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Nama : Khusnul Qotimah

NIM : 2398011635
Jurusan : Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Rombel : 4

Topik 3. Eksplorasi Konsep

1. When was the writer’s first day of elementary school?

It was about 18 years ago
2. Where did the writer go to school?
An elementary school in her hometown, in Bandung
3. How old was the writer when she started elementary school?
Seven years old
4. When did the academic year begin?
In July
5. How did the writer feel before she started school?
She was excited
6. Who took the writer to school on that day?
The writer’s father
7. Who met the new students at the school gate?
Bu Dewi, the school principal
8. Why did the writer not talk to the other new children?
Because she was too nervous
9. Who was Pak Taufik?
Pak Taufik was the vice principal
10. What rooms did the writer pass on her way to her classroom?
The school yard, language laboratory, science laboratory, school’s health clinic, and
teacher room
11. What happened when the writer and the other new children entered the classroom?
Some other children look at the writer and other new children
12. What activities did the writer do with her class teacher?
She listened the story “The Very Hungry Caterpilar”, drew pictures of the fruits from the
story with coloured pencils and also made a caterpillar from clay.
13. Who was the girl that the writer made friends with?
She was Mira
14. What did the writer do when the first day of school finished?
The writer ran to the school gate with Mira and her picture, and also her handmade craft
15. How was the writer’s first day at elementary school?
Her first day at the elementary school went well
16. How about you, did you have a similar experience of the first day at school as the writer?
Yes, I had similar experience of the first day at school as the writer.
17. Explain your own experience!
I went to an elementary school in my hometown, in Blora. At the first day, I was too
nervous and embarrased to meet new friends. But, after a few days, I had a close friend,
named Nana

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