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A Key Note to Students: Why Failure is Feedback?

Reportedly, around 81.6% of students have said

that they face stress related to examinations. This is
linked to the fear of failure that the students face when
it comes to school exams. One of the ways of dealing
with this fear is looking at failure as a means of
feedback rather than perceiving it as the end-all-be all
of things. This technique is rooted in neuro-linguistic
programming, a science that is based on the notion that
we do not see the world as it is, but as we are.

Our mind is heavily influenced by our unconscious thoughts and these can be
moulded by modelling the language and behaviour of people that are successful. This
basically means that the internal dialogue that we have with ourselves matters, and we can
change the way we speak to ourselves by emulating others that we look up to. People that
achieve success at what they do are go-getters and do not stop when faced with failures. They
take on failures in their stride and use it as a means to get better at what they do rather than
put an end to the goals that they are setting out to achieve.

As children, we are taught that all that matters is to get to the end-point, to attain
success in our ventures and failure on the other hand is seen in a bad light. But what should
be noted is that the difference between those that achieve success and those that do not is the
difference between the perceptions that successful people have of the failures they are met
with in their journey. It is persevering beyond
the point of failure that makes a success out of
people. There are many examples of this that
we have seen including figures like JK
Rowling, Oprah Winfrey and Abraham
Lincoln amongst others, who faced many
hurdles in the process of them making the
accomplishments that they have.
You must refuse to see yourself as a failure even when you see setbacks in your way.
The first step lies in identifying what went wrong when you set out in your course and then
using it as a means to learn from it for your future endeavours. After this, make it a point to
take notes and try not to repeat the error when you are faced with a similar situation at a later
point. In the process, you are required to not blame yourself for what happens but see it as a
way of taking responsibility for your actions. Guilt and self-blame are termites that will eat
away at your sense of satisfaction with life and will not produce the results that you are
looking for in the end.

You must know the popular truism

that failures are stepping stones to success
and this holds true in your path to
achieving your dreams. Remember that
every single person has had failures at
some point in their life. And instead of
dreading it, you must face failures with full
force and learn from the lessons that it has on offer. You must give examinations all the
efforts that you can in terms of your preparation, however, you must also realise that failures
are a part and parcel of life.

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