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Saint Mary’s University


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Jesus Is Lord Church
CFE106a (4189)

Today, my perception about pastors changed as it is my first time to encounter a
gentle and soft spoken one — not like the typical energetic and loud pastor characteristics.
Even so, despite her soft voice and minimal actions, I found myself listening more to her and
it made me wonder why. As far as I can comprehend myself to act, I should’ve been bored or
started to feel sleepy during her preaching and yet my expectations proceeded otherwise.
What struck me the most during her preaching was the part where she told us that
the name Judah means “Now, I will praise the Lord”. Just as I heard it, I wondered to myself,
do I still praise the Lord the way that He deserves? Do I worship Him wholeheartedly? Am I
giving my all for His glory? I knew the answer to these but questioning myself made me
more guilty. And yes, the answer is that I already am lacking in the way I praise the Lord.
Maybe because I am continuously tired from my earthly responsibilities as a student,
daughter and sibling or maybe because I don’t know how praising Him will help me solve my
burdens in life. Either way, I am not doing my pledge as a Christian properly and I am
remorseful for that.
As her preaching continues, I slowly came to realize the importance of giving praise
to the Lord. Praising Him will not only cause an upsurge in my happiness but will also lessen
the constraints in my life. I also discovered that rendering my worship and applaud to God
can turn my worries into relief and comfort. I only have to direct my focus to His glorification
and He will accompany me all throughout my pilgrimage in life.
I was also directly hit by the reality that as I grow older, my energy in praising the
Lord is fading little by little without me noticing it. With such realization, I vowed to myself
that starting today thereof, I will give the best I can offer in praising and worshipping God in
any circumstance that I am in, especially during Sundays in which my time should always be
free for thanksgiving and adoration for the Lord. As I end this day’s reflection, I would like to
set myself free from the chains of laziness binding me in my very situation today.
I will show my prime respect to God by praising Him wholeheartedly and soulfully for
He is always so good to me in every single chapter of my life. I might be suffering from
something very heavy right now but I know and I believe that at the right and perfect timing,
God will lift it all up until I will feel nothing but a relieved and peaceful heart.

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