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CR - 1110 - 1. Trabajo del tema en el lenguaje literario CR - 1111 - 2.

Escala 1 - 10 Escala 1 - 10

Broken City 7 6

Her own realm 8 7

Hiraeth of Mine 7 5

A friend like him 7 7

Lovers Lake 5 3

CR - 1112 - 3. Originalidad CR - 1113 - 4. Creatividad CR - 1114 - 5. Claridad del pensamienCR - 1115 - 6. Continuidad
Escala 1 - 10 Escala 1 - 10 Escala 1 - 10 Escala 1 - 5

7 8 9 4

10 10 10 4

5 6 8 3

5 7 9 4

3 6 8 2

CR - 1116 - 7. Sistematización de ideas CR - 1118 - 1. Vocabulario CR - 1119 - 2. Figuras literarias creativas
Escala 1 - 10 Escala 1 - 5 Escala 1 - 10

8 4 8

10 5 10

8 3 7

8 4 9

5 2 7

CR - 1120 - 3. Propuesta estructural del género CR - 1121 - 4. Manejo del subgénero (ficción, realista, verso libre, etc)
Escala 1 - 5 Escala 1 - 5

5 5

4 5

4 4

4 5

3 3

CR - 1123 - 1. Pertinencia y competencia sintáticas CR - 1124 - 2. Pertinencia y competencia discursivas CR - 1126 - 1. Ortografía
Escala 1 - 10 Escala 1 - 10 Escala 1 - 5

8 10 3

10 10 5

8 7 5

9 10 3

6 8 5

CR - 1127 - 2. Puntuación CR - 1128 - 3. Intención literaria CR - 1129 - 4. Intertextualidad
Escala 1 - 5 Escala 1 - 20 Escala 1 - 10

4 16 10

5 20 8

5 20 8

3 18 8

1 12 8

CR - 1130 - 5. Argumento y tema original CR - 1131 - 6. Ambientación y personajes CR - 1132 - 7. Propuesta literaria
Escala 1 - 20 Escala 1 - 15 Escala 1 - 15

15 10 12

20 10 15

10 12 8

10 9 10

10 10 7


A concise story with a theme relevant to the times. There was a clear objective throughout the story which allowed it
to remain engaging. The text felt like it proposed a solution to the theme rather than just exposing it, which helps the
story feel fresh. There were some orthographic problems that could easily be fixed with more care, such as
capitalization, closing quotation marks, and dividing the text in more paragraphs for a better reading flow. Being
consistent in the tense used for the verbs would greatly improve the general writing.
A very original and engaging story, the author did a good job of using punctuation and a rich vocabulary to aid the
emotional weight of the story. Adding more transition between the beginning expositional paragraphs and the action
would help the flow of the story as well as putting the dialogue of different characters on different paragraphs.
This is a heartfelt story of death and sorrow that could be aided by a richer vocabulary. The literary figure was
original and made the story felt more interesting, however, it worked to the detriment of its flow; breaking some of
the paragraphs could make it feel more natural. Some help identifying the timeline of the story apart from the
month would improver the reader’s experience.
An earnest story about loss and mourning, the voice felt unique and interesting, metaphors were used to great
effect. I believe it would aid the story if the main character had more agency over it, having more things done by her,
rather than to her. Other things to look out for are to avoid the use of hyphens on some composed words that don’t
need it, to keep the tense consistent throughout the story, and to use semicolons in some instances.
This is a story that deals with the dilemma between greed and generosity, however it would help if this theme was
relevant from the beginning of the story, perhaps as something to be solved through the course of it. Some words
didn’t feel adequate, this could be improved easily by broadening the author’s vocabulary. It’s important to use
quotation marks rather than hyphens for the dialogue of the characters.


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