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Case Study

1) Basic Information
Date of birth
Educational Background

2) History “ a. Medical , b. psychological, c. family , and d. occupational “

3) Cognitive Screening
4) Cognitive assessment:
a. Memory
Tests used and what does it assess
Analyze the result

b. Attention
Tests used and what does it assess
Analyze the result

c. Perception
Tests used and what does it assess
Analyze the result

d. Language
Tests used and what does it assess
Analyze the result

e. Problem Solving
Tests used and what does it assess
Analyze the result

5) Conclusion & Recommendations- Diagnosis if applicable

6) References

Note1: Screening is a quick cognitive assessment “ orientation , awareness, memory, ..” ..

example is posted in eLearning as well.
Note 2 : For each test , you describe it, why to use it, how did you apply it , the finding.

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