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Crafting a Literature Review on Employment Relations can be an arduous task, demanding

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professional writing serves to contextualize the current research within existing literature, identify
gaps, and demonstrate the researcher's understanding of the field. However, the complexity of
synthesizing and interpreting numerous scholarly sources can overwhelm even the most seasoned

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Key findings suggest that casual employees experience varying levels of commitment and
satisfaction according to their perceptions of work context factors such as training, promotion, work
scheduling, management practices, and social integration. Understanding the difficulty of today's
times coupled with the acceptance of start-up culture, there is a crucial requirement to capture,
develop and leverage the strengths of Millennials (Gen Y) to the advantage of the organization by
way of impactful human capital management practices, which would result to their improvised
management. This view has been present in the literature since the first studies by. Role of
Psychological Contract in Organizational Development Role of Psychological Contract in
Organizational Development Effect of job design on employee satisfaction (a study of fertilizer
companie. Also, fair policies and practices exhibited by the management of the organisation to create
equal opportunities and provide equal treatment to employees with no bias which promotes a
positive attitude towards organization and work among employees. A systematic literature review on
employee relations with CSR: State of A systematic literature review on employee relations with
CSR: State of art and future research agenda Tiina Onkila, Bhavesh Sarna First published: 22
September 2021 Citations: 27 Bhavesh Sarna contributed equally to this study. This literature review
on reward systems encompasses the areas of performance related. In this study, the researcher used
analytical descriptive method, also literature study and field study as the instruments. An overview is
given on the importance of training to every business. Full description Save Save Literature Review
on Employee Training and Develop. There are many factors that lead to employee engagement.
Employee Relationship Management is the important factor that lies in the current competitive
organisation. On the other hand, the social dimension gives the employment relationship its informal
character, this revolves around the interaction and behaviour between people associated with the
human activity of employment or work (Swanepoel et al 1998). Another popular and highly
researched measure of job satisfaction is the Minnesota Satisfaction. It is the country’s largest
financial services company serving about eight Million (8,000,000) strong customer base through over
750 nationwide branches, as well as online services, with its global reach and currently it is
Nigerian's largest bank by assets. With the diversity of current jobs, this is a dynamic challenge.
Research questions were raised based on the research objectives and hypotheses. In Armco Health
Center, the quality of employee performance is measured by three individual measures of employee
performance. Hee and Jing (2018) using questionnaire to collect data from 161 employees carried out
a study. Although level one is the least complex of the measures of evaluation developed by
Kirkpatrick, no studies were found that reported use of level one as a sole measure of training. Chi
() statistical test was deployed to test the various hypotheses formulated in the study. Conflicts that
are not properly solved can put the organisation into disrepute as there will be less collaboration
among the employees. Human behaviour is influenced by different factors but what is more important
is that there should be mutual understanding between the parties involved in the communication
process (Wener et al 2003). Study the effects of antecedents of employee satisfaction in banking
sector o. If the chosen form of motivation meets the needs of the employee, their performance
increases. A qualitative and quantitative review of the relationship between job satisfaction and job.
An employment relationship is essentially one of exchange which comes into being when a person is
employed by someone to be available to work in exchange for some form of remuneration. The
objective of the paper therefore is to determine how certain theories of motivation could be applied
to increase productivity in Cement Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria. The employee and manager
strong relationship leads the employee satisfaction and also decrease the level of stress and
employees who become comfortable or satisfy who never intend to leave an organization and that
thing decrease the turnover cost and organization become successful to retain an active employee in
an organization. The study therefore is to study and come out with the effect and ways of motivating
worker in organization, hence comparative study of Manufacturing firms in Nnewi, Descriptive and
inferential statistics were used in the analysis of the data.
Project Report on Performance Appraisal System and Effectiveness in Flora Hot. Basic
characteristics, working attitudes, and expectations of this group of employees will also be
highlighted. This review of literature examines the relationship between employee development and
organizational performance. In the attempt to answer the research questions, we used the multiple
regression models on four selected motivational variables of Reward System, Motivational Factors,
Employee Motivation, and Good Management Practices. Several authors contributed insights, such
as emphasizing techniques like interviews and assessments. An Investigation into Employee Job
Satisfaction and Its Impact on Organizatio. Morse (1997) “Satisfaction refers to the level of
fulfilment of one s. This is essentially a signal by top industry professionals to its employees
unanimously that should see the VUCA world as a permanent condition. Thus, organisations,
managers and employers should take the issue of motivation seriously. Samuel Ajayi ABSTRACT
This study examines the relationship between Motivation and Employee productivity, using First
Bank Nigeria Plc. The behaviour of the humans has to be controlled in order for the organisation to
be better positioned to achieve optimum performance where there would be a cordial relationship
among all the members. Without the employment relationship, then, there can be, by definition no
labour, employee or industrial relation (Salamon 2008). The literature shows that factors such as
empowerment and recognition increase employee motivation. Failure in these processes can hinder
organizational performance and profitability. Conflicts that are not properly solved can put the
organisation into disrepute as there will be less collaboration among the employees. The researcher
found the significant relationship between work engagement and job performance. Report this
Document Download now Save Save Literature Review For Later 0 ratings 0% found this
document useful (0 votes) 235 views 3 pages A Comprehensive Literature Review of Recruitment
and Selection Processes: Definitions, Frameworks, and Best Practices Explored Through Numerous
Academic Works Uploaded by AakashSharma AI-enhanced title and description Recruitment and
selection processes are defined as searching for prospective employees and encouraging them to
apply for jobs. These findings have three main implications. First. Millennials currently make up 40
percent of the workforce, with that number expected to rise to 75 percent in the coming several
decades (Source: How Millennial Employees Are Reshaping the Business World, by Karen Smith,
2013). The Hawthorne plant created an Industrial Research Division in the early work on morale.
This role of giving information to the employees will also be meant to address various issues that can
affect performance at the workplace. Moreover, the relationship between employee relations and
employee performance is explored in-depth. Performance evaluation looks at the issues that lead to
progress in the daily activities of employees. The study reveals that salaries paid to junior staff in the
company were very below the stipulations of Nigerian National Joint Industry Council. For Later 0
ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 874 views 10 pages Employee Relations Research
Paper Group 4 (Review) (1) - CG Comments Uploaded by mv79 AI-enhanced title and description
This document discusses the changing nature of employee relations and its importance as a strategic
part of human resource management. An employment relationship is essentially one of exchange
which comes into being when a person is employed by someone to be available to work in exchange
for some form of remuneration. It is also indicative of the outstanding employee relationship that
existed within the company in the past. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. This document discusses human
resource management and its role in contemporary organizations. This shows that they have a
significant impact on employee motivation at Nigerian Baptist Convention.
For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 874 views 10 pages Employee
Relations Research Paper Group 4 (Review) (1) - CG Comments Uploaded by mv79 AI-enhanced
title and description This document discusses the changing nature of employee relations and its
importance as a strategic part of human resource management. The literature shows that factors such
as empowerment and recognition increase employee motivation. Finally, 98% of the respondents
strongly agreed to the notion that motivated staff have higher productivity while 2% are also in
agreement. Report this Document Download now Save Save Literature Review Hrm For Later 0
ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 359 views 10 pages An Analysis of Key Human
Resource Management Practices and Their Importance in Contemporary Organizations Uploaded by
nicksneel AI-enhanced title and description 1. The thesis is a literature research and thus a review by
the work of others. Low productivity in manufacturing companies in Nigeria in general may be
traceable to poor employee motivation. The all relevant themes are discussed briefly in the results
and findings that were identify during interview from participants as manager an employee of a
bank. This chapter takes a fresh look at these questions. The purpose of this literature review is to
outline the concept of employee relations in an organisation and its significance especially as far as
performance of the organisation is concerned. Essentially, it is the role of the management to make
sure that they provide the right information to the employees so that they will have a common
understanding of the goals and policies of the organisation that will help them to understand the way
they should conduct themselves (Werner et al 2003). These early studies mark the birth of research
on job. The results of our study showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between
the Motivational variables (Motivational factors and Management Practices) and Workers'
Performance. Employee Relationship Management is the important factor that lies in the current
competitive organisation. It begins by reviewing definitions of HRM and noting there is no universal
agreement. The field study consisted of observation, interview, and questionnaire. A series of field
studies were conducted to determine if there are indeed large differences in the level of engagement
between the generations. It discusses challenges around each area and debates in the literature. Effect
of job design on employee satisfaction (a study of fertilizer companie. It relates to individuals The
relationship among employee motivation and job performance has been studied in the past (Vroom,
1964). Then, internal communication has a positive and significant effect on millennial employee
engagement. For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful 0% 0%
found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful Embed Share Print Download
now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 10 Search inside document. Recruiting and engaging
employees are the main concern for employers today. This research basically examines the causes of
high employee turnover. The result of the research showed that the human relations done by the Sub-
District Head had not been fully implemented based on the principles in human relations. Two sets
of questionnaires were employed in the study. Multiple linear regression and correlation were used to
test the validity of the hypotheses to establish the link between motivation and productivity. A
questionnaire was also completed after the training. Organizations set standards for Results: 40
articles are included in this integrative literature review. Accordingly, Wylie 2004 recommends
managers to adopt a proactive approach in terms of engaging in self-motivation practices.
Convenience sampling technique was used to select the sample size of one hundred and thirty-nine
Swanepoel B.J (Ed) (1998). Human resources management: Theory and practice. Juta. These outlines
possess fundamental attributes that assist in pinpointing the apposite series of standards against
which The regular assessment of performance leads to employee motivation. Report this Document
Download now Save Save Introduction of EM For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful
(0 votes) 27 views 2 pages Introduction of EM Uploaded by Shahid Randhawa hkkkku Full
description Save Save Introduction of EM For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this
document as useful 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful
Embed Share Print Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 2 Search inside document. In
the present study, questionnaire were used as an instrument of primary data collection.For clear
analysis, the study centers on two. Without people working around the workplace turns hostile. The
article concludes with a brief discussion about knowledge work and the challenges and opportunities
it presents to the human resource development field. Questionnaire (MSQ). The MSQ can be scored
for twenty facets; scores from one question for. These types of training and development programs
help in improving the employee behaviour and attitude towards the job and also uplift their morale.
However, a considerable literature stream also suggests that there exist dissatisfaction in From the
bulk of management literature available on performance measurement, comprehensive review
outlines have the aim of delineating performance in a manner that echoes strategic organization goals
(Taticchi, 2010). It is generally believe that employees and manger strong relationship leads the
effectiveness of the performance of a bank. If a leader is impartial in problem solving, the recurrence
of similar problems will be minimised while somebody who is unfair in resolving conflicts would
only be fuelling the occurrence of similar conflicts in the organisation which will negatively impact
on the operations of the whole organisation. Behavior outlines a relationship of learning the previous
measurement le vel to the actualization of doing. Report this Document Download now Save Save
Literature Review For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 37 views 2 pages
Literature Review Uploaded by Nishi Tarai Literature review Full description Save Save Literature
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Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 2 Search inside document. The objective of the study is to
compare our primary research findings with the findings in the extant literature for the purpose of
identifying common patterns as well as, controversies within the secondary data directly related to
the research area thereby validating the theories of motivation through this work. Performance
appraisal rating can be considered as a technique that has a positive effect on work performance and
employee motivation. Study about employee engagement has become a very popular and important
concept in organization and business studies. The results of our study showed that there is a
statistically significant relationship between the Motivational variables (Motivational factors and
Management Practices) and Workers' Performance. By virtue of using open and effective channels of
communication where there has been a conflict, the manager can effectively solve the conflict and
manage to positively influence the behaviour of those in conflict by tailoring the information to suit
the needs of the parties involved while at the same time satisfying the needs of the organisation as a
whole. As reported in the literature, this model is most frequently applied to either educational or
technical training. These types of training and development programs help in improving the
employee behaviour and attitude towards the job and also uplift their morale. From a comprehensive
review of literature on earlier studies, it was found that the preceding researches didn't make
thorough endeavor to address the effects employee relation on employee performance. Human
resource development professionals serve many diverse populations of learners in the workplace. The
nature and amount of work performed by them have a direct impact on the productivity of an
organization. Summary of findings shows that 99% of the respondents strongly agreed that
employees are motivated through monetary rewards, 65% of the respondents agreed that receiving
Recognition for Work Done Affects Employees Output, one respondent was undecided while 34%
strongly agreed. This is really a problem for the North Indian worker who is working. The focus of
this bibliography is primarily psychological with an emphasis on theory and practice that examines
training processes and the learning outcomes they seek to influence. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1
Employee Performance Organizations achieve their objectives when, organizational performance.
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Develop. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Human behaviour is influenced by different factors but what
is more important is that there should be mutual understanding between the parties involved in the
communication process (Wener et al 2003).
Influence of leadership styles on job satisfaction of employees in small and. The economic dimension
of this relationship derives from the fact that the primary parties are engaged in a relationship of
exchange. Findings from the research on productivity of manufacturing firm's staff are reported. The
existence of unresolved conflicts in an organisation negatively impacts on individual performance
which in turn affects the whole organisation (Schultz et al 2007). Several authors contributed
insights, such as emphasizing techniques like interviews and assessments. The similar sampling
method is also used to collect data from customers of public and private banks. 44 public bank
employees and 60 private bank employees are considered under study. 112 public bank customers
and 116 private banks customers are considered under the study. This is really a problem for the
North Indian worker who is working. AI-enhanced title Literature review on employee training and
development. The result shows that 11 % of the respondents functioned as management, 29 % as
senior staff, 48 % as junior staffs and the remaining 12 % were contract staff. The qualitative review
is organized around 7 models that characterize. PDF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND
EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE Theoretical Literature Review. They need someone to talk, to
discuss ideas and to share their happiness and other emotions. Oyedokun E M M A N U E L
Godwin, Modupeola Adeolu-Akande The researchers investigated the impact of motivation on
employee productivity in the Nigerian Baptist Convention, Survey research design was adopted
while questionnaire was used as the questionnaire of data collection. The history of job satisfaction
stems back to the perspective on job satisfaction. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. The results of the study show that motivation can increase or decrease employee
performance. Employee engagement is an emotional commitment that an employee has to his or her
job as a result of understanding his or her role in achieving the organization's goals. Chi ( ) statistical
test was deployed to test the various hypotheses formulated in the study. SAU Journal of
Management and Social Sciences Prof. Some of the past study findings will be used to measure the
rising trend of Millennial employee engagement in the firm. Performance appraisal rating can be
considered as a technique that has a positive effect on work performance and employee motivation.
The study showed that employees have their differences in terms of the concept of motivation.
REVIEW OF LITERATURE 22 This chapter throws light on the review of the previous literature on
Human resource management practices; innovative HR practices; impact of the HR practices on
employee or organisational performance and HRM in Indian context. It can be noted that people who
often experience ongoing and significant conflict between their personal values and the
organisation’s values will reduce their performance and underperform, stay uncommitted or
ultimately leave the company. Chi () statistical test was deployed to test the various hypotheses
formulated in the study. Related Papers Sirkka Naundobe This study examines the relationship
between Motivation and Employee productivity, using First Bank Nigeria Plc. This will be followed
by an outline of what various authors have written in relation to this subject. This document
discusses human resource management and its role in contemporary organizations. Low productivity
in manufacturing companies in Nigeria in general may be traceable to poor employee motivation. As
measure of employee satisfaction, we use employees.

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