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Writing a literature review on safe staffing is a complex task that requires thorough research, critical

analysis, and careful synthesis of existing literature. It involves reviewing numerous scholarly
articles, research papers, and other relevant sources to understand the current state of knowledge on
the topic. Additionally, the process involves identifying gaps in the existing literature and providing
insights for future research directions.

One of the main challenges of writing a literature review on safe staffing is the vast amount of
literature available on the topic. Sorting through numerous studies, reports, and publications to find
the most relevant and credible sources can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Moreover,
synthesizing the information from various sources and presenting it in a coherent and structured
manner requires strong analytical and writing skills.

Furthermore, ensuring the accuracy and validity of the information presented in the literature review
is crucial. It requires careful evaluation of the methodology, findings, and conclusions of each source
to determine its reliability and relevance to the topic at hand. Additionally, properly citing and
referencing all sources according to the required citation style is essential to maintain academic

Given the complexities and challenges associated with writing a literature review on safe staffing, it
is understandable that many individuals may seek assistance. ⇒ ⇔ offers
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Weekly staffing data is examined with medical errors to show that an increase number of RN
staffing is directly related to decreased medication errors. The authors suggest that many nursing
interventions have been instituted into clinical practice to prevent medical errors including,
computerized order entries, medication reconciliation, and bar code administration systems. Even
with preventive strategies in place to avoid medication errors, nurses play the most important role in
preventing errors. These interruptions in the work environment often lead to medication errors, delays
in patient treatment and loss of communication among the nursing staff (McGillis, 2010). While the
empirical evidence is not clear cut, the balance of the. Nowadays, developing countries are focused
on Technology Transfer and be engaged in developing their manufacturing industries so as to
compete globally and for their economic growth. Hospitals maintain a maximum capacity of beds for
standard and more advanced care which also cannot be enhanced without costly capital-depleting
construction projects for expansion. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 25(4), 686-
693. In addition to nurse to patient ratios, safe nurse staffing means that nurses should be competent
in the care that they provide. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement cookies are used to
provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The objectives of this study were to (i)
identify workload capacity measures and methods for profiling allied health workforce requirements
from a systematic review of the international literature; (ii) explore the use of these methods in
planning workforce requirements; (iii) identify barriers to applying such methods; and (iv)
recommend further action. In general, this literature reviews compare various studies output based on
their research method and findings to fills gap and add value to a body of knowledge. Second,
where maintenance planning encompasses the company as a whole, working in order to preserve
equipment and infrastructure conditions and the maintenance cost evaluations as a function of the
risk of equipment failure and the worker safety to determinate the frequency of maintenance on that
basis. Basic Cardiac Assessments: Physical Examination, Electrocardiography, and Chest
Radiography Can I Depend On You. Fairholm (2009) indicates that in order to build a dedicated
culture, there must be open communications from administration and engaging internal stakeholders
as a mentor and coach as well as establishing an inspiring vision. Patient needs, under deontological
models of ethics, should be the primary consideration when assessing the viability and relevancy of
H.R. 876. This bill, in its current language, satisfies this ethical view, despite any potential economic
drawbacks to hospitals that must comply. Supavadee(Noi) Tantiyanon How do hotel linen suppliers
contribute to sustainable and eco-friendly pract. It elevates the level of complexity of the planning
and implementation activities, establishes limits and ideal work conditions, and imposes higher levels
or new targets for planning. The researchers have also attempted to forward roads toward sustainable
development through occupational safety and health innovation and improvement approaches. Keep
on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Addington, Canada D.
Barch, U.S.A.. Doc Retrieval Lists Of Academic Journals - Wikipedia Lists of academic journals
The following is a partial list of lists of academic journals List of humor research publications; List of
medical and health informatics journals; List of medical journals. If an article has been published in a
scholarly journal, presumably, What research techniques are used by the author(s). Retrieve Doc List
Of Academic Journals By Preprint Policy - Wikipedia Journal Publisher Policy type Policy text Policy
on preprint licenses Source; The BMJ (formerly British Medical Journal) BMJ Publishing Group Ltd:
Compatible. The paper shows that measures of success will continue to be important as. Workplace
innovation brings radical change in the workers’ environment, thereby enhancing the profitability of
companies. The Northwick Park Dependency Score is a tool used to measure the need for nurses in
rehabilitation settings based on care requirements. This consisted of a search for other relevant works
which were not returned by the selected keywords based on the references of the articles selected for
analysis. 14 articles were included in this second reading phase, even if they were publications prior
to 2010. Download Free PDF View PDF Wran Consultancy Project Vol 2 Verna Blewett, Christine
Aickin Download Free PDF View PDF Key aspect of safety at work: A comprehensive literature
review Michael Eze Safety at work is a challeging issue for firms and governments worldwide.
Conclusions of the study revealed that tasks delegated between RN’s and CNA’s was limited to
specific tasks and staff tend to spend more time caring for patients suffering from dementia than on
residence with higher dependency. Barlow and Zangaro (2010), use this tool as a Likert
questionnaire for data collection on anticipated turnover of nurses, the study concludes that the
instrument demonstrated great reliability in predicating unnecessary turnover. College registrar and
president elect, Andrew Goddard, says there is “staggering” variation in the numbers of doctors per
bed in the UK but no clear tally of how many doctors, nurses, or other healthcare professionals are
needed in the acute medical setting at any point in time. “Everybody’s been afraid to measure it,
because they haven’t known what to compare it to.
Determining staffing ratios is difficult because it is unknown whether the cost saving benefits
outweighs the risks of patient outcomes. Handbook of Biomedical Research Writing: The Journal
Article Abstract by Jocelyn Graf This chapter will review the structure of abstracts, address issues
specific to medical If your paper presents a new research or clinical procedure, the method section of
the abstract will be. However, our guidelines do not address the issues related to the design and
conduct of research.. Access This Document SCHIZOPHRENIA Research Schizophrenia Research
has no page charges. Moreover, it finds that some existing documents are. Furthermore, prevention
can raise creditworthiness and lower insurance premiums. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full
PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Journal of Loss
Prevention in the Process Industries, 26(6), 1060-1070. Hence, there is clearly disequilibrium
between Republican sentiment about the viability or relevance of the bill. Content Retrieval
Evidenced Based Key Research Findings Evidenced Based Key Research Findings. While agency
nurses serve the same purpose, the cost associated with contracting an agency nurse inhibits
economic and regulatory restraints. Corrective maintenance consists in an intervention made after the
occurrence of the failure. The Mental Health act of 1983 is very multifaceted, complex, involves
sections and covers many different areas, like compulsory admission to hospital, consent to
admittance, treatment, right to appeal, patient's guardianship, patient's background and his
involvement in criminal proceedings and various other factors. To make civilize society, all should be
aware about every one's health and safety that too, workers health of safety is very important issues
in every industry. These elements are directly linked to the financial performance of organizations
and can be perceived almost immediately when they are influenced. Some of this research also focus
on behavior based safety due to the significant human and financial costs of accidents in the mining
industry. Finally, the analysis makes a detailed recommendation on how effective the policy should
be implemented so as to improve the nursing profession. Clearly, the patient would be the most
primary stakeholder positively impacted if H.R. 876 were to be passed in Congress. At this point,
the study counted with 24 selected articles. Some data indicate state and federal legislation as the
main facilitators and barriers to adequate staffing. Hader, R., Saver, C. and Steltzer, T. (2006). No
Time to Lose, Nursing Management, 37(7). The notion of altering the social security system to allow
individuals to manage their own funds in individual retirement account-like schemes is a recent
example. Environmental interruptions in the nursing workplace are a result of workload demands,
interruptions in continuity of care, and inconsistencies in nursing assignments. BioMed Central.
Health Services Research. Vol 12. 2-8. Functional Functional Functional cookies help to perform
certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect
feedbacks, and other third-party features. The bill, if enacted into law, would guarantee that at least
55 percent of the aforementioned committee members consisted of registered nurses who provide
relevant patient care (Healthcare Employment Counsel, 2011). It will help ward managers be even
more accurate and flexible in managing staffing levels and be based on actual need, not standard
levels. For example, a float pool nurse should be cross-trained and deemed proficient in the skills
necessary to perform caregiving tasks prior to being floated to unusual environments. Time, which
should have been implemented in member states of the European Community by November. A
Literature Review On Quality Of Working Life A Case Of Healthcare Workers. The latter involves
the safety concept, since when risk is assessed the consequences for people and the environment are
considered. The first case is representative of the corrective maintenance strategy, while the second is
linked to the preventive strategy. will not be liable for loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of using the
information provided on the site. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new
publications in your areas of interest when they're released. Many times, small repairs are carried out
on the components so the state can be maintained until the preventive maintenance interval arrives.
The collection of these detailed data on mining accidents is used to improve the safety of workers
and for research purposes. The selection included only articles published in peer-reviewed journals
between 2010 and 2015 in the Portuguese or English language. These cookies track visitors across
websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Classic occupational epidemiology has
paid less attention to women’s problems. Results identified a range of methods used to calculate
workload requirements or capacity. Again, the implications of H.R. 876 becoming an enforceable
law is rather obvious, as it would remove the shift burdens so often imposed on nurses due to the
shortage of nurses in this profession and over-capacity issues. What it takes to work alongside
paramedics taking potentially life-saving decisions 15 Feb 2024. Authors define teamwork based on
five core elements; team orientation, team leadership, back up, mutual performance, and adaptability.
The book reviews in detail the education, training, and education grants available to OSH
professionals from public and private sources. To assess safety, studies examining the following
outcomes were included: injuries; injury severity; and. Data collection for this study was obtained by
using various Likert scale surveys to gather information about nurse’s interpretation of their work
environments and staffing levels. Results of the study varied among the institution by which the
nurse practices. Many mine workers in the South African mines have lost their lives and livelihoods
since the first accidents were reported in 1904. There are also other non-efficiency reasons for
government involvement in workplace safety and health. The design of the studies varied between
quantitative and mixed method approaches. Respondents acknowledge that ethical conflict
contributes to work stress and emotional and physical burnout that drive nurses to work absence and
intent to leave (Guadine and Thorne, 2012). Asset management, on the other hand, is focused on
management practices geared to assets, and its relationship with maintenance is therefore much
stronger than safety, which tends to provide a systematization of the activities and the search for
solutions. HLT 362V Grand Canyon University Quasi Experimental Research Design Responses.
Stephen Faucher HLT 362V Grand Canyon University Quasi Experimental Research Design
Responses. Questionnaires were administered to employees of various Banks in the country. All
information is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind
regarding its accuracy, validity, reliability, or completeness. Actual staffing ratios were dependent on
the size of nursing facility (number of beds), whether or not the facility was for profit, and number
of residents. Assistive personnel play a vital role in reducing nurse burnout and clinical errors;
however the delegation of direct and indirect care to assistive nursing personnel can be a hefty task.
Data was collected through questionnaires, face to face in-depth interviews, document analysis and
participant observation. There would clearly be new cost burdens placed on hospitals in the event that
the bill passes and becomes an enforceable law. The object of the study is to examine whether
performance among different staffing categories is related to the dependency and diagnosis of
dementia. And occupational safety and health (OSH) is becoming even more complex as workers
move away from the long-term, fixed-site, employer relationship.
Levin also sponsored bill H.R. 5974, Invest in America Now Act of 2012, designed to amend the tax
code of 1986 to include extending bonus depreciation. This study was a mixed comparative study
that observed various medical units in the Midwest. Assignment difficulty ranged from 2 to 24 the
higher the number the more difficult the assignment. The literature explores many perspectives to
factors influencing a safe nursing environment and data collection methods were effective in
capturing the perceptions of federal and state legislators as well as staff nurses. There are also other
non-efficiency reasons for government involvement in workplace safety and health. These factors
combined were assessed in a neurological rehabilitation setting in London to assess and quantify
nursing care hours as a means to predicting staffing levels based on delegable tasks (Williams and
Turner-Stokes, 2009). Much attention was also given to the availability of assistive personnel,
managerial support, and patient conditions (acuity, patient needs). Nurses in some Taiwanese
hospitals can be assigned up to five times the number of patients of nurses in European and U.S
hospitals. In order to control hospital cost, shift-based minimum staffing ratios are a must. Results of
the study varied among the institution by which the nurse practices. The Northwick Park
Dependency Score is a tool used to measure the need for nurses in rehabilitation settings based on
care requirements. Doctors' Work Life Quality and Effect on Job Satisfaction: An Exploratory Stu.
Some of this research also focus on behavior based safety due to the significant human and financial
costs of accidents in the mining industry. A wide variety of nursing research studies was included in
this literature review. In this study, burnout was measured by using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-
Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS), nurses scoring higher than 27 on an emotional exhaustion
subscale were deemed to have high burnout (Nantsupawat, Srisuphan, Kunaviktikul, Wichaikhum,
Aungsuroch, and Aiken, 2011). It was co-created by a nurse educator named Loretta Ford (EdD,
RN, PNP) and a physician named Henry silver (MD at University of Colorado) (Gretchen 2012).
The authors believe that presenting this data to nurse managers may lead to changes in nursing
support, and increase float pool recruitment, retention, and employee engagement. This article seeks
to explore if minimum nurse staffing legislation will prove to positively or negatively affect hospital
performance. The notion of altering the social security system to allow individuals to manage their
own funds in individual retirement account-like schemes is a recent example. The other finding in
this study showed that the innovation of workplace safety and health brings sustainable development
through healthy people, safer workplace, reduced cost of accidents, controlled environment, managed
workplace accidents and improved workplace safety knowledge. Data was collected from a sample
of 34 workers in Makonde District with a 100% response rate. The Registered Nurse Safe Staffing
Act intends to fulfill the leftist ideology, providing protections for nurses and patients to ensure more
quality care provision in Medicare-participating health centers. The review adds value to existing
electronic database through integration of researches' results. Data collection methods include
observation data of patients, observation data of staff nurses, study patients’ data abstracted from
their electronic health record (EHR), and study units’ admissions, discharges, and transfers. Findings
of the study varied widely across the six countries. Using health information technology to explore
staffing decisions is relatively new to nurse informatics. Moreover, it finds that some existing
documents are. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this
website. The association of overtime with different health indicators among men. Staffing sheets
included nurse float or staff nurse information, patient flow, patient volume, and acuity of patient
condition. While the bill intends to ensure that hospitals are maintaining appropriate staffing levels
and staffing plans, it also guarantees that violators of the proposed law would be subject to monetary
recompense for failing to abide by the provisions set forth in the bill.
The study confirms that nursing staff standards are not acuity adjusted, except for Germany.
Although employees generally agreed that OHSMs were in practice, the measures should be
improved and government should reinforce policies for the implementation of OHSMs and ensure
compliance by the. The study recommended that MPWMWP adopt an Occupational Health and
Safety Management System as per International Labour Organization standards. However, the
burden of largely preventable occupational diseases and injuries and the lack of adequate OSH
services in most small and many medium-sized workplaces indicate a need for more OSH
professionals at all levels. Clearly, the patient would be the most primary stakeholder positively
impacted if H.R. 876 were to be passed in Congress. The committee makes the following specific
recommendations, numbered for ease of reference and not as an indication of priority. The
contributions include a discussion on the importance of maintenance and safety according to
different organizational cultures, the elements considered in management practices, maintenance
strategies and safety criteria. Therefore, it is important for professionals working in this field to be
well informed about existing international programs, organizations, practices, and issues. In
situations where nurses have grievances against the hospital for alleged unethical behavior and policy
formation, there are always risks of retaliation. Corrective maintenance consists in an intervention
made after the occurrence of the failure. This research is a clear example of the battle between
healthcare spending and patient care and safety. However, the researchers' findings have drawback in
considering existing three pillars. HLT 362V Grand Canyon University Quasi Experimental Research
Design Responses. However issues related to medical errors remains a struggle. Furthermore,
prevention can raise creditworthiness and lower insurance premiums. Download Free PDF View PDF
See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. All research
sources used for this review of literature were recent studies conducted within the past 5 years. The
pros and cons of working beyond midlife and through menopause and life challenges 22 May 2023.
They are also often given the most difficult patient assignment contributing to burnout and
dissatisfaction. Stephen Faucher HLT 362V Grand Canyon University Quasi Experimental Research
Design Responses. Mugove Muchakazi ABSTRACT The study set out to evaluate the effectiveness
of Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) in Ministry of Public Works
Mashonaland West Province. Addington, Canada D. Barch, U.S.A.. Doc Retrieval Lists Of
Academic Journals - Wikipedia Lists of academic journals The following is a partial list of lists of
academic journals List of humor research publications; List of medical and health informatics
journals; List of medical journals. Campaign Contributions, Economic Inquiry, 29(1), pp.24-43. HLT
362V Grand Canyon University Quasi Experimental Research Design Responses. In the literature,
various characteristics of workplace safety and health problems were found emanating from the lack
of operational activities of the employees, internal working environment and external environment
those impose hazards on employee temporarily, permanently and on working environments. Let us
write or edit the research paper on your topic. This is because of the implementation the pillars reduce
the working environment accidents and disease. The research for this study was limited to a group of
36 medical and surgical units. In line with recommendations of the National Quality Board (NQB)
we will publish staffing level reports on a monthly basis. Measurement of certain variables were
accomplished using study instruments when in fact direct observation would have been a more
appropriate technique to collect data. In Nigeria, as is the case in almost all other African countries,
there is no organized regulatory agency.
This way, maintenance will contribute to the elimination of dangers in the workplace. The research
for this study was limited to a group of 36 medical and surgical units. Depression Scale (SDS) and
Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms Index (CFSI). Most research collected was studied over a limited
amount of time and does not reflex findings over a long period of time. A large number of hospitals
and healthcare organizations have converted to electronic health records (EHR) and electronic
documenting. The object of the study is to examine whether performance among different staffing
categories is related to the dependency and diagnosis of dementia. Future approaches to workforce
planning were explored through a systematic review of the literature, interviews with key
stakeholders and focus group discussions with representatives from the different professional bodies
and health agencies in Victoria. The paper shows that measures of success will continue to be
important as. Stephen Faucher HLT 362V Grand Canyon University Quasi Experimental Research
Design Responses. Workplace innovation brings radical change in the workers’ environment, thereby
enhancing the profitability of companies. The Role of Healthcare-Related Stakeholders in aiding
Enforcement. In terms of the Mine Health and Safety, employers must report dangerous occurrences
and accidents that occur at a mine. Some researches finding showed that they have focused on single
problems related to health and health factors leaving universal improving workplace safety. Many
times, small repairs are carried out on the components so the state can be maintained until the
preventive maintenance interval arrives. For the purpose of this literature review, the topic of safe
nurse staffing denotes a balance between the availability of nursing staff and the demand to meet
patient needs. The NTS is a 33- item questionnaire with Likert scaling system, ranging from rarely to
always. The other finding in this study showed that the innovation of workplace safety and health
brings sustainable development through healthy people, safer workplace, reduced cost of accidents,
controlled environment, managed workplace accidents and improved workplace safety knowledge. A
wide variety of nursing research studies was included in this literature review. Using a Likert scale,
respondents were asked to assess the impact of OHSMs on the performance of their Banks. Research
shows that standards set forth in countries without mandated ratios were not consistent with actual
staffing. Consequently, the greater impact of OSH on maintenance is linked to the activities of
improving and maintaining protection systems and not to the maintenance activity itself. There are
virtually unlimited positive benefits, theoretically, that would improve patient care all across the
United States. We analyze causes of injury and risk factors, economic and social consequences,
Occupational Health and Safety Management System areas of priority and effectiveness of
interventions. Data collection was assembled using nursing staff on 52 patient care units. These
industries employing lot of workers but they are not being worry about health and safety. However,
despite these pressures, it is clear that committee chairs associated with the House Ways and Means
Committee and House Energy and Commerce Committees find problems with bill language, its
enforceability, or relevancy for attempting to regulate internal hospital operations using this
framework for compliance. The reliability of the survey data collected was tested using Cronbach’s
alpha. In the case of the articles published in the Brazilian Congresses on Maintenance and Asset
Management, the focus was also on the presentation of the application results of the case studies.
The healthcare policy can create issues especially where patients are required to pay and where those
who are insured are not supposed to pay. Research to date has been restricted to a limited range of

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