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A Pact with the Sun Summary In English

Saeeda’s mother had been suffering from fever, cough, body pain and joint pain etc.
A number of physicians treated her. The quacks forbade her normal food. They also
advised her to remain in the closed room. They asked her to avoid both sunshine
and fresh air. Their advice did not help her. In fact she needed sunshine and fresh
air for good health.

Then people suggested that she should consult a specialist. She was poor.
However, she knew that life was more precious than money. So she consulted a
specialist. She sold her ornaments also to meet the expenditure on medicines. The
specialist examined her. He prescribed effective but costly medicines. He allowed
her to eat anything of her taste. He laid most importance on fresh air and sunlight.
He advised her to shift in a big room with doors and windows open. He asked her to
sit in the sunlight from eight to nine daily.

Some people opposed the specialist’s advice. Saeeda’s mother did not listen to their
proposals. She got her bed moved to a bigger room. She desired to sit in the sun on
her cot for an hour daily.

Unluckily, it remained cloudy for a few days. She started lamenting and complaining
to God.
Saeeda saw a spot of pale sunshine late in the afternoon. The people forbade
Saceda’s mother to bask in the sun. They told her that it was too late and chilly.
Saeeda requested the departing rays of the sun to come the next day with enough
warmth and brightness. The rays gave her the desired promise because her ailing
mother needed their help.

Next day the rays were keen to go to the earth early in the morning. After all they
had given a word to Saeeda. But the sun said. “It’s our day off again. The road to
earth is blocked by the clouds”. The ray who had given its word to Saceda said, “Sir,
I can’t stay back …… I’ll pierce the clouds to reach Saeeda’s courtyard.”

The sunrays revolted against the sun to keep their honour. They focused their heat
and the clouds scattered. The sunrays reached the earth a bit late. Saeeda’s mother
basked in the sun and breathed in fresh air. Her pale face glowed. The doctor’s
advice had a magical effect on her. She is fully recovered now.

A Pact with the Sun Summary In Hindi

साईदा की अम्ााँ, ज्वर, खाांसी, शरीर-ददद तथा जोडोां के ददद आदद से पीदडत थी। अनेकोां दिदकत्सकोां ने
उसका उपिार दकया। नीम-हकीमोां ने उसका सामान्य भोजन भी बन्द कर ददया। उन्ोांने उसे बन्द
कमरे में रहने की सलाह भी दी। उन्ोांने उसे धूप और ताजी हवा से बिने के दलए कहा। उनकी सलाह
से उसे कोई लाभ नहीां हुआ। वास्तव में अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के दलए उसे धूप और ताजी हवा की आवश्यकता
तब लोगोां ने कहा दक वह दकसी दवशेषज्ञ की सलाह ले। वह गरीब थी। दिर भी वह जानती थी दक
जीवन धन से अदधक कीमती है। अतः उसने दकसी दवशेषज्ञ से परामशद दकया। उसने अपने आभूषण
भी बेि ददए तादक दवाइयोां पर दकया गया खिद वहन कर सके। दवशेषज्ञ ने उसका दनरीक्षण दकया।
उसने प्रभावकारी परन्तु महाँगी दवाइयााँ दनददद ष्ट कीां। उसने उसे छूट दी दक वह अपनी रुदि के अनुसार
कोई भी भोजन ले सकती थी। उसने सबसे अदधक महत्त्व ताजी हवा और धूप को ददया। उसने उसे
सलाह दी दक वह अपनी जगह बदल कर दकसी खुले दरवाजे और खखडदकयोां वाले बडे कमरे में जाये।
उसने उसे सलाह दी दक वह धूप में आठ से नौ बजे तक प्रदतददन बैठे।

कुछ लोगोां ने दवशेषज्ञ की नसीहत का दवरोध दकया। साईदा की अम्ााँ ने उनके प्रस्तावोां की ओर ध्यान
नहीां ददया। उसने अपने पलांग को अदधक बडे कमरे में डलवा दलया। वह प्रदतददन एक घांटा अपनी
िारपाई के ऊपर धूप में बैठना िाहती थी।

दु भादग्य से, कुछ ददनोां तक बादल छाए रहे। वह दवलाप करने और भगवान से दशकायत करने लगी।
मध्याह्न के बाद, साईदा को पीली धूप वाला कुछ स्थान नजर आया। लोगोां ने साईदा की अम्ााँ को धूप
सेकने से मना कर ददया। उन्ोांने कहा दक यह बडी दे र का और अत्यदधक काँपकाँपी लाने वाला समय
है। साईदा ने सूयद की दबछु डती हुई ‘दकरणोां से प्राथदना की दक वे कल कािी गमी और रोशनी लेकर
अवश्य आएाँ । दकरणोां ने उसे मनिाहा विन ददया क्ोांदक उसकी बीमार अम्ााँ को उनकी सहायता की
आवश्यकता थी।

अगले ददन बडे सवेरे दकरणें पृथ्वी पर जाने के दलए उत्सुक थीां। आखखर उन्ोांने साईदा को विन दे
रखा था। परां तु सूयद ने कहा ” आज दिर हमारी छु ट्टी है। धरती पर जाने का मागद बादलोां ने रोक रखा
है।” दजस दकरण ने साईदा से वायदा कर रखा था वह बोली, ” श्रीमन्, मैं रुक नहीां सकती …… साईदा
के आां गन में पहुाँिने के दलए मैं बादलोां को िीर दू ां गी।”

दकरणोां ने अपने सम्ान को कायम रखने के दलए सूयद के दवरुद्ध दवद्रोह कर ददया। उन्ोांने अपनी गमी
को केखित दकया और बादल छट (दततर-दबतर हो) गए। सूयद की दकरणें थोडी दे र से पृथ्वी पर पहुाँिीां।
साईदा की अम्ााँ ने धूप का आस्वादन दकया और स्वच्छ वायु में साांस दलया। उसका पीला िेहरा िमक
उठा। डॉक्टर की नसीहत का उसके ऊपर िमत्कारी प्रभाव पडा। अब वह पूरी तरह से ठीक हो गई

Important Question and Answers

1. What did the physicians ask Saeeda’s mother to do to get well? Did their
advice help her? If not, why?

Ans:The physicians advised Saeeda’s mother not to take normal food, and to
remain shut in a small dark room.
2.What did the specialist prescribe in addition to medicine?

Ans:The specialist prescribed some effective but costly medicines. He told her to eat
chapati, vegetables, milk, fruits, etc. He asked her to shift to a bigger room with
windows and doors open. Above all, she should sit in the sun every morning for an
hour and breathe in fresh air.

3. What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do?

Ans:Saeeda made a special request to the sunrays to help her mother get well. She
asked them to come the next day with lots of warmth and brightness.

4.Why were the sunrays keen to go down to the earth the next day?

Ans:The sunrays had promised to help Saeeda. They had made a pact with her that
they would bring down warmth and brightness. So they were keen to go down to the
earth the next day. They forced their way through the dark, dirty clouds.


1.Who made the pact with the sun? What was it about?

Ans:The small girl Saeeda made a pact with the sun. Her mother was not well. She
needed the warmth of the sun and fresh air. So in her mysterious language, she
requested the rays of the sun to come the next day with lots of warmth.

2. What assurance did the sunrays give to Saeeda?

Ans:The sunrays granted Saeeda’s request. They promised to reach the earth at the
fixed hour the next morning.

3. Why did the sun ask the rays to stay up in the sky?

Ans:The pathway to the earth was blocked by thick, dark clouds. The sun warned
the rays to keep clear of the dark clouds. But all the rays refused to obey their
father’s command. They got through the clouds and thus ,kept their word to Saeeda.

4. How did Saeeda’s mother feel on that sunny day?

Ans:Saeeda’s mother felt the sun on her face and she breathed in fresh air. She
thought she was in a new world. Her eyes shone bright and she started recovering
1. Comment on the aptness of the title of the story, ‘A Pact with the Sun’. What
message or idea does the story bring home to you?

Ans:‘A Pact with the Sun’ is an educative story. It tells us that fresh air, and
sunshine in the open are the key to sound health. Even the sick people need these
two things. They must not be kept confined in dark room. They should get normal
The story tells us Saeeda’s mother was denied healthy food, sunshine and fresh air.
She remained sick. But her daughter made a pact with the sunrays to warm up the
ailing old woman. And the results were wonderful.

2.Who made the pact with the Sun and why? How did the pact prove fruitful?

Ans:Saeeda’s mother had been ailing for quite some time. No medicine proved
effective. She was shut up in a small dark room. The cloudy weather continued for a
few days. So Saeeda, the little girl, made a request to the rays of the sun to come
down to the earth and give warmth to the ailing woman. The sunrays agreed and
also kept their word. They came down in large numbers and gave ‘ new life to
Saeeda’s mother. In this way Saeeda’s pact with the sunrays helped her mother get

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