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Coronavirus (or, as doctors and scientists call it, COVID-19) has been part of everyone’s life
since mid-March 2020, when most schools, businesses, and communities quickly changed
how they operated to prevent the spread of the virus. Because the disease infected a large
number of people all over the world, experts call this a pandemic. The term "coronavirus"
actually refers to a family of viruses that causes many different types of diseases, including
the common cold. COVID-19 is a "novel coronavirus," which means it’s a new disease
unfamiliar to scientists and doctors. Its name is actually a mash-up of three words: CO
stands for "corona," which means "crown" in Latin, and the viruses are named for the crown-
like spikes on their surface; VI stands for "virus"; and D is for "disease." The "19" comes from
the year 2019, when the disease was rst detected.


Kids older than 12 can now get the
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. For
older kids who aren’t vaccinated, as
well as kids 11 and younger,
research shows that taking small
steps—like staying six feet (about
two arm lengths) from others,
wearing face masks that cover the
mouth and nose, washing hands
often, and seeing friends outside—
can make a big difference in
stopping the spread of the virus.
(Vaccines for kids under 12 are
expected to be available later in


COVID-19 can be transmitted by little droplets from coughs or sneezes, which

is why doctors say unvaccinated people should wear masks when they’re
indoors or close to others. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), there's no evidence that a dog, cat, or any other pet can
transmit COVID-19. But more studies are needed to understand how
COVID-19 could affect different types of animals.

ARTICLE Importance of
To say education is important is an
understatement; it is the basis for a
developing society. Education refers
to the process of giving information to
a specific person or group of people.
It is an absolute necessity for an
independent and self- sustaining
community. Without education, the
hopes of a community flourishing are
essentially doomed.
Self-sufficiency is key to a self-
sustaining society, and one of the
best ways to achieve this is through
education. Through education, a
person’s view of the world can be
shaped and moulded to create a
brighter future where people are not
dependent on others and blamed for
things that concern someone else.

Even something as small as teaching someone how to buy their own food can make a difference.
Equality is extremely important in forming a fair and just community. With the power of education,
anyone, regardless of their background, whether someone comes from poverty or extreme wealth, can
receive education in all aspects of life. In this world, education is arguably one of the only constants that
does not change based on your background. In order to get a job, people need to be educated.
Unemployment is currently a massive issue worldwide which is a serious issue. If people are educated
on how to carry out certain jobs, the rate of unemployment will decrease drastically. This will create
more job opportunities and create a better life for many.

A strong character is a necessity for many things. Despite this

truth, many people all across the world lack even the most basic
As the saying
of moral values. Education can help with this too. If a person is
educated, even in the simplest of manners, their world and the goes,
world of those around them will definitely improve.
‘knowledge is
In conclusion, education can be regarded as the most important
concept in the world. It is key to be educated in all aspects of life power ‘.
to improve living conditions and the overall happiness and joy of a
human's life and those around them.

The word “education” is

derived from the Latin
word “educare”,
meaning to bring up or

Technically, this relates to the

mind. Education is a broad
aspect of life where knowledge,
skills and competencies are
transmitted. Through the
process of education, an
individual acquires logical
thinking, social norms and daily
living skills.
There are three broad types of
education: formal, informal and
non-formal education. Formal The United Nations Convention A good job is professionally and
education typically conducted on the Rights of the Child personally rewarding, enabling
in schools or colleges, recognizes education as a legal individuals to contribute
whereas, informal education is right of every child. This comes positively towards society and
knowledge acquired at home or as no surprise because foster the prosperity and growth
from libraries. Non-formal education is extremely crucial. of the country. Development of
education combines elements Typically, education starts from moral values, character
of formal and informal childhood and is a life long building and interpersonal skills
education and is usually flexible journey. The first step in formal are all acquired through
with no age limit, for example, education is reading, writing education. These are important
tailoring or cooking courses. and speaking. Hence, the first as it shapes us to become
importance of education in life individuals with positive
is communication, as it enables character, good behaviour and
Concluding with a us to express our thoughts and builds self-confidence.
quote by Nelson emotions. Education is constantly evolving,
Education equips us with offering us opportunities for
Mandela, former
logical thinking, problem- personal development as we stay
President of South solving and reasoning skills, relevant. The 2020 Covid-19
Africa, which are important in our daily pandemic introduced the concept
of digitalized education, enabling
lives as we weigh options and
access to borderless education
“Education is the analyse situations before
from the comforts of our homes.
making decisions. Education
most powerful Finally, education has the power
therefore allows us to navigate to awaken joy, curiosity, and
weapon which you life’s journey more effectively. purpose, deepening our
can use to change Education is requirement for understanding of life.
many jobs and is the doorway
the world.”
to career opportunities.

First, what is education? Education is the process of acquiring

knowledge, skills, and values through learning experiences. It involves
the development of our abilities and the cultivation of our social and
Overall, education is a
emotional capacities that enables people to participate in society. vital resource that can
Education is a lifelong process that can be formal or informal, and takes
place in numerous settings, such as schools, universities, workplaces, profoundly impact
and communities. Its purpose is to provide individuals with the both personal and
knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the world and fulfil their
lives. Through education, people can gain better opportunities, make social development.
informed choices, and contribute positively to their communities.

In fact, education is widely used as a key
component of personal and social development.
Next, why do we require education? We require
Education provides us all with knowledge, critical
education because it is essential for personal and
thinking skills, and social and cultural awareness.
social development. Education provides us with
It helps people understand the world around them
knowledge, skills, and values that allows us to
and make informed decisions.
have productive and fulfilling lives, both
Finally, what is the importance of education?
professionally and personally. It also helps people
Education is obtaining knowledge and skills
understand the world around them and helps
through the educational system, allowing
them make smart decisions. Education promotes
individuals to broaden their understanding of the
our contribution to the overall development of
world around them and develop critical thinking,
society by creating economic growth and
creativity, and problem-solving abilities. This
promotes social mobility.
enables them to make informed decisions that
Other than that, what does education help us
benefit not just themselves, but also their
gain? Education helps us gain knowledge and
communities and society. Education also
comprehend the world around us. We learn about
promotes social awareness, providing a better
different subjects like mathematics, science,
understanding of different perspectives and
history, and languages, which broadens our
helping to build more tolerant and inclusive
horizons and helps us make sense of the world.
societies. Additionally, education is linked to
Is education a bad thing? While there may be
economic growth and social mobility, providing
certain drawbacks of the education system, it is
individuals with access to better opportunities.
not considered "bad".

“Education is one thing no one can take away
from you”. Education is the main key to success
in every child’s life. It increases their self-
confidence and knowledge. In other ways, it also
helps to save the Earth. But nowadays, children
of the Alpha generation prefer playing video
games over learning and studying. Every parent
out there always reminds their kids to learn, study
and educate, but why?

In everyone’s mind, education should be the

top priority. Every kid and teenager must
prioritise learning and studying over playing
unproductive video games. Education is so
important that it can help save the Earth.
Like the proverb, “education is the passport
to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those
who prepare for it today”, this essay ends.

Firstly, good education is crucial for young kids

and teenagers to achieve success in their future. Further, educating children about ways to protect,
It enhances their knowledge and personality. preserve and conserve nature can increase their
Storybooks, magazines, novels, and other awareness of saving the Earth and reducing
educational materials contain a good load of pollution. Currently, there is a massive spike in
general knowledge for kids. Schools, libraries, the number of natural disasters worldwide. In the
tuition centres and universities provide good future, the educated ones can contribute to
education for kids and teenagers. Moreover, they saving the Earth, thus reducing natural disasters
can also revise with their parents at home. and protecting nature and humanity from
Secondly, more students can have a chance to extinction.
participate in educational competitions organised Right now, unemployment rates for people
by either the school or external companies. seeking jobs are rising globally. To secure a good
These competitions enable students to compete job, you need to be well educated. Nowadays,
against each other, increasing their self- kids in the Alpha generation choose to play video
confidence. It also expresses a student’s talent games over reading and studying. Nevertheless,
which can make them more confident in the job employment is extremely important in the
future. For example, when a student wins a prize future for every child as it guarantees a good
in a competition, they will have confidence for income.
success in their future.

Hari Raya Aidilfitri also known as
Eid-Fitri is one of the most
celebrated festivals in the world.
The night before the Eid, a lot of
people will set up special lights to
beautify their houses and create a
festive atmosphere. Some kids
also help their elders to set up the
lights; others play with the
fireworks. The sky looks so bright
that sometimes it makes my eyes
hurt. They usually play with
fireworks from nighttime until
midnight. The parents will force
them to go to sleep once the
fireworks are finished so that they
can wake up early on the next
day. When they’re asleep, the
adults will prepare the table, cook,
and clean their house so that the
house will look nice and ready for
the Eid celebration.
In the morning, the kids will wake up early and get ready. Some will sing Hari Raya songs while getting
ready. They will wear new traditional clothes called baju Melayu that includes a headgear called
songkok for the boys and baju kurung for the girls. There will be a lot of food on the table, such as
ketupat, rendang, lemang, and dodol. After eating breakfast, they will walk or drive to the mosque for the
Eid prayer. They will also say the takbir, “Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar”. This is followed by
“Lailahaillallahuwallahuakbar” and “Allahuakbar walilahilhamd”. They will repeat the takbir again and
again until the Eid prayer begins.

After praying, some people including myself will gather with other family members
at the grandparents’ house. They will ask for forgiveness for all of their
wrongdoings. The adults will give money packets to the children as rewards for Eid will always
good behaviour and completing the fasting during Ramadhan. Then, relatives and be a part of
friends will come over for a visit, and later on, they too will visit their relatives and
On the second day of Eid, some people will go back to their hometown to meet childhood
their cousins, aunties, and uncles. They will spend a lot of time with their relatives memories for
talking, playing together, and also praying together. The children will still play with me.
fireworks on the second day of Eid. The cousins, uncles, and aunties will also join
in the fun.
Crystianna Choa Jing Yee / 5G

There are nearly 200 hundred countries in the world and each The first not- so- popular celebration
one of these countries have their own traditions and cultures. I want to talk about is Holi. Holi is a
Every one of them is unique in their own ways. With these Hindu festival that celebrates
cultural diversity comes special celebrations that are unique to colours, love and spring in India.
each country. I want to dive deeper into some of these This holiday is usually celebrated in
celebrations and why they are celebrated. Firstly, I want to talk the middle of March. Holi is
about holidays that are very well known. Celebrations like celebrated to mark the beginning of
Christmas or Halloween are widely celebrated. In Malaysia, spring. People who celebrate Holi
we celebrate Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and smear coloured powder on each
many others. Holidays like those need no explanation, but I'm others' face. This holiday is so
interested in the ones that are not so popular. meaningful but not widely known.

The last celebration I want to talk about is the

Celebrations Around The Dragon Boat Festival that is celebrated in China.
World It's usually held in late May or June. This holiday
is celebrated by holding dragon boat races and
eating a sticky rice dumpling called Zongzi. It is
The next holiday I would like to discuss is La
celebrated to worship the Chinese Gods and to
Tomatina. This is a Spanish celebration that is
ward off evil spirits. It's quite an interesting
celebrated on the last Wednesday of August.
Participants will throw squashed tomatoes at
each other. This celebration has an interesting
origin. In 1945, a man lost his temper and began What I have written here can only
to throw tomatoes at people. This was repeated begin to summarise the wonders of
the following year, and the tradition began. La different cultures and traditions of our
Tomatina is popular amongst tourists because of world. There is still so much more to
its fun events. This celebration is wonderful learn and explore.
although it is not widely known.
Ezra Rehan Pal / 5M

Celebrations Around I’m certain you know what Christmas is, but there
is a version of Christmas that you may not know
The World of. When I say “Christmas”, you would think of the
famous, big, red and white Santa or the birth of
Christmas In Italy Jesus, but surely not a witch!

In Italy, there is a special celebration called La Befana that is celebrated at the

end of the Christmas season. There is a folklore about an old woman called La
Befana, or Befana, who delivers toys and candy to children through their
chimneys, on a broomstick . Apart from her sounding like a witch, she acts like
Santa, right? La Befana fills children’s socks with candy and presents if they have
been good, and leaves a stick, coal, garlic or onion if they’ve been bad. There are
many legends surrounding La Befana. There is a version saying that her child
died. But although Befana may look very much like a witch in a black shawl who
rides a broomstick, she’s not evil. She’s the friendly Christmas witch!

Italians celebrate La Befana at the end of the Christmas season on 6th January.
Children hang up socks and buy Befana dolls at popular Christmas markets. People
dress up as Befana in parades and give out candy to children. Christmas in Italy really is
something different. But what remains the same is that it is truly the jolliest time of the

Around The
There are many celebrations
around the world such as
Hari Raya, Thaipusam,
Deepavali, Chinese New
Year, Christmas and Hari
My favourite celebration is
Hari Raya. During Hari Raya,
people wear baju kurung,
baju kebaya or baju Melayu.
There will also be my
favourite foods such as, Deepavali is the Festival of Lights celebrated by Hindus.
ketupat and rendang. The Hindus also decorate the floors with colourful ‘kolams’.
food is really delicious. Hindus eat murukku, adhirasam and omapodi during
During Chinese New Year
Deepavali. Male Hindus wear dhoti and female Hindus wear
people wear CheongSam or
Samfu. People also perform
lion dance during Chinese
During Thaipusam, people have to wear yellow because it is
New Year because it’s their
traditional dance. Their their lord’s favourite colour. The main meal during
traditional foods are Thaipusam is milk and fruits. People who celebrate
dumplings, spring rolls and Thaipusam eat a vegetarian diet.
nian gao. It is one of their Christmas is celebrated on 25th December every year. The
traditions to give angpao to main colour during Christmas is green and red. During
people. Christmas, people eat turkey stuffed with mashed potatoes,
gravy, cranberry sauce and vegetables.
It is important to celebrate
traditional festivals During Hari Gawai, the ‘ngepan’ is the traditional costume.
because it helps to unite The traditional food during Hari Gawai is Panosh Ayam
people from different which is also known as Manok Panosh. Hari Gawai is
cultures and religions in a celebrated in Sarawak.
friendly atmosphere while Hari Kaamatan is celebrated in Sabah. Hari Kaamatan is
removing any
celebrated on May 30th to May 31st. On Hari Kaamatan,
people perform traditional folk dances, try authentic
between them.
delicacies and watch Unduk Ngadau, a beauty pageant.

In a world with wizards and
witches, dragons and ducks,
griffins, leviathans and elves,
one solitary human stood on the
highest hill of New Wonderland.
Her mission? Pass the Castle of
Challenges and grab the key to
unlock the door. The door to...
where exactly?
I hated every moment of this
obstacle course. Rolling my
eyes, I dodged yet another
plastic dinosaur with fake blood
on it and walked out of the
grass maze... before stumbling
back as a trapdoor opened a
hair’s breadth away from me. I
heard rushing water below...
And fell straight through another
trapdoor. I stood up in the ice-
cold water.

Somehow, I managed to defeat the cold current. And somehow, I

got saddled with an annoying kid who contradicted whatever I Yes, it was a truly
thought. When I pointed this way, he took the other one. When I unforgettable experience,
stepped into the boat, he insisted on swimming. Shame being the way my imagination
mute so I couldn’t yell at him. transformed our early
After one snack, one freezing dip, one bathroom break and one
morning swim. But then,
shiny key, we reached - there was no other word - paradise. A
wasn’t every day an
cozy grove with everything everyone needed. And the door - it
was right in front of me... unforgettable experience?
I smiled, unlocking the door to our cosy flat that had everything The time spent with our
everyone needed. family, laughing, playing,
“Honey, you’ve been grinning since we finished swimming. What talking? All these unique
is it?” Mum said in sign language. (I’m mute, remember? experiences - that we
However, I am not deaf.)
should treasure forever.
“Nothing,” I signed. “Nothing at all.”

I have been lucky to experience travelling to interesting places around Malaysia like Pulau Langkawi
and Melaka. However, the most unforgettable experience was my first All-Girl Trip to Legoland in July
There were six of us, four adults and two children. We departed at 7am to beat the traffic. Our first
stop was at the rest area where we had our breakfast and went to the restroom. My friend Lexie and I
played at the playground for a bit before we continued the journey. The journey took five hours before
we finally arrived at the hotel.

The next day was even more exciting as we went

My Unforgettable to the wet park. We rode down the tallest water
slide on a big raft that could fit three people. It
Experience went so fast, swaying us left and right before it
plunged into the water. We spent the whole day
Once we arrived, we unpack our bags and went swimming and riding slides at the wet park. My
straight to the theme park. We took on so many most favourite ride at the wet park was the Slide
rides but my favourite was the water raft that Racer where all six of us took a mat each and
plunged from a very high point down to the water. raced each other down the steep slide.
Everybody was drenched from top to bottom. It On the last day we went to the Sealife and bought
was so much fun that we rode it four more times. souvenirs before we left for home. I had been to
Luckily the theme park had a drying machine that Legoland many times before but this trip was the
we could dry ourselves with. We stayed until the most memorable one because Lexie and I
park closed before we proceeded for dinner at the became best friends. I hope we will go on more
nearby restaurant. trips in the future.

My Unforgettable
During the 10 years of my life, I have
experienced great numbers of events. Most of
them have faded with time. However, there is
still something unforgettable In my life, among
which an event from 3 years ago is the most

It happened in December when I

was going on a road trip to Penang. I
felt excited. As my dad was driving,
he told us about the hotel we were
going to stay at.I was already
imagining the beaches, the hotel and
the food.

When we reached our hotel, I unpacked my When I went deeper into the water, I felt
things and dressed up in my swimming attire dizzy and couldn’t breathe. I was unable to
(although I wasn’t planning on swimming) to attract my parents’ attention either. (I was
go to the beach! I loved the beach. It was panicking so much) So, I just fainted in the
AMAZING! I saw little fishes swimming near ocean. After that, I remember seeing my
shore, and they looked so happy swimming father ’s face. My family members
around. So, I was playing with the sand and questioned me about what happened. To
admiring the beautiful ocean until my aunt this day, I still remember this incident as it
told me to take a dip in the ocean. I tried to has left me scarred. I am regularly taking
explain to her that I couldn’t swim but I was swimming classes to avoid this from
obliged to. So, I walked into the water and felt happening again. And now, I LOVE the
the little fishes swimming in between my legs. ocean and I’m not scared of it like I used to
I couldn’t help but chuckle a little. be before.

My Unforgettable
Experience In My
I have always
loved sports. I have
been doing
gymnastics since I
was three years
old. Recently, I
have been enjoying
running too.

Last month, my school had a track and field try-out for those who were interested
in representing the school at MSSD. After school, my parents delivered me lunch
and I was excited to attend the try-outs..After I ate, I went to warm up in my
school's Legacy Hall. When the try-out started I got scared, but I just went on
confidently. There were running and jumping try-outs.

For my 100m sprint, my timing Next, I trained running with Cikgu John and
was twelve seconds. I was so got my events. The events were 200m sprint
happy until it came to the and backup for relay 200m. The next day, we
jumping try- outs. First, we went went for training at University Malaya's
for the long jump try where we stadium.We did our warm ups and then I
had to jump 3 metres! I barely trained my 250m sprint. We trained everyday
made it. Next, we had the high after that. Before you know it, it was the last
jump try-out and I made it. The day of training. We did our warm ups and our
next day I found out I made into final practice.
the team.
It was the day of the competition. We had
For the first day, we trained in to leave for the stadium at 7 a.m. However,
school. First, we did our warm my event was only at 11 a.m. I was actually
ups which included a ten minute sick but I still ran to my best and got fourth
jog and running drills. place. An experience I will never forget.

My Ambition
Different people have different ambitions in life. Ambition is
important in life. My ambition is to become a professional
squash player.

I have been playing squash since I was five years old and have
become attached to this sport. I train almost daily under multiple
coaches. Even though it’s a challenging and tiring sport, I love it
so much. Every day, it keeps me fit, both mentally and

I have taken part in many squash tournaments, both national

and international. I believe it would be my life’s greatest joy to
establish my career in the squash field.

Becoming a successful squash player involves a lot of hard

work and dedication. I admire Datuk Nicol David, a great
I hope I can achieve this ambition of squash player who overcame setbacks to become an 8-time
mine someday. Till then, I won’t leave Squash World Champion and made Malaysia proud.
any stone unturned in reaching the My intuition tells me that one day, I will win several gold medals
finish line. for my country and make my parents proud. I will achieve both
my ambition and my studies.


My Favourite Food
Living in Malaysia, we are blessed to be surrounded by many
types of delicious food. However, there is only one dish that has
stolen my heart. When I was a little boy, I tried spaghetti for the
first time and have loved it ever since.
Spaghetti is a famous Italian dish made of noodles and tomato
sauce. In Italy, people have been eating spaghetti for more than
1000 years. It did not take long for spaghetti to become so
popular that it is now a dish everyone worldwide loves. People
usually have it for lunch or dinner, but if you ask, I would also
have it for breakfast!
My idea of a perfect meal would be a plate of spaghetti with
parsley on top, a glass of watermelon juice and fruits for
dessert. I love spaghetti because of its soft and smooth texture
that goes very well with tomato sauce. It would taste even
better with some button mushrooms inside.
Maybe one day, I will become a famous chef who cooks the
world’s best spaghetti. But before that, I must travel to Italy and
learn from the experts. After I have perfected my skills, I shall
return home and impress my friends and family with my
delicious spaghetti.

My Ambition
Hello there, I'm Daryan Eesan, a 9-year-old boy with a big dream. I'm
just a regular kid who is crazy about space and all things cosmic.
When I grow up, I'm aiming to be an Astrophysicist.
An astrophysicist is like a space scientist who discovers and explores
the universe. I want to become an astrophysicist because of my
interest in studying stars, our galaxies, exoplanets, and understanding
the workings of the universe in space. I am also curious about
mysteries hidden within interstellar space and exploring what lies
I enjoy reading and learning about cosmic secrets and all the fantastic
things in space, like how stars are born and become super bright
supernovas. They're so fascinating! Oh, and let's not forget about
gravity. It's like Earth's invisible hands that keep everything steady,
like holding planets in their loops around stars. And black holes too!
These things are hefty and have strong pull – they even pull in light!
Imagine them as space vacuum cleaners.
Becoming an astrophysicist might be challenging, but my parents tell
I dream that someday I'll get to explore me I can be anything I want if I work hard and never stop being
interstellar and travel among the stars,
and uncover what's beyond our solar
system. For now, I'll stay curious and
keep gazing up at the sky.


My Favourite Food
My favourite food is mutton biryani. I started loving mutton biryani when I
was six years old. I like eating it with cold yoghurt called raita. The person
who started all this is my father. First, my father cooked plain biryani. Then
my father started cooking it with raita. I didn’t even like it the first time I tried
it! Then, after trying it a few times, I started getting addicted to it. And that’s
how the story began. I like mutton biryani because it’s so yummy I could
eat it all day long.
Cooking biryani is hard because it requires spices, rice and many more
items. It also requires patience to cook it. The ingredients for making
mutton biryani are mutton, yoghurt, ginger paste, garlic paste, onions,
saffron strands, coriander powder, salt, turmeric, bay leaves, mint,
cinnamon, star anise, basmati rice, and the most important ingredient you
must have is... patience! I not only like mutton biryani, but I also like to eat
mutton! The other reason I like mutton biryani is because of its aroma. The
aroma of the spices is mouth-watering. The raita tastes fresh and cold.
When the biryani is steaming hot, I grab the raita, pour it all on it, and then
eat it up. No need to worry about the spiciness. The raita cools it down! I
also like it with cabbage and an Indian snack called ‘appalam’. The result
is... tasty mutton biryani with raita, cabbage and appalam.

My Favourite Food
Food is undeniably crucial for our existence. Without it, our
survival is at stake. The human body can endure for
approximately 8-21 days without sustenance, including both
food and water. In the quest for nourishment, people embark on
journeys of great distance. For instance, someone from Johor
might venture to Penang to savour renowned char kuey teow
dish, showcasing the lengths we go to experience our favourite
Speaking of favourite food, I have two beloved culinary delights.
The first is pizza. I’m partially prone to Domino’s pizza with its
delectable BBQ-stuffed crust. My second culinary love is
croissants, a delightful array of which includes walnut,
chocolate, plain, and sandwich variations. Of these, the plain
croissant holds a special place in my heart. Food holds diverse
In conclusion, food isn’t just a biological
significance for different individuals. While some consume
necessity. It’s a canvas on which we
paint our experiences, flavours, and
merely to sustain life, others find their purpose in savouring
preferences. From the simple croissant every bite. Ultimately, it’s the intricate relationship between
to the elaborate pizza, our connection humans and food that underscores its undeniable importance.
with food is a testament to its This is beyond sustenance. It’s intertwined with culture,
significance in our lives. emotions and memories, forming an inseparable bond.


My House
My house is very big; it has three floors and thirteen rooms. I
have a library that doubles as a living room with lots of
bookshelves filled with adventure and action books. There are
two small couches and a long ‘Cleopatra’ couch for me to relax
on and read all day long.
In the dining room there’s a long dining table and many chairs -
enough to fit all my relatives so we have fun dinner parties
every week. In the kitchen, I have plenty of appliances to cook
with my dad. In the pantry there are many shelves to hold all
our secret sauces and desserts.
On the second floor, there’s a cinema room where I watch my
spy thrillers, and a space themed bedroom with glow in the dark
stars and a hanging swing, with a mermaid scale tiled bathroom
attached. Further up there’s a games room, a study room and a
pool where I have lots of giant unicorn floats that I pretend are
WAIT! I forgot to say there are two towers on the side of my
house with an elevator. Of course, this is my dream house but I
wish this could be real.

My Hobby
A hobby is something that we do for enjoyment in our free time. It can
be a physical activity like playing sports or it can also be something
non-physical like reading. I have several hobbies that I do during my
free time.

My first hobby is running. I really enjoy running because I feel fast like
the wind. When I run my heart pounds very fast and I sweat a lot.
Running is a form of exercise that keeps my body healthy.

My second hobby is reading. My favourite books are by Geronimo

Stilton. The characters are all mice and they go for adventures in
different places. Right now, I am reading Around the World in Eighty
Days. It is about a mouse named Phileas Fogg and his butler,
These are my three main Passepartout who started a journey around the world from London. It
hobbies. I do have other is a very exciting book.
activities I enjoy like playing the
piano. I just started learning so I My third hobby is drawing. I do this a lot during my free time at home.
am not very good at that yet. But I like to draw characters like Rainbow friends and Cameraman.
if I practice hard, I will be good
Drawing makes me feel relaxed.
like my sister.


My Hobby
My name is Anirudh. I am 8 years old. Today I’m going to write about my
hobby. My hobby is playing Minecraft Beta. Minecraft Beta is so
entertaining! The beta version is available on PC, Android, XBox,
Playstation and Windows.

There are also many types of Minecraft for example Beta, Java, Bedrock
and Pocket Edition. During my free time, I also watch Minecraft builds,
farms, fights and smp (survival multiplayer) on Youtube to gain more
knowledge and tricks. My favourite Youtubers are Myles and Wenzo. I too
want to be a Youtuber when I grow up.

In the game, we can also choose skin, set the settings, buy custom mods
(modifications) and many more exciting features. We can build as many
things as we want. There are many types of biomes, villages, jobs for
villagers, armours, weapons, enchanted books and many types of blocks,
items, foods, beds and dimensions such as The Overworld, The Nether
and The End.

Last but not least, there are also many types of spawn eggs and
spawners to spawn hostile and non-hostile mobs (creatures). I love
Minecraft Beta and I hope you would like it too!

My Hobby –Artistic Gymnastics

I have a few hobbies, but my favourite is artistic

gymnastics. My training is at Tijay Sports Academy and I
go for training twice a week.
I like gymnastics because it is fun and I get to participate
in competitions. It is a great experience for me. For
competitions, I practice my routine every day to make it
perfect. Before I practice, I start by stretching, doing
push-ups, handstands and tricep dips. Sometimes, I train
on the trampoline too. It helps me with my skills such as
front handspring and front tuck.
One of the latest skills I learnt was a front tuck. I was
shocked I could do this. For this skill, I had to run as fast
Every time I achieve a new skill as I can, jump as high as I can, do a forward roll in the air
or complete my routine, I feel
like a shining star. That is the and tuck my legs for landing. Both of my coaches helped
reason I like gymnastics. It me with this skill.
makes me strong and confident.

DAYLEN / 2H Someday, I hope I will

climb higher mountains.
My Hobby
My hobby is hiking. I started hiking in March last year. I normally
hike with my mother, father, brother, uncle and aunt on the

I have hiked to more than ten places. Some of these hikes are
easy and others are hard. Some of the places have very
beautiful waterfalls like the Pisang waterfall and Kanching
waterfall. I had to cross rivers to get to these places.

My hardest hike was Mount Angsi. It was hard because I had to

hike 4km to reach the peak which is more than 800 metres high.
I enjoy hiking because I can breathe cool and fresh mountain air
and see trees that I have never seen.

In September, I will be climbing the tallest mountain in Malaysia.

The name of this mountain is Mount Kinabalu. I need to train
really hard to make it to the top of Mount Kinabalu.

My Hobby
My name is Amelia Ayla Rose. As an 8-year-old girl, I have a lot
of hobbies. One of my favourite hobbies is playing the drums.
My father bought me my first drum set and I got very excited. I
started playing drums at the age of 5 and joined a drum class
once a week. I improved a lot and it quickly became my
favourite hobby.
I love to play drums because it is fun and I can feel the beat
rising as the song goes. I enjoy playing rock, jazz and pop
songs. In my free time, I play drums with my family as a band.
My father plays the guitar, my mother sings and I play the
Last year, I joined my first band called the “3 Aces”. At first, I
I hope I can continue playing drums was shy because I was the only girl in the band, but when we
and write my own songs in the practiced together every week, I started to enjoy it very much.
future. We also did our very first performance at a café nearby our


My First Day
at School
Hello everyone! I would like to share about my first day at
When I walked into the schoolyard, I saw lots of kids I
didn't know anyone and everyone looked nervous. We
had an assembly at MPC Hall. All the teachers were
friendly and that made me feel better. I made some new
friends. There were some friends who cried because they
were afraid to be left by their parents but I felt great as I
think that was the time for me to be independent.

During recess, I went to the canteen. There were so

many choices of food ! I sat next to my new friends, and
we talked and laughed together. I also learned how to
spend money by myself.
By the end of the day, I felt really happy. I learned new My first day at school was a big
things, made new friends, and found out that school is so adventure, and I can't wait for
more days like this!

My First Day of School

My name is Madelin Iris from 1M. I have heard
so much about SKTM from my sister that I was
nervous and excited all at once on my first day
of school. I had my new backpack and my
lunch box filled with food. My mummy took lots
of pictures before sending my sister and I to
school. My teacher, Puan Noraini, had a big
smile that made me feel better. We played fun
games and I met new friends. We learned
about numbers, colours, then talked about our
hobby. I was glad to have three new friends.
They are Gauresh, Helena and Emily.
Lunchtime was exciting too; I shared my snack
with my new friends. The day went by so fast.
When it was time to go home, I had so much
to share with my mummy and daddy.

First Day of School

Magical - That is how I would sum my rst day of
school in Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Megah.
On my rst day of school, I wore a dark blue
uniform and a pair of black shoes.
My father, mother and little sister sent me to school.
My little sister, Arya was just as excited as I was
even though she is just two and a half years old.
I will not forget about my classroom teacher. Her
name is teacher Anis. She wears a big pair of
I will never forget Aisyah. She was my rst friend.
We ate together during recess.

We are a family of five superheroes. I, Lakshmi Narayani,
would like to introduce you to my AVENGERSfam.

My dad is Ironman. He fixes and repairs everything at home.

Most importantly, he is the iron pillar for my family. He flies to
fetch me from school every day.

My mom is Black Widow. She does everything for us. She

coordinates all the other superheroes in the house. She is the
best at baking and cooking.

My elder brother is Spiderman. He is always present to help

anyone in the family at any time. He always flies me to school
every morning.
My younger brother is Hulk. He is three so he bangs
everything in the house. He shields us from any alien insects.

Now, I am Captain Marvel! I am capable of looking after

everyone. I am super speedy and glue all of us together.
This is my superhero family!


My amazing family, love and lots of ‘IDLI’

My Family is the best! My dad is a radiologist who
loves to read while my mom enforces tax laws and
she enjoys combat movies. I love mommy’s secret
spaghetti recipe with the special touch of cherry
tomatoes. I have twin sisters who are like the female
version of Upin and Ipin. They can be annoying but
always help me when I need them. My grandma
wakes up early to make delicious ‘idli’ – a traditional
Indian food. We have idli for breakfast five days a
week and even though I sometimes get bored, seeing
grandma’s love melts my heart. Grandpa is a retired
police officer and he is super protective. I appreciate
everything my family does for me. They are my
strength even though I can’t let my sisters know that!
I’m grateful for their love, laughter and the yummy idli
we share together.
dear December
teach me the art of holding the endings
so lightly



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