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1. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or d best fits each space:
By walking barefoot across the open countryside, early man was inadvertently enjoying the benefits
of reflexology, a therapeutic form of foot massage. Both ancient Chinese and Egyptian cultures
practiced foot massage (1)…the aim of improving general wealth, but it was not (2)…the early 20 th
century that reflexology reached the West. Reflexologists believe that specific points on the feet (3)… to
areas of the body, and that these areas can be stimulated by applying gentle pressure to the soles of the
feet. Some doctors have criticized reflexology, pointing in particular to the short (4)…of training
programmes. (5)…, it is possible to gain a qualification in reflexology with as little as six months of
home study.
1. A in B by C with D to
2. A to B in C until D before
3. A correspond B match C complement D equal
4. A course B duration C time D continuation
5. A Arguably B Definitely C Actually D Certainly
5 items x 2 points-= 10 points
2. Fill the gaps in the text below with one suitable word:
All over the world, strandings of dolphins and whales are becoming more common and
environmentalists claim that this may be Nature (1)…the alarm bells, believing it is the sea itself
(2)…is enduring a slow death (3)…about by pollution. Dolphins dying off America and in the
Mediterranean were nearly all infected (4)…a virus, but they were also (5)…a heavy pollution burden.

5 items x 1point= 5points

3. Read the text below and use the word given in capitals below to form words that fit in
the gaps:
Police have reported that a burglary took place at the home of MRS Jean Dunn, in
Bakersfield Rd yesterday afternoon. They believe that the burglar gained (1)…to the house by
climbing over the back wall and breaking the kitchen window. Mrs Dunn was (2)…upset when she said:
‘A lot of what the burglar took was (3)…, just cheap jewellery and a faulty TV. But he also took a box
of letters that friends have written over the years and those are 94)…’ A spokesman for the local police
force said, ‘Unfortunately, (5)…in this area is on the increase and people need to take extra caution.’
5 items x 2 points= 10 points
4. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense and voice:
a) They (fill) over six bags with rubbish from the beach already.
b) I (stand) up all day and my feet are killing me!
c) Jason wasn’t interested in the film because he already (see) it.
d) When Josh phoned, he sounded like he (have) quite a shock.
e) Just as you arrived, I (get) ready to go out.
f) It might sound strange, but yesterday was the first time I (eat) octopus.
g) It (report) that gunshots have been heard in the city.
h) The escaped prisoner is believed (use) a rope to climb the wall.
i) Not only (Jerry/forget) my birthday, but he also forgot our wedding anniversary.
j) (I/listen) to you from the start, I wouldn’t be in this mess now.

10 items x1 point= 10 points

5. Complete the second sentence in each of the pairs so that the meaning stays the same
and so that you include the word given (do not change the word given):
a) The origins of dental fear tend to be found in childhood.. ORIGINATE
Dental fear…………………………………………….
b) I very rarely go into fast-food restaurants. HARDLY
c) Chris likes eating pizza a great deal. FOND
Chris is………………………………..
d) Only part of the story he told was true. PARTIALLY
The story…………………………………………………
e) People have made a comparison between language and a game of chess. LIKENED
5 items x 2 points= 10 points
6. Find the unnecessary word in each line:
1. Hell, said Jean-Paul Sartre, is other people, and whether you agree with or not,
2. we are all have to learn to live together. We may not always approve
3. of that other people’s behaviour, but we do have to live with it. It is impossible to force other
4. people in to behave exactly how we think they should behave. Of course, the law bans
5. from all kinds of behaviour and if you can convince enough people, you might be able to get
the government to pass a new law.
5 items x 2 points= 10 points

7. The following text contains a number of 5 spelling mistakes. Correct them.

Although to many people in the West do still live in poverty, on the whole, westerners are
richer than those who live in developing countries. Things that are esential to our dayly life,
such as electricity, are luxuries to millions of people around the world.
5 items x 1point= 5points

8. Arrange the sentences in such a way as to build a logical paragraph. Show the correct
a) which reminds us that appearances can be deceptive
b) there are plenty of examples of people
c) there seems to be far more truth in the expression “You never get a second chance to make a
good impression”
d) in spite of there being some truth in the expression “Never judge a book by its cover”
e) who have insisted on expressing their individuality through their clothing and have suffered
for it 5 items x 2 points= 10 points

9. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the correct form of a
phrasal verb. Use the word given in brackets.
a) We should redecorate Jake’s bedroom now he’s left home. (up)
b) Why don’t you start doing yoga? (up)
c) The image on the screen slowly disappeared and I knew it was a computer virus. (away)
d) I’m sorry to tell you that your great-grandfather died during the night. (away)
e) You’ll regret it if you don’t make a copy of your important data. (up)
5 items x 1point= 5points

10. “The mass media have an adverse effect on moral standards.” Express your opinion on this
statement in 250-300 words. Make sure you support it with arguments and examples.
25 points



1. Complete the second sentence in each of the pairs so that the meaning stays the same
and so that you include the word given (do not change the word given):
a) I reacted negatively to the story at first. INITIAL
b) Illness and injury lead to most individual whale strandings. RESULT
Most individual……………………………………………………
c) Was it a successful day from your point of view? CONCERNED
Was it……………………….
d) The book contains a complete guide to each stage of the process. STEP
The book…………………………………………….
e) Immediately after they found the shelter, it started pouring. WHEN

5 items x 2 points= 10 points

2. Form new words starting from the words written in bold:
a) Have you…..your coffee? SWEET
b) I hope my plans will soon ……… MATERIAL
c) The new cook’s meal was scarcely….. EAT
d) The measures they have taken are………...DEBATE
e) The woman accepted her fate with…. RESIGN

5 items x 2 points= 10 points

3. Find the mistakes in the following sentences:

a) We hardly never hear from them now.
b) He soon became known like an outstanding actor.
c) You have given the wrong answer and so did she.
d) All the houses in the area have been pulled off.
e) I have Maths each other day.
5 items x 2 points= 10 points

4. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the correct form of a
phrasal verb:
a) This dull, rainy weather depresses me.
b) The professor was respected both by colleagues and students.
c) He needed to lose weight, so he started playing basketball.
d) The little cottage in the mountains was isolated because of the heavy snowfalls.
e) He inherited a great fortune on his grandparents’ death.
5 items x 1point-= 5points

5. In these lines there is a spelling or punctuation error:

a) Comand-and-control leadership is the most popular leadership
b) style while being the lest efficient. Why is it popular? Because it
c) appeals to mans natural desire for power, control and influence.
d) It gives leaders a feeling of job security of being needed and indispensable.
e) It is disliked by people who must folow orders.
5 items x 2 points-=10 points

6. Fill in with one appropriate word to fit the text:

The legends surrounding the origins of tea drinking are almost as (1)… the different types,
or blends, of tea available today, and they (2)…from region to region. Indian and Japanese tales
(3)…a devout Buddhist priest called Bodhidharma, (4)…was attempting a seven-year, sleepless
contemplation of Buddha when he began to (5)….drowsy. In the Indian version, he plucked a (6)
…leaves from the tree under which he sat and, (7)…chewing them, found that the sleepiness (8)
…him. The Japanese story is slightly different; the priest cutting (9)…his drooping eyelids in
frustration and throwing them (10)…the ground.
10 items x 0,5 point= 5 points

7. Fill in with the right form of the verbs in brackets:

a) We objected to their (say) that.
b) It is several reforms that they insist on (enforce).
c) You’ll feel a lot better after you (spill) out your heart to her.
d) you (upset) if I happened to come later?
e) I wish you (not complain) all the time.

5 items x 2 points-= 10 points

8. Decide which answer A, B, C or d best fits the space in the following text:
Homework is an (1)… part of school life in most countries around the world. However, there
is still considerable dabate among teachers about (2)…homework has a significant educational value. On
the one side are those who 3)…that it takes too much time away from other (4)…useful activities. On
the other are those who see homework as reinforcing school lessons so that concepts will not be
forgotten. (5)…is often neglected in this debate is the role of parental involvement.
1. A ingrained B established C allowed D accustomed
2. A if B that C whether D supposing
3. A tell B describe C claim D propose
4. A more B most C such D much
5. A Whatever B Which C That D What
5 items x 2 points-=10 points

9. Arrange the sentences in such a way as to build a logical paragraph. Show the correct
a) is due to his eccentricity as much as to his knowledge of the subject
b) from the first time he ever stepped into a classroom
c) I’ve often thought that Stefan’s success as a teacher
d) they’ve probably never met anybody who displays such enthusiasm and great personal
e) students have always loved him
5 items x 1point-=5points

10. Write a 250-300-word reflective essay on “Being a responsible person”. Consider the topic
from at least three perspectives.

25 points

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