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Reasons why people do cosplay.

People have their own reasons why they want to cosplay. Its either to show support to the creators
for creating such a good character that they want to express it or just want to have a reason to
improve your sewing skills as well as to be a part of a community.

People cosplay to gain sewing and crafting skills

You may have realise when you getting into cosplaying is that there is so many different skills you
can learn through cosplaying such as sewing/fashion design, crafting, hair styling, stage makeup and
performance art (acting). All the while, you should also make sure your costume is comfortable and
durable enough during the duration of the cosplay convention.

People cosplay to express their love to the fandom.

Usually everyone takes in interest in cosplaying is because of their undying love for a character or
the source material they come from (comic, anime, game, sci-fi movie, etc.). Cosplay is a way to
express yourself with the fandom community.

People in cosplay to participate in competitions.

Did you know that there is cosplay competition that people can participate to show off their work of
art in front of the fandom community. There are generally two different types of contests that
cosplayers will participate in. One judges the overall craftsmanship of the costume, including sewing
skills, wig styling, character accuracy, and prop construction. The other is where cosplayers act out
skits or dances on stage.

People cosplay to become a different person.

Sometimes dressing as the person, you want to be can help you embody the charisma and
confidence that the character stands for. It’s a lot easier to embody the grace of a princess when
you’re wearing a beautiful gown, the endless optimism of a shonen protagonist when you’re wearing
their hero suit, or the nonchalance of a roguish character when you’re dressed the part.

Cosplaying makes it easier to pretend to be someone else. It’s great if you are an aspiring actor. But
even if you’re not, it still gives you the practice of trying to find characteristics in fictional characters
that help you improve yourself.

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