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I. Day 1, Part 3 (1:00-41:05) [41 minutes] The Supreme Court said no. In the case of Ynot v.

among others the SC declared unconstitutional the executive
So in the statement of the Supreme Court, do you see any order because of violation of the tests for valid exercise of
correlation in comparison between lawyers and plumbers? police power, particularly lawful means. Because according to
The SC said that: “If one who wants to be a lawyer may prove the Supreme Court while the executive order has a lawful
better as a plumber, he should be so advised and adviced.” subject which is carabao, which is considered a poor man’s
(DECS v. San Diego). tractor, the Supreme Court said that the means employed has
no rational connection with the objective of the law because
Is that only a random comparison or is there a hidden message the carabao can be slaughtered with less difficulty in any
to that statement? province, as in any other provinces. So the prohibition of
inter-provincial transportation will not save the carabao. In the
Yes. As part of the profession, lawyers file cases; all
same manner, that if a carabao stays in one province,
imaginable. So in the process, the filing of multiple cases
protection will be increased. According to the Supreme Court,
result in the clogging of the court dockets, while plumbers on
on that score, the law or executive order is unconstitutional.
the other hand, their job is to remove obstruction in order to
ensure the free flow of water. So in essence the SC is saying in There was a time when the inherent powers of the government
DECS v. San Diego, that if the state sees a potential in a namely, police power, eminent domain, and power of taxation
student, the state must advise that student so that we will not are considered as living in different planets. So the Supreme
become a society of misfits. So instead of becoming a Court in those times, apply one to the exclusion of others. So
problem, these students may become problem solvers. So for example in the case of Baguio v. NAWASA, the Supreme
again, the choice of a profession is a lawful subject of police Court said that the state already exercised eminent domain,
power. therefore police power cannot be exercised. Which means that
the three powers are treated as exclusive. If the state exercises
So again there are two tests to a valid exercise of police
police power, it can no longer exercise eminent domain or
power: Lawful Subject and Lawful means
Can we say that once a governmental act passes one of these
Is that still the rule?
tests it can already be a valid exercise of police power?
So with the modern trends of developments in political law
Answer is no. both test must be complied with.
now allow the comingling and simultaneous exercise of these
In Ynot v. IAC, the governmental act challenged in this case is three inherent powers. The Supreme Court allows the exercise
EO 106-A. The objective of the EO is to prevent the of police power to retrofit the power of eminent domain, and
indiscriminate moving of carabaos and other large cattles. The police power using taxation as an implement. In the case of
means in order to achieve the objective is to prohibit the inter- Lutz v. Araneta, congress enacted CA 567; a tax measure
provincial transportation of carabaos and carabeef. So in this which assesses the tax on the production of centrifugal sugar.
case, the EO was challenged on the basis of invalid exercise of The objective of the law is to retain the preferential status of
police power. So in the case of Ynot v. IAC, the SC cited a cane sugar in the US market so that is why congress imposes a
similar case; the case of U.S. v. Toribio. But in the case of tax on the producers of the sugar. So in Lutz v. Araneta, the
U.S. v. Toribio, the SC was called upon to rule on the law was being challenged on the basis that it is an invalid
constitutionality of the supplemental law of the act challenged exercise of the power of taxation; particularly, it violates the
in Ynot v. IAC. The supplemental law also intends to prevent uniformity in taxation because it only imposes taxes in sugar
the diminishing number of carabaos. In U.S. v. Toribio, the and not on other commodities. According to the Supreme
law involved in the case requires registration of carabaos and Court, the power exercised in the enactment of the law is
large cattles, branding and permit for slaughtering. So under police power, using only the power of taxation as an
the law, only 11 year old female carabaos can be slaughtered implement. So the power of taxation is only used as a tool to
with a permit. 7 year old carabaos and above can be further a valid police power objective. So the police power
slaughtered with a permit. So in the case of U.S. v. Toribio, objective is to regulate sugar industry and the means employed
the act is valid according to the Supreme Court because the uses taxation by imposing in the production of sugar. The
objective of the law is to prevent the decreasing number of power of implementation is only used as an implement or tool
carabao and the means employed is branding, registration and in furthering or espousing the police power objective.
permit for slaughtering. Supreme Court said, there is a rational
How can we determine whether the enactment of a tax masure
connection between the object of the law and the means
is in the exercise of the powr of taxation or police power using
only the power of taxation as an implement?
So can we say that since U.S. v. Toribio involves a similar law
It depends on the objective. If the objective of a tax measure is
in the case of Ynot v. IAC, we should also have the same
to generate income or raise revenue, the power involved is
conclusion with regard to the challenged act?
power of taxation. So in that regard to determine the validity
of that law we have use uniformity and equity in taxation. But
when the objective of the tax measure is to regulate a but rather in eminent domain and therefore there is a
particular activity, the power involved is police power and the requirement of payment of just compensation.
power of taxation is only used as an implement.
In the case of City Government of Quezon City v. Ericta, the
So the police power can also be used together with the power petitioner sought to implement an ordinance in Quezon City.
of eminent domain. While the power of taxation can be used Under this ordinance, all memorial parks within Quezon City
as an implement of police power, the power of eminent are required to give the local government unit 6% of the area
domain cannot be used as an implement. In the case of of their memorial parks for the burial of pauper residents of
Association of Small Landowner v. Secretary of Agrarian Quezon City without payment of just compensation. So that
Reform, the Supreme Court in one sentence says that the ordinance was challenged on the basis of an invalid exercise
power of eminent domain can be used as an implement of of police power. So according to the local government, they
police power but they clarified by citing Euclid v. Ambler are not confiscating the property, they are only regulation. So
Realty Co, “power of eminent domain can only be used as a in this case the Supreme Court distinguished, the concept of
complement not as an implement.” Because as an implement, regulation and taking. The Supreme Court said that while as a
it means as a tool. It cannot be used as a tool in the discharge general rule, properties may be taken, if regulation goes too
of police power because the objective in police power and far, it will be recognized as taking. So according to the
eminent domain is different. In police power, the objective is Supreme Court in the case of City Government of Quezon
to regulate property. Properties can also be taken in police City v. Ericta, the regulation went too far and it already
power but the objective of taking is destruction. While in amounted to taking. So according to the Supreme Court, since
eminent domain the objective is taking of private property, it is a taking, it is not valid in the exercise of police power,
and in police power, the property taken is noxious, in the because the memorial park is not a noxious or a harmful
power of eminent domain, the property is wholesome. So in property. So since it is not a harmful property, it can only be
that regard, power of eminent domain cannot be used as an confiscated or taken in the exercise of eminent domain.
implement otherwise, it can be used as a complement. Secondly, the purpose of compulsory donation is not for
Complement means the two will be used together but not one condemnation. The purpose is for public use; to be used as a
as a tool of the other. burial place for pauper residents. According to the Supreme
Court, this is not a valid objective of taking in police power,
One good example of the exercise of eminent domain as a because in police power, noxious properties are taken for
complement of police power is the implementation of the destruction. One good example of exercise of police power
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. So in the case of which involves confiscation is the government can confiscate
Association of Small Landowners v. Secretary of Agrarian shabu and other prohibited drugs without paying just
Reform, the Supreme Court was called upon to determine the compensation. The purpose of that confiscation is not for
constitutionality of the CARP. Under the CARP, there are two public it is for condemnation, it is for destruction. So in that
stages. The first stage is the imposition of retention limit. So regard, this is an example of taking in police power.
landowners can only retain five hectare each and every child
of age tilling the land, three hectares. So that’s the first stage In another case, Mosqueda v. The Pilipino Banana Growers
of CARP. The second stage is the taking of property in excess and Exporters Association, Inc. (PBGEA), this involves an
of the retention limits. So any property in excess of the ordinance which was passed at the time President Duterte was
retention limit shall be taken by the government for still mayor of Davao. So in 2007, the ordinance was enacted to
distribution for qualified beneficiaries. The government will prohibit the aerial spraying for all agricultural plantation in
pay the property owner. So this is a good example of the Davao. So in Mosqueda, the ordinance in question also
comingling of the exercise of police power and the power of requires a buffer zone, so all agricultural plantations in Davao
eminent domain. As to the imposition of retention limit, the City are required to maintain a buffer zone consisting of 30
power involved is police power because it imposes a restraint meters surrounding the property. And the buffer zone cannot
or regulation on the exercise or the use of property. On the be used for planting banana but it can be used for the planting
second stage, the taking of property in excess of the retention of tall diversified trees in order to prevent aerial drift. So the
limit, the power involved is eminent domain because it ordinance in question was declared unconstitutional by the
requires the taking of property and the government will pay Supreme Court not on the basis that is it constitutes taking
just compensation. insofar as the buffer zone, because the respondents contend
that the maintenance of the 30 meter buffer zone constitutes
Primarily, police power is exercised by the state to regulate taking without just compensation. The Supreme Court
liberty or property. But as we said earlier, in police power, declared the ordinance unconstitutional for violation of the
properties can also be taken. But not all properties can be equal protection of the law but not for the violation of the tests
taken in the exercise of police power. Only properties that are for a valid exercise of police power.
noxious or intended for noxious purpose can be taken in the
exercise of police power. If the property sought to be So let’s first discuss police power. Insofar as police power, the
confiscated I wholesome, it cannot be taken in police power Supreme Court said that the establishment of a buffer zone
does not constitute taking but mere regulation. Because in
order to constitute taking, the property owner but be deprived but regulation cannot go beyond regulation because it will
of all the beneficial use of the property. In the case of the amount to taking.
buffer zone, the property owner can still derive benefit by
planting trees, which means that, that does not constitute So we go to eminent domain. Eminent domain is the power of
confiscation. That is only regulation. The owner can only the state to take property for public use upon payment of just
devote it to a specific purpose. compensation. The power of eminent domain is regarded as
the highest and the most exact idea of property remaining in
Another case is Manila Memorial Park v. DSWD. This the state. This only means that under this power, all private
involves the senior citizen discount law. Prior to the properties are reserved for use by the government upon
amendment of the Senior Citizen Discount Law, all discounts payment of just compensation. Which means that if the
extended by establishments are treated as tax credit which are government seized for the use of a public property, it can be
deductible to the tax due of the establishments. This means expropriated in the exercise of the power of eminent domain
that if the establishment extended 10 peso discount to a senior upon payment of just compensation. Eminent domain is used
citizen, that 10 pesos discount shall be deducted from the tax interchangeably with expropriation.
due from the establishment. So there is an equivalent peso per
peso compensation. But when the law was amended, the Is eminent domain synonymous with expropriation?
discounts extended by establishments are only treated as No. Eminent domain is different from expropriation. Eminent
deductible expense not as a tax credit anymore but only domain again is the inherent power of the state to take private
deductible from the gross sales prior to tax. This means that property for public use upon payment of just compensation.
the establishment cannot recover everything. So if the On the other hand, expropriation is the means by which the
establishment extended 10 pesos, the establishment can only state exercises the power of eminent domain. The difference
recover 3.25 because it will only be treated as deductible between these two terms is apparent under section 1 of Rule
expense before tax. So in this case, the amended law was 67. It is provided therein that the power eminent domain shall
challenged on the basis that it constitutes taking without just be exercised through the filing of a verified petition. That
compensation. The Supreme Court ruled on the negative, verified petition is a petition for expropriation. Which means
stating that the discount extended by the establishment is not that eminent domain is the power used, and expropriation is
yet part of the profit. There is only an expectation that it may the means by which the power is exercised. So by analogy,
become a profit. Since it is not yet part of the profit, it is not when the congress enacts a law, the power involved is
yet a property of the establishment. The Supreme Court legislative power. And that legislative power is exercised by
compared the amended law to other laws like price control act. passing bills. So that’s the comparison insofar as eminent
Under the price control act, the prices of basic necessities are domain and expropriation is concerned.
regulated. Rice and Sugar for example can only be sold in
specific amounts. So according to the Supreme Court, there Section 9 of Article III provides that private property shall not
can be no doubt that the price control act is a valid exercise of be taken for public use without just compensation. So can we
police power and the imposition of suggested retail price does say that this provides, the constitutional basis of the exercise
not constitute taking but mere regulation. Supreme Court said of the power of eminent domain?
that insofar as the price control act, it only regulates the
No. The power eminent domain is an inherent power of the
amount of profit that the establishment can make, so that they
state and as such it does not require any express constitutional
cannot overly profit or they cannot engage in profiteering in
grant. Section 9, of Article III is not a grant of power to the
the basic necessities. Similarly, insofar as the senior citizen
state, it is a limitation of the power of the government. That is
discount law as amended, the Supreme Court said that, in
the reason why it is provided for under article III not under
effect, the law only regulates the amount of profit that
article VI because it provides a limitation in the power of the
establishments can make. There is no taking involved. So
government. So under section 9 of article III, the exercise of
since there is no taking involved, there is no requirement for a
the power of eminent domain can only involve private
peso per peso compensation.
property. And the exercise of the power of eminent domain
While police power is inherent in the state, in that it does not shall only be for public use and it requires payment of just
require an express constitutional conferment, it is nonetheless compensation.
based on two legal principles. The two legal principles that
So we said earlier that while police power is an inherent
constitute the basis of the exercise of this power are the
power, it is nonetheless based on two legal principles. How
principle of salus populi est suprema lex or the will of the
about the power of eminent domain. What is the basis of the
people is the supreme law and the principle of sic utere tuo, ut
exercise of this inherent power?
alienum non laedas. Literally it means use your property so as
not to injure other property rights. SO both these principles In the case of City of Manila v. Chinese Community of
call for the subordination of private interest to the common Manila, the Supreme Court said that the only basis of the
good. So there can be no absolute liberty. There can be no exercise of eminent domain is necessity. Which means that
absolute dominion over property. Properties can be regulated necessity is the basis of the exercise of the power of eminent
domain. In the City of Manila case, the local government unit
sought to expropriate part of the Chinese Cemetery. So there yield with its property because it is already owned by the
are property owners who offer property in exchange of that government.
part of the Chinese cemetery, but the government said no, they
wanted to pass through the Chinese Cemetery. They will not What about properties devoted for public use? This was raised
use other properties. So in this case, the exercise of the power in the case of City of Manila v. Chinese Community of
of eminent domain was challenged as unreasonable and Manila. According to the respondent, in the general sense, the
arbitrary, particularly as to necessity. One of the issues of this Chinese cemetery is already a property devoted to public use
case is whether necessity or the question of necessity is a because any person of Chinese descent can buy a lot in that
justiciable controversy or a political question because cemetery for the burial of their dead family. So according to
according to the petitioner, necessity is a political question the Supreme Court, to that extent, it can be considered a
because in expropriation proceedings, there are only two property devoted to public use. So since it is a property
issues namely, 1) authority of the expropriator and 2) the devoted to public use, but still private property, then it can still
amount of just compensation. So once the authority of the be the subject of expropriation as long as it is the congress that
expropriator is already established, the only remaining issue is exercises the power or it is a necessity for the exercise of the
the amount of just compensation. The Supreme Court said no. power exercised by a delegate.
Necessity is a justiciable controversy but of course that needs So again, there is a difference between a public property and a
qualification. So according to the Supreme Court, necessity is property devoted to public use. A public property means the
a political question if the power of eminent domain is property belongs to the government. Property devoted to
exercised directly by congress or when the exercise of the public use means that the property is of private ownership but
power of eminent domain is through a delegate under a it can be used by the public. So one good example is a private
specific delegation. The question of necessity is a justiciable park which admits the public for a fee. This is private property
controversy on the other hand if the power of eminent domain although devoted to public use. This can be further
is exercised by a delegate under a general delegation. expropriated but not a public property. So all private property
What properties can be taken in the exercise of the power of can be expropriated.
eminent domain? What kind of private property can be expropriated?
Only private properties. According to the Supreme Court, any private property that
How about public properties or properties registered in the may come under the dominion of man can be expropriated. It
name of the Republic of the Philippines. Can they be can be real, personal, tangible, intangible, corporeal, and
expropriated? incorporeal. So as long as it may come under the dominion of
man, it can be expropriated. According to Justice Cruz, all
Note that under section 1 of rule 67, the rules of court provide private properties can be expropriated, except money or
that when the property subject of expropriation is registered in choses in action. So choses in action, it is understandable
the name of the republic, it must be alleged in the petition. So because choses in action are just expectancy. They have not
impliedly, the rules of court allow the filing of a petition for yet ripened into a right. But how about money. Why can’t we
expropriation even if the property is registered under the name expropriate money? Justice Cruz explained that expropriation
of the republic, as long as that fact has been alleged in the of money will result in an absurd situation where the
petition. government will take money and pay money as just
compensation. But this is not absolutely correct because U.S.
So can we now say that public properties owned by the dollars are considered as money but U.S. dollars can be
republic can be expropriated? expropriated because possession of a U.S. dollar by the
No. Only private properties can be expropriated. To reconcile government is different from possession of local currency.
the principle with the rules of court provision by saying that, a Because in international market or in the international field,
property can be the subject of several interests. A property the financial standing of a state is measured according to its
may be owned by the government and yet there is a private dollar reserves or gold reserves. So which means that, the
interest attached to this public property. So say for example, financial standing of a state is measured based on the
the land belongs to the government. The title of the property is possession of this currency so even if the state has a high local
under the name of the Republic of the Philippines. But this currency reserve, if it has low dollar reserve, it will not enjoy
land has improvements introduced by private individuals. preferential treatment in the international community. So in
Supposing the government needs those improvements over its that regard, the statement of Justice Cruz that money cannot be
property for public use. The government cannot just take the expropriated can only be applied to the legal tender in the
property without just compensation. The government needs to Philippines. It can only be applied to Philippine Peso that are
expropriate those property; not the land but the improvements. in circulation, which means that Philippine Peso which are out
So in that regard, what can be expropriated is the private of circulation or demonetized can be expropriated not for their
interest attached to the government property not the face value but for its intrinsic value. So again only private
government property itself because expropriation is a forcible property can be expropriated.
taking of property. So the government cannot force itself to
How about services. May services be expropriated? Does taking of the property in eminent domain require the
transfer of ownership of the property expropriated, does taking
In the case of Republic v. PLDT, PLDT and the Bureau of in eminent domain require transfer of possession of the
Telecommunications entered into a contract for property expropriated?
interconnection. So when the contract expired, PLDT didn’t
want to renew the contract. So the main question in this case is These questions were answered by the Supreme Court in the
first, can it compel PLDT to enter into a contract, can it case of Republic v. PLDT. So according to the Supreme Court
compel PLDT to renew the service agreement and second, can in that case taking does not require transfer of ownership.
the government compel PLDT to render the services. As to the Taking in eminent domain does not require transfer of
first question, the Supreme Court said, that the Republic possession. So the imposition of burden on the property may
cannot compel PLDT to renew the agreement because one of constitute taking in eminent domain. And this ruling of the
the essential elements of a contract is consent voluntarily Supreme Court should likewise be read with the ruling of the
given, so if a party to a contract is compelled, meaning it is not Supreme Court in Republic v. Castellvi. In Republic v.
voluntary to enter into a contract then there is a vitiation of Castellivi, the property involved was subject to a contract of
consent and as such the contract is not valid. But on the other lease between the Philippine Airforce and the owner of the
hand, while the government cannot compel PLDT to renew property. So there was contract of lease that started on July 1,
the service agreement, PLDT can be compelled to render 1947. So the lease contract was for one year, renewable in a
services under the exercise of the power of eminent domain. year to year basis. So the government started to occupy the
So according to the Supreme Court, the services of PLDT, are property on the concept of a lessee on July 1, 1947. On June
private properties therefore they can be expropriated for public 30, 1956, the owners already manifested to the Philippine
use upon payment of just compensation. Airforce, their intention not to renew the lease contract. So the
owners were already terminating the contract because they
So can we say then that with the pronouncement of the will subdivide the property for residential purposes. The
Supreme Court that services can be expropriated that any government stayed on the property despite non-renewal of the
service can be compelled by the government to be rendered lease contract. On July 26, 1959, the government initiated
for the government upon payment of just compensation as expropriation proceedings over the property and then upon
long as it is intended for public use? filing of the petition for expropriation, the government filed a
Not necessarily. That statement of the Supreme Court that motion for a writ of possession so that it may be placed in
services could be expropriated should be interpreted within the possession of the property sought to be expropriated. The writ
factual circumstances of the case. So remember that in the of possession was granted by the trial court and issued on
case of Republic v. PLDT, the service involved is August 10, 1959. So the main issue in the case of Republic v
telecommunication service. A telecommunication service is a Castellvi is when was there taking in eminent domain. Was
public utility service. This means that the statement of the there taking in eminent domain on July 1, 1947 where the
Supreme Court in Republic v. PLDT that services can government started occupy the property under a lease contract.
expropriated can only be applied to public utility services not Is there taking in July 1, 1956 when the government’s contract
to personal services. This is supplemented by section 18, of lease expired and yet stayed in the property or was there
article XII which provides that for the interest of national taking in the concept of eminent domain in June 26, 11959
welfare and defense, the state may transfer ownership of where the government file the petition for expropriation or
public utilities for the operation of the government. This does was it from August 10, 1959 when the trial court granted the
create additional power to the government but it imposes writ of possession.?
limitations to the exercise of the power of eminent domain [Covered time ends from here]
when it comes to public utility services. Which means that
under the exercise of the power of eminent domain the state II. Day 2, Part 1 (1:50:32- 2:12:09) [21 minutes]
can take any private property for public use upon payment of
just compensation, even public utility services. But in the How about level or degree of civilization? In the case of
advent of section 18 of article XII, the constitution limits the People v. Cayat, this involves a law that prohibits non-
exercise of this power when it comes to public utility services Christian tribes, (the use of the term non-Christian tribes under
to the extent that they can only be expropriated by the the law refers to the cultural minorities) of the use and
government in the interest of public welfare or national possession of non-traditional alcoholics to the cultural
defense. So it imposes limitations rather than additional power minorities. So they are only allowed to use the traditional
on the part of the government. spirits, traditional drinks. The basis of the law is because of
the study that shows that cultural minorities who consume
So in order to validly exercise the power of eminent domain, it non-traditional drinks, become more violent. So in the case of
requires taking of private property. Taking of private property People v. Cayat, the Supreme Court sustained the
in eminent domain is different from taking of property in classification. According to the Supreme Court, the
police power. In eminent domain, properties are taken for classification between those who have higher degree of
public use, and in eminent domain the property taken should civilization and those cultural minorities rests on substantial
be justly compensated. distinction.
So again, so far we have identified four distinctions that could So we have learned in our political law that before courts can
be the basis of reasonable classification. So again, gender, age, assume jurisdiction over constitutional issues, courts must
citizenship, and degree of civilization. satisfy the four requisites of judicial inquiry namely, 1) Actual
case or controversy, 2) Proper Party, 3) Raised at the earliest
Can we say, that applying the doctrine of stare decisis, or possible opportunity and, 4) the constitutional question is the
adherence to judicial precedence, that whenever these Lis Mota of the controversy. Actual case or controversy means
classifications are the basis of differences in future laws, we that there is an actual injury or at the very least, threatened,
can apply the decisions in these cases in order to justify the injury because of the questioned act. Actual case or
validity of the classification? So can we say that if a future law controversy does not allow speculation so it must be based on
gender as a distinction, we can apply PASEI v. Drilon? If the facts.
law classifies individuals based on age, we can say Dumlao v.
COMELEC, can we use stare decisis in cases of valid Do we apply this principle insofar as equal protection cases?
classification? Can we say that when there is no inequality yet, courts must
refrain from entertaining constitutional questions about the
The Supreme Court in PASEI v. Drilon said no. We cannot law?
apply stare decisis insofar as the reasonableness of the
classification in one case. So which means the reasonableness In the case of Ormoc Sugar v. Treasurer of Ormoc, the local
of a classification shall only apply as to the factual government unit issued an ordinance imposing a tax on
circumstances of each case. But the Supreme Court did not centrifugal sugar produced by Ormoc Sugar Company. The
stop there. The Supreme Court said that there is a general rule. ordinance specifically names Ormoc Sugar. At the time the
The Supreme Court in the case of PASEI v. Drilon cited ordinance was passed, it is only Ormoc Sugar which is the
Justice Fernando. According to Justice Fernando, when the sugar mill in Ormoc. That is the reason why it was named in
classification is based on distinctions that make a real the ordinance. The ordinance says “we hereby impose a tax of
difference such as infancy, sex, or degree of civilization of X% to the centrifugal sugar produced by Ormoc sugar. At the
cultural minorities, or citizenship, the better rule it would seem time the ordinance was passed, the naming of Ormoc Sugar in
according to Justice Fernando, is to allow their validity only if the ordinance did not result in discrimination because Ormoc
the young and the old, the women, the cultural minorities, and Sugar is the only central in Ormoc. So the naming of Ormoc
the Filipinos are singled out for favorable treatment. So if Sugar does not result in discrimination. So the ordinance was
these classifications are used to favor the group, the challenged on the basis that it was unconstitutional for being
classification is valid. But if these classifications are used to violative of the equal protection of the law. The Supreme
discriminate the group, the classification is invalid. So to Court assumed jurisdiction over the issue because according to
better understand it, we have learned in Ichong v. Hernandez, them, the reasonableness of the classification is only based on
the Supreme Court said that classification between Filipino the factual circumstances at the time. If the circumstances
nationals and aliens is valid because it is based on substantial change, if another industry is involved in the production of
distinction. In the case of International School Alliance of centrifugal sugar, then it will result to hostile discrimination.
Educators v. Quisumbing, this is a case involving professors The same is true in People v. Vera. In this case the probation
of the international school. In I.S. the rate of salary of the act was challenged on the basis that it allows provinces to
professor depend on the manner of hiring. Local hires peso appropriate funds and it allows other provinces not to
rate, so lower. Foreign hires on the other hand, dollar rate is appropriate funds and thereby, there is a difference in the
used, therefore higher. They’re performing the same job but application of probation law. At the time that the probation act
paid differently. While the Supreme Court did not apply was challenged, there is no province, even the city of Manila
section 1, of Article III because I.S. is a private institution, and that has ever appropriated funds for the salary of the probation
we only apply equal protection when it comes to governmental officer. This means that at the time that it was being
acts, the Supreme Court applied a similar concept under labor questioned, there is no discrimination because the law does
law; equal pay for equal work, which is the same concept as not apply nationwide. So to say that one province will
the equal protection. So the Supreme Court declared that the appropriate and another province will not appropriate is just
policy of I.S. is invalid for violating the principle of equal pay speculative. It may or may not happen but the Supreme Court
for equal work. So had it been different, meaning, Filipino assumed jurisdiction over the issue because of the third
professors are paid higher than foreign professors, that policy requisite of reasonable classification. For the classification to
would have been considered valid because Filipino citizens be considered reasonable, the reasonableness of the
are treated favorably but they cannot be treated with prejudice. classification must go beyond the factual circumstances at the
So again, the concept of stare decisis cannot be applied in time the classification is made. Even if the factual
equal protection cases but there is a general rule. If the four circumstances change, that classification must still be
classifications we have identified earlier are the bases of reasonable. So in the case of Ormoc Sugar, if the factual
classification for favorable treatment that is a valid circumstances change, as when another business engages in
classification. the production of centrifugal sugar, that becomes
discriminatory. So in that regard, the Supreme Court said it
was invalid, even if there was no actual case or controversy at
that time. So which means that there are some instances Court in the case of EO No. 1, the singling of Arroyo was not
where courts do away with strict procedure. Such as in the through inadvertence. It was intentional because according to
case of equal protection, the courts waives the requirement of the Supreme Court, no less than three provisions of EO No. 1
actual case of controversy. In the case of overbreadth doctrine, mentions the previous administration. So that means it is
facial challenge, the course do away with the actual party specifically and deliberately intended only for the Arroyo
requirement because even the rights of another person may be administration. So in that regard, underinclusiveness doctrine
invoked by a person challenging the constitutionality of the cannot be applied.
So again, to validly treat persons under classification, all the
The last requisite of reasonable classification is that it must be members of the group must be treated similarly. In the case of
applied equally to all members of the class. So which means Almonte v. Vasquez, this is the case involving the anonymous
that there should be no sub-classification within the class. So complaint. So insofar as cases falling under the jurisdiction of
let’s take the case of Meralco v. PTC, so again this case the Ombudsman, the ombudsman allows anonymous
involves Executive Order No. 1, Series of 2010 of President complaints. But we know that in cases cognizable by regular
Benigno Aquino. Under EO No. 1, it calls for the creation of courts, the accused can only be brought to court by persons
the PTC which was tasked to investigate the violations of law who can meet them face to face. But insofar as cases
of the immediately preceding Arroyo administration. There cognizable by the Ombudsman and Sandiganbayan
are two issues involved in this case. First is the power of the anonymous complaints are allowed. So in this case, that rule
president to create that ad hoc body and second is the was challenged on the basis of violation of equal protection of
constitutionality of the task of the PTC. As to the power or the law. According to the petitioner, in other cases, the
authority of the president to create PTC, the Supreme Court respondent and the accused can only be charged by a person
said it was valid. The basis of said authority is section 17 of who has the courage to make know his identity; not
article VII, better known as the “take care clause”. Under that anonymous. But for public officers, it is allowed so they
constitutional authority of the president to ensure that laws are contend it violates the equal protection clause. In that case, the
faithfully executed, he can create investigative or ad hoc Supreme Court classified the employees into two groups.
committees to determine whether laws are faithfully executed. According to the SC, employees in the private sector, and
So in that regard the creation of PTC by the president through employees in the civil service are different. Employees in the
EO No. 1 is constitutionally allowed. How about the power of civil service are accountable to the people. So in that regard,
the PTC? Note that the power of the PTC is only to investigate the Supreme Court said that any person can file a case against
violations of the immediately preceding administration them even anonymously because of the recognized reluctance
(Arroyo administration). According to the Supreme Court, on of Filipino citizens of filing cases against their public officers
this score, the creation of the PTC is unconstitutional because because of fear of reprisals. So according to the Supreme
it treats Arroyo administration apart from other members of Court, classification based on employment; employment in the
the class. According to the Supreme Court, all previous civil service, employment in the private sector rests on
administrations should be treated similarly. The flaw of EO substantial distinction.
No. 1 according to the Supreme Court is that it does not apply
to previous administration but singles out the Arroyo So having that in mind, in another case, in the case of
administration. But to argue on the constitutionality of the law, Himagan v. People, the law challenged here is the law that
the Solicitor General contends that, indeed EO No. 1 only deals with members of the PNP. Members of the PNP who are
applies to Arroyo administration and that they recognize that charged with grave offenses, can be indefinitely suspended
there are violations of law of previous administrations but (Indefinite Preventive Suspension) under the law. So that law
according to the Solicitor General, the insufficiency of the law is being challenged in Himagan v. People because under the
to address all violations of law of all previous administrations Civil Service Law, public officers can only be preventively
does not make it constitutional it makes it insufficient. The suspended for 90 days maximum. So why is there a sub-
Solicitor General invokes the underinclusiveness Doctrine. classification among members of the PNP? The Supreme
Under the underinclusiveness doctrine, the failure or Court said that the classification in Almonte v. Vasquez is not
insufficiency of the law to cover all the evils sought to be carried over in this particular case. Indeed the SC has treated
avoided is not a ground to declare it unconstitutional. The employees in the civil service similarly but that classification
remedy is supplemental legislation. So if the law covers only cannot be applied to other cases. So in the case of Himagan v.
one aspect of the evils sought to avoided, it is not in violation People, SC said that there is a difference between police
of the constitution. There should be an implementing or officers and other civil service personnel. Police officers carry
supplemental legislation that will cover other acts. But the firearms and the purpose of preventive suspension is so that
Supreme Court said, yes that’s the underinclusiveness rule, but the person charged of the offense cannot interfere with the
in order to apply this rule, the insufficiency of the law must investigation. So since police officers carry firearms, if they
not be deliberate. So meaning the failure of the law to cover will be on active duty while the investigation is moving, they
everything must be on the basis of inadvertence. So if the may threaten witnesses. So in that regard, the Supreme Court
insufficiency of the law is deliberate, and intentional, the said the classification rests on substantial distinction.
underinclusiveness doctrine cannot apply. So the Supreme
So Similarly in Quinto v. COMELEC, the SC sustained the complaint or information is already filed in court. So which
classification of officers based on their assumption of office; means that the determination of the existence of probable, the
appointive and elective. So under the omnibus election code, issuance of a warrant after the criminal action is filed in court
prior to its amendment, the filing of COC will be deemed ipso is a duty given by the constitution to the judge and therefore it
facto considered as resignation of public officers regardless cannot be withdrawn by the congress or the supreme court. So
whether appointive or elective. But when the Omnibus which means that other authority of judges, which are not
Election Code was amended, it was only the appointive that included in the constitution can be withdrawn either by the
are considered ipso facto resigned. The elective public officers congress or the constitution. So to better understand it, prior to
can continue in office even after the filing of the COC. So in the amendment of the Rules of Criminal Procedure
Quinto v. COMELEC, the petitioner challenged the particularly under rule 112. In 2005, there was an amendment
constitutionality of the amended Omnibus Election Code to rule 112. But prior to the amendment, MTC judges can
because it discriminates public officers. According to the conduct preliminary investigations. When the preliminary
Supreme Court, NO. There is a substantial distinction between investigation is conducted by MTC judges, they can issue
appointive and elective public officers. According to the SC, warrants of arrest, even at the preliminary investigation stage.
appointive public officers are disallowed by the constitution, So this is not the warrant of arrest contemplated by section 2
particularly under article IX of the constitution to engage in of article III, because the warrant of arrest contemplated by
partisan political activity. So which means that when an section 2 of article III refers to a warrant of arrest after the
appointive public officer files a COC, that appointive officer is filing of the criminal information in court. So in the case of
already engaged in partisan political activity. So that is warrant of arrest that can be issued by MTC judges during
prohibited under article IX of the constitution. But the nature preliminary investigation, this was withdrawn through a
of elective public officer is partisan according to the Supreme circular in 2005. So starting 2005, MTC judges can no longer
Court. So from day one until the end of their term they are conduct preliminary investigations. So since they cannot
engaged in partisan political campaign. So to disqualify them conduct preliminary investigations, they can no longer issue
by the mere fact that they are engaged partisan political warrants of arrest during preliminary investigations. So this
campaign would deny the nature of their office which is can be validly withdrawn because this is not the authority
partisan. So according to the Supreme Court, this the basis covered by section 2 of article III. So authority covered by
why they are not deemed ipso facto resigned even after the section 2 of article III cannot be withdrawn either by the
filing of their COC. In that regard, the Supreme Court congress or the Supreme Court.
sustained the classification in that case.
So again, the first requisite of a valid is that it must be based
III. Day 2, Part 2 (1:00-34:37) [34 minutes] upon probable cause. What does probable cause mean?
Probable cause refers to such facts or circumstances
Mere presence under look and see, does not make the search antecedent to the issuance of a warrant that in themselves are
as being conducted by public officers. So again, only searches sufficient to induce a reasonably cautious man to rely on them
conducted by the government and officers of the government and to act in pursuance thereof. So that is the general
whose task is to enforce the law or in short, law enforcement definition of probable cause. But as applied to search warrant,
officers are covered by the constitutional guarantee. probable cause has been defined as such facts and
So we go now to the requisites of a valid warrant. So under the circumstances which would lead a reasonably discreet and
constitution, the requisites of a valid warrant are: 1) It must be prudent man to believe that an offense has been committed
based upon probable cause, 2) The probable cause must be and that the object sought in relation to the offense may be
determined personally by the judge after examination under found in the place sought to be searched. So this is probable
oath or affirmation, 3) the determination of probable cause cause as applied to search warrant.
must be through examination of the complainant and the In the case of Mantaring v. Judge Roman, this is a case where
witnesses, and 4) The warrant must particularly describe the a search warrant was served for the search and seizure of
place to be searched or the person and things to be seized. So unlicensed firearm and the search warrant named Mantaring
these are expressly provided for under the constitution. So Jr. So Mantaring Jr. was named in the search warrant. When
note that under the constitution, the constitutional duty to the criminal information was filed, Mantaring Sr. was
determine the existence of probable cause rests on a judge, included and consequently a warrant of arrest is issued against
because the constitution says “to be determined personally by Mantaring Sr. So according to Mantaring Sr., the issuance of
a judge”. warrant of arrest can only be done to those who are named in
What is the implication of the specific mention of this the search warrant. So since he is not named in search warrant,
authority to judges? he cannot be named in the subsequent warrant of arrest (he
contends). The Supreme Court said no. Search warrants and
It means that it cannot be withdrawn either by congress or by warrants of arrest are based on different probabilities. So there
Supreme Court. But the authority under section 2 of article III are different probabilities on search warrants and there are
in determining the existence of probable cause and the different probabilities in warrants of arrest. In search warrants
consequent issuance of a warrant, refers only to cases where a according to the Supreme Court, the probabilities are: the
object sought is in connection with an offense and second that In the case of UNILAB v. Isip, the respondent contends that
it may be found in the place sought to be searched. Those are search warrant proceedings are criminal proceedings. So since
the only probabilities in a search warrant. While in a warrant they are criminal proceedings, only the Solicitor General, and
of arrest the probabilities are: a crime has been committed and the Public Prosecutor can participate. According to the
that the person sought to be arrested may be probably guilty respondent, since the appeal of UNILAB is not through the
thereof. So since search warrants and warrants of arrest are Solicitor General or the Public Prosecutor, it cannot be
based on different probabilities, persons named in the search entertained by the court because UNILAB is a private property
warrant may be different from persons named in the and according to the respondent proceedings are criminal
subsequent warrants of arrest. proceedings. The Supreme Court said no. Search warrant
proceedings are not criminal cases. While they are titled like
So what is a search warrant? criminal cases because search warrant proceedings are also
Under section 1 of rule 126, a search warrant is an order in titled “People of the Philippines v. Juan dela Cruz”. Search
writing issued in the name of the People of the Philippines, warrant according to the Supreme Court are not directed
signed by the judge directed to a peace officer commanding against a specific person. So even if the title of the case say
him to search for personal properties described therein and to People of the Philippines v. Juan dela Cruz, it is not directed
bring it before the court. against Juan dela Cruz. It is directed against a personal
property. According to the Supreme Court, a search warrant is
So may a search warrant be issued for the search and seizure a John Doe proceedings, it applies to all persons of the whole
of a real property? world, whoever that may be. As long as that property is
specifically in the warrant. So in that regard, search warrant
No. by express provision under the rules of court, the search
proceedings are not criminal proceedings.
warrant can only be issued for the search and seizure of a
personal property. Because in a search warrant, the serving How about civil? Since private parties can participate in
officers has two duties. First is to look for the property search warrant proceedings, can we say now that search
described in the warrant. After finding it, bringing it before the warrant proceedings are civil proceedings?
court. So it would be physically impossible for serving
officers to bring real property before the court. So the search Supreme Court said no because search warrant proceedings
warrant can only be issued for the search and seizure of are not concerned with adjudication of civil rights and
personal properties. Under section 3 of Rule 126, the three obligations. So in that regard, even if private parties can
properties enumerated under the rules of court which may be participate, they don’t partake in the nature of civil
seized by virtue of search warrant are all personal properties. proceedings.
So search warrants may be issued for the search and seizure of How about administrative proceeding? Can we now say that
personal properties which are: 1) object of the crime, 2) since search warrant proceeding are neither criminal nor civil
embezzled, stolen or proceeds of crime, 3) used or intended to proceedings, can we say that these are administrative
be used as a means to commit the crime. All of these proceedings?
properties are personal properties and search warrants are only
valid for 10 days. The ten day period shall be counted from the Supreme Court said no. They are not administrative
day of the issuance not the day when the police receive the proceedings as well because in administrative proceedings, the
order. As distinguished from a warrant of arrest, a warrant of standard of evidence mandated by the Supreme Court is
arrest is valid until served. Only that the serving officer has a substantial evidence. In search warrant proceedings, the
period of 10 days from receipt to make a return meaning they standard of evidence is only probably cause. This made the
have to explain why they weren’t able to serve it but they can Supreme Court conclude that search warrant proceedings are
serve the warrant of arrest even beyond the ten day period. But Sui Generis proceedings. Supreme Court said that search
when it comes to search warrant, they can only be served warrant proceedings is a mode of discovery. So in that regard,
within ten days from the date of issuance. even in search warrant proceedings, private parties can
Supposing, a search warrant was issued for the search and
seizure of shabu June 1, 2019. So on June 1, 2019, the police Probable cause must be determined the judge and the
officers went to the place described in the warrant. They did constitution mandates that the just must personally determine
not find shabu. Can they go back the next day, given that it’s the existence of probable cause. Does that mean that in
within the 10 day period? determining probable cause, the judge must personally
examine the complainant and the witnesses he may produce?
No. A search warrant can only be served once. So once that
search warrant is already served on the first day, even if there This is the issue in several cases. In the case of Soliven v.
are nine days remaining, police officers can no longer use that Makasiar, this is an offshoot of the libel complaint by former
search warrant. They have to apply for another one. President Corazon Aquino against petitioners for libel because
she was portrayed in the Philippine Star editorial as having
What is the nature of search warrant proceedings? hidden under her bed during the 1987 coup. So she filed a
criminal complaint against Soliven et. al. (Editors and board of
Philippine Star). In Soliven v. Makasiar, the trial court issued Meaning there is no case filed yet against any person. And the
a warrant but when the petitioners asked “did you personally purpose of that search warrant is obtain custody over a
interview the president before you issued that warrant of personal property so that it can be used in filing a criminal
arrest?” the trial court said no and said she relied on the complaint. So since it is the first time that the merit of the
resolution of the public prosecutor. This is the reason why application is being assessed, it is but necessary for the judge
according to the petitioner in the case, there was a violation of to personally examine the complainant. Warrants of arrest,
their right particularly in the constitution because the judge did particularly for those which are subject to preliminary
not personally examine the complainant and the witnesses. investigation, prior to the issuance of warrant of arrest there is
already a proceeding before the public prosecutor. So the
In the case of Silva v. Judge Ontal and Mata v. Bayona, in public prosecutor has to examine the complainant, and the
these cases, the trial court judge issued a warrant based on the witnesses of both sides and then he must make a resolution. So
affidavits of the complainants and the affidavits of the according to the Supreme Court in Soliven v. Makasiar, it is
witnesses. Did the Supreme Court in both cases sustain the enough that the judge examines the report of the public
validilty of the warrant? In the case of Soliven v. Makasiar, prosecutor because the public prosecutor already examined
the Supreme Court sustained the validity of the warrant but in personally the complainants and the witnesses. So no need to
the case of Silva v. Judge Ontal and Mata v. Bayona, the repeat this in the determination of probable cause for warrants
Supreme Court said not valid. So what is the difference of arrest. So under the constitution, particularly section 2 of
between these two cases on the one hand and Soliven v. article III, judges can issue warrants of arrest upon
Makasiar on the other hand? determination of probable cause.
In the case of Soliven v. Makasiar, the warrant issued by the So can we say now that only judges can issue warrants?
judge is a warrant of arrest. In the latter two cases, the warrant
issued by the court in both cases are search warrants. So which Under the 1973 constitution, the authority to issue warrants,
means that, for warrants of arrest, the judge can determine the whether search warrants or warrants of arrest are not only
existence of probable cause even if the judge won’t personally limited to judges. They may be also be issued by responsible
examine the complainant and the witnesses. According to the officers. Is that still valid under the 1987 constitution? Taking
Supreme Court in Soliven v. Makasiar, the constitutional duty the case of Salazar v. Achacoso, this is a case involving article
of the Judge is to only personally evaluate the report of the 38 of the labor code. Article 38 authorizes the Secretary of
public prosecutor as well as the supporting affidavits as to the Labor and the administrator of POEA to issue search warrants
existence of probable cause. If the judge is satisfied he may and warrants of arrest for charges of illegal recruitment
issue the warrant of arrest, if not he may require the preparatory to criminal prosecution. In the case of Salazar v.
submission of supporting affidavits but there is no need to Achacoso, that provision under the labor code is
personally examine the complainant and the witnesses. But unconstitutional because the authority to issue warrants
when it comes to search warrant, the search warrant cannot be whether search warrants or warrants of arrest can only be done
issued, particularly under the Rules of Court, under section 5 by judges. But now, in another case, Harvey v. Santiago, the
of rule 126 “a search warrant shall not issue unless the trial commissioner of the bureau of immigration issued a warrant
court judge conducts searching question and answers under of arrest. So in this case, it was also contested that the
oath and in writing of the complainant and the witnesses”. Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration not being a judge
Which means that in issuing search warrant, the judge must cannot issue a warrant of arrest. In both cases, the conclusion
personally examine the complainants. So the complainants of the Supreme Court is different. In the case of Salazar v.
must personally appear before the judge before the judge can Achacoso, the Supreme Court said that, that provision under
issue a search warrant. But for warrant of arrest, the judge the labor code is already invalid under the1987 constitution, so
only needs to review the report of the public prosecutor. If he meaning it ceases to be effective under the present
is satisfied he may issue the warrant. So seemingly, search constitution. But insofar as in Harvey v. Santiago, the
warrant proceedings are stricter than warrants of arrest authority of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration
because, in warrants of arrest because there is no need to under the charter of the bureau of immigration is still valid.
personally examine the complainants but for search warrants, The bureau of immigration commissioner can still issue
complainants must appear before the judge. It is not enough warrants.
that the judge examine their affidavits. The complainants and
their witnesses must appear before the judge so that the judge So what is the difference between warrants that can be issued
can conduct searching question and answers. only by a judge, and warrants that can be issued even by
administrative officers?
Why do the rules impose stricter conditions insofar as search
warrants, when the object of search warrants are just personal Warrants that can only be issued by judges should be in line
properties? When it comes to warrants of arrest, the object is with the definition of warrant under the rules of court,
liberty, deprivation of liberty of an individual. particularly, rule 113 and 126. So note that under section 1 of
rule 113, the arrest is defined as the taking of a person in
The answer is that, in search warrant proceedings, there are no custody so that he may be bound to answer for a criminal
anterior proceedings prior to the issuance of a search warrant. offense. So a warrant of arrest in line with section of rule 113
is intended to take custody over the person of the accused so may produce. Why? Because according to the Supreme Court,
that he may be prosecuted. Only a judge can issue that. A even if the complainant himself is convinced that the source of
search warrant that can only be a judge should be in line with the information is reliable, it is the obligation of the
the search warrant definition under section 1 of rule 126 which complainant to convince the judge. It is not enough that the
is taking custody over a personal property so that it may be complainant himself is convinced. The judge must be
used for criminal prosecution. So which means that if the convinced. And under our rules of court evidence can only be
purpose of a warrant of arrest or search warrant is not to procured from the personal knowledge of witnesses. So in that
obtain custody over the person of the accused or the personal regard, reliable information cannot be the basis of determining
property for prosecution purposes, it can be issued even by an probable cause. And in the case of Alvarez v. CFI, the
administrative officer. Supreme Court defined what an oath is. Note that under the
constitution it’s either the complainant and the witness taking
So to better understand that, the factual circumstances in an oath or an affirmation so it’s alternative; either take an oath
Harvey v. Santiago. In this case, 22 suspected pedophiles were or affirmation.
arrested on February 27, 1988 as a result of three month
surveillance of the agent of the bureau of immigration. These What is the difference between an oath and an affirmation?
22 suspected pedophiles were arrested in flagrante delicto in
committing the crime of pedophilia. So they were arrested So to better understand it let’s take a constitutional provision
while in the company of young boys, naked in possession of as an example. Under section 5 of article VII, it states the oath
immoral literature. So immediately after their arrest, they were or affirmation of office of the president, vice-president or
already detained in Camp Bagong Diwa. March 4, 1988, the acting president. So under section 5 of article VII it is
bureau of immigration out of the 22 there were 17 of them expressly provided that before they enter on the execution of
opted for self-deportation, one was released for lack of their office, the president, vice-president or acting president
evidence and another was charged for illegal employment but shall take the following oath or affirmation. The oath or
not pedophilia so that leaves three petitioners. So these three affirmation goes like this: “I do solemnly swear” if it’s an
petitioners were detained as early as February 27, 1988. March oath. If it is an affirmation: “I do solemnly affirm” and then all
4 of the same year, the bureau of immigration conducted the the other items are the same. Then if it is an oath it ends with
deportation proceedings to determine whether the three “so help me God”. So which means that the only difference
petitioners violated the conditions of their visa, whether they between an oath or affirmation is the starting phrase and that
may be considered as undesirable aliens. After the hearing, the in affirmation the last phrase of “so help me God” is not
BOI, issued a decision, finding the three petitioners as included. That is the only difference between an oath and
undesirable aliens and ought to be deported. March 7, 1988, affirmation. In the case of Alvarez v. CFI, the Supreme Court
the commissioner of the BOI issued a warrant of arrest. So said that in its broadest sense, an oath includes any form of
note that as early as February 27, 1988, they are already in attestation by which a party signifies that he is bound in
detention. So which means the purpose of that warrant of conscience to perform an act truthfully and faithfully. And it is
arrest issued on March 7 is not intended to take custody of the sometimes defined as an outward pledge given by a person
person of the accused so that they may be prosecuted. The taking it, that his promise or attestation is made under an
purpose of that warrant of arrest is to execute the order of immediate sense of his responsibility to God. So which means
deportation. So which means that it is not a warrant of arrest that whether it is an oath or affirmation, the obligation of the
that is contemplated under section 2 of article III because the affiant is the same; to tell the truth, the whole truth and
purpose of that warrant of arrest is to execute a final decision. nothing but the truth. But the source of that obligation is
So in that regard, the commissioner of the BOI can validly different. In an oath, the source of the obligation is because the
issue that warrant. So this principle is not only limited to the person taking an oath believes in God. So since he believes in
BOI, this can also be done by other administrative officers as God, he is answerable to his God. But in an affirmation, this is
long as they are authorized by the law and the purpose is not in deference to the religious freedom, which involves the right
to prosecute crime. The purpose is to execute a final and not to believe. So persons who do not believe in God cannot
executory decision. be compelled to take an oath. They may instead be required to
take an affirmation. And in an affirmation the obligation to tell
So the determination of probable cause must be done after the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is an
examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant. obligation before the law. So which means that it is the court
May the probable cause be based information coming from a that compels the affiant to tell the truth.
reliable source?
What is the test of a sufficient oath and affirmation?
In the case of Alvarez v. CFI, a police officer file a search
warrant for the search and seizure of documents related to According to the Supreme Court in Alvarez v. CFI, the test of
usurious transactions and the basis of the application is sufficient oath and affirmation when it is drawn in such a
information coming from reliable persons. Is that allowed? manner that the person taking it can be held liable for perjury.
Supreme Court said no. probable cause must be based on the This is also the reason why the application for a search
personal knowledge of the complainant or the witnesses he warrant based on reliable information cannot be done. Because
if the affiant says that, he believes based on reliable
information coming from a source that a crime was
committed, the person making the declaration cannot be held
liable for perjury because if his statement proves to be false,
the affiant can just say that he believed in good faith that the
crime was committed and just be sorry he was wrong. So he
cannot be liable for perjury. That’s the reason why that is not a
sufficient oath.

So the last requisite of a valid warrant is that particularity in

the description. So whether it is a search warrant or warrant of
arrest. How particular should the description be in order that it
may be considered as a valid warrant? Should it go to the
extent of particularly describing specific details like color of
the house, size of the house, the number of cabinets to be
opened? Should it be that particular?

The answer is no. A warrant is sufficient if it will allow the

public officers who are to serve that warrant to determine the
place to be searched and the objects sought to be ceased. And
as applied to a warrant of arrest, to determine the person who
is the subject of that warrant. So which means that even if the
warrant of arrest does not provide for the name of the person
to be arrested as long as there are person descriptions that
could lead the police officers to identify the subject of the
warrant that is a sufficient warrant.

Supposing the warrant of arrest did not particularly describe

the person sought to be arrested. May the personal knowledge
of the police officer who is serving the warrant supply the
lacking information? So supposing a warrant of arrest was
issued and the warrant of arrest directs the police officer to
arrest and detain a person named as “boy tigas” so that is the
only description in the warrant. The police officer to whom
that warrant of arrest was assigned said that “your honor
you’re very lucky because your description of the person is
too general but because I know who boy tigas is” so with that I
will arrest him and detain him. This means that the police
officer who is about to serve the warrant has independent
personal knowledge that he can supply in order to identify the
person who is generally described in the warrant. Is that

No. because according to the Supreme Court in People v. Del


[End of covered time]

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