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Lauren Evans

Mrs. Miller

English 12

19 February 2024


I. It’s 2024, almost everyone on the planet has some form of social device. Of all

these people, it’s safe to say that most of these people have social media as well.

Just because it’s labeled as “social”, doesn’t mean that it’s always for the best.

Social media can have negative impacts on us too.

A) What can we do as a society to better what we consume online?

B) We are the cause and the cure to the problems with social media.

C) isolation

D) comparison

E) addiction

II. Isolation

A) “Researchers found that people turn to social media when they are feeling lonely”


1. From personal experience, whenever I see my friends or family doing

something I wasn’t invited to, I get down on myself and scroll through

social media for hours to try and forget about it

2. The problem with this is that scrolling through social media mindlessly for

hours actually does more harm than good. You are bound to come across
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pictures and videos of a big group together having fun and you may go

through FOMO.

B) Comparing your situation to others situation

1. A study was conducted that the more people compared themselves, the

unhappier they were.

2. Sometimes we get caught up in the mindset “that should be me” or “why

can’t i live that life” (Michael Torres, PsyD)

C) Ways to solve this issue

1. A big thing I think people could do to fix this mindset would be to put

down the phone, and go spend time in nature or with friends. Be actually

social instead of just over the phone.

2. Stop posting for likes and post because it’s something you genuinely want

to share.

III. Comparison


1. FOMO is the fear of missing out

2. It is the dreadful jealous feeling you get whenever you see your friends

posting pictures of them having fun without you.

B) Jealousy

1. “The fact is, the more time you spend on social media, the more

accustomed you are to get self comparison and the negative mindset that

comes along with it” (Torres)

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2. Stop spending so much time scrolling on social media and do something

actually important and worth your time.

C) Hobbies

1. Instead of wasting time on social media all day, do something worth your

time. This could be a hobby or a form of work.

2. Hobbies include but are not limited to painting, running, singing, or even

playing video games (in moderation)

IV. Addiction

A) Where it comes from

1. Social media addiction can stem from scrolling out of boredom, until it

becomes a daily habit and part of your everyday life

2. “As many as 5%-10% of Americans meet the criteria for being addicted to

social media” (Hilliard)

B) Effects

1. Psychologically, too much exposure has been proven to cause moodiness

and irritability in teenagers and adults

2. Physically, it's been known to cause aggression

C) Why does social media cause all of these problems?

1. In my opinion, I believe that overstimulation caused by over consumption

of things online can cause aggression. From my personal experience, when

I get overstimulated, it’s easy to get a little frustrated.

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2. A way that this may be fixed and overcome is to turn off screens, lay in a

dark and relaxing environment.

V. Social media has definitely had its issues and controversies, but it’s not all bad. It

does provide us with information, fun, and social abilities to just about anyone. I think it is a

good thing, when used in moderation.

A. What can we do as a society to better what we consume online?

B. We are the cause and cure to all of social media's issues, such as isolation, self

comparison, and addiction.

C. If we all do our best to keep our social media apps healthy and safe environments

from people of all backgrounds, etc., then we as a whole society could have a

chance at a better social life as well.


(“Here’s How Social Media Affects Your Mental Health”)McLean Hospital, 18 January 2023,

ealth. Accessed 24 January 2024.

“Does social media make you feel lonely?” Kaiser Permanente, 12 January 2023,

ship-with-social-media. Accessed 19 February 2024.

Hilliard, Jena. “Social Media Addiction: Recognize the Signs.” Addiction Center, Accessed 19 February
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