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Ad-Din Ideal High School

1st Periodical Examination –2008. 7. Answer to the question in a word. 5 × 1= 5

Class : Two, Subject: English 1st Paper a) Where are they swimming ?
b) What can the cow smell ?
Times : 2.30 hour. Full mark-100
c) Who is saying “shoo! shoo! to the cow ?
1. Write the meaning of the following words. 10 × 1=10 d) Who is wet and unhappy ?
Picnic, enjoy, delicious, away, blow, huddle, soon, collect. e) Who will give a party ?
2. Write English of the following words. 10 × 1=10
8. Answer to the question (any three). 3 × 3= 9
MÜ, So, cvjK, D¾¡j, mܨv, ¯‘c, Avb›``vqK, enb Kiv|
a) Why are the birds and animals in their homes ?
3. Choice the best answers of the following sentence. 5 × 1= 5 b) Who is Pretty’s friend ? How is she drying her feathers ?
a) Raj and Amit are – (Swimming/Bathing). c) Where are Amit and Raj going for a picnic ?
b) The boys are – (running/walking). d) What are they carrying for lunch ?
c) Grace is – after Pretty. (Calling/looking)
9. Complete the dialogue. 5 × 1= 5
d) The wind is – (blowing/moving).
It is raining heavenly I ………. at home. Pretty ……….. coming to
e) There is a – in the jungle. (storm/rain).
…… . …… …..... wet …….. sad. ……. …….. saying,‘………have
4. Fill in the blanks with the given words in the box. 5 × 1= 5 no home.’ ……. an telling her, ‘don’t worry.’
Newspaper Ice-cream afraid nest Lunch
a) Pretty is ………. of the wind. 10. Quote from memory the poem. 10
b) Their picnic ………. is in a basket.
c) My father is putting the ………. on the table. 11. Neat & Cleaning 2
d) Raj is eating an …………. 12. Dictation 5
e) Pretty the sparrow is in her ………… 13. Spelling 5
5. Fill up in the blanks with appropriate word. 5 × 1= 5 14. Read 4
a) The girls are …………. in the garden. 15. Model Test 10
b) The children are ………. in the garden.
c) There is a cow ……….. the tree.
d) The birds are ……….. the rain.
e) Now pretty has a ………. nest.
6. Make sentence of the following words. 5 × 1= 5
River, smell, soon, worry, walk.
Ad-Din Ideal High School c) i am reading a book by enid blyton.
d) can you tell me the time.
1st Periodical Examination –2008.
e) mother goes for a walk every evening.
Class : Two, Subject: English 2nd Paper
Times : 2.30 hour. Full mark-100 6. Pick out the proper noun and common noun used in
the following sentences. 5× 1 = 5
1. Chose the best answer 5× 1 = 5 a) Ravi picked up the book.
a) Letter ¸‡jv KZ fv‡M wef³ Ñ 2 cÖKvi/3 cÖKvi/4 cÖKvi| b) I gave Rita a chocolate.
b) Word D”PviY Kivi mg‡qi AvIqvR‡K e‡j Ñ Letter/sound/word. c) Our holidays start in May.
c) `yB ev `yB‡qi AwaK Letter GK‡Î e‡m A_© Ki‡j Zv‡K e‡j d) The rose is a pretty flower.
Ñ e) Neha has a dog called Fluffy.
Sound/word/vowel. 7. Fill in the gaps with verbs from the list given below. 5× 1 = 5
d) Vowel †gvU KZwU Ñ 5 wU/6 wU/7 wU| a) I …….. the answer to that question.
e) g‡bi fe cÖKvk Ki‡Z Avgiv †h me K_v e‡j I wj‡L _vwK b) Birds ……….. high in the sky.
Zv‡K e‡j Ñ c) Mother ……….. me a slice of cake.
Language/sound/sentence. d) The boys ……… down the hill.
2. Re-arrange the jumble words to make sentences. 5× 1 = 5 e) We ……… foot ball in the park.
a) toys put the Rina cupboard in the 8. Fill in the blanks with the verbs. 5× 1 = 5
b) little Mary had lamb a am/is/are/was/were
c) reading Rinky is book a a) The earth ……….. round.
d) lion aloud roared the b) Tony and Ali …….. my classmates.
e) is shining the sun brightly c) he was a good footballer when he ………. young.
3. Identify the subject and predicate with the d) I ……….. a pupil of class two.
following sentences. 5× 1 = 5 e) We ………… in the garden a little while ago.
a) The birds flies. b) Ali is a good boy. 14. Change the Singular number into Plural number of
c) I love my mother. c) He goes to school. the following sentences. 5× 1 = 5
4. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’. 5× a) Bring the (Apple) from the bowl.
1=5 b) The (boy) slept quietly.
a) Mini ate ………. egg this morning. c) Mr. kabir has lost two (glass).
b) A dog is ………… animal. d) He bought three (ox).
c) He is driving ………… car. e) I saw some (knife).
d) He is ……… honest man. 13. Define with an example. 4× 2 = 8
e) The cow is ………. useful animal. Common noun, Proper noun.
5. Write the following sentence properly using capital letters and 12. Answer this question. 3 × 5 = 15
ending them correctly with full stops or question marks. 5 × 1 = 5 a) What is Grammar ? Write an example.
a) jake and jill went up the hill. b) What is vowel ? write with their example.
b) is anita going to Delhi. c) What is consonant ? write with their example.
13. Write a paragraph about 10
14. Neatness & Cleanliness 2
15. Model Test 10
Av`&-Øxb AvBwWqvj nvB ¯‹zj O) wVK nq, .......... mv‡ji .......... †deª“qvix mviv‡`‡k

cÖ_g mvgwqK cix¶v - 2008 cÖwZev` mfv I wgwQj n‡e|

‡kªYx - wØZxq †kªYx, welq - evsjv cÖ_g cÎ 6| mwVK DËiwU c~Y©ev‡K¨ wjL t
5× 1 = 5
mgq-2.30 N›Uv
K) evZv‡mi AvIqvR ‡Kgb Ñ kbkbkb / †kuv †kuv|
c~Yg©vb-100 L) kΓiv gw`bvq nvgjv Kij KZeviÑ `yBevi / Pvievi|
M) †`vjbPuvcvi is wK Ñ njy` / mv`v|
1| kãv_© wjL t N) evev UzKz‡K wK wK‡b w`‡jbÑ euvkx I †Xvj / gvwUi
10 cyZzj|
Agi, gRwjk, cwiLv, Kzmyg-evM, cÖwZev`, gvZ…fvlv, O) ¯^vaxbZv hy× nq KZ mv‡jÑ 1971 mv‡j/1952 mv‡j|
Kgj, givj, Avw`g, Abvnvix|
7| wgj †i‡L kã wjL t 5
2| evK¨ ‰Zix Ki t 5 ×1 = 5
×1 = 5 K) e¨v‡Oi WvK ..............|
wgwQj, cÖ`xc, beel©, k¨vgj, imvj| L) SvD‡qi kvLv ...................|
3| GKk‡ã DËi t 5× 1 = M) ev`jvi b`x ...................|
5 N) euvwki AvIqvR ....................|
K) †g‡Ni KvR †Kgb ? O) mvZwU is ......................|
L) Mv‡Q Mv‡Q †Kvb cvwL bv‡P ? 8| ‡K, Kv‡K e‡j‡Q Ñ 5
M) ˆekvLx †gjv †Kvb w`b nq ? × 2 = 10
N) knx` w`em KZ ZvwiL ? K) Avwg †Zvgv‡`i gZB GKRb gvbyl|
O) †K evb‡ii †Ljv †`Lv‡”Q ? L) Avj‡m †g‡q, Nywg‡q Zzwg _vK Ñ
4| GK ev‡K¨ DËi `vI t 5 M) cvKv kkv w`‡q †gvieŸv nq Ñ
× 2 = 10 N) knx` ¯§„wZ Agi †nvK Ñ
K) knx` K_vwUi A_© wK ? O) wR¡ m¨vi| evsjv Avgv‡`i gvZ…fvlv Ñ
L) Av‡›`vjb wK ? 9| Kwei bvgmn Ò‡Kvb †`‡kÓ KweZvi cÖ_g 8 jvBb wjL|
M) †gjv wK ?
N) bvMi †`vjv wK ? 10
O) cwiLv Lb‡bi KvR †kl n‡j mevB wK eyS‡jb ? 10| cÖ‡kœi msw¶ß DËi `vI (†h‡Kvb `yBwU)
5| LvwjNi c~iY Ki t 5 2× 4 = 8
×1 = 5 K) isaby‡Z wK wK is _v‡K ? dz‡ji ivYx Kv‡K ejv nq ?
K) Avgiv ................ RvZxq msMxZ MvBwQ| L) Avw`evmxiv Kx Kx wewµ K‡i‡Q ? Kviv Mvb MvB‡Q I
L) meyR MvQcvjv .................. dzj †dvUvq| bvP‡Q ?
M) Av‡iKw`‡K ................... DV‡Q bvg‡Q| M) †Kvb †`‡ki Zi“jZv me‡P‡q †ekx k¨vgj ?
N) ZLb evsjv‡`‡ki bvg wQj ................|
11| cÖ‡kœi we¯—vwiZ DËi `vI (†h‡Kvb `yBwU)|
7.5 × 2 = 15
K) ÔmevB wg‡j KvR Ki‡j †Kvb KvRB KwVb bqÕ- bexRxi
GB Dc‡`k
gw`bvevmx wKfv‡e Kv‡R jvwM‡qwQj ?
L) cÖK…wZ Zvi is, dzj I dj w`‡q wKfv‡e evsjv‡`‡ki
†mŠ›`h© e„w× K‡i‡Q ?
M) ÔAvwg neÕ KweZvq Kwe †Kvb †fv‡i m~h© EVvi
Av‡M DV‡Z Pvq ?
12| cwi¯‹vi cwi”QbœZv
12| g‡Wj †Uó
6| evK¨ ms‡KvPb (GK K_vq) wjL|
Av`&-Øxb AvBwWqvj nvB ¯‹zj 6× 1 = 6
K) A‡MÖ Mgb K‡i †h, L) Aí K_v e‡j †h,
cÖ_g mvgwqK cix¶v - 2008 M) Rvbevi B”Qv, N) we`¨v Av‡Q hvi,
‡kªYx - wØZxq †kªYx, welq - evsjv wØZxq cÎ O) †h we‡`‡k _v‡K, P) hv †`Lv hvq bv|
mgq-2.30 N›Uv 7| D`vnimn msÁv wjL (†h‡Kvb 3 wU)|
3 × 5 = 15
fvlv, aŸwb, evK¨, e¨vKiY
1| hy³v¶i †f‡½ `ywU K‡i kã wjL| 7
8| Aby‡”Q` wjL|
×1 = 7
¯^, ¯§, µ, l©, k¨, ®‹, ò
Avgv‡`i RvZxq dzj|
2| wecixZ kã wjL| 6× 1 =
Ajm, Avg`vwb, KwVb, Avq, A¯—, †Mvcb 9| cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI (†h‡Kvb `yBwU)| 2
× 6 = 12
3| mwVK DËiwU c~Y© ev‡K¨ wjL|
K) nv‡Riv‡b gRwj‡m gvIjvbv mv‡ne wK †evSvw”Q‡jb ?
5× 1 = 6
†Kvb evK¨Uv †QvU †g‡qUvi gyL¯— n‡q †Mj ?
K) eY© KZ cÖKvi Ñ `yB cÖKvi / wZb cÖKvi / Pvi cÖKvi|
L) Avgv‡`i eY©gvjv †gvU Ñ 11 wU/39 wU/50 wU| L) Bmjv‡gi Z…Zxq Lwjdvi bvg wK ? wZwb KLb Ges †Kvb
M) aŸbx wgwjZ n‡q A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j Zv‡K e‡j Ñ es‡k Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib ?
e¨vKiY/kã/evK¨| nhiZ Dmgvb (ivt) hyMj b~‡ii AwaKvix ejv nq ? †Kb ?
N) hvi m¤ú‡K© wKQz ejv nq Zv‡K e‡j Ñ
M) †g‡qi KvÛ Rvb‡Z †c‡i gv-evev wPš—vwš^Z n‡jb
†Kb ?
O) cÖ‡Z¨KwU ev‡K¨ Ask _v‡K Ñ 3 wU/2 wU/4 wU|
†g‡q‡K †kvaiv‡Z bv †c‡i Kvi Kv‡Q civgk© PvBj ?
P) aŸwb KZ cÖKvi Ñ 2 cÖKvi/3 cÖKvi/4 cÖKvi|
10| cwi¯‹vi cwiQbœZv
4| Aï× evbvb ï× K‡i wjL| 6
×1 = 6 2
wiKmvIjv, iRbxM›`v, cwi¯‹vi, ZiƒjZv, †deª“qvix, ivófvlv 11| evbvb
5| D‡Ïk¨ I we‡aq Avjv`v Ki| 4 5
×1 = 4 12| cVb 5
K) A`„Zv Z…Zxq †kªbx‡Z c‡o| 13| kÖ“Zwjwc
L) gvwS †KŠKv Pvjvq| 5
M) wkïiv mvivw`b gv‡V †Lj‡Q| 14| g‡Wj †Uó
N) †bŠwkb Av‡gwiKvq _v‡K|
Av`&-Øxb AvBwWqvj nvB ¯‹zj O) c„w_ex n‡Z m~‡h©i `yi“Z¡ KZ ?
5| GK ev‡K¨ DËi `vI t 4×
cÖ_g mvgwqK cix¶v - 2008 2.5 = 10
‡kªYx - wØZxq †kªYx, welq - mgvR K) cwi‡ek Kv‡K e‡j ?
L) evmM„n Kv‡K e‡j ?
mgq-2.30 N›Uv
M) FZz cwieZ©b †Kb nq ?
c~Yg©vb-100 N) Av‡jv I Zvc bv †c‡j c„w_ex †Kgb nZ ?
1| LwjNi c~iY Ki t 5 × 1.5 = 6| msw¶ß DËi `vI t (3 wU) 3×
7.5 4 = 12
K) Avgv‡`i ............. I .............. cÖ`vb Drm m~h©| K) evmM„n Kwfv‡e cwi¯‹vi ivLe ?
L) `ya GKwU ............. Lvevi| L) Avgiv mK‡j wg‡jwg‡k KvR Ki‡j wK nq ?
M) ZuvZx ............. w`‡q Kvco ey‡b| M) Zvc wK ? Zvc Avgv‡`i wK Kv‡R jv‡M ?
N) ..............I .............. GB `yBgvm kxZKvj| N) †gN Kv‡K e‡j ?
O) bZzb av‡bi AvMg‡b MÖv‡gi cÖwZwU Ni ............... 7| cÖ‡kœi we¯—vwiZ DËi `vI t (3 wU)
Avb‡›` gLwiZ n‡q D‡V| 3 × 8 = 24
2| mwVK DËiwU c~Y© ev‡K¨ wjL K) cwi‡ek cÖavbZ KZ cÖKvi ?
5 × 1.5 = 7.5 L) evsjv‡`‡ki FZz KqwU ? MÖx®§Kvj I el©vKv‡ji eY©bv
K) †Kvb Lvevi †L‡j AmyL n‡Z cv‡i Ñ evwm/UvUKv/wm×| `vI|
L) m~‡h©i Av‡jv‡K Avgiv ewj Ñ iwk¥/†iv`/Zvc| M) kK©iv, Avwgl I †mœn RvZxq Lvev‡ii weeiY `vI|
M) cvwb dzUv‡j nq Ñ †gN/e„wó/Rjxq ev¯ú| N) †ckv Kv‡K e‡j ? me ‡ckvB `iKvix †Kb ?
N) wkDwj I Kvkdzj †dv‡U Ñ kxZKv‡j/†ngš—Kv‡j/kirKv‡j| 8| coš— †ejvi cvj †Zvjv †bŠKvmn b`xi GKwU `„k¨ AuvK|
O) BU, evwj, wm‡g›U w`‡q ˆZix †Kvb evox Ñ 4.5
KuvPv/cvKv/AvavcvKv| 9| cwi¯‹vi cwi”QbœZv
3| evK¨wU Zz‡j mZ¨/wg_¨v wjL t 2
5 × 2 = 10 10| g‡Wj †Uó
K) wfUvwgb RvZxq Lvevi †`n‡K †ivM †_‡K i¶ K‡i| 10
L) m~h© cÖvq evi j¶wU c„w_exi mgvb|
M) Avgiv m~h©, Av¸b I we`y¨r †_‡K Zvc cvB|
N) mgv‡R mevi †ckv GK iKg|
O) Avgv‡`i covïbvi cvkvcwk †Kvb KvR Kivi `iKvi ‡bB|
4| GK k‡ã DËi `vI t 5×
2 = 10
K) †Kvb FZz‡K FZzivR ejv nq ?
L) Avgiv wewfbœ †ckvi wK MÖnY Kwi ?
M) Zv‡ci cwigvb †ekx n‡j wK Abyfe Kwi ?
N) cvwbi Kbv †ekx kxZj n‡j wK nq ?

Av`&-Øxb AvBwWqvj nvB ¯‹zj 9| ms‡¶‡c DËi `vI|
cÖ_g mvgwqK cix¶v - 2008 K) nvki Kv‡K e‡j ? Kvwjgv KZwU I wK wK ?
‡kªYx - wØZxq †kªYx, welq - Bmjvg ag© L) Kvwjgv KZwU I wK wK ?
mgq-2.30 N›Uv 10| we¯—vwiZ DËi `vI|
c~Yg©vb-100 2 × 8 = 16
1| c„_K nid hy³ K‡i kã ˆZix Ki| 5× 1 = 5 K) Bgvb Kx ? cÖK…Z gywg‡bi wK‡mi Dci Bgvb Avb‡Z
n‡e ?
L) Avmgvbx wKZve Kv‡K e‡j ? †Kvb bexi Dci †Kvb
2| kã †_‡K nid c„_K Ki| 5× 1 = 5 wKZve Ri“ix ?
11| Kvwjgv kvnv`vZ A_©mn wjL|
3| Aviex k‡ãi A_© wjL| 5× 12| m~iv dvjvK evsjvq A_©mn wjL|
1=5 10
13| cwi¯‹vi cwi”QbœZv
14| g‡Wj †Uó
4| Avjvni cuvPwU ¸bevPK bvg wjL| 5× 10
5| ÔgvLivRÕ Kv‡K e‡j| D`vnibmn cÖ_g cuvPwU gvLivR
eywS‡q `vI| 8
6| LvwjNi c~iY Ki| 4× 1 = 4
K) †d‡ikZvMY .................. ˆZix| L) wKqvg‡Zi ci n‡e
M) KziAvb ....................... Kvjvg| N) ........ Bmjv‡gi
wbqgbxwZ ‡g‡b Pwj|
7| GKk‡ã DËi `vI| 4× 1 = 4
K) me© cÖ_g bex ‡K ? L) Kvwjgv A_©
wK t
M) nhiZ gyMv¤§` (m¤ú` `t) KziAvb kix‡d KZwU m~iv
M) nhiZ gynv¤§` (mt) KZ eQ‡i beyq¨vZ cvb|
8| GK ev‡K¨ DËi `vI| 3×
K) nhiZ gynv¤§` (mt) †Kv_vq Rb¥MÖnb K‡ib ?
L) †d‡ikZvMY Kx KvR K‡ib ? M) Kvwjgv
Z¨vwqev wjL|

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