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Technological change in our life is a continuous thing.

Over the period of time,

new technology is emerging and our lifestyle is becoming affected by that. One or more
technologies are being replaced by other new technologies and a technological
revolution happens. Recently, society is facing modern technology and it has made life
different compared to the last decades. The prominent technologies include Wi-Fi, the
Internet of things, Voice assistants, Bluetooth, VPN, Bitcoin, Blockchain, MP3, Facial
recognition, Artificial intelligence, Drones. DNA testing kits Social networking, 3D
printing, Video streaming, Music streaming, Apps, RFID, Virtual reality, Video
conferencing, E-cigarettes, Ransomware, Apple iPhones have been prevalent in our
lives and we are experiencing it regularly.

In every case of our life, the touch of technology has the presence. Technology
helps human beings do new things or do something smoothly in their day-to-day life.
The effects of technology are present in every sector of human life like entertainment,
farming, communication, living, education and working, etc.

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