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TEEL Paragraph Assessment Task

Responding to one of the following prompts, write one TEEL paragraph of approx. 250-300
words. You must use 2 to 3 pieces of evidence from the novel. Refer to the novel as evidence to
support your thinking and include quotations (use the Quote Star).

1. As the story progresses, some of the characters grow and develop in many ways
through their experiences. Select a character who has grown and developed. Explain
how the character has developed and what events and experiences lead to this
change/these changes.

2. One of the issues this novel explores is racism and the fact that time does not resolve
the issue. Discuss.

3. Sadie says to Lachie, “This land belonged to his people, way before your family got here!”
How does the novel deal with the concept of land and heritage? Discuss.

4. Kate Constable explores the theme of belonging in the novel Crow Country. Discuss.

5. Crow Country is a novel about the struggle between remembering and forgetting.

Guidelines for Writing TEEL Paragraphs

Read the guidelines below and follow them carefully.

1. Before choosing one of the essay topics, think about some of the ideas you could
include in each of them. Which of the topics interests you most, and which topic will you
be able to explore in the greatest depth?
2. Brainstorm and list ideas related to the topic.
3. Choose the best idea and develop and decide what evidence from the novel you will use
to support your idea.

DOs and DON’Ts

● The response should show your knowledge and depth of understanding of the text.
Think about the key messages of the story. Think carefully about each character and
how their character grows and changes in the novel. Consider the main events and
themes of the story, and how the characters are portrayed in the different situations and
affected by the different events.

● Use synonyms for the keywords of the question you have been asked to discuss in your
topic sentence.

● A quote that you choose to support your ideas should be a couple of words, a phrase
(part of a sentence), or a short sentence. Do not write out speeches or several sentences
as a quote – pick out the bit that is the most relevant to the point you are making.

● Put quotations in quotation marks.

● Quotations should link in your writing and not be written as separate sentences.

● Write in the present tense.

● Do not write phrases such as “I think…”, “I believe…”, “You know…” This is informal
Do not use “‘I”’ anywhere in your essay. Do not write in the first person. You are writing
objectively and analytically - use the third person.

● Do not hypothesise about what might have happened if things were different or if a
character had done something differently. Stick to what actually happens in the story.

Sentence Starters
In the novel, Crow Country, Kate Constable examines the idea…
Crow Country is a novel that deals with/explores the theme of…
Through the novel Crow Country, the reader begins to understand…
The character of [...] demonstrates that…
Sadie is a young girl who finds herself in…
Sadie is a young girl who slips back in time and witnesses…
This is evident when…
Constable demonstrates/suggests/highlights…
At the beginning of the novel…
Boort is a place where…
Clarry is presented as a person who…

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