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SLOP Metal + oxide → oxygen

Writing word and symbol equations for

reactions of metals E.g. francium + oxygen ---> francium oxide

Metal + oxygen → Metal oxide Fr + O2 → Fr2O

E.g. francium + oxygen ---> francium oxide 2 Fr + O2 → 2 Fr2O

Fr + O2 → Fr2O For the following reactions write out the:

4 Fr + O2 → 2 Fr2O a. Word equation

b. Symbol equation
For the following reactions write out the: c. Balanced symbol equation

a. Word equation 14. Lithium and oxygen

b. Symbol equation 15. Sodium and oxygen
c. Balanced symbol equation 16. Potassium and oxygen
17. Calcium and oxygen
1. Lithium and oxygen 18. Magnesium and oxygen
2. Sodium and oxygen 19. Barium and oxygen
3. Potassium and oxygen 20. Aluminium and oxygen
4. Calcium and oxygen
5. Magnesium and oxygen
6. Barium and oxygen Metal + water → metal hydroxide + hydrogen
7. Aluminium and oxygen
E.g. lithium + water → lithium hydroxide +
Metal + water → metal hydroxide + hydrogen
Li + H2O → LiOH + H2
E.g. lithium + water → lithium hydroxide +
hydrogen 2 Li + 2H2O → 2LiOH + H2

Li + H2O → LiOH + H2
For the following reactions write out the:
2 Li + 2H2O → 2LiOH + H2
d. Word equation
e. Symbol equation
For the following reactions write out the: f. Balanced symbol equation

d. Word equation 21. Sodium and water

e. Symbol equation 22. Francium and water
f. Balanced symbol equation 23. Potassium and water
24. Caesium and water
8. Sodium and water 25. Calcium and water
9. Francium and water 26. Magnesium and water
10. Potassium and water
11. Caesium and water
12. Calcium and water
13. Magnesium and water

SLOP- writing word and symbol equations for

reactions of metals

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