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Green Logistics Literature Review: Why It's So Challenging

Writing a literature review on green logistics can be an arduous task. It requires extensive research,
critical analysis, and the ability to synthesize complex information from various sources. Green
logistics, a burgeoning field at the intersection of environmental sustainability and supply chain
management, demands a comprehensive understanding of both theoretical frameworks and practical

The challenges lie not only in accessing relevant literature but also in discerning the most credible
and impactful studies amidst a vast sea of information. Moreover, synthesizing diverse viewpoints
and findings into a coherent narrative requires a keen analytical mind and adept writing skills.

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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(1):261. This
implementation has resulted in minimization of cost up to a percentage of thirteen (13%) of the
overall related environmental and economic costs to actual status in the test sites (Islam, 2020).
The consumption of basic goods as beverages, cleaning products, and fast-moving items, as well as
the rapidly growing population in the world, presents a considerable problem in distribution planning
worldwide. The study of Hazen et al. (2011) suggested that “consumers view products made with
recycled materials to be of similar quality to that of commensurate new products” (p.382). Peer-
reviewed articles disclose that environmental problems’ social and political perception affects
appliance effectiveness for strategies like green logistics. Transport packaging also leads to cost-
saving through the reduction of the cost of waste disposal and raw materials, handling and storage
cost, and costs to be used when complying with regulations. The year publication trend, journal
allocation and the most cited articles were described. None of the organizations published more than
10 papers (3% of 306) and the studies were relatively independent. Also in the green logistic, there is
a green design. Such studies are based on real companies’ experiences and show that many factors
influence their ecological solutions. Technologies that are popularly and widely embraced throughout
the world today include geothermal, wind, hydro, and solar. The outcome is a reduction of
environmental impacts and low transportation expenses. Ren, Rui, Wanjie Hu, Jianjun Dong, Bo
Sun, Yicun Chen, and Zhilong Chen. Mapping of the influential documents and their co-citation
relationship. Conclusion In conclusion, even though it might take some days before most companies
adopt the ideas of green logistics fully, the present trend is promising. Journal of Experimental and
Theoretical Analyses (JETA). Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view.
As shown in Figure 4, among the 12,408 references (corresponding to 2349 different journals), a
network of 46 items and 1025 links was formed by identifying the journals that had been cited more
than 50 times. Most of the time it is somehow difficult for entities stakeholders to identify and to
know what they need in the business. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for this round focused on
whether the document was consistent with the research topic, i.e., with green logistics initiatives,
practices. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, in press. The researchers assessed the
relationship between the government’s financial demands and the UK’s green logistics operation
performance. However, many paradoxes are arising from greener logistic systems, making it hard for
companies to implement the concept. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about
MDPI. In particular, the following topics were excluded: (i) green design on the specialized logistics
technology e.g., biomass and biofuel; (ii) business competition and (iii) offshoring and lean
production. Science mapping approach is composed of data mining and bibliographic analysis, which
can minimize subjective arbitrariness and grasp useful information to facilitate in-depth thematic
analysis. However, it takes a lot of time for some innovative technologies that can fundamentally
improve the negative effects of logistics to move from laboratory to application. In real-world
application, improving RL sustainability and greening process is the primary goal to optimize the
overall supply chain performance. Indeed, countries are working to create all the conditions for the
preservation and protection of the environment, and green logistics is one way to achieve the course.
However, to acquire preventive measures in different countries, there must be various strategies. Eco-
friendly criteria can be included when assessing the supplies proposals. Studies on management,
model and green supply chains had been published extensively before 2005 and had been going for a
long time, showing that these early topics are still the hotspots of current research.
Also, an efficient transportation system will culminate inefficient logistics. A Systematic Literature
Review of Green and Sustainable Logistics: Bibliometric Analysis, Research Trend and Knowledge
Taxonomy. Therein, two communities are leaded by European counties, such as UK, Spain, The
Netherlands, and Italy, while the other two communities are “Mainland China-Hong Kong-
Singapore” and “United States-India-Australia-Portugal-Taiwan”, dominated by China and USA,
respectively. Therefore, in most scenarios, firms that have just in time (JIT) strategies might be in a
disadvantaged position. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers
instead of page numbers. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Conclusion In
conclusion, even though it might take some days before most companies adopt the ideas of green
logistics fully, the present trend is promising. Consequently, the modernization of logistics has made
the number of stock stored in warehouses to shrink drastically. Countries are highly participating in
the research of green logistics as an exploration topic. The International Journal of Logistics
Management, 22 (3), 373-389. The green logistics issues have been widely discussed in peer-
reviewed articles, and scientists have already examined research data from many studies. Download
and stream more than 10,000 movies, e-books. Barbie - Brand Strategy Presentation Barbie - Brand
Strategy Presentation Good Stuff Happens in 1:1 Meetings: Why you need them and how to do
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Introduction to C Programming Language Introduction to C Programming Language The Pixar Way:
37 Quotes on Developing and Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. What are the solutions for the
challenges affecting green logistics in the world. Green technology includes renewable energy, air
purification, water purification, sewage treatment, and environmental remediation. The scientist
discovered that public investment in low-emission transport could encourage society to act and
decrease ecological damage. Green Logistics analyzes the environmental consequences of logistics
and how. At the present moment, companies are adopting different mechanisms of decreasing the
negative impacts of their supply chain on the wellbeing and stability of the environment. Each term
is arranged in chronological order to present the trend and interaction of keywords. Then, the
bibliographic networks of countries, organizations, journal and document co-citations, keyword co-
occurrence and timezone clusters of research themes were visualized to help understand the overall
research status and academic progress worldwide. Consequently, many companies have rapidly
expanded and customers have developed an eagerness to only deal with green products. Second, the
international collaboration is not significant. Scientists study industrial cases, examine the
alternatives to damaging substances, and evaluate different optimization strategies to find the
solution for worldwide sustainable development. The timezone view of keywords showed that
articles related to collaboration, transportation planning, modal shift and stakeholder were largely
published during the recent years. Integrating freight practices into the overall planning procedure or
transport designing is also important for the implementation of green logistics. Ren et al. (2019)
proposed two strategies for initiating green logistics. A large amount of practical achievement was
made at both the industrial and theoretical levels. Mapping of global collaboration network among
organizations. There are increased chances of fixing GPS in vehicles to guide drivers in using the
shortest routes possible, thereby avoiding more traffic and increased hours of emissions. In most
organizations, green sourcing ideally means that they have purchased all the items and manufacturing
materials required for the smooth running of business free from pollution (Sharma et al., 2017). This
green supply mostly creates positive impacts on the environment; for instance, pollution minimization.
Additionally, most of the data from these nations were published in the last three years, meaning that
they are playing an important and active role in promoting green logistics. Pressure from customers,
stakeholders, legislation and environmental organizations have pushed companies to be mo.
Governments also require embracing the approach completely by enacting laws to govern all
transport systems after broad consultations with the concerned partners. However, to acquire
preventive measures in different countries, there must be various strategies. Ren, R.; Hu, W.; Dong,
J.; Sun, B.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Z. Reuse can be done through the use of pallets and containers, thus
reducing business waste. The topic has made environmental experts expect a promising development
as well as a suitable way of managing and accessing the processes of the supply chain. Rehan Ayyaz
Ahmad Environmental Science, Business Frontiers in Psychology 2022 The rising environmental
challenges are capturing the attention of stakeholders of corporations due to increasing competition.
Green logistics can solve environmental problems humanity experiences today, such as climate
change consequent from carbon emission and air pollution. Green logistics application in transport is
due to its tendency to reduce energy consumption and emission. Paper should be a substantial
original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for. Discussion
of New Solutions to the Problem Countries need to execute green logistic measures to keep pace
with environmental integrity demands. The problems such as high taxes, lack of governmental
support, the economic instability of regions, and vehicles producers’ unawareness of the severe
ecological ramifications have to be studied and evaluated to find the optimal solutions. Beamon
Business, Engineering 1998 2,123 PDF 1 Excerpt Save Policy insights from a green supply chain
optimisation model B. Countries have also implemented information and communication
technologies in green logistics. Stakeholders and partners such as society, customers, the
government, and other partnering firms currently demand that there must be the establishment of
several regulations to stop businesses from being irresponsible. Lastly, most of the green logistics
studies examine the environmental harm in general, and only a few research papers are dedicated to
certain damaging factors as carbon emission. The introduction of a new thing does require a long
period of demonstration, such as the reliability of the technology, the acceptability of the market and
the ambiguity of the real benefits. The network across co-authored organizations and countries
revealed that the collaboration among different research communities is not strong. The United States
and Mainland China have become the leading nations in publication and citation of the field of
green logistics. Research Questions The research was guided by the following study questions: What
is the status of green logistics in the world. For better exercise, one must use pure and clean water
from water purifiers. At the same time, environmental sustainability has risen to be the top agenda as
the primary driver of innovation. It focuses on design, planning and control in a supply chain for
transportation, inventory of products and facility decisions. Most of the time it is somehow difficult
for entities stakeholders to identify and to know what they need in the business. As shown in Figure
3, the top 15 journals contributed 155 papers, accounting for 51% of the total. Springer, Cham.
Download citation.RIS.ENW.BIB DOI: Published: 12 May 2015. Secondly, the lack of case studies
about the world’s biggest supply chains’ sustainability solution leads to smaller companies making
unnecessary mistakes in pursuing ecological decisions. Most companies across the world have
discovered the advantages of green warehousing in logistic operations and have implemented them
in the supply chain process (Sharma et al., 2017). The aim of implementing these practices in the
manufacturing industry is to minimize environmental pollutions, carbon consumption as well as
production cost. In most organizations, green sourcing ideally means that they have purchased all the
items and manufacturing materials required for the smooth running of business free from pollution
(Sharma et al., 2017). This green supply mostly creates positive impacts on the environment; for
instance, pollution minimization.
The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on Developing and Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. Hence, to some
extent, green logistics affect consumers’ willingness to pay more for greener products. At this time,
the standard logistic infrastructure had severe impacts on the environment as the levels of accidents,
climate change, traffic jams, air, and noise pollutions were very high. Download and stream more
than 10,000 movies, e-books. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD). The
process needs to minimize severe impacts and damages to the environment. Therefore, in most
scenarios, firms that have just in time (JIT) strategies might be in a disadvantaged position. However,
it takes a lot of time for some innovative technologies that can fundamentally improve the negative
effects of logistics to move from laboratory to application. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI
in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. There is ideally no payment of fuel when using technology
that procreates power from wind, steam, or even sun (Aktas et al., 2018). Renewable energy also
has environmental and many health benefits. Springer, Cham. Download citation.RIS.ENW.BIB
DOI: Published: 12 May 2015. A Systematic Literature Review of Green and Sustainable Logistics:
Bibliometric Analysis, Research Trend and Knowledge Taxonomy. ISPRS International Journal of
Geo-Information (IJGI). Green logistics is the concept that started back in the 1980s when the idea
of advanced technology began. Lastly, most of the green logistics studies examine the environmental
harm in general, and only a few research papers are dedicated to certain damaging factors as carbon
emission. Indeed, several enterprises find it demanding to exploit information and communication
supply technologies, strategic development, and inclusive services leading to crises besides trade and
economic constraints. Green logistics include valuable strategies that can decrease people’s ecological
impact without affecting the world’s economic growth. Worldwide, most companies are facing
challenges in implementing environmental policies mostly on the side of logistics. However, as noted
in the literature, Russia has recognized the importance of making marketing moves of local solutions
or projects utilizing green products. Conclusion In conclusion, even though it might take some days
before most companies adopt the ideas of green logistics fully, the present trend is promising. Then,
the second-round selection was carried out by carefully reading the abstract of each document. The
editors have added new material on e-business, e-logistics and the environment and new chapters on
green performance and environmental reporting, nature-inspired network design for distributed
logistics, green logistics developments in different parts of the world and future scenarios for green
logistics. During people’s daily activities, the bodies get tired and sluggish and as a result,
individuals need to take water for refreshment of body tissues. The research containing economic
data and policies helps scientists investigate if green logistics can be established at the legislative
level. Introducing the chapters of the book and their interrelationships provide a broad overview of
the topics covered. Report this Document Download now Save Save Operations Research for Green
Logistics For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 47 views 9 pages Operations
Research For Green Logistics Uploaded by Adrian Serrano Hernandez AI-enhanced title and
description Operations Research has a long tradition in improving operations and especially in
reducing costs. Green logistics can solve environmental problems humanity experiences today, such
as climate change consequent from carbon emission and air pollution. Thus, to some point, adopting
green logistics become challenging. Four scientometric tests were carried out in step 2, namely (i)
Journal co-citation analysis: to identify the most cited journals and the research domains they belong
to. These records were imported into EndNote software for the first-round inspection to filter out
duplicates and unqualified records in forms (e.g., article length and integrity).
For more information on the journal statistics, click here. A novel reverse logistics network design
considering multi-level investments for facility reconstruction with environmental considerations.
Asia is the region with a significant logistics role, as many supply chains include shipments from its
countries. Besides, sustainability and green are public and social issues. If you use an assignment
from StudyCorgi website, it should be referenced accordingly. The transport packaging approach
which is more sustainable attracts more customers who value environmental responsibility as it will
reflect a good image of the business. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article
numbers instead of page numbers. Science mapping approach is composed of data mining and
bibliographic analysis, which can minimize subjective arbitrariness and grasp useful information to
facilitate in-depth thematic analysis. Currently, many countries across the world have developed a
two-stage method that is used to integrate the operational and tactical decision level to reduce the
environmental and economic impacts of transport operations. The transportation expenses can be
counted into the end price of a product which consumers will buy if they know that its
manufacturing is ecology-friendly. Expand 374 Highly Influential PDF 7 Excerpts Save An analysis
of environmental management, organizational context and performance of Spanish hotels M.J
Alvarez Gil J. Burgos Jimenez J.J Cespedes Lorente Environmental Science, Business 2001 579 Save
Green supply chain management approaches: drivers and performance implications Elcio M. The
greenhouse gas emissions related to transportation can be decreased by instigating alternatives for
the industry important worldwide, for example, packaging. This is as a result of various causes such
as last-mile deliveries, which impact mostly urban traffics, lack of supportive infrastructure, and
greater use of fossil fuel, especially in the transport sector. Rydell Alexander Vestin Maria Ibarra
Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar's Logo Figure 1 of 2 Stay Connected With Semantic Scholar
Sign Up What Is Semantic Scholar. Conclusion In conclusion, even though it might take some days
before most companies adopt the ideas of green logistics fully, the present trend is promising. The
top 15 most cited papers are presented in Table 3, showing their publication year, title, TLS, citation
counts and topics. In the visualized networks, a node signifies a particular bibliographic item, such
as organization, country, keyword or reference, etc. Green logistics programs face obstacles in
governance, routing design, transportation requirements, social awareness, and product costs. Each
term is arranged in chronological order to present the trend and interaction of keywords. This
research’s literature review includes a description of sources studying the subject based on countries
like China and the UK and manufacturers such as pharmacy and packaging. Conflicts of Interest The
authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest to this work. This means that there is no
emission of carbon footprints, hence leading to positive effects on the environment. Green
technology, environmental science, electronic devices, and environmental monitoring are increasingly
being applied in conserving the natural environment, thus keeping it free from contamination. Feature
papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and
must receive. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI). Note that from the first issue
of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. China is a crucial country for
many businesses; however, not all of these companies offer ecology-friendly transporting solutions,
and Chinese legislation does not include particular laws to manage it. The metric, total link strength
(TLS), is outputted automatically by the software to reflect the correlation degree between any two
nodes in the generated networks. The problems such as high taxes, lack of governmental support, the
economic instability of regions, and vehicles producers’ unawareness of the severe ecological
ramifications have to be studied and evaluated to find the optimal solutions. Technologies that are
popularly and widely embraced throughout the world today include geothermal, wind, hydro, and
The study of Khan et al. (2019) connected global logistics operations with economic, social, and
environmental factors of Asian countries to examine how they promote green supply logistics
operations. For example, due to the many negative impacts that the transport and logistics firms have
on the health of the environment, the Copenhagen, Kyoto, and Rio conventions identified strategies
that organizations in the transport industry should observe. Logistical ecosystem management
systems involve allowing industries to manage the industrial processes by exception. At present
times, many firms have already undertaken a co-operative system of using electric cars with the
target of achieving less traffic in cities and promoting a greener environment. A nation like Russia
burns about 1.2 to 1.5 million tons of lubricant and 110 to 115 million tons of fuel yearly (Albekov et
al., 2017). The burn of these lubricants and fuel combined with other pollutants including crankcase
gases, coolants, as well as operational materials contribute to a highly polluted environment.
Mainland China has the most publications, but the United States has the highest total citation. A
large amount of practical achievement was made at both the industrial and theoretical levels.
International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP). Paper should be a
substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for.
The transport sectors should focus more on the chemical supply chain. The green logistics issues have
been widely discussed in peer-reviewed articles, and scientists have already examined research data
from many studies. These pollutants are risky to human health as they can cause cardiac and
respiratory issues. In real-world application, improving RL sustainability and greening process is the
primary goal to optimize the overall supply chain performance. This research’s literature review
includes a description of sources studying the subject based on countries like China and the UK and
manufacturers such as pharmacy and packaging. Also, an efficient transportation system will
culminate inefficient logistics. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as
expected without javascript enabled. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health, 17 (1), 261. Please use the “ Donate your paper ” form to submit an essay. Multiple requests
from the same IP address are counted as one view. Four scientometric tests were carried out in step
2, namely (i) Journal co-citation analysis: to identify the most cited journals and the research domains
they belong to. Worldwide, most companies are facing challenges in implementing environmental
policies mostly on the side of logistics. This new edition introduces new contributors and
international case studies, includes downloadable. Thus, such processes force the administration
teams to be on their toes, particularly when dealing with environmental problems and avoiding
validities that might be harmful to such firms (Ren et al., 2020). The establishment and
implementation of green logistic processes are usually performed at four different levels. For
instance, renewable energy cannot be exhausted as the technologies employ resources that are direct
from the environment in the generation of power. To determine challenges impacting the application
of green logistics. It is essential to keep in mind that the same standards are mostly concerned with
environmental perceptions but not the performance point of view. However, the process only focused
on solving problems related to the supply chain by following environmental policies. The approaches
of green logistics were established to ensure the mitigation of sustainability issues. For more
information on the journal statistics, click here.

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