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Mariela Mendieta Nava

March 2024
In your first year as the leader of the neighborhood board, you face a significant
dilemma due to constant complaints from residents about the cleanliness of common
areas, lack of security, and poor lighting in the neighborhood. Despite your patience and
willingness to listen to the community, even receiving calls in the early hours, you
consider the possibility of stepping down from the position due to the emotional
weariness it causes you. You recognize the importance of community living and the
need for participative, open-minded individuals in a new neighborhood like yours.

To tackle this situation, it's crucial to conduct a self-analysis based on self-knowledge,

emotional intelligence, and social intelligence. This process will allow you to identify
your limitations, vulnerabilities, and strengths, as well as the emotional impact of the
continuous complaints and your capacity to effectively manage them. Acknowledging
and accepting your feelings towards the current situation is an important step in making
decisions aligned with your well-being and capabilities.

Furthermore, developing an action plan that includes elements of self-development and

fosters positive relationships within the community is essential. This plan may involve
conducting surveys to prioritize complaints according to their importance, establishing a
schedule to attend to each neighbor individually, and organizing regular neighborhood
meetings to discuss progress, review pending issues, and collect new complaints.
Implementing a constant communication channel and designated office hours for
individual consultations are also key strategies to improve communication and
community spirit.

In summary, as the leader of the neighborhood board, you face significant challenges
that require an introspective and proactive approach. Through informed self-analysis
and a well-structured action plan, you can effectively address residents' concerns,
promote personal development, and strengthen relationships within the community,
thereby improving your effectiveness as a leader and the overall well-being of the

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