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Good morning teacher and my fellow classmates.

Today I will be speaking on the topic, “Why animal

testing must be banned”. Using animals to research and test the safety of products has been a source of
heated debates for decades. We all have different feelings for animals. Some of us see them as
companions whereas others see them as means of advancing experimental research. No matter how
individuals perceive animals, the fact remains that animals are being exploited by research facilities and
cosmetic companies all across the world. I believe that animal testing must be banned due to three
reasons. First, animal rights are violated when animals are used in research. Animals do not willingly
sacrifice themselves for the advancement of human welfare and new technology. Second, the pain and
suffering that experimental animals are subjected to is not worth any possible benefit to humans.
Animals are also living creatures like us and feel pain in many of the same ways that we do. Lastly, the
testing of products on animals is completely unnecessary because many other alternatives are available
without the use of animal subjects. Computer simulations can be used estimate the potential damage
that a product or chemical can cause and human tissues and cells have also been used to determine the
effects of harmful substances. Another method that I suggest is that instead of using animals, criminals
who need to be punished can be used to test products. In conclusion animal testing should be
eliminated because it violates animal rights, causes pain and sufferings to the experimental animals and
other means of testing product toxicity are available.

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