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Science Test Preparation Exercise

1. The respiratory system comprises of ...

2. What is the function of larynx?
3. What is the function of trachea?
4. What is the function of alveoli?
5. What happen to our diaphragm when we breathe? Why?
6. Explain the process of respiration system when we breathe!
7. What happen to our diaphragm when we breathe when we exhale?
8. Name some diseases that infect respiratory system!
9. What is the function of bones?
10. What are muscles?
11. What is it called places where two bones meet one another?
12. Which bone has a long thin shape to shape our arms and legs?
13. Which bone where the ribs, shoulder blades, breast bone and skull bones is located?

14. How many bones an average adult's skeleton has?
15. How many skeletons a baby has?
16. Which joint that moves back and forth in one direction, in the same way that a door open
and closes?
17. What is the function of male reproductive system?
18. Sperm is produced in?
19. Name some signs of puberty in males!
20. Please explain the process of sperm production and the hormones involved in it!
21. What are organs that are on male reproductive system?
22. Name 5 organs that female reproduction are made of?
23. What are the functions of vagina?
24. What is the function of cervix?
25. Female organ which serves as a place where the fetus and the embryo are being nourished
and also where the baby will be born is called?
26. Female organs used to produce and store your eggs are called?

27. What happens in egg production?
28. How does our body get nutrients?
29. How are fats and protein digested?
30. What is the function of the fallopian tubes?

Answer Key
1. To deliver air to the many Alveoli around the lungs.
2. To prevent food entering into the lower respiratory tract and trachea while breathing.
3. To carry air into and out of the lung. Rings of Cartilage: C-shaped cartilaginous rings reinforce
the lateral and
4. To provides a place where the exchange of O2 and CO2 takes place.
5. It contracts and moves downwards when we breathe in, to increase the space in the chest cavity,
so our lungs have room to expand.
6. Inhalation involves the contraction of the diaphragm and rib muscles, expanding the chest cavity
and creating a pressure, allowing air to rush into the lungs. Oxygen is transferred to the
bloodstream in the lungs and carried by hemoglobin to tissues.
7. Exhalation occurs as the diaphragm and rib muscles relax, reducing chest cavity size and
increasing pressure, expelling carbon dioxide-laden air.
8. Tubercolosis, Ashtma, and Influenza.
9. Provides shapes and support the body
10. Muscles are tissues that combine to move parts of our body
11. Joints
12. Long bones
13. flat bones
14. 260 bones
15. 300 bones
16. Hinge joints
17. Its function is to produce androgens that maintain the function and to transfer sperm into the
female reproductive system for reproduction/fertillization.
18. testis/testicle
19. The enlargement of the scrotum and testes, pubic hair starts to form, the voice begins to change
and get deeper, and acnes may also appear.
20. Sperms are produced in the testis. During the process of sperm production, there are tiny tubes
in the testicles. These tubes are called the seminiferous tubules, house the germ cells that
hormones, including testosterone, the male hormone to turn into sperm. The germ cells divide and
change until they resemble tadpoles.
21. seminal vesicle, bladder, prostate, urethra, penis, epididymis, vas deferens, testicles
22. Vagina, Cervix, Ovaries, Uterus, and fallopian tube.
23. As a gateway of entering the uterus, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, and plays an
important role in the female reproductive system
24. It allows sperm cells to pass into the uterus and prevents pathogens from entering the
reproduction system.
25. uterus
26. Ovaries
27. The eggs develop from small cells inside the ovaries, going through many stages of
development known as oogenesis until they are released once a month during ovulation, causing
blood to leak out.
28. The digestive sysrem converts the food we eat into their simplest form. Then, the digested food
is absorb into the bloodsteram from small interstine and nutrients are carried to each cell in the

29. Amylase and lipase break down carbohydrates and fats. Once a protein source reaches stomach,
hydrochloric acid and proteases break it down into smaller chain of amino acids.
30. They are used as channels for oocyte transport and fertilization.

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