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Crafting a literature review on a complex topic such as Anorexia Nervosa can be an arduous task

that demands meticulous research, analytical skills, and a comprehensive understanding of the
subject matter. Assembling a literature review requires one to delve into a vast array of academic
articles, journals, books, and other scholarly sources to extract relevant information. The process
involves critically analyzing existing literature, identifying gaps in research, and synthesizing
findings to contribute to the existing knowledge on Anorexia Nervosa.

Navigating through the extensive body of literature, researchers often encounter challenges in
determining the most pertinent sources and extracting meaningful insights. The intricacies of
academic writing, including the adherence to specific citation styles and formatting guidelines,
further add to the complexity of the task.

In light of these challenges, many individuals find it beneficial to seek assistance from professional
services. ⇒ ⇔ is a platform that offers specialized support in crafting literature
reviews, ensuring a high level of quality and accuracy. By relying on the expertise of experienced
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quality of their academic work.

When dealing with a sensitive and complex topic like Anorexia Nervosa, it becomes even more
crucial to present a well-researched and thoughtfully constructed literature review. ⇒
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To alleviate the challenges associated with literature review composition, individuals are encouraged
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academic writing on topics like Anorexia Nervosa.
The study also found that a lack of parental involvement could also help to develop a negative self-
image. Download Free PDF View PDF Anorexia Nervosa: an Overview Mariya Shcherbinina
Download Free PDF View PDF Journal of Psychiatric Practice Is Anorexia Nervosa a Delusional
Disorder. He then compared both of the levels in these types with healthy controls. For instance,
anorexic patients aredescribed as shy, compliant and perfectionists, and recorded high scores on the
MinnesotaMultiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) for neuroticism, anxiety, social isolation and.
Indeed, any deviation from the specified calorie target may. Specifically, we envisage the meal plan
as a way of maintaining anorexia, instead of suppressing it. However, the fact thatrelatives of
anorexics run a higher risk than the general population of also becominganorexic does not, according
to Frude (1998), suggest that a firm genetic link for anorexiacan be inferred. New research show that
lack of support after traumatic life events can lead to anorexia in adolescents. Cyberbullying, which
is a form of bullying that takes place online, can happen on social media. According to Nicole
Williamson PhD at the Tampa General seminar, (May8, 2018) People with Anorexia might dress in
layers, become obsessed with dieting and counting calories, using diet pills, and fasting or skipping
meals all together. This model is based on the observation that in a number of species puberty is
delayed or reproduction suppressed in females when they are subjected to stress or are in poor
physical condition. Higher calorie diets instituted at admission predicted faster weight gain and
shorter hospital stay. Hormonal abnormalities reverted significantly (p Download Free PDF View
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Nutritional rehabilitation and restoration of a healthy body weight is one of the central goals in the
initial stages of inpatient treatment. The notion of anorexia as an illness remains basically untouched
and unchallenged. Surbey (1987) suggests that adolescent girls’ desire to control their weight shows
an evolutionary adaption in which ancestral girls delayed the start of sexual maturation; this was in
response to talk of the probability of poor reproductive success. Despite the importance of eating
behavior in the presentation of AN, there have been relatively few objective laboratory studies of
eating behavior among persons with eating disorders. In a study of semistarvation in
maleconscientious objectors, Franklin et al. (1948), noted that all the men became obsessedwith food
and displayed higher than normal levels of fatigue, irritability and moodiness,they also had poor
concentration levels and reported a loss of interest in sex. However, current recommendations on
initial energy requirements for these patients are inconsistent, with a clear lack of controlled studies,
available scientifi c evidence and global consensus on the most effective and safe refeeding practices
in hospitalized adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN). Also, Davisonand Neale (1998) point out
that anorexic patients starve themselves despite still feelinghungry, however, the animals with
hypothalamic disturbances did not exhibit behaviourwhich suggested hunger, rather they became
indifferent to food. Rate of weight gain was the only restoration parameter that predicted year 1
outcome. Eleven of the 12 patients were retested at 90% of ideal body weight. Social media
platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram are the most-image driven social medias
available. Anorexia nervosa is associated with a distorted self-image which may be maintained by
various cognitive biases that alter how the affected individual evaluates and thinks about her or his
body, food and eating. One effect of cyberbullying is body shame, which is the criticizing the size or
shape of someone’s body. Allowing them use of their personal devices or time outside of their room
for weight gain. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Patients
feel an intense drive for thinness, an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat and a
disturbance in body image. AN would have functioned more effectively in ancestral conditions yet
outside the ecological setting in that it evolved in, it can be deadly. These are also some of the same
symptoms of someone that has an eating disorder.
Clinical characteristics include; a body weight less than 85% of the expected weight and a BMI of
less than 17.5, also a denial of the illness, and amenorrhea in females. Surbey (1987) suggests that
adolescent girls’ desire to control their weight shows an evolutionary adaption in which ancestral
girls delayed the start of sexual maturation; this was in response to talk of the probability of poor
reproductive success. Nevertheless, various works have recently appeared advocating a higher initial
caloric intake, without observing more complications or refeeding syndrome, and allowing a shorter
average stay. However, the fact thatrelatives of anorexics run a higher risk than the general
population of also becominganorexic does not, according to Frude (1998), suggest that a firm genetic
link for anorexiacan be inferred. Allowing them use of their personal devices or time outside of their
room for weight gain. One effect of cyberbullying is body shame, which is the criticizing the size or
shape of someone’s body. People that suffer from anorexia eat very little food, which can then lead
to starvation, or even death. In addition to this, it is not possible to define a cause and effect; does
the disruption in serotonin levels cause the vulnerability to the eating disorder. Holland et al. (1988)
found thataround 56% of identical (MZ) twins are concordant for thedisorder, compared with 5%for
DZ twins; Hsu (1990), after an extensive literature review, found a 47% concordancerate for (DZ)
twins and 10% rate for non-identical (DZ) twins. Anorexia is caused by a combination of
psychological, societal, and biological variables, and there is no single cause. RELATED PAPERS
Semiempirical Force Method Treatment of the Vibrational Spectra of Amides I. Zinc deficiencies are
also a common feature of anorexicpatients, and it has been suggested that symptoms of anorexia,
such as weight loss anddepression, could be due to a low level of zinc in the body (Bakan et al.,
1993). Someresearch suggests that endogenous opioids are also released during periods of
starvation.The release of opioid chemicals may produce a feeling of elation and act as a biological.
Anorexia nervosa affects about 0.5-1.0 percent of women over the world. However, it shouldbe
noted that starvation itself affects personality. This proposes that the typical AN symptoms of food
restriction, hyperactivity and the denial of starvation, reflect the operation of adaptive mechanisms
that once caused migrated because of local famine conditions. Discuss the Behavioural Approach to
Treating Phobias. The hypothalamus regulates hungersensation and instigates the eating impulse,
however, animal studies have shown thatwhen the hypothalamus is in some way damaged, this
process is disrupted. Patient can also experience physical changes as well as in their appearance with
skin breakdown and poor healing. Victims of bullying can face feelings such as low self-esteem,
depression, shame, guilt, fear, PTSD symptoms, and even suicide. Starvation and malnutrition related
changes in serotonin levels may cancel out the action of SSRIs, as they only become effective when
weight returns to a more normal level. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Twelve patients hospitalized for
AN and 12 control subjects participated in the study. If you want a unique paper, order it from our
professional writers. Or is it the eating disorder and the starvation that causes there to be a change in
levels of the neurotransmitters. Also, clothes thatwould not previously fit now do, and other people
may initially comment positively on theanorexic's weight loss. No subjects had refeeding syndrome;
20% had low serum phosphorus. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. However,
as Frudepoints out, what is ultimately being reinforced, either through the behaviour of others, or.
Many Facilities use a reward system with the patients. We present our experience in the treatment of
restricting AN with a conservat.
Indeed, any deviation from the specified calorie target may. Refeeding patients with anorexia
nervosa results in deposition of lean body mass initially, followed by restoration of adipose tissue as
treatment goal weight is approached. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Percent median body mass index
(%MBMI) was calculated as 50th percentile BMI for age and gender. People that suffer from
anorexia eat very little food, which can then lead to starvation, or even death. Or is it the eating
disorder and the starvation that causes there to be a change in levels of the neurotransmitters.
Research in this area has revealed characteristics. Or is it the eating disorder and the starvation that
causes there to be a change in levels of the neurotransmitters. However, as Frudepoints out, what is
ultimately being reinforced, either through the behaviour of others, or. Weight, vital signs,
electrolytes, and 24-hour fluid balance were measured daily. Adolescents exposed to these social
medias can get disoriented perceptions of how their body should look. However, female mammals
experience a very high and often unappreciated rate of reproductive failure. Patients feel an intense
drive for thinness, an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat and a disturbance in body
image. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. A2 Psychology
Unit 3 Eating Behaviour: Psychological Explanations Of One Ea. Higher calorie diets instituted at
admission predicted faster weight gain and shorter hospital stay. These impulses can cause the person
to not eat enough food or even purge after a meal, which is by vomiting up your food intentionally.
There are many things that can influence anorexia, such as bullying, social media, stress, traumatic
life events, and even low self-esteem. However, current recommendations on initial energy
requirements for these patients are inconsistent, with a clear lack of controlled studies, available
scientifi c evidence and global consensus on the most effective and safe refeeding practices in
hospitalized adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN). Percent MBMI increased from 80.1 (11.5) to
84.5 (9.6); overall gain was 2.10 (1.98) kg. However, 83% of subjects initially lost weight. Frude
(1998) argues that such seemingly minor events may act asa positive reinforcement of the dieting
process. The traditional psychiatric treatment consists in the establishment of a meal plan that must
be scrupulously followed and, most frequently, in pharmacological treatment. Mean %MBMI did not
increase significantly until day 8. Download Free PDF View PDF Anorexia Nervosa: an Overview
Mariya Shcherbinina Download Free PDF View PDF Journal of Psychiatric Practice Is Anorexia
Nervosa a Delusional Disorder. Hormonal abnormalities reverted significantly (p Download Free
PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently
unavailable. Social media platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram are the most-image
driven social medias available. Conservative refeeding recommendations have been classically
established in order to prevent the refeeding syndrome. Weight gain rate during inpatient treatment
for AN was a significant predictor of short-term clinical outcome after discharge. Frudesuggests that
as anorexia is about restricting one's food intake, and as it is fairly easy towork out the calorie
content of most meals, the obsessional and perfectionist nature of. According to the eating disorder
hope website Anorexia has the highest mobility rate out of all mental disorders, it is important to
recognize the signs and symptoms (Hamilton, 2018) so these girls can get the treatment they need.

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