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Let's break down the process step by step:

Step 1: Setting up your Fluent Model

Before automating the process, ensure you have set up a base case in ANSYS Fluent.
This includes defining your geometry, meshing, boundary conditions, solver
settings, and any other parameters that will remain constant across all cases.

Step 2: Writing a Fluent Journal File

The Fluent journal file (.jou) records the commands and actions performed within
the Fluent environment. Start by manually recording the steps you take to set up
and solve one of your cases. Here's a basic example of what your journal file might
look like:

Copy code
/file/read-case-data "path/to/case1.cas" ; Load the case file
/solve/initialize/initialize-flow ; Initialize the flow field
/solve/iterate 100 ; Solve the simulation for 100 iterations
/file/write-data "path/to/output_data_case1.dat" yes ; Write solution data to
ASCII file
Replace "path/to/case1.cas" with the path to your case file, and
"path/to/output_data_case1.dat" with the desired path for your output data.

Step 3: Parameterization in the Fluent Journal File

To parameterize your output data, you'll need to modify the journal file to accept
input parameters. You can achieve this by using placeholders or variables. Here's
an example of how to modify the journal file:

Copy code
; Define parameters
/set-param case_path "path/to/"
/set-param output_directory "path/to/output_directory/"
/set-param iterations 100

; Load case file

/file/read-case-data "${case_path}case1.cas"

; Initialize and solve

/solve/iterate ${iterations}

; Write solution data to ASCII file

/file/write-data "${output_directory}output_data_case1.dat" yes
In this modified version, ${case_path}, ${output_directory}, and ${iterations} are
placeholders for the path to the case files, the output directory, and the number
of iterations, respectively. These parameters will be substituted with actual
values during script execution.

Step 4: Writing a Python Script

Write a Python script to automate the execution of Fluent using the journal file.
The script will iterate through all cases, modify the journal file for each case,
and run Fluent accordingly. Here's a simplified example:

Copy code
import subprocess

# List of case numbers

cases = range(1, 92)

# Path to Fluent executable and journal file

fluent_executable = "path/to/fluent/executable"
journal_file = "path/to/journal_file.jou"

# Iterate through all cases

for case in cases:
# Modify journal file for the current case["sed", "-i", f"s/case_path = 'path\/to\//case_path =
'path\/to\/case{case}\/", journal_file])

# Execute Fluent with modified journal file[fluent_executable, "-g", "-t", "8", "-i", journal_file])
This script iterates through all case numbers and modifies the journal file for
each case by substituting the placeholder ${case_path} with the actual path to the
case files. It then executes Fluent with the modified journal file.

Step 5: Run the Python Script

Run the Python script to automate the execution of Fluent for all cases. Ensure
that the paths to Fluent executable, journal file, and case files are correctly
specified in the script.

Step 6: Post-Processing

After Fluent has finished running for all cases, you can perform any necessary
post-processing on the output data using additional Python scripts or tools.

This is a basic outline of how you can automate the process of running multiple
cases in ANSYS Fluent using a combination of a Fluent journal file and a Python
script. Adjustments may be needed based on your specific requirements and workflow.

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