands are boring, static, and slowly losing trust from the general population.

People crave human connection and authenticity now more than ever.

Intimacy, depth, and personality

This is what gives you a competitive edge over every single company & generic brand
in the Business world.

With a personal brand, you are attracting people that vibe with:

• your message
• your interests
• your expertise. (Your interests and expertise is based on your vison).

Here are the 3 pillars of ANY personal brand.


(Dopamine) (builds expertise)

(Builds connection)

To put it simply, If you want to maximize your growth &

Attract as many fans that buy your stuff as possible.


Covering all 3 circles will open you up for the most oppurtuntiies.

• Most fans
• Most clients
• Most growth
• Most Influence
Dopamine posts tend to be one of these 4 points. (Or a mix)

• polarising opinions
• general views
• approaches to life (Of course these will typically
• philosophies etc align with your vision)

If you want to create the best performing ‘engagement’ posts,

Do not post whatever you want. USE VALIDATED POSTS FOR IDEAS.
Search around twitter for ‘engagement’ posts that have been validated with:
• high Like : view ratios, (preferably 1 like for every 10 views)
• Many comments
• many retweets

Here are some examples...

In this post,
I talk about my opinion on getting rich quick.
(The Idea was inspired by another post)

This post was inspired by a reply on my previous post.

It deeply resonated with me, I related to it personally.
Clearly my audience resonated with it...
(Your post replies are the best form of viral content
research, Go review your post replies. See what
stands out to you).

This was my personal experience in real life,

I saw a 3 year old holding an iphone,
(Frying his dopamine receptors)
I thought this was a war crime.
(My audience resonated with it lol)


There are 2 factors that determine Authority / Leadership

• Social Proof
• Depth

When I talk about Depth, I mean the depth of your monetizable skill / product.

The more details, Facts, Knowledge, Perspectives, Sophistication, Truths you provide about
that Skill / product...

The more someone is going to trust you as the authority in that skill / niche.

Which infinitely increases the probability of them buying your products & services.

Click here for case studies of authority posts.

Social proof is self explanatory...

• Results Base all your authority around the skill you are going to monetise.
• Testimonials

That is all it boils down to, nothing else..

The more results you show the better,

The more positive testimoials you have the better.

Providing depth on how to write

posts that go viral for giveaways.
(Increase number of fans).

more Bookmarks = More Authority

This builds authority in my
monetizable skill / speciality
(Building fans & monetizing them).
Authenticity is what makes people feel connected to you (And ultimately buy from you).

This is what will make you stand out from ALL of your competition

Here is 8 ways to build AUTHENTICITY in your brand

• Story Telling
• Documenting projects that you are working on
• Future vision & How you are propagating towards it.
• Anti-Vision & how you are moving away from it.
• Your mental, physical, financial development etc (Achieving goals)

These ultimatelly relate to what your vision is,

Click Here for a video explaining how to create a vision.

Use your anti-vision & Vision to create polarised opinions for your posts.

Expressing opinions, likes, and dislikes to relate with those in your audience.

Storytelling is the cornerstone of Authenticity

When writing stories, It is crucial to structure it in a way where it helps your reader:

• Gain pleasure (Often related to your vision)

• Avoid pain (Often related to your anti-vision)

Examples include More money, time freedom, Higher status etc

(Which are all pillars of Maslow’s hierachy of needs. wink wink* ;)

This is how you make your reader INTERESTED in your story

If their Identity relates to your vision they will relate to you,

Which is what builds a RELATIONSHP with them.
Here is an example of a story that popped off.

Most have experienced heartbreak.

(Relatable to audience)

Transformation + practical
advice + Lesson

ALL you need for effective stories is to relate to the audience.

They are searching for someone to relate to, Specifically someone that is ahead
of them in their same exact journey.

For example if you are on a journey to scale to $10k/Month. And you’re currently at

There are people who are in the position the past version of yourself was in ( 0$, $3k,
$5k/month) and would give their left NUT to reach where you currently are.

Which means hat they will want to listen to you This develops a strong connection,
They feel inclined to make you their mentor and ultimately buy your stuff.

Making the stories desirable as fuck is KEY

The best way to do this is using your Vision & Anti-Vision

Vision = What you are working towards in life

Anti-vision = What you are working against.

Here’s an exact 2 step process to write great stories

that maximise authenticity to build trust & rapport
For example here is some points from my anti-vison:

• Being stuck in one location for all my life

• Not succeeding at online business / Business falling apart
• Having no confidence, Built like a stick, Low energy

The Anti-Vison destroys your readers identity, Which they classify as fears.
It forces them to read on to figure out how to avoid that reality.

Now that they are hooked, Go ahead and transition to your vison,
(While giving them practical adice).

3) Close the fat gap

You now need to SHOW the reader how you got from A to B.
What actions did you take?
What struggles did you face?
Did anything unexpected happen along the way?

Pack the story full of

• Words and better vocabulary
• Examples and metaphors
• Stories or anecdotes
• Ideas and concepts
• Interesting facts
• Advice that hits just right
• Novel perspectives
• “Aha!” moments that give you clarity

4) Give them +100000 units of dopamine

“If you want them to go:

• “Fuck yea man, This shit hit hard, love this stuff.”
• “Let me follow this guy”
• “let me DM him”
• “Let me buy his 100,000,000 dollar consulting package”

You need to end the story an a happy ending that implies their vision, (Which will
give them a lovely shot of dopamine) Encouraging them to engage / follow.
#1 Capturing their attention & Inducing Dopamine
Here’s my 9 preparation commandments to capture ATTENTION

1) Specific Numbers Using numbers in your hooks, headlines, or tweets will make
people stop to see what the numbers relate to.
These can be in the form of
“There are 7 billion people on this earth” - Numbers
“Apples new $1175 iPhone has this new feature” - features
“I sent 322 cold emails” or “After 293 days...” - Results / Vison
“7 bad habits that are preventing you...” - Anti-results / Anti-vison

2) Pattern Interrupts A pattern interrupt is something that breaks people out of their
normal conditioned patterns.

Analysing what people usually say in the first line of their tweets is good to know what is

commonly being used. This way you can avoid doing that and create your own ‘pattern

interrupts. Remember the people you follow are very similar to you.

Meaning the content style you see, Is very likely what they see

(So stand out in that sea of sameness).

3) Negativity Bias The human brain is wired to remember and pay attention to

This is why I stress you use the Anti-vision--> Vision framework. Go from the pain to the
desire, It is great at capturing attention.

An example...

Instead of...

“You are going to achieve great things.”


“You will never hit rock bottom again.”

4) Group Callout This is simple, call out the specific person you are talking to.

If you are in your 20’s...

If you’re trying to reach 6 figures in your 20's

Here’s how I quit my 9-5 and built a $5k/month business

5) Confidence & Conviction This is by far the most important point here.

Eliminate words that imply uncertainty,

Speak in absolutes when possible,
Exaggerate your point to add energy.

If you can’t speak with confidence in the first few lines,

say goodbye to high performing posts + building
connections + getting your audience to buy.

6) Active Voice Active voice implies that there is a story. It eases people into what
you are saying. (Captures their attention)

When you are practicing writing tweets, go through this article and edit out
any passive voice you are using.

This also helps with being perceived as confident.

Problem Callout Calling out the pains or problems people are experiencing will

also make them relate to the post. MOST people have encountered the same

problem or pain as everyone else throughout their life. If you can describe the

feeling accurately, you have attention at your fingertips.

2) Rewind to the struggle

Now, give context to the struggles that made your transformation


How did you feel?

What emotions ran your life? Anxiety? Fear? Sadness?

What was the final thing that “snapped” and put you on this journey?

Use powerful, emotional language and lots of examples to create a vivid

image in your reader’s mind.

How To Structure Your Stories

for Maximum Impact (Cont.)


3) Bridge the gap

You now need to SHOW the reader how you got from A to B.

What actions did you take?

What struggles did you face?

Did anything unexpected happen along the way?

Pack the story full of:


Real examples

Descriptive visuals

Photos / videos / screenshots

This framework will tell you exactly how to write viral giveaway posts...

Thanks to this framework. My FIRST giveaway generated

ALL in under 48 hours...

• Benefits,
• Qualifier,
• excitement
• specifics
• Trigger words

1) INCLUDE DIRECT BENEFITS. What do they get out of it.

2) Include a statement which makes it clear who qualifies.

Make sure this is short, SImple & straightforward.

(want to make 10k+ month?)

(Struggling to find clients?)
(Writer’s block killing your impressions?)

Never struggle to land clients

Never create a bad offer again
Automate your client acquisiton.
excitement: The headline (First 2 lines) NEED to be exciting As fuck.

The best way to make them Exciting is with specifics & trigger words.

Specific numbers, statistics, Facts, Benefits)

(refer to the 9 preparation attention commandments

‘I have 1,200,116 Leads’ This is extremely specific. That number made the
headline very exciting to people who qualify (Struggling to find clients)

3) Trigger words (unconscious emotional triggers)

As you can see, I didn’t use trigger words in the headline.

This is OKAY as long it makes your headline shorter, More snappy & easier to read.

Including trigger words at some point in the post is essential.

it doesn’t just have to included in the headline.

For example let us incorporate some trigger words.

Struggling to Lock In-clients?

I have 1,200,116 clear cut leads...

Is it better? Yes. Is it easier to read & understand? Not as much.

I recommend experimenting with both, See how that goes for you.

You can only every truly find out what works or doesn’t by trying.
Include 3-5 bullets,
These need to be the highest level benefits of your giveaway.
use trigger-words to make them very exciting (Relate them to the headline).

I used 4 bullet points here showcasing the 4 best benefits of my leads.

What do people MOST care about when outreaching?

What benefits do they want? Think about it...

In the context of client outreach, The main benefits are the following.

• Brand & Company website / social media handles.

• Brand & Company size (Followers & revenue).
• Brand & company industry
• Brand & Company contact details (emails, phone number, social media etc)

That’s basically what 99% of people outreaching need, Nothing else.

Start thinking in the context of what you’re giving away.

What is the main benefits of what I’m offering?

What are the main benefits people would give a sh** about?
What is my brands vision and does this product align with it?
What is my brand & target values for the giveaway?
Is what I’m offering EXCITING?

Base your 3-5 bullet points off that.

#3 CTA
Before the CTA, ALWAYS Include trigger words.

Emotionally trigger them so they take action.

“Want FREE INSTANT ACCESS?” Is an example that has never failed me.

The $199 Tweet writing centre you recieved for FREE includes 120 trigger words.

use them when writing up your giveaways + authority content (You’re welcome ;))

Now for the CTA.

Ask them to comment ONE short word, Don’t put friction on the process.

If they have to comment a long word/ phase they will likely scroll past your post.


This is obvious, But I’m still gonna say it anyway.

Include a picture of the GIFT.

Go on youtube and search how to create Canva mockup book covers.


There are still many other factors I missed out on for giveaways

• Awareness level
• Intent
• Scarcity & Urgency
• anectodes
• Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Optimisation.

Realistically tho, The simpler and shorter your giveaway post is, The more clicks you get.

ALWAYS make sure the giveaway post meets the short form letter count criteria.

For twitter this is less than 280 letters.

Here is @Bas_actionaker’s profile
(I helped him scale from 0 --> 1000 followers in 30 days,
He started off at 10 followers in our engagement group, In
(this group I supported him to scale to 1k+ in 30 days)


He is looking directly at the camera.

• Tells us he is a creator
(Not a random selfie)
• gives off a confident vibe.
Header analysis
(His vison is to be confident & A leader)
•The crown makes him stand out.
Colour Matches his PFP
(The crown gives off a vibe). Promotes his E-book ‘brand success’
promote his skill (Copywriter / marketer)
Gives off the same vibe (Vison) as his PFP
his vison / vibe.
His pinned tweet contains 2 of the 3 pillars
for effective pinned tweets.

> Long form about Hero journey

> Post with actionable beginner advice.

The hero journey he mentions aligns with

the service his brand provides (Scaling
personal brands + monetizing)

WHen you start out you likely won’t be

able to talk about beginner level
actionable advice, or flex social proof.

So mention your hero journey for now.

(Fitness transformation, Self- Improvement)
Here is an example of a good reply.

Everyone is too busy saying


Instead I added to the tweet.

How? Disagreeing with it.

People liked what I had to say,

It also got 2 comments.

People agree with comments way too often,

If you can provide a counter-argument, Do it..
Stand out in the sea of sameness

Here is another reply that did well

In this case, I agreed with the post, But

notice how I associated my brand with
it. (I always post about drinking 16x
coffees). It made people who
recognized me engage with my reply).

I added onto the post with ‘meditate’

So I didn’t just reword what the post says.

Here is another example of a good reply,

Shab adds onto the post, He also markets

himself with ‘Get Bugattis’

At the start it is unlikely you will found your

USP (Unique Selling Propasition).
This is a big idea you repeat with your
brand that makes you reognisable.

Simply adding onto the post or disagreeing will be enough to stand out for now.
This engagement post gives a ‘polarising
opinion’ and view.
He sets the stage by
talking aboout certain

Proceeds to Tell us what they do.

He Then gives his opinion about those creators.

The key is to say something people will resonate with.

(Since you are attracting similar people, Say what is on your mind, No filters).

If you have a polarising thought, POST IT.

You can get ideas from other posts (Such as the one shown)
Or you can just post your own views & opinions unfiltered.

Here is my sexy boy @thebasedwriter 🥵

He sets the stage by giving context

he then proceeds to give his opinion

You can get a good idea of what kind of

content people like by analysing these
form of posts.

Analyse what works.

Get unique ideas from your life and

outside of X

Replicate these posts with these unique



Case Study section #3
Here is an example of a
great Expertise post.

It gives context on the topic

(The type of insight)

Gives value regarding the context.

IMPORTANT POINT : When providing expertise type content, ASSUME PEOPLE ARE

For example if you want to give a deeper insight into landing pages. Don’t go straight
to level 8. Start at level 1 (Like this post) Then progress to level 7
(The post below is an example of level 7).

Repeat these with different topics about your expertise / niche. And over time as you
give more insight into a wider scope of your expertise, People will trust you as the go to
guy for that specific skill. (meaning they will want to buy from you)

He talks about how to make money

(Building on landing pages 101, funnel 101) etc

With each expertise post idea, create a

post separately for each bullet point
(Incorporate personality in all of them).

> Show them what to do

> Show them how to do it
> show results using it
> Add personality to the process
Here I used the Non-Bullsh** networking method.

In this particular case, I resonated with his post

and told him how much I resonated.
(While sounding human)

6 minutes later he replied.

Straight away I jumped to step 3

Just from looking at his post, I knew he would

be trying to figure out how to use notion.

Instantly, I knew that a notion template that helps

him organise everything would be perfect value.

So that is exactly what I sent him.

He absolutely loved the value I provided,

It is little gestures like these that will create
Die-hard Fans that end up buying from you.

He was really glad to connect with me.

Not to mention he actually seemed very

eager to hop on a call when I asked him to.

This is the power of No BULLSH** NETWORKING...

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