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Title: Mastering the Challenge of Crafting a Comprehensive Electronic Voting Literature Review

Welcome to our platform, where we understand the intricate task of composing a literature review on
electronic voting systems. Crafting a literature review demands meticulous research, critical analysis,
and adept synthesis of existing scholarly works. Undoubtedly, this task poses a significant challenge
to many researchers and students alike.

The complexity of the electronic voting landscape necessitates a thorough understanding of its
multifaceted aspects, ranging from technical intricacies to socio-political implications. Moreover,
keeping abreast of the rapidly evolving technologies and debates surrounding electronic voting adds
another layer of difficulty to the process.

From identifying relevant sources to synthesizing divergent perspectives, every step in the literature
review journey requires careful attention and expertise. Navigating through the vast sea of academic
papers, reports, and articles demands time, patience, and a discerning eye to discern credible sources
from mere conjecture.

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But how those votes are counted is everyone’s business. A year later, the College of Business
Administration, the College of Mass Communication, and the School of Library and Information
Science also adopted the system. This small device fits discreetly in a shirt pocket. India’s EVM is a
standalone device not connected to any network. What part or parts of the event did you find useful.
In an election context, “end-to-end” refers to the flow of ballot data through the entirety of the
voting process and to the idea that the data may be verified at multiple stages in the voting process.
You enter the text simply by typing it on the keyboard, while the. Any such installation, including
the installation of election-specific software and data via removable media, can completely change
the behavior of the terminal. To protect the secrecy of the vote at all stages of the voting process.
With an intent to have fullest transparency in the system and to restore the confidence of the voters,
it is necessary to set up EVMs with VVPAT system because vote is nothing but an act of expression
which has immense importance in democratic system.”. This factor as well as the size of
constituency must be taken into account while deciding the statistically significant sample size of
EVMs for which hand counting of paper slips should be done. Still, security and other technological
issues have not been resolved to the satisfaction of most experts. Observation; one will observe that
content of the selected file is. The central station compiles and publishes the names of winners and
losers through television and radio stations. Those with lower incomes and who live in rural areas are
at a disadvantage. This method involves casting a ballot via the internet from a remote location, such
as home, work or perhaps overseas. A consensus algorithm is used to reach an agreement on
blockchain data that is fault-tolerant in the presence of malicious actors. Chiazor, I. k. N.(2008).
Design and implement of a hospital. However, it is useful to consider the following list of some of
the end-user functionalities that such systems can provide to both voters and election officials. The
most widely used approach to this is based on objective and uniform standards for counting votes. In
many cases it is argued that blank votes are cast by voters who are unhappy with the election or with
the system itself, or by voters who are truly indifferent to the options available because of lack of
knowledge or because none of the options match the preferences of the voter. Vandalism of e-Voting
systems makes it unusable for Election Day. Yet it is the contents of that invisible, impermanent, and
unverified computer memory that are used to total up the votes. This Policy Paper outlines contextual
factors that can influence the success of e-voting solutions and highlights the importance of
considering these factors before choosing to introduce new voting technologies. However, some
election technology vendors can retrofit equipment with VVPAT printers. Generally, OMR systems
cost less than DREs and may put less strain on EMBs in terms of sustainability of the systems. On
the other hand, these systems entail significant focus on details such as ballot design, type of ink
used, paper stock thickness and other factors that may inhibit the ability of OMR machines to
accurately count votes. While in 2000, for example, 47 percent of respondents report being likely to
vote on-line, in 2008, interest rose to 54 percent of respondents. The more complex the software, the
more difficult it is to find and fix bugs. Scalability analysis of famous blockchain platforms. This
decision was taken by the Dutch council in 2008 after people questioned the authenticity of the
voting machines.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology recently installed a new voting software library
to address this problem, but it’s unclear whether it will work in practice. Although even the added
value of these seals is questionable, as they can be defeated with widely available tools, there was
another problem: there was no procedure for how to act if a seal would be found damaged. EVMs
are being used in 20 countries, with six of these countries still piloting the technology. These
shortcomings are important, as they are very difficult or impossible to mitigate without redesigning
important parts of the system. Similar weaknesses exist for end-to-end encryption between voters
and election authorities. The electronic voting machines are intended both to reduce errors and to
speed up the counting process. Associate Professor Tracey Bretag: Contract cheating implications for
Teachin. See how Town of Wenham used the TownVOTE software to show how each individual
voted. A total of 4 ballot units can be linked to accommodate 64 candidates from a single
constituency. Worse, cryptography can prevent meaningful independent technological audits of
voting equipment when encryption obfuscates the auditable data. Contact card has to contact with
card reader for transmitting data, but. The new Voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) system
could also be interfaced with the ASIC based design. Electoral fraud undermines public trust in
democratic institutions creating political instability, and may affect long-term growth. The Myers
Automatic Booth Lever Voting Machine, designed by Jacob H. Sometimes the ballots themselves are
numbered, making the vote trackable. Internet voting generally takes place in an unsupervised,
remote location, from any computer that has Internet access, such as a voter’s home or work. Now
that one have saved the document, you simply type with. And, once entered, information can never
be erased. This is done with a USB smartcard reader and an Estonian National ID card. The voter
selects one layer to destroy at the poll. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that this effect is stronger in
states where large proportion of legislators have criminal records. The attacks were discovered
through direct experimentation with the voting terminal and without access to any internal
documentation or the source code from the manufacturer. Professor Aviel Rubin, the computer
security expert who headed the Johns Hopkins team that wrote the first report revealing the
insecurity of Diebold software, has stated publicly that no examination of software of the size and
complexity of voting systems can guarantee that the software does not contain fraudulent parts. Two
of these, precinct internet voting and polling place internet voting involve voting online at a polling
station, the former occurs at an individual’s designated polling location whereas the later takes places
at any polling place. They have also made modifications to the code-based Niederreiter algorithm to
make it more resistant to quantum assaults. I have given Meridia’s information out to several other
communities and would highly recommend their system for any live voting event. The question is
what drives governments to initiate the adoption of a system that arguably is not better than the one
it replaces. Subscribe to receive a welcome discount for your next order. The machine does not
receive any signal from outside at any time. The design presented here follows a GSM based
approach to send the polling results to a base station via mobile network.
Since, software is based on OTP the program cannot be altered, re-written or Re-read. International
Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP). Therefore, many technologists have
suggested that remote poll-site electronic voting, where the voter can vote at any poll-site seems to
be the best step forward as it meets all requirements including convenience without compromising
with security aspect in electoral process. Furthermore, in the end, Section 10 concludes this survey.
2. Background The first things that come to mind about the blockchain are cryptocurrencies and
smart contracts because of the well-known initiatives in Bitcoin and Ethereum. When all piles are
counted and the results agree, the result is certified and transmitted for central tabulation. Every
component of such distributed electronic system is susceptible to attacks, both external attacks and
insider attacks. Generally, buying DRE units is more expensive than buying optical scan systems. For
a broad picture, consider the comparison that was made in 2001 of the costs of purchasing new
voting equipment for local election jurisdictions based on three types of equipment: central-count
optical scan equipment, precinct-count optical scan equipment, and touchscreen DRE units. A
blockchain, initially a chain of blocks, is a growing list of blocks combined with cryptographic
connections. Several states continue to use ballot papers, while others have shifted to electronic
voting. The only solution for securing electronic voting against the conditions of security, anonymity,
and verifiability appears to be through using advanced security and cryptographic tools. Such a
system may be used for recounts in areas where mechanical or automated counting systems are used.
Thompson, T.K. (1975). Computer organization practice in E-voting. Saboteur can remove network
connections and pull the plug on e-Voting systems causing lost votes. This worked out to just 182
out of 50,128 polling stations (or 0.36 per cent of the EVMs) in Gujarat; to just 68 out of 7,521
polling stations (or 0.90 per cent of the EVMs) in Himachal Pradesh; and to just 224 out of 56,696
polling stations (or 0.40 per cent of the EVMs) in Karnataka. Available online: (accessed on 28 July
2020). Prashar, D.; Jha, N.; Jha, S.; Joshi, G.; Seo, C. Integrating IOT and blockchain for ensuring
road safety: An unconventional approach. Further these machines are not networked either by wire
or by wireless to any other machine or system. Question is considered when selecting the best
system:-. Each transaction in the public ledger is verified by consensus of a majority of the
participants in the system. The right to vote freely for the candidate of one’s choice is of the essence
of a democratic society. More importantly, breaking the link between voter and vote means that the
examination of an e-voting system after an election cannot prove directly that every vote was indeed
counted and tallied as cast. Blockchain for Electronic Voting System—Review and Open Research
Challenges. Sensors. 2021; 21(17):5874. However, smartphones are frequently connected to their
owners’ computers, and an attacker could choose to only modify a vote if an associated smartphone
has also been infected. The variety of technologies used makes it difficult to easily categorize them.
OluwaGbenga Senior Web Application Developer at POCKETBOOK NIG. Europe and North
America can be seen as moving away from the use of EVMs, while South America and Asia show
increasing interest in using electronic voting technologies. However, the opportunities for fraud
provided by electronic voting machines surpass all the opportunities available previously. Some
systems produced print-outs with bar codes or QR-codes instead of a traditional paper ballot. There
are many ways that an attacker could spoof a legitimate site vote. However, a voting session is
typically initiated through the use of an activation card. Following endorsement, these standards
apply universally to all countries throughout the electoral cycle, including during the pre-electoral
period, the campaign, on polling day, and in its aftermath.
Software such as Sammaty come under GNU GPL, which means their source code is publicly
available and hence transparent. The ASIC based design is known to be faster than a microcontroller-
based design. The benefit of the secret ballot is that it ensures that there is no undue pressure once
the voter is voting and that there can be no retaliation against the voter for the vote they cast. It will
be the responsibility of the states and vendors to determine the best means of creating public trust.
They are not taken into account for calculating the total valid votes and will not be considered for
determining the forfeiture of deposit. The Electoral Commission suspended the implementation of
electronic voting in 2008. It adds so much clarity to the meetings, and it saves a lot of time over any
voting confusion. Do you want to make voting easier and more manageable. Voting rights have been
revised and extended by four constitutional amendments and several judicial and legislative actions.
The proliferation of electronic election services has the power, some say, to alter the nature of
electoral participation by causing more electors to vote alone instead of at a polling place with
others. Conducting secure and credible Internet elections will require substantial scientific advances.
Unlike the first category, which replaced hardware components with dishonest look-alikes, this
category involves only the temporary application of new hardware. Counties in those states also
extended poll hours to make up for delays. The primary reason for expanding the use of technology
in the electoral process is the desire to overcome the limitations of conventional voting systems. The
main reason for finding alternative to paper ballot and manual counting is exclusion of so-called
invalid votes. However, the practical development of this idea is still questionable. Bea Veulemans -
Learning path of implementing inquiry based teaching and its. As a result, Suarez was forced to step
down after 111 days in office. Comparison of selected electronic voting schemes based on
blockchain. The objective of this project is to overcome the drawbacks of conventional voting
systems. Nowadays GSM (Global System For Mobile Communication) is one of the most widely
used communication technology. Whenever a vote is cast by the voter, the vote is encrypted with the
public key of the electoral committee. As further research is required, we are not entirely aware of all
the risks connected with the security and scalability of blockchain-based electronic voting systems.
Adopting blockchain voting methods may expose users to unforeseen security risks and flaws. There
are essentially two ways to load a voting terminal with an initial election configuration: via some
removable media, such as a flash memory card, or over a network connection. In addition, reasons
for not voting, such as illness, absence from the country or constituency, and missing registration
information (including poll location), could potentially be remedied with an available remote Internet
voting option. In the design and development process, a critical factor is the quality of the specified
system requirements as embodied in applicable standards or guidance. In other words although
election results are not transmitted through the internet to avoid online hackers, transmission via
direct modem is not guaranteed safe either, especially when encryption and verification systems are
not sufficient because telephone transmission systems themselves are connected to the internet.
System software performs tests like transferring date from memory to. Bearing in mind the fact that
many voters do not check their receipts, as well as possible mistakes in the manual recount and the
need to resolve discrepancies between the electronic count and the paper count, paper trails are not a
perfect solution for guaranteeing accurate and transparent elections. This technique leads to
erroneous selections due to the central authority’s dishonesty (election commission), which is
difficult to rectify using existing methods. Whether electronic voting systems are fair may not even
matter; it is the public perception that is crucial. This new voting scheme is based on SMS. SMS is a
key future of the second generation(2G) mobile.
Two of e-voting systems critical confidentiality approaches are preserving ballot secrecy and banning
voters’ coercion. The design and implementation ignored basic security principles, and they found
serious security vulnerabilities in all three vendors’ systems. The security flaws were systemic and
surprisingly similar across the three systems. It is important to have additional bandwidth to handle
the traffic and some voting systems. Also crucial are its paper receipts which, while not revealing
how a vote was cast, and so inhibiting vote buying and intimidation, still allow voters to check that
their vote was correctly counted. As the fingerprint of every individual is unique, it helps in
maximizing the accuracy. Even if a system of Internet voting has strict protocols for encryption and
authentication, malicious code can do its damage before the other security features are applied to the
data. The possibility to cast a vote, and the confidence that all votes are being taken into account in a
honest manner is one of the main pillars of a modern democracy. What exactly constitutes electoral
fraud varies from country to country. Sometimes the ballots themselves are numbered, making the
vote trackable. For high-stakes elections, an attacker may be able to attack and infect a large number
of computer systems, allowing him to change a vote cast from an infected machine to any candidate
of the attacker’s choosing. The ECI will be faced with the dilemma of either putting the voters to
hardship by ordering repolling in these polling stations where the VVPAT units had failed and
couldn’t be replaced, or of ignoring these polling stations while selecting EVMs randomly for the
purpose of hand counting of VVPAT slips. Associate Professor Tracey Bretag: Contract cheating
implications for Teachin. This was the first time a major vulnerability was discovered in the middle of
an ongoing poll. While there are some differences of opinion among experts about the extent and
seriousness of those security concerns, there appears to be an emerging consensus that in general,
current DREs do not adhere sufficiently to currently accepted security principles for computer
systems, especially given the central importance of voting systems to the functioning of democratic
government. Thus electronic voting in India is highly environment friendly. This type of voting can
be done either online or through a machine kept at a designated polling station. In U.S.A, there are
four types of internet usage for election management, viz. (i) online distribution of blank ballots; (ii)
internet marking of ballot and return; (iii) online marking of ballots; and (iv) internet-based marking
of ballots recorded as with a DRE device. Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UDHR), states. In various parts of the United States of America as well as in Venezuela DREs are
used on a large scale but are backed by paper trails of the votes. It can also involve transmission of
ballots and votes via telephones, private computer networks, or the Internet. If a solution can’t do
this, it leaves us in a very precarious position. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS
reader. Paper ballots also allow election officials to examine ballots to review voter intent. Tampering
an EVM through the hardware port or through a Wi-Fi connection is not possible as there is no
frequency receiver or wireless decoder in the EVM machine. We use cookies on our website to
ensure you get the best experience. Weak social and political support will hinder the implementation
of a trusted e-voting solution as opponents will find it much easier to undermine trust in this voting
technology by pointing to some of its inherent weaknesses. In Washington state average turnout
increased from 38 percent to 53 percent in counties that used mail. In India, counting sometimes
takes place weeks after voting, so criminals could wait for an opportunity to tamper with the
machines while they are in storage. Tabulation of the voting data stored in a removable memory
component and as printed copy. Voters record their choices by filling in the rectangle, circle or oval,
or by completing the arrow. According to a New York Times article, he also recommended that the
state Attorney General consider taking civil and criminal action against the manufacturer for
“fraudulent actions.” The decision followed the recommendations of the state’s Voting Systems and
Procedures Panel, which urged the Secretary of State to prohibit the four counties that experienced
difficulties from using their touchscreen units in the November 2004 election, according to an
Associated Press article.

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