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About experiments:

Exp 1a,1b,2a can be done in tinkercad or Raspberry pi

all programs except expt 3,8,10

Viva questons:

1. What is IOT? with example

2. Explain Specifications of Arduino and Raspberry Pi(clock frequency, pins, bits and architecture)?

3. What is the frequency and range of bluetooth?

3. What are sensors and actuators with example?

4. Basic of DHT11, IR, LDR?

5. What is motor and types?

6. What is relay?

7. Commands related to programs.

8. What is Thingspeak cloud?

9. What is Mysql?

10. What is MQTT and explain?

11. What is TCP and explain?

12. What is UDP and explain?

13. Questions related to Experiments should be done.

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