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KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ TAI LIEU BAI GIANG PART 3: OTHER TOPICS Tai ligu BOC QUYEN thudc kha hoc Luy@n Thi Toeic Cap Tée Muc Tiéu 550-700+ Cé Vii Thj Mai Phuong COMMON WORDS/ PHRASES KERR KKK KKK RR KS KK KKK KR KKK KK KKK RRR RS KK be interested in /’trastid/: himg thi véi seene (n) /si:n/: edinh lobby (n) /‘Inbi/: sinh historic (adj) /hu'storik/ : mang tinh lich sit architecture (n) /’a:kitektfa(r)/: kign trae shoot (n) /fu:t/: ghi hinh end up: két cue a, thanh ra 1a board meeting /bo:d 'mi:tuy/: cude hop ban gidm déc legal consulting /‘li:gl kan’ salty’: tur van lugt phap length (n) /lenk0/: 46 dai mit/: nop. tyra dé display (n) /dr’splev/: sy trung bay temporary (adj) /‘temprori/: tam théi flooring (n) /'flo:rmy/: vat ligu Kip sin gallery (n) /‘geelori/: phong trién lim artwork (n) /"a:tws:k/: tae phim nghé thugt feature (v) /'fi:tfa(r)/: c6, bao g6m_ souvenir (n) /,su:va’mia(r)/: qua liu nigm light fixture (n) /lait ‘fikstfa(r)/: chum dn c6 dinh prescription (n) /prr'skripfin/: su ké dom allergy (n) /'elodgi/ : dj img medication (n) /,medt'kerfn/: thuéc weekly delivery /’wi:kli di'livari/ : giao hing hang tuin order (n) /'a:da(r)/: don hang distributor (n) /dr’ stribjata(r)/: nha phan phdi term (n) /t3:m/; diéu khoan issue (v) /‘u:/: phat hanh revision (n) /rv'vign/: sur in compliance with /kom' platans/: tuan theo disclose (v) /dis'klouz/: tiét 16 account (n) /a'kaont: tai khodn suspend (v) /sa'spend/: dinh chi, ngung oversight (n) /"2uvasatt/: so suat fine (v) /fam/: phat cardholder (n) /’ka:dhoulda(r): cha sé hitu thé notify (v) /‘nootifar/: thong bio su chinh, chinh sira ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with missing words (mp3.1) - W: Elienville Public Library. How can I help you? - M: Hi, I'm calling from the company Grover and James. We're intereste architecture is just what we're looking for. we actually had a film (3) in our library last year. And the thing is movie in the lobby of the library. Its (2) -W: Well filming a (1) fora they said it would take one day and it (4) taking three. I'm concerned that will happen again. -M: I understand, but this is a very short scene. - W: Well, we have a (5) to give us the details. iten to the Vietnamese translation (mp3.2) ‘meeting here next week. I could give you ten minutes at the beginning W: Elienville Public Library. How can I help you W: Thur vign Céng c6ng Elienville xin nghe. Téi 6 thé giup gi cho anh ni? M: Hi, I'm calling from the company Grover and James. We're interested in filming a scene for a movie in the lobby of the library. Its historic architecture is just what we're looking for. M: Xin chao, t6i dang ggi tir cng ty Grover va James. Ching t6i muén quay mét cdnh cho mot 6 phim & sanh ciia thir vign. Kién tric lich str cia né chinh la nhing gi ching t6i dang tim kiém. W: Well... we actually had a film shoot in our library last year. And the thing is... they said it would take one day and it ended up taking three. I'm concerned that will happen again. W: Um.... the ra chung t6i da c6 mt budi quay phim trong thu vign vao nim ngodi. Va van dé la... ho n6i sé mat mét ngay va cudi ciing thoi gian két thiic li ba ngay. Tdi lo ngai digu dé sé xay ra mot lan nia. M: I understand, but this is a very short scene. M: Toi higu, nhung day 1 mgt canh rat ngan thi. W: Well, we have a board meeting here next week. could give you ten minutes at the beginning to give us the details, W: Ching t6i c6 mt cuge hop ban gidm doc 6 day vio tuan t6i. T6i c6 thé cho anh musi phut khi bat dau dé cung cap théng tin chi tiét cho ching t6i. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. (mp3.3) 1. What kind of a business does the man most likely work for? (A) A legal consulting firm (B) An architecture firm (C)A film production company (D) A book publishing company 2. What does the woman say she is concerned about? (A) The length of a project (B) The cost of an order (C) The opinion of the public (D) The skills of some workers ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ 3. What does the woman agree to let the man do? (A) Submit an application (B) Speak at a meeting (C) Review some books (D) Measure a space Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with missing words. (mp3.4) -M: Excuse me, I’m looking for Axel Schmict's painting (1) The Tulips. - W: Unfortunately, his paintings aren't on (2) ___. But it’s just temporary - we're putting new (3) in that gallery. If you come back in a couple of weeks, the floors will be done, and you can see all of Schmidt's (4) . - M: Oh, that's too bad. I really wanted to see that painting. - W: I'm sorry about that. But we sell items (5) that painting in the gift shop. You could buy a (6) so you could enjoy The Tulips every day! Listen to the Vietnamese translation. (mp3.5) M: Excuse me, I’m looking for Axel Schmidt's painting titled The Tulips. M: Xin [bi, t dang tim bite tranh cua Axel Schmidt cé tyra dé The Tulips. W: Unfortunately, his paintings aren't on display. But it’s just temporary - we're putting new flooring in that gallery. If you come back in a couple of weeks, the floors will be done, and you can see all of Schmidt's artwork. W: That khong may, nhiing bie tranh cua ng dy hi khéng duge trung bay. Nhung diéu d6 chi la tam thoi thdi - ching tdi dang Lip sin méi trong phéng trung bay a6, Néu ban quay lai sau mOt vai tun, sin nha sé dugc hoan thinh va ban cé thé xem tat ed cdc tée pham nghé thuat ctia Schmidt. M: Oh, that’s too bad. [really wanted to see that painting. M: Oi, té qua. Tdi thyc sy muén xem bite tranh do. W: I'm sorry about that. But we sell items featuring that painting in the gift shop. You could buy a souvenir so you could enjoy The Tulips every day! W: Toi xin 181 vé digu 46, Nhung ching t6i e6 ban ede mat hing c6 bite tranh 46 trong ctta hang qua tng. Ban cé thé mua mt mon qua lwu niém dé c6 thé thung thire The Tulips mdi ngay! Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. (mp3.6) 1. Who most likely is Axel Schmidt? (A) A store manager (B) A construction worker (C)A journalist (D) An artist 2. What renovation does the woman mention? (A) Some walls are being painted (B) Some floors are being replaced (C) Some windows are being installed. (D) Some light fixtures are being repaired. ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ 3. What does the woman encourage the man to do? (A) Visit a gift shop (B) Send a package (C) Wait for a bus (D) Take a photograph Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with missing words. (mp3.7) = M: I have a question about a customer's (1) he's... oh, I'm sorry. I see you're busy. - W: I don’t have much to do. - M: His doctor prescribed a 30-day supply of this (2) medication, but I noticed we only have enough on the shelf for fifteen days. ~ W: Our weekly (3) arrives early tomorrow morning. Go ahead and give him the fifteen, and ask him to please come back for the rest. It's allergy season, so we're selling a lot of that (4) - M: Then maybe we should increase the number of bottles in our next order from the (5) Listen to the Vietnamese translation. (mp3.8) M: Thave a question about a customer's prescription - he's... oh, I'm sorry. I see you're busy. M: Téi co hang - anh dy it cu héi ve don thudc cua khach 64, ti xin [8i, Tdi thay c6 dang ban. W: I don't have much to do. W: Toi khong c6 nhieu vige phai kam dau. M: His doctor prescribed a 30-day supply of this allergy medication, but I noticed we only have enough on the shelf for fifteen days. M: Bac si ciia anh dy di ké don thude tr] di img nay trong 30 ngiy, nhung t6i nhiin thay ching ta chi e6 du thuéc trén ké cho mudi lim ngay. ‘W: Our weekly delivery arrives early tomorrow morning. Go ahead and give him the fifteen, and ask him to please come back for the rest. It's allergy season, so we're selling a lot of that medicine. W: Giao hang hing tuan cua ching ta sé dén vao sing sm ngay mai, Cir dua cho anh ta 15 ngiy thude, va yéu cdu anh ta vui lang quay Iai dé lay phan cn lai. Vi dang ki mia di img nén ching ta ban rat nhigu thude do. M: Then maybe we should increase the number of bottles in our next order from the distributor. M; Sau dé, c6 I€ ching ta nén ting s6 Iugng chai trong don hang tiép theo tir nha phan phéi. ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. (mp3.9) 1, What does the woman imply when she says, "I don't have much to do"? (A) She has time to help. (B) She plans to leave work early. (C) Her computer is not working, (D) She has not received an assignment. 2. What does the man notice about some medication? (A) It needs to be refrigerated. (C) The dosage has changed. 3. What does the man suggest doing in the future? (A) Installing some shelves (B) Confirming with a doctor (C) Increasing an order amount (D) Recommending a different medication (B) Ithas expired. (D)The supply is limited. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with missing words. (mp3.10) - MI: Good morning, Ms. Davis. We've received comments from your legal team on the (1) agreements for the travel rewards credit card that we (2) the revisi - M2: Could you explai for a year, the account will be (5) ns we need to make to be in (3) - W: Sure, The problem with the agreement is this: it doesn’t (4) with the la to users that if a card isn't used - ML: Oh, that’s an (6) on our part. We're glad you caught that. ~ W: We don't want to be (7) by the end of the month. Listen to the Vietnamese translation, (mp3.11) by banking regulators, so all cardholders will need to be notified MI: Good morning, Ms. Davis. We've received comments from your legal team on the terms and agreements for the travel rewards credit card that we issued, MI: Chao budi sang, cd Davis. Ching t6i da nhan duge ¥ kién tir nhom phap ly cia c6 vé cde digu Khoan va théa thudn déi véi thé tin dung thuéng du lich ma ching 161 43 phat hanh, ‘M2: Could you explain the revisions we need to make to be in compliance with the law? M2: C6 cé thé gidi thich nhimg stra doi ma chang t6i cn thuc hién dé tudn thi luat phap khéng? ‘W: Sure. The problem with the agreement is this: it doesn't disclose to users that ifa card isn't used for a year, the account will be suspended. W: Chiie chin ri. Vn dé v6i théa thudin nay 1a: né khéng tiét 16 voi nguéi ding ring néu thé khdng duge str dung trong mot nm, tai khoan sé bi tam ngung. MI: Oh, that’s an oversight on our part. We're glad you caught that. MI: O, dé la sai sot vé phia ching t6i. Chiing t6i rit vui vi cé da nim bat duge théng tin 6. W: We don't want to be fined by banking regulators, so all cardholders will need to be notified by the end of the month. W: Ching ta déu khong muén bj phat béi cde co quan quan ly ngan hang, vi vay tat ca cac chi thé sé cn duge théng bio truée cudi thang. ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai and KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. (mp3.12) 1. Who most likely is the woman? (A) A travel agent (B) A bank teller (C)A lawyer (D) A mail-room worker 2. What kind of document are the speakers discussing? (A) A user agreement (B) An employment contract (C) A list of travel expenses (D) An insurance certificate 3. Why must the document be revised by the end of the month? (A) To be included in a personnel file (B) To use in a merger negotiation (C) To meet a production deadline (D) To avoid paying a fine PRACTICE You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, (mp3.13) Giordano Wedding Service Cost Flowers $4,456 Photography | $1,300 Catering $10,200 Shuttle bus $400 Total: | $16,356 1. Look at the graphic. How much did the man's company charge for its service? (A) $4,456 (B) $1,300 (©) $10,200 (D) $400 ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ 2. Why does the man apologize? (A) Business hours have changed. (B) A price was wrong. (C) Some staff arrived late. (D) A request could not be fulfilled. 3. What does the woman like about a venue? (A) It has a nice view. (B) It is conveniently located. (C) Itis tastefully decorated. (D) It can host large events. Listen to the Vietnamese translation. (mp3.14) M: Ms. Giordano, it looks like the last of the wedding guests have left. My staff's going to start packing up our dishes and loading the van. M: Cé Giordano, c6 vé nhu nhiig vi khdch cuoi cing trong dim eudi da réi di. Nhdn vién cla toi sé bit dau thu don bat dia va cl it Ién xe tai, W: That's fine, thank you, The food was delicious. My son and his new wife were very happy with your service. W: Okay, cam on anh. Thife an rat ngon. Con trai t6i va vg méi ctia né rit hai long véi dich vu cia bén anh, M: I'm glad you enjoyed it. And, again, Pm sorry that some of our waitstaff were late arriving, They said they drove right past the turnoff. M: Toi rat vui khi c6 da rat tin huong. Va, mot Ln nita, ti xin I3i vi mét s6 nhan vign phye va cia ching t6i da dén mun, Ho néi ring ho da lai xe qua nga ré. W: I understand. The venue is difficult to see’ from the road. | really like this location, though, with its view of the mountains from the gardens in the back. W: Tai higu ma, Dia diém nay kha kh6 tim. Nhung di sao thi t6i eting rt thich ché nay, voi tam nhin ra nhig ngon nui tir nhig khu vudn & phia sau. (mp3.15) 1. Why is the man surprised? (A) A popular band is coming to town, (B) The woman plays a musical instrument. (C) The woman was able to get concert tickets. (D) Some musicians scheduled a second concert. ang ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cép téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cita cé Mai Phirong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ 2. Look at the graphic. In which section does the woman have seats? (A) Section 1 (B) Section 2 (©) Section 3 (D) Section 4 3. What is the woman doing this weekend? (A) Practicing with her band (B) Entering a radio contest (C) Moving to Boston (D) Attending a party Listen to the Vietnamese translation. (mp3.16) W: Hey, Thomas? You like concerts. Any chance you're interested in the local band showcase this weekend? I have two tickets that I don't need. W: Nay, Thomas? Anh thich ede budi hoa nhac nhi, Anh cé himg thi véi budi gidi thigu ban nhac dia phuong vao cudi tuin nay khéng? Toi cé hai vé ma t6i khéng edn M: You got tickets to that? That's surprising! Theard that they sold out in just a few days. M: C6 06 vé xem a? Bat ngo day! T6i nghe noi ring ho da ban hét chi trong vai ng: W: They did, but I actually won these in a radio contest. That's why I'm giving them away instead of selling them. Good seats, too. Right in the middle, close to the stage. W: Diing la nhu vay, nhung thye ra t6i di gianh duge ning tim vé nay trong mét cuge thi trén dai phat thanh, Dé la ly do tai sao t6i ting ching di thay vi ban ching. Ché ngdi tét. Ngay chinh gitta, sat sn khau. M: Sure, I'l take them. Thanks! Why can’t you go? M: Chie chin 10i, t0i s€ lay ching. Cam on nha! MA tai sao c6 khong thé di? W: This weekend is my parents’ anniversary. My sisters and I are planning a party for them at their home in Boston. W: Cudi tuan nay 1a ngay ky niém cia bé me tdi. Cac chi gai ctia t6i va toi dang lén ké hoach t5 chite m§t bita tige cho ho tai nha 6 Boston. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS. pack up (phrV): thu don load (v) /lood/; chat len delicious (adj) /dr’ Lfas/: ngon migng waitstaff (n) : nhan vién phye vu turnoff (n) /‘ts:n ff: ché nga ré venue (n) /'wertsta:fl: dia diém view (n) /‘venju:/: tim nhin showcase (n) /foukers/: budi gidi thigu sell out (phrV): ban hét, ban sach KKK K KKK SKS anniversary (n) /,enr'v3:sori/: 18 ki niém ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai

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