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The power of failure

Success doesn’t mean avoiding failure, all of us fail. So, the real issue is not whether you’re
going to fail. It’s whether you’re going to fail successfully. As Nelson Boswel observed, “The
differences between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views mistake.” If you
want to continue on the success journey, you need to learn to fail forward.
Unsuccessful people are often so afraid of risk that could lead to failure. They don’t realize
that success is based on their ability to fail and continue trying. Failure is neither fatal nor final. In
fact, it can be a springboard to success. The passage concludes by sharing that top performers
interviewed referred to their mistakes as "learning experiences", "tuition paid", "detours", and
"opportunities for growth" rather than outright failures.
Successful people don’t let failure go to their heads. They focus on learning from their
mistakes and thinking about how they can improve themselves and their situations.
Let’s talk about Failing backward versus Failing forward:
Failing Backward talk about a person who blaming others, Repeating the Same Mistakes, expecting
never to fail again, expecting to continually fail, accepting tradition Blindly, being limited by past
mistakes, thinking, I am a failure and Quitting. As for Failing Forward referred to a person who
taking responsibility, learning from each mistake, knowing failure is a part of progress, maintaining
a positive attitude, challenging outdated Assumptions, taking new risks, believing something didn’t
work, preserving.
No matter how difficult your problems were, the key to success is changing yourself. If
you’re willing to do that, then you’ll be able to handle failure. From this moment on, make a
commitment to do whatever it takes to fail forward.

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