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Approaches in Teaching Science and Mathematics for Young Children (CSZD1223) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2024

Matric No:MC220918498

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TWO (2) approaches that can be used in teaching science and mathematics for preschoolers.

When teaching science and mathematics to preschoolers, it is important to use hands-on and
developmentally appropriate approaches to engage young learners effectively. Here are two approaches
that can be used:

1. Exploration and Discovery:

In this approach, preschoolers are encouraged to explore and discover concepts through hands-on
activities. For example, when teaching about shapes in mathematics, the teacher can provide various
shapes of objects like circles, squares, and triangles. The children can then sort and classify these
objects based on their shapes. They can also be given materials like clay or blocks to create their own
shapes. This hands-on exploration allows preschoolers to actively engage with the concept of shapes
and develop a deeper understanding.

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Approaches in Teaching Science and Mathematics for Young Children (CSZD1223) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2024

Matric No:MC220918498

2. Play-Based Learning:

Play-based learning is another effective approach to teach science and mathematics to preschoolers.
Through play, children can naturally explore and understand abstract concepts. For example, when
teaching about measurements, the teacher can set up a pretend grocery store in the classroom. The
children can play the roles of customers and shopkeepers, using measuring tools like weighing scales
and measuring cups to understand the concepts of weight and volume. This playful approach not only
makes learning enjoyable but also helps children develop problem-solving skills and mathematical
thinking. By using these hands-on and developmentally appropriate approaches, preschoolers can
actively engage with science and mathematics concepts, fostering a love for learning and a strong
foundation in these subjects.

Two (2) ways on how to integrate technology in science learning for young children.

As an early childhood educator, integrating technology into science learning for young children can be
done in the following ways.

1. Digital Microscope: A digital microscope can be used to introduce children to the microscopic world
and increase their understanding of scientific concepts. For example, educators can provide children with
a digital microscope that connects to a computer or tablet. Children can use this microscope to observe
small objects, such as leaves, insects, or their own skin cells. Through the enlarged display on the
screen, children can explore intricate details and structures, fostering their curiosity and understanding of
scientific phenomena.

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Approaches in Teaching Science and Mathematics for Young Children (CSZD1223) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2024

Matric No:MC220918498

2. Augmented Reality (AR) Experience: Augmented reality technology can bring science concepts to life
and create interactive learning experiences for young children. For example, educators can use AR apps
or tools to overlay virtual objects or information onto the real world. For example, during a lesson about
the solar system, educators can use an AR application that allows children to place a virtual planet in
their classroom. Children can then walk around and interact with the planets, learning about their size,
color and distance from the sun. This practical and immersive experience can make science learning
more interesting and memorable for young children. By incorporating technology in this way, early
childhood educators can provide young children with unique and interactive science learning
experiences. This experience can support the development of their scientific thinking, observation skills,
and understanding of the natural world around them.

3.Two important topics of early mathematical concepts that children can explore are shapes and patterns.
Here are examples of appropriate creative activities for each topic:

1. Shapes:

Learning about shapes helps children understand spatial relationships and develop visual
discrimination skills. Here are a few activities to engage children in exploring shapes:

- Shape Hunt: Encourage children to find and identify shapes in their environment, such as circles,
squares, triangles, and rectangles. They can search for shapes in everyday objects or go on a scavenger
hunt with pictures of different shapes.

- Shape Collage: Provide a variety of cutout shapes in different colors and sizes. Ask children to create
a collage by arranging and gluing the shapes onto a piece of paper. This activity allows them to practice
recognizing and manipulating shapes.

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Approaches in Teaching Science and Mathematics for Young Children (CSZD1223) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2024

Matric No:MC220918498

- Shape Sorting: Give children a collection of objects or pictures and ask them to sort them based on
their shapes. For example, they can sort objects into groups of circles, squares, and triangles.

2. Patterns:

Understanding patterns helps children recognize and predict sequences, which is crucial for
mathematical reasoning. Here are a few activities to help children explore patterns:

- Pattern Beading: Provide colored beads and ask children to create patterns by threading them onto a
string or pipe cleaner. For example, they can make an ABAB pattern using two different colors.

- Pattern Blocks: Give children a set of pattern blocks in various shapes and colors. Encourage them to
create and extend patterns on a flat surface, such as a table or a pattern block mat.

- Body Movement Patterns: Teach children simple movement patterns, such as clapping, stomping, and
tapping, in specific sequences. They can then take turns creating and performing their own patterns for
others to follow.

These creative activities allow children to engage their senses, promote critical thinking, and develop
foundational mathematical concepts in an enjoyable and hands-on manner.


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