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.1. Những cấu trúc giới từ thông dụng

Giới từ Cấu trúc Nghĩa
ABOUT - To be sorry about st + lấy làm tiếc, hối tiếc về cái gì
- To be curious about st + tò mò về cái gì
- To be careful about st + cẩn thận về cái gì
- To be careless about st + bất cẩn về cái gì
- To be confused about st + nhầm lẫn về cái gì
- To be doubtful about st + hoài nghi về cái gì
- To be excited about st + hứng thú về cái gì
- To be enthusiastic about st + nhiệt tình, hào hứng về cái gì
- To be sad about st + buồn về cái gì
- To be serious about + nghiêm túc về
- To be reluctant about st (or to) st + ngần ngại, miễn cưỡng với cái gì
- To be uneasy about st + không thoải mái
- To be worried about st + lo lắng về cái gì
AT - To be amazed at st + kinh ngạc, sửng sốt vì cái gì
- To be amused at st + thích thú với cái gì
- To be angry at sb + tức giận với ai
- To be annoyed at sb + bực mình với ai
- To be bad at st + yếu kém về cái gì
- To be brilliant at + thông minh, có tài
- To be good/clever at st + giỏi/sắc sảo về cái gì
- To be efficient at st + có năng lực về cái gì
- To be expert at st + thành thạo về cái gì
- To be mad at sb + tức điên lên với ai
- To be present at + có mặt
- To be skillful at st + khéo léo cái gì
- To be surprised at st + ngạc nhiên với
- To be quick at st + nhạy bén về cái gì/nhanh chóng làm

FOR - To be available for sth + có sẵn (cái gì)
- To be bad for + xấu cho
- To be good for + tốt cho
- To be convenient for + thuận lợi cho...
- To be difficult for + khó...
- To be dangerous for + nguy hiểm...
- To be eager for + háo hức cho
- To be eligible for + đủ tư cách cho
- To be late for + trễ...
- To be liable for sth + có trách nhiệm về pháp lý
- To leave for + rời khỏi đâu
- To be famous/well-known for + nổi tiếng
- To be fit for + thích hợp với
- To be greedy for + tham lam...
- To be grateful for sth + biết ơn về việc...
- To be helpful/useful for + có ích /có lợi
- To be necessary for + cần thiết
- To be perfect for + hoàn hảo
- To prepare for + chuẩn bị cho
- To be qualified for + có phẩm chất
- To be ready for sth + sẵn sàng cho việc gì
- To be responsible for sth + có trách nhiệm v’ê việc gì
- To be suitable for + thích hợp
- To be sorry for + xin lỗi /lấy làm tiếc cho
- To apologize for st/doing st + xin lỗi vì cái gì/vì đã làm gì
- To thank sb for st/doing st + cảm ơn ai vì cái gì
- To be useful for + có ích, hữu dụng
FROM - To borrow st from sb/st + vay mượn của ai /cái gì
- To demand st from sb + đòi hỏi cái gì ở ai
- To draw st from st + rút cái gì
- To emerge from st + nhú lên cái gì
- To escape from + thoát ra từ cái gì
- To be free from + không bị, không phải
- To prevent st from + ngăn cản ai cái gì
- To protect sb/st from + bảo vệ ai /bảo về cái gì
- To prohibit sb from doing st + cấm ai làm việc gì
- To separate st/sb from st/sb + tách cái gì ra khỏi cái gì
/tách ai ra khỏi ai
- To suffer from + chịu đựng đau khổ
- To be away from st/sb + xa cách cái gì/ai
- To be different from st + khác về cái gì
- To be far from sb/st + xa cách ai/cái gì
- To be safe from st + an toàn trong cái gì
- To save sb/st from + cứu ai/cái gì khỏi
- To be resulting from st + do cái gì có kết quả
IN - To be absorbed in + say mê, say sưa
- To believe in st/sb + tin tưởng cái gì/vào ai
- To delight in st + hồ hởi về cái gì
- To be engaged in st + tham dự, lao vào cuộc
- To be experienced in st + có kinh nghiệm về cái gì
- To include st in st + gộp cái gì vào cái gì
- To indulge in st + chìm đắm trong cái gì
- To be interested in st /doing st + quan tâm cái gì/việc gì
- To invest st in st + đầu tư cái gì vào cái gì
- To involved in st + dính líu vào cái gì
- To persist in st + kiên trì trong cái gì
- To be deficient in st + thiếu hụt cái gì
- To be fortunate in st + may mắn trong cái gì
- To be rich in st + dồi dào, phong phú
- To be successful/succeed in + thành công
OF - To be ashamed of + xấu hổ về...
- To be afraid of + sợ, e ngại...
- To be ahead of + trước
- To be aware of + nhận thức
- To be capable of + có khả năng
- To be confident of + tự tin
- To be certain of + chắc chắn về
- To be doubtful of + nghi ngờ
- To be fond of + thích
- To be full of + đầy
- To be hopeful of + hy vọng
- To be independent of + độc lập
- To be proud of + tự hào
- To be jealous of + ganh tị với
- To be guilty of + phạm tội về, có tội
- To be innocent of + vô tội
- To remind sb of + gợi cho ai nhớ tới
- To be sick of + chán nản về
- To be scared of + sợ hãi
- To be short of + thiếu
- To be suspicious of + nghi ngờ về
- To be joyful of + vui mừng về
- To be typical of + tiêu biểu, điển hình
- To be tired of + mệt mỏi
- To be terrified of + khiếp sợ về
ON - To be dependent/depend on st/sb + lệ thuộc vào cái gì /vào ai
- To be keen on st + mê cái gì
- To be based on st + dựa trên, dựa vào
TO - To be able to + có thể
- To be acceptable to + có thể chấp nhận
- To be accessible to + có thể kết nối, tiếp cận
- To be accustomed to + quen với
- To be agreeable to + có thể đồng ý
- To be addicted to + đam mê
- To be available to sb + sẵn cho ai
- To be clear to + rõ ràng
- To be contrary to + trái lại, đối lập
- To be delightful to sb + thú vị đối với ai
- To be equal to + tương đương với
- To be exposed to + phơi bày, để lộ
- To be familiar to sb + quen thuộc đối với ai
- To be favorable to + tán thành, ủng hộ
- To be grateful to sb + biết ơn ai
- To be harmful to sb/st + có hại cho ai (cho cái gì]
- To be Important to + quan trọng
- To be indifferent to + bàn quang, thờ ơ
- To be identical to + giống hệt
- To be kind to sb + tốt với ai
To be kind of sb + lòng tốt của ai
- To be likely to + có thể
- To be lucky to + may mắn
- To be loyal to + chung thủy với
- To be necessary to sth/sb + cần thiết cho việc gì/cho ai
- To be next to + kế bên
- To be open to + cởi mở
- To be opposed to + phản đối
- To be pleasant to + hài lòng
- To be preferable to + đáng thích hơn
- To be profitable to + có lợi
- To be responsible to sb + có trách nhiệm với ai
- To be rude to + thô lỗ, cộc cằn
- To be similar to + giống, tương tự
- To be useful to sb + có ích cho ai
- To be willing to + sẵn lòng
WITH - To be acquainted with + quen biết, quen thân
- To be angry with sb + tức giận với ai
- To be busy with st + bận với cái gì
- To be bored with = to be fed up with + chán ngán, chán ngấy
- To be consistent with st + kiên trì chung thủy với cái gì
- To be content with st + hài lòng với
= to be satisfied with
- To be crowded with + đầy, đông đúc
- To be covered with + bao phủ với
- To cope with + đương đầu với
- To deal with + xử lí, giải quyết với
- To be disappointed with + thất vọng với
- To be friendly to + thân thiện với
- To be patient with st + kiên trì với cái gì
- To be impressed with/by + có ấn tượng/xúc động với
- To be popular with + phổ biến quen thuộc
- To be wrong with + có vấn đề

1.) Elizabeth is fond .......... going to dances.
a.) in b.) of c.) with d.) at
2.) That is last year's telephone directory. It's .......... date now.
a.) into b.) out of c.) besides d.) out
3.) He was put .......... prison.
a.) to b.) from c.) into d.) at
4.) We rejoice .......... her success.
a.) in b.) at c.) over d.) all are correct
5.) I saw him .......... noon.
a.) for b.) with c.) against d.) at
6.) She treated me .......... Cake, ice-cream and tea. S+ treat+so+to sth= to buy sth for s.o
a.) with b.) for c.) to d.) by
7.) The picture is .......... the wall
a.) above b.) at c.) over d.) on
8.) She likes to go .......... a picnic.
a.) for b.) on c.) for and on are correct d.) by
9.) William is .......... meanness.
a.) against b.) above c.) towards d.) according to
10.) I work hard .......... help my family.
a.) so as to b.) in order to c.) in order that d.) a and b
11.) She burst .......... tears.
a.) out of b.) into c.) for d.) in
12.) .......... mistake, I took the wrong book from my desk this morning.
a.) Through b.) By c.) With d.) In
13.) They chose him .......... their leader.
a.) with b.) for c.) by d.) into
14.) I want you to arrange these .......... order by putting the largest first then the next, and so on…
a.) on b.) out of c.) in d.) from
15.) She smiled .......... him.
a.) at b.) with c.) to d.) about
16.) Your work is .......... the average.
a.) under b.) beneath c.) down d.) below
17.) I shall be ready .......... a moment.
a.) for b.) in c.) with d.) on
18.) Aren't you glad that you went to the party with us .......... all?
a.) in b.) after c.) above d.) with
19.) We can't get everything we want from life; we must just make the best .......... it.
a.) with b.) of c.) for d.) by
20.) Go and get me a carton .......... cigarettes.
a.) with b.) of c.) out of d.) no
21.) He is negligent .......... his duties.
a.) with b.) to c.) for d.) of
22.) Long skirts are .......... again.
a.) for b.) in c.) into d.) through
23.) The car went .......... full speed.
a.) with b.) for c.) to d.) at
24.) He was .......... himself with rage.
a.) against b.) for c.) beside d.) with
25.) Gas is made .......... coal.
a.) of b.) from c.) with d.) to
26.) He suffers .......... headaches.
a.) from b.) with c.) in d.) by
27.) Who .......... Richard would have said such a thing?
a.) but b.) by c.) with d.) in
addition of
28.) He was .......... himself with joy.
a.) to b.) beside c.) in d.) of
29.) His ideas are all .......... the times.
a.) like b.) behind c.) but d.) except
30.) I shall wait .......... you.
a.) about b.) by c.) to d.) for
31.) What do you think .......... this sonata of Beethoven?
a.) of b.) to c.) with d.) from
32.) If you earn a good salary, you can be independent .......... your parents.
a.) for b.) to c.) of d.) by
33.) Ottawa is .......... Canada.
a.) with b.) on c.) to d.) in
34.) A bird .......... the hand is worth two .......... the bush.
a.) on - on b.) on - in c.) in - in d.) in – on
35.) There are many others .......... me who disagree on what you say.
a.) with b.) besides c.) to d.) as
36.) When were you released .......... prison?
a.) at b.) into c.) fromd.) out of
37.) Who is not for me is .......... me.
a.) towards b.) against c.) with d.) along
38.) There's nothing .......... exercises for making you warm.
a.) like b.) in c.) for d.) about
39.) I have not done my exercise .......... now.
a.) till b.) since c.) for d.) at
40.) These facts may be familiar .......... you.
a.) with b.) about c.) to d.) into
41.) .......... the most part, his explanations are quite easy to understand.
a.) For b.) Through c.) With d.) Toward
42.) He put the book .......... the take and sat down .......... a chair.
a.) on - in b.) on - with c.) on - on d.) on - into
43.) He walked .......... the room .......... which we were sitting.
a.) in - in b.) in - for c.) into - in d.) into - from
44.) The doctor cured me .......... my illness.
a.) for b.) of c.) with d.) at
45.) What do you know .......... him?
a.) to b.) about c.) with d.) for
46.) .......... all my care, it was broken.
a.) Before b.) After c.) To d.) With
47.) Life is just one trouble .......... another.
a.) to b.) for c.) after d.) against
48.) Did Mr. Kennedy park his car .......... front .......... our house?
a.) at - of b.) in - to c.) with - to d.) in - of
49.) Did they ask .......... me?
a.) at b.) to c.) before d.) after
50.) An accident has happened .......... that family.
a.) to b.) with c.) against d.) for
51.) It looks better .......... a distance.
a.) to b.) for c.) at d.) but
52.) She was engaged .......... him for ten months before they got married.
a.) to b.) with c.) for d.) by
53.) What did Mr. Brown die ..........?
a.) with b.) by c.) in d.) of
54.) She took me .......... my brother.
a.) by b.) for c.) to d.) with
55.) It is .......... three o'clock; it is nearly a quarter past three.
a.) about b.) at c.) past d.) around
56.) She gave some advice .......... her brother.
a.) to b.) for c.) with d.) all are correct
57.) He was brought .......... the judge.
a.) to b.) with c.) before d.) for
58.) The government must care .......... the families of invalid soldiers.
a.) about b.) for c.) to d.) at
59.) They like to sit .......... the fire.
a.) by b.) on c.) for d.) with
60.) I cannot do it .......... you.
a.) as b.) like c.) by d.) through
61.) .......... one enemy he has 50 friends.
a.) With b.) To c.) For d.) Through
62.) Mary married a wealthy man. She got married .......... him last June.
a.) by b.) for c.) about d.) to
63.) There were .......... 100 people at the meeting.
a.) up b.) on c.) upon d .) above
64.) William is big .......... his age.
a.) with b.) for c.) by d) through
65.) The god jumped .......... the table.
a.) through b.) over c.) out of d.) past
66.) He didn't dare to say it .......... my face.
a.) on b.) with c.) in d.) to
67.) .......... general, that is true. However, there are many exceptions.
a.) On b.) In c.) By d.) Through
68.) Can you recommend me a good book .......... life in the sixteenth century?
a.) of b.) about c.) in d.) from
69.) He is a friend .......... mine.
a.) with b.) in c.) of d) to
70.) He is a man .......... action.
a.) of b.) with c.) for d.) about
71.) The dog ran .......... the house.
a.) into b.) in c.) for d.) across
72.) She was offended .......... my remark at the meeting yesterday.
a.) at b.) by c.) with d.) at and by are correct
73.) That car costs .......... $2,000.
a.) for b.) above c.) at d.) all are correct
74.) He is looking .......... his glasses.
a.) after b.) for c.) into d.) by
75.) He read that .......... a book.
a.) at b.) from c.) to d.) in
76.) Someone left a box in the garden and I fell .......... it in the dark.
a.) into b.) by c.) off d.) over
77.) Let's drink .......... his success.
a.) in b.) to c.) into d.) for
78.) Shut the door .......... you.
a.) for b.) after c.) with d.) into
79.) He turned his back .......... her.
a.) beside b.) next to c.) by d.) on
80.) He is a man .......... his forties.
a.) on b.) about c.) to d.) in
81.) He is .......... royal blood.
a.) for b.) in c.) of d.) with
82.) I don't think that I'm acquainted .......... him
a.) with b.) to c.) by d.) for
83.) Professor Moore called my attention .......... that particular mistake.
a.) about b.) with c.) by d.) to
84.) Share these sweets .......... the five children and see that each one gets a fair share
a.) to b.) between c.) for d.) among
85.) I'll try to pay you the money the week .......... next.
a.) before b.) for c.) after d.) no preposition needed
86.) Bien Hoa is secured .......... floods.
a.) by b.) to c.) from d.) for
87.) She saw a butterfly .......... the window.
a.) across b.) in c.) into d.) through
88.) They live .......... rice.
a.) with b.) on c.) by d.) for
89.) Stand .......... front of me you will see better; there will be nothing .......... the way of your view.
a.) at - in b.) in - of c.) in - in d.) in - at
90.) He aimed .......... the tiger.
a.) for b.) at c.) with d.) to
91.) In boxing it is a foul to hit .......... the belt.
a.) above b.) over c.) below d.) down
92.) You must settle the matter .......... yourselves.
a.) with b.) in c.) into d.) among
93.) He spoke .......... a whisper.
a.) in b.) into c.) like d.) with
94.) He was ill .......... fever.
a.) to b.) in c.) with d.) for
95.) I came on Monday at ten o'clock .......... the morning.
a.) from b.) in c.) at d.) for
96.) I took him .......... the hand.
a.) with b.) at c.) by d.) to
97.) He made himself pleasant .......... visitors.
a.) with b.) by c.) to d.) for
98.) He stayed home .......... the rain.
a.) because b.) because of c.) for d.) against
99.) I really respect that man .......... his honesty.
a.) by b.) about c.) with d.) for
100.) There is not much correspondence .......... his ideal and
a.) in b.) among c.) between d.) at
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