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Block method

Both countries have power rooted in their society and consider it something natural; they reflect a

society that believes people are acceptable. In the case of Brazil, the different distribution of

power justifies the fact that power holders have more benefits than less powerful in society. In the

same form, in Colombia this inequality is accepted in all layers of society. Regarding uncertainty

avoidance, in Brazil as in all societies with high Uncertainty Avoidance, bureaucracy, laws and rules

are very important to make the world a safer place to live. Brazilians need to have good and

relaxing moments in their daily life, chatting with colleagues, enjoying a long meal, or dancing with

guests and friends. In the same for, Colombian society deals with the fact that the future can never

be known; this depends on the opinion of the ingroup, on whether the group feels that the rules

apply to its members and ultimately on the decision of the power holders, who create their own


On the other hand, in aspects such as body language and norms, Brazil and Colombia have their

differences; as is the case that in Brazil is customary to greet with two or three kisses on the cheek

in both men and women, whereas in Colombia is only one kiss and generally is in greeting

between men and women. The norms in Brazil prohibit people from transporting fruits and

vegetables when entering the country while in Colombia there are no such regulations, it is also

prohibited in Brazil to take photos of wild animals or to buy and sell them.

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