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Struggling with writing a literature review on worker productivity? You're not alone.

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comprehensive and insightful literature review can be a daunting task for many. It requires extensive
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The researcher relied on a variety of sources for the secondary research, including text books,
periodicals, peer reviewed journals and the internet. A series of field studies were conducted to
determine if there are indeed large differences in the level of engagement between the generations.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. There has been a metamorphic changes
occurring around the world with the advent of Information Technology which has contributed to the
economy of the country and has given lot of employment opportunities hence the concept of Quality
Work life has even more has become evident in this particular industry. The articles were thoroughly
reviewed to identify the factors related to CLP and rank them according to their importance
mentioned in different studies using Jenks classification method. The findings also revealed that
strong employment relations create a pleasant atmosphere within the work environment, motivation
and company rules. This study was focus on the Malaysian manufacturing industry which is the main
contributor to the country GDP. The analysis done showed that project management skill was the
most important factor that affects the labour productivity. This implies that labor is 15% less
productive on the large job than on the standard project. The focus of this bibliography is primarily
psychological with an emphasis on theory and practice that examines training processes and the
learning outcomes they seek to influence. While writing an article about training in 1959, Kirkpatrick
1996 referred to these four measurement levels as the four steps of a training evaluation. Various
studies are performed by different researchers to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
construction process, implementation various techniques to reduce rework and improve the
productivity. Quality of work life is a process in which the organization recognizes their
responsibility for excellence of organizational performance as well as employee skills. As you write
your Review of Literature, you'll want to make sure that you include as much relevant math as you
understand. See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're
Hiring. The finding of the study will help in understanding the directions required for better
management of CLP in different geographical regions. The purpose of this research is to measure and
study variability of construction labor p roductivity in building construction project and to
demonstrate the conceptual benchmarking principles for construction labor productivity, by the use
of indices and measures of benchmarking in labor productivity. Every individual paper has given the
intense information about the effective productivity through labour management. In general, the
productivity at shop-floor level can be improved through improving the method, increasing the
performance, and increasing the utilization. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download
(QWL) of employees in any organization plays a very vital role in shaping of both the employees and
the organization. Productivity is one of the most important issues in both developed and developing
countries. Adnanenshassi and Sherif, (2007) identified this paper on important negative factors are
affecting productivity, identified that factor using questionnaire survey and analysis. Some of the
past study findings will be used to measure the rising trend of Millennial employee engagement in
the firm. The study used 27 working parents with either ill or disabled children in New Jersey. It.
This study aims to review previous research on the topic of CLP to identify the reasons for the
variation on the findings from a geographical perspective. Thus, stress is more likely in some than
others and in some individuals than others. This research collecting data by using survey to 400
employees, across 15 Cities in Indonesia. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download
PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. A questionnaire was also completed
after the training. After addressing the cause of the problem our team would start acting by setting
up firewalls and remove any issue that needs to be removed, they will make sure your network is
secure and cannot be accessed by hackers at all time.
By identifying the factors influencing labour productivity and the impacts in construction, this can
help the construction players to improve the productivity and project performance Download Free
PDF View PDF Construction Management: A Professional Approach of Factors Affecting the Labor
Productivity Engineering Research Publication and IJEAS Abstract— This study discusses largely on
the main factors affecting the important changes in construction productivity. This paper focuses and
analyses the literature findings on importance of training and development and its relation with the
employees' quality of work life. Improvement in productivity can be achieved through more efficient
use of capital investments, human resource, technological innovation and developments. Hence the
research concludes that the QWL enjoyed by the employees of private industries is superior to the
QWL of employees of public industries. Full description Save Save Literature Review on Employee
Training and Develop. The similar sampling method is also used to collect data from customers of
public and private banks. 44 public bank employees and 60 private bank employees are considered
under study. 112 public bank customers and 116 private banks customers are considered under the
CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS IJESRT Journal Productivity remains an intriguing subject and a
dominant issue in the construction sector, promising cost savings and efficient usage of resources.
The aim of this study is to get the latest information and to identify the key factors that affect the
labour productivity in and around particular location. In this paper a case study of a small process
industry, some changes in the process has been suggested using time study method which lead to
reduction in process time, labour cost and production cost. In fact it is found that actual labour
productivity ratios are reducing day by day, which in turns harms organization's profitability.
Moreover, one industrial building is selected for a case study and Using MSP Software, all of the
building's data was analysed. The findings of the study reveal that the most frequent drivers are
rewarded, benefits and compensation, followed by career development, communication, and safety
and security respectively in order of frequency. In this study, the researcher used analytical
descriptive method, also literature study and field study as the instruments. RELATED PAPERS
Yosef Kaplan, “Forward,” in Anthony D. Labor cost generally make up 30 to 50% of overall project
cost in construction phase. Different types of job stress have also been illustrated here with the
remedial strategies which should be adopted to tackle with these types of job stress. This study aims
to review previous research on the topic of CLP to identify the reasons for the variation on the
findings from a geographical perspective. The present study helps the managements to identify the
right set of components of QWL and to enhance their employees' quality of work life intern achieve
the organization's objectives and goals. This study was carried out to identify the factor that
influences the labour productivity in construction industry and to identify the impacts of labour
productivity in construction. Organizations investing in effective training and development for
human resource tend to achieve both short and long term benefits. The success of an organization
largely depends on human resources and their skills with dedication. Gaps in research and practices
are discussed and future research directions are proposed. For every project, productivity, cost,
quality, and time have been the main concern. After analysing 15 different elements, suggestions and
guidelines were offered to boost labour productivity. The organization can render better service to
the customers by having productive and efficient employees. An overview is given on the
importance of training to every business. An effective leader influences the followers in a desired
manner to achieve goals. Purpose of this work, focuses the benefits of time and method study
employed in construction sectors. This balance is specific to each person and relates to satisfaction
with a job and all other parts in life, especially family life and free time. A literature review has
hence been carried on the importance of productivity improvement in an organization, the various
methods adopted for the purpose of the improvement.
Work-related stress costs a huge burden to the society. Therefore, a g ood work- life balance results
in high satisfaction. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. This application has
many features including: manage tasks, fast progress tracking, alarm sounds and ability to edit
number of intervals. An effective leader influences the followers in a desired manner to achieve
goals. Behavior outlines a relationship of learning the previous measurement le vel to the
actualization of doing. The ultimate goal of this study is to discover innovative employee
engagement tactics and models that can help companies grow and retain valuable Millennial
employees. Human resources are an important asset in the entire company operations activity. This is
because labour productivity is a complex and multifaceted issue. This value based process is aimed
towards meeting the twin goals of enhanced effectiveness of organizations and improved quality of
life at work for employees. ?-The American Society of Training and Development. Dedication and
determination are the outcomes of Quality of Work Life. Some of the long-term benefits of
BeFocused include increased efficiency and thus, improvement in product quality.BeFocused is
effective in the quality of work tasks. Millennials currently make up 40 percent of the workforce,
with that number expected to rise to 75 percent in the coming several decades (Source: How
Millennial Employees Are Reshaping the Business World, by Karen Smith, 2013). One of the many
factors that directly affect a firm's profitability is worker productivity. Marital issues: Need more
time of spouse, not able to give time to spouse. Stress can situations undermine the achievement of
goals, both for individuals and for organizations. It will not be wrong to submit that workplaces are
like homes; the more we are comfortable with each other, the more prosperity we gain. Study about
employee engagement has become a very popular and important concept in organization and business
studies. The company is facing a shifting generation to millennials with unique characteristics. It is a
specialized function and is one of the fundamental operative functions for known resource
management. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. By identifying the factors influencing labour productivity and
the impacts in construction, this can help the construction players to improve the productivity and
project performance Download Free PDF View PDF Construction Management: A Professional
Approach of Factors Affecting the Labor Productivity Engineering Research Publication and IJEAS
Abstract— This study discusses largely on the main factors affecting the important changes in
construction productivity. BeFocused sets a timer for 25 minutes to complete one work task. The
present study retrospects the different research articles and theses on QWL concept to identify the
most influencing components of QWL and categorise them. Based on an intensive literature review
which was conducted to identify the frequency of eight drivers in 15 selected research papers, it has
been chosen specific drivers which estimated to have an impact on QWL. This made the company
seek out synergies in its retail and supply chain, thus diversifying into a number of food related
business which could be relevant to the consumer in the North of England. Millennials individuals
with birth years between 1980-2000 recruited with Information Technology and Information System
enabled services sector of Poona, National Capital Region, Gurgaon, Bangalore, Ahmedabad were
considered for the same. This research investigates the relationship between QWL of employees and
Leadership styles in SMEs. By quantifying HRM determinants and equating it to satisfaction of
employees, the study has discovered and established that status of ERM in the state PSUs is not very
good and measures of HR practices are not being implemented as they should be. Therefore the
primary aim of this study is to know the manger and employees relationship impact on the
effectiveness of a banks’ performance.
The research conducted concluded that the right work engagement program makes Millennial
employees in the banking industry find meaning in their work, and gain pride as part of the
workplace to jointly achieve the company's vision and mission. The aim of this thesis is to identify
factors affecting labour productivity and also to study causes i.e. labour problems on site and its
effects on the construction projects. One of the many factors that directly affect a firm's profitability
is worker productivity. The researchers focused on identifying areas for productivity improvement
using work-study. QWL play a significant role in the success of an organization irrespective of its
size and type whether it is a manufacturing or service. It shows you the number of assignments that
need to be done in a day, week, or month and it also encourages you to take time off after each task
the user has completed. Some of the adverse effects of decreased productivity and quality of
products and services include reduced profits and loss of customers’ trust. As a result, a creative
employee engagement model, trends, and practices that can drive Millennials to deliver their best are
required. Basic characteristics, working attitudes, and expectations of this group of employees will
also be highlighted. In construction productivity has direct interrelationship with the three
constraints there are time, cost and quality. The confidence measurement assessed how confident the
trainee was with answers given. Bruce and Pepitone 1999 propose an interesting viewpoint
according to which managers cannot motivate employees; managers can only influence what
employees are motivated to do. Training is an important subsystem of Human Resource
Development. The main outcome from the literature is that there is no standard definition of
productivity. The state of general adaptation spontaneously responds to any physical threat or It's a
feeling about the health of an organism. QWL is a process in which organizations recognize their
responsibility to develop job and working conditions that are excellent for the employee and
organization. For this purpose, method study has been carried out by applying questioning techniques
concept where recording and critical analysis of all related information has been performed in
particular production line. It is a specialized function and is one of the fundamental operative
functions for known resource management. Thus, employee training and development programs are
important aspects which are needed to be studied and focused on. For evaluating effectiveness if
training a questionnaire has to be carefully prepared for participants in order to receive feedback. The
goal was to improve the productivity through more efficient use of capital and human resource.
There are two Research Questions (RQ) set in this research. Hence, this study helps to identify the
bottleneck and suggest appropriate system to improve productivity. And that is why labour is not able
to raise their productivity. Work-related stress costs a huge burden to the society. The hard truth is
that in the modern era Quality of Work Life (QWL) has taken a back seat since most of the
employees are expected to work even more harder.Research shows that in an developed county the
employees expected to work for 12 to 15 hours a day as compared to 8 to 9 hours and such kind of
trend is quite distressing. Review Of Literature On Job Satisfaction Project Report. Moreover, one
industrial building is selected for a case study and Using MSP Software, all of the building's data
was analysed. The secondary research was used to understand the conceptual background of
productivity and employee satisfaction in the organizational context. An overview is given on the
importance of training to every business.
With every new member to the team they get an instruction manual on how to use the application.
Better productivity can be achieved if project management includes the skills of education and
training, the work method, personal health, motivational factors, the type of tools, machines,
required equipment and materials, personal skills, the workload to be executed, expected work
quality, work location, the type of work to be done, and supervisory personnel. But excessive
pressure can lead to stress which undermines performance, is costly to employers and can make
people ill. Download Free PDF View PDF Training and Development Program and its Benefits to
Employee and Organization: A Conceptual Study International Journal of Scientific Research in
Science and Technology IJSRST The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual study
established on the employee training and development program and its benefits. In essence, the focus
is to apply method study and work measurement and statistical analysis to various construction
activities to the observation data sets generated for different construction processes on site and
determines their productivity processes and establish regression equation using statistical analysis.
Noisli doesn’t only generate sound but it also has color background that shifts. The prime objective
of research is to study the changes in skill, attitude, knowledge, behavior of Employees after Training
program. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. To harvest more from employees
it requires creating conducive working environment which satisfies the needs of individual employee
as well as the manager of an organization. Basic characteristics, working attitudes, and expectations
of this group of employees will also be highlighted. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Download Free PDF
View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable.
Key findings suggest that casual employees experience varying levels of commitment and
satisfaction according to their perceptions of work context factors such as training, promotion, work
scheduling, management practices, and social integration. Here a comparative study among the
employees of private and public manufacturing industries is carried out to measure the QWL of
employees in these respective sectors. The problems faced by the labour on Indian construction sites
are dealt with in detail. This study uses a preliminary questionnaire to conduct a critical examination
of the factors impacting labour productivity. Leadership styles affect on the employee performance
and productivity. Download Free PDF View PDF CASE STUDY: REDUCING LABOR COSTS
PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Training
implies constructive development in such organizational motives for optimum enhancement of quality
of work life of the employees. In these critical situations, it is enormously important to keep the same
process in the construction industry to increase their labour productivity. TO achieve success in the
global market it is required fundamental improvement in the way of production in small process
industries. The similar sampling method is also used to collect data from customers of public and
private banks. 44 public bank employees and 60 private bank employees are considered under study.
112 public bank customers and 116 private banks customers are considered under the study.
Basically, it is an attempt to improve the current or future employee performance of the employee by
increasing his or her ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude
or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The boiler, brewing and packaging sections of the
production department were investigated. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. This study was carried out to
identify the factor that influences the labour productivity in construction industry and to identify the
impacts of labour productivity in construction. Results showed that there is a significant relationship
between QWL and Leadership styles. At this backdrop, Quality of Work Life (QWL) has emerged
as one of the most important aspect of Job that ensures long term association of the employees with
the organization. For Later 55% 55% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful
45% 45% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful Embed Share Print
Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 14 Search inside document. It is an established
notion that to work with people having different educational and cultural backgrounds is not that
difficult rather than to work with people having different mindsets.
A thorough literature review was conducted with all available scientific databases and a total of 122
articles were shortlisted. This balance is specific to each person and relates to satisfaction with a job
and all other parts in life, especially family life and free time. There has been a metamorphic changes
occurring around the world with the advent of Information Technology which has contributed to the
economy of the country and has given lot of employment opportunities hence the concept of Quality
Work life has even more has become evident in this particular industry. In this study, the researcher
used analytical descriptive method, also literature study and field study as the instruments.
Insufficient labour management on construction to result in low productivity. Our first goal to
accomplish is to have the BeFocused application on each and every laptop and phone that each crew
member has within the company. After analysing 15 different elements, suggestions and guidelines
were offered to boost labour productivity. Better productivity and improving labour performance can
be achieved if project labour management includes the skills of education and training, the work
method, personal health, motivational factors, the type of tools, machines, required equipment and
materials, personal skills, the workload to be executed, expected work quality, work location, the
type of work to be done, and supervisory personnel. By taking reference of this research and analysis
in construction management, various factors affecting labour productivity, methods for labour
productivity improvement, construction labour productivity patterns are derived. And that is why
labour is not able to raise their productivity. Our company hires only experts in IT security,
information system and IT business. But what is the effect of extreme twenty factors and unique
project. Furthermore, in training program it is supportive for companies to emphasis on knowledge,
expertise and ability of employees. This paper will inspect the structure and elements of employee
training and development program and later the study present what are the positive outcomes for
employees and organizations. Each employee will go the extra mile and strive for work results to be
above what is expected in time and energy characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption.
Improving productivity is seen as a key issue for survival and success in the long term. Download
Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently
unavailable. In fact it is found that actual labour productivity ratios are reducing day by day, which
in turns harms organization's profitability. In second position is work itself which influence employee
engagement. The changes made by the company include branding for the first time, including
designed stores rather than abandoned warehouses and electronic inventory management, etc. The
secondary research was used to understand the conceptual background of productivity and employee
satisfaction in the organizational context. Download Free PDF View PDF Productivity Improvement
by Work Study Technique: A Case on Leather Products Industry of Bangladesh Md. Employee
engagement is an emotional commitment that an employee has to his or her job as a result of
understanding his or her role in achieving the organization's goals. Indices such as the disruption
index (DI), performance ratio (PR), project management index (PMI) are calculated. Users may also
add a timer for how long they want the sound to last. The responses from all respondents are
analyzed by using SPSS software using statistical analysis is used to check the opinions of all
respondents. In most cases, productivity problems that companies often face is lack of concentration
of their staff members. QWL concept is not static; it has several dimensions which determine the
QWL. The aim of this study is to get the latest information and to identify the key factors that affect
the labour productivity in and around particular location. Human resource development professionals
serve many diverse populations of learners in the workplace.

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