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1. What Is A Percentage
2. Examples Of Percentages
3. Finding Percentages In Fractions
4. Transforming Percentages
5. Adding Percentages To Numbers
6. Subtracting Percentages From Numbers
7. Finding A Percentage Of An Integer

What is a percentage?

A percentage is just a part of the whole. The digits before the percent sign are just
telling you how much out of a hundred is there.

Finding percentages in fractions

Finding percentages in fractions is simple if you understand a percentage is just part

of a whole. If the fractions denominator is a hundred simply put a percentage symbol
after the numerator. If the denominator is 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 then just find the
equivalent fraction.
If the denominator is 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 times your numerator by 100 then whatever your
denominator is divide the numerator by it. If your denominator is in between 11-19,

21-24, 26-49, 51-99 then times the numerator by ten and then divide your numerator by
whatever your denominator is.

Transforming percentages

So to transform a percentage it is very simple. Use this diagram to help you:

How you use this is easy if you want a fraction, cover the % symbol and 0.
If you want a decimal cover the % symbol and the 100.

Adding percentages to numbers

Go to the next page and use the fraction and the number you were adding to the
percentage in the diagram that will give you a number then add that number to the
other number in the sum.

Subtracting Percentages From Numbers

Go to the next page and use the fraction and the number you were subtracting to the
percentage in the diagram that will give you a number then subtract that number to
the other number in the sum.

Finding a percentage of an Integer

So take your percentage and put it in the diagram on page 3 to extract a fraction.
Next use this diagram with your fraction:

N ÷ 100 = B

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