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Choose at least three technologies/contributions from the ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY which you

think are most valuable for survival? Justify your answer.

Writing system
This written record not only ensured the transmission of accumulated knowledge across
generations but also facilitated communication and organization within societies. The ability to
write and document information was crucial for the survival and prosperity of civilizations, as it
enabled complex governance, trade, and the development of culture.

The development of agriculture marked a significant turning point in human history. Instead of
relying solely on hunting and gathering, our ancestors began to cultivate crops and domesticate
animals. This transition allowed for a stable and predictable food supply. Agriculture not only
ensured survival through a consistent source of food but also enabled the growth of settled
communities and the development of more complex societies. As a result, agriculture laid the
foundation for the rise of civilization, and its importance in human survival cannot be overstated.

Metal tools
Metal tools and weapons were far superior to their stone and wooden counterparts. They were
durable, efficient, and versatile. Metal tools enhanced agricultural productivity, facilitated
construction, and improved defense. The availability of metal tools allowed early civilizations to
tame and shape their environments for survival. Metalworking also played a role in creating
jewelry, coins, and other items of cultural and economic significance.

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