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Subject: Guest Post Price Inquiry


Asad here. I’m reaching out to check if you are accepting content from guest contributors on {Site

We are trying to establish ourselves as a helpful, trustworthy brand, and we think the best way to do
that is through quality content. We’ve already been featured in some respectable publications. If you do
publish content from guest authors, I would love an opportunity to be one of them.

Do you charge any review or editorial fee, if so can you please let me know how much you charge for an
article? So I can get the guest posts ready and that would be a great way for us to work on something

Looking forward to your thoughts,

Best Regards,
Asad M.


I'm reaching out on behalf of Mark Luckenburg from Web20Ranker. We're interested in exploring a
potential collaboration with {Site Name} and wanted to gauge your interest.

Mark boasts an impressive track record as the founder of Local Viking, Growth Foundry, SEO Vault, and
other successful startups. His profound understanding of SEO, marketing, and brand-building positions
him as a valuable asset for your platform.

Mark's experience in bridging the gap between customers and Google is noteworthy and aligns well with
{Site Name}’s goals. We believe his insights could offer a unique perspective that resonates with your

We'd love to discuss the opportunity further. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Asad M.

This is Asad. I've gone through your write-for-us instructions, but I couldn't find the pricing details. Could
you please share the pricing for your GPs and the expected article publication timeline?

Thank you,
Asad M.

Follow Up Email:


Thank you for sharing the guest post pricing details. I appreciate your response.

Given my enthusiasm to contribute to {Site Name} and recognizing the value of your platform, I would
like to propose $50 for the guest post. I'm confident in my ability to deliver a high-quality article that
aligns seamlessly with your audience's interests.

I believe that this adjustment could be a win-win, allowing me to share valuable insights with your
readers while also meeting your budgetary considerations. I'm genuinely excited about the potential
collaboration and the value it can bring to both sides.

Please let me know your thoughts on this proposal. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to contribute
to {Site Name}.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Asad M.

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