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Graded Assignment: Harmony Reflection and Action Plan


To reflect on the concepts of harmony in self and body and create a personalized action plan for
achieving and maintaining this harmony in your professional and personal lives.


Step-1: Self-Reflection Exercise (class activity and hand-written assignment for


Each student should spend some time reflecting on their own desires, thoughts, and expectations.

Identify at the least one instance EACH (Total THREE) where your imagination might be
influenced by

1. preconditioning
2. sensation
3. natural acceptance

Consider the state of your imagination (is it in harmony?) and whether it aligns with your natural
acceptance (conscious/ inner-self) or if there's a need for self-exploration.

Step-2: Share experiences and insights in class (class activity)

Step-3: Harmony Action Plan (hand-written assignment for submission)

Each student must create a personalized action plan for achieving harmony in the self,
considering the key takeaways from the class discussion.

The action plan should include specific steps for self-exploration, identifying and challenging
preconditioning, and aligning imagination with natural acceptance.

Step-4: Sharing and Feedback: (Class Activity)

Students will be invited to share their action plans with the class, explaining their chosen
strategies for achieving and maintaining harmony.

Constructive feedback from peers will be encouraged on the feasibility and effectiveness of each
action plan.

Application to Business: (20 minutes)

Discuss how the concept of harmony in self and body can be applied in a business context.

Explore how understanding one's natural acceptance and aligning it with business goals can lead
to more ethical decision-making and effective leadership.

Reflection and Closure: (10 minutes)

Conclude the activity with a brief reflection session where students can share any insights gained
during the activity.

Emphasize the importance of continuous self-exploration and alignment with natural acceptance
in fostering personal and professional harmony.

This activity aims to engage students in a practical application of the course content, fostering a
deeper understanding of the concept of harmony in the self and body.

Student Reflection and Action Plan

Self-Reflection Exercise:

During the self-reflection exercise, I realized that many of my desires and thoughts are
influenced by societal norms and past experiences. For instance, my desire for career success has
been shaped by societal expectations, and my thoughts often revolve around comparing myself to
others in the industry. I also recognized that my natural acceptance, or inner voice, is often
overshadowed by external influences.

Group Discussion:

In our group discussion, we shared similar experiences of external influences impacting our
imaginations. We discussed the challenges of breaking free from preconditioning and the
importance of aligning our imaginations with our natural acceptance. It was enlightening to hear
how others are navigating this journey toward self-harmony.

Harmony Action Plan:

My action plan involves a three-step approach:

Self-Exploration: I will dedicate time each week for self-reflection to better understand my
natural acceptance and identify areas where external influences are dominating my thoughts.

Challenge Preconditioning: I'll actively question societal norms and beliefs that have influenced
my desires. This involves critical thinking and being open to alternative perspectives.

Aligning Imagination: To ensure harmony, I plan to integrate my natural acceptance into my

decision-making processes. Before making major decisions, I will assess whether they align with
my inner values and beliefs.

Sharing and Feedback:

During the sharing session, my peers provided valuable feedback on the feasibility of my action
plan. They suggested additional strategies, such as seeking mentorship to gain different
perspectives and practicing mindfulness techniques for self-awareness.

Application to Business:

We discussed how aligning personal harmony with business goals can lead to ethical decision-
making. For example, understanding our natural acceptance can guide leadership decisions that
prioritize employee well-being and foster a positive corporate culture.

Reflection and Closure:

This activity highlighted the importance of continuous self-exploration. I now realize that
achieving harmony is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness and the courage to
challenge societal norms. I am excited to implement my action plan and see the positive impact it
has on both my personal and professional life.

This sample response illustrates a thoughtful engagement with the activity, demonstrating the
student's understanding of the concepts discussed in the course and their commitment to
achieving harmony in the self.

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